On the one hand, I was summoned by my country, whose voice I can never hear but with veneration and love, from a retreat which I had chosen with the fondest predilection, and, in my flattering hopes, with an immutable decision, as the asylum of my declining years—a retreat which was rendered every day more necessary as well as more dear to me by the addition of habit to inclination, and of frequent interruptions in my health to the gradual waste committed on it by time. On the other hand, the magnitude and difficulty of the trust to which the voice of my country called me, being sufficient to awaken in the wisest and most experienced of her citizens a distrustful scrutiny into his qualifications, could not but overwhelm with despondence one who (inheriting inferior endowments from nature and unpracticed in the duties of civil administration) ought to be peculiarly conscious of his own deficiencies.
-President George Washington
Majority Line Leader: Read (DE) - 48.08
Minority Leader: Butler (SC) - 0.0
Best Network: Henry (MD), Izard (SC), Hawkins (NC) - 60%
Worst Network: Butler (SC) - 43.33%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Cabot (MA)/Ellsworth (CT), Dickinson (NJ)/Morris (PA) - 92%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Butler (SC)/Cabot (MA) - 17%
Profile of Historically Significant Member
Name: James Monroe, 5th President of the United States
Majority Index: 5.77
VIA Index: 56.77%
Locked Step Colleagues
Hawkins (NC) - 79%
Lee (VA) - 75%
Gunn (GA) - 75%
Johnston (NC) - 75%
Few (GA) - 73%
Out Of Step Colleagues
Ellsworth (CT) - 27%
Rutherfurd (NJ) - 29%
Cabot (MA) - 31%
Langdon (NH) - 31%
Bassett (DE) - 33%
Read (DE)[52, 48.08, 56.67%], Henry (MD)[52, 42.31, 60%], Izard (SC)[52, 42.31, 60%], Morris (PA)[52, 40.38, 56.67%], Dickinson (NJ)[52, 38.46, 56.67%], Stanton (RI)[52, 36.54, 53.33%], Langdon (NH)[52, 36.54, 56.67%], Carroll (MD)[44, 36.36, 50%], King (NY)[52, 34.62, 56.67%], Foster (RI)[52, 34.62, 53.33%], Johnston (NC)[52, 32.69, 50%], Bassett (DE)[52, 32.69, 56.67%], Rutherfurd (NJ)[52, 28.85, 53.33%], Ellsworth (CT)[52, 28.85, 53.33%], Hawkins (NC)[52, 26.92, 60%], Cabot (MA)[52, 21.15, 53.33%]
Gunn (GA)[52, 17.31, 53.33%], Burr (NY)[52, 17.31, 56.67%], Bradley (VT)[52, 15.38, 53.33%], Potts (MD)[7, 14.29, 33.33%], Few (GA)[52, 11.54, 53.33%], Sherman (CT)[52, 9.62, 53.33%], Strong (MA)[52, 9.62, 50%], Lee (VA)[44, 9.09, 46.67%], Monroe (VA)[52, 5.77, 56.67%], Wingate (NH)[52, 3.85, 50%], Robinson (VT)[52, 3.85, 50%], Butler (SC)[52, 0, 43.33%], Brown (KY)[8, 0, 50%]
Taylor (VA)[7, -14.29, 40%], Edwards (KY)[8, -25, 40%]
Raw data source: Govtrack.us
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