The declaration of the party now restored to power has been in the past that of "opposition to all combinations of capital organized in trusts, or otherwise, to control arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citizens," and it has supported "such legislation as will prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress the people by undue charges on their supplies, or by unjust rates for the transportation of their products to the market." This purpose will be steadily pursued, both by the enforcement of the laws now in existence and the recommendation and support of such new statutes as may be necessary to carry it into effect.
-President William McKinley
Secondary Mode Bin: (-40)-(-30), (-30)-(-20)
Majority Line Leader: Bowersock (KS) - 75.34
Opposition Leader: Kitchin (NC) - (-49.66)
Best Network: Showalter (PA) - 45.1%
Worst Network: Snodgrass (TN) - 34.45%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Dalzell (PA)/Payne (NY) - 85%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Richardson (TN)/Hill (CT) - 7%
Henderson (IA)[10, 80, 44.54%], Hoffecker (DE)[84, 76.19, 42.3%], Bowersock (KS)[146, 75.34, 42.02%], Brown (OH)[146, 73.97, 41.74%], Esch (WI)[146, 72.6, 40.06%], Hamilton (MI)[146, 70.55, 42.58%], Boutell (IL)[146, 69.86, 43.14%], Moody (OR)[146, 69.86, 43.42%], Shaw (NY)[33, 69.7, 36.41%], Burkett (NE)[145, 69.66, 39.78%], Graff (IL)[146, 69.18, 42.58%], McPherson (IA)[81, 67.9, 42.86%], Curtis (KS)[146, 67.81, 41.46%], Wise (VA)[59, 67.8, 40.9%], Hepburn (IA)[146, 67.12, 41.46%], Eddy (MN)[146, 66.44, 43.98%], Ray (NY)[146, 66.44, 42.02%], Dolliver (IA)[84, 65.48, 42.58%], Payne (NY)[146, 65.07, 41.74%], Davenport (PA)[146, 64.38, 40.34%], Allen (ME)[146, 64.38, 43.7%], Hoffecker (DE)[61, 63.93, 39.22%], Hedge (IA)[146, 63.7, 41.74%], Miller (KS)[146, 63.7, 44.26%], Lybrand (OH)[146, 63.01, 40.62%], Dalzell (PA)[146, 63.01, 43.42%], Burke (SD)[146, 62.33, 44.26%], Cromer (IN)[146, 62.33, 42.02%], Sulloway (NH)[146, 61.64, 42.86%], Shattuc (OH)[145, 61.38, 43.14%], Steele (IN)[145, 61.38, 40.62%], Long (KS)[146, 60.96, 40.9%], Phillips (OH)[146, 60.96, 43.14%], Overstreet (IN)[146, 60.96, 43.42%], Butler (PA)[147, 60.54, 42.86%], Foss (IL)[146, 60.27, 42.86%], Dick (OH)[145, 60, 43.98%], Otjen (WI)[146, 59.59, 43.98%], Brosius (PA)[146, 59.59, 41.74%], Bailey (KS)[145, 59.31, 41.74%], Calderhead (KS)[146, 58.9, 41.74%], Morgan (OH)[146, 58.9, 43.98%], Needham (CA)[146, 58.9, 41.18%], Grow (PA)[146, 58.9, 43.7%], Cochrane (NY)[146, 58.9, 42.02%], Jack (PA)[146, 58.9, 44.54%], Greene (MA)[146, 58.9, 42.58%], Rodenberg (IL)[145, 58.62, 43.42%], Alexander (NY)[145, 58.62, 42.02%], Reeder (KS)[146, 58.22, 41.18%], Fletcher (MN)[146, 58.22, 42.86%], Minor (WI)[146, 58.22, 38.94%], Brick (IN)[146, 58.22, 40.34%], Jones (WA)[146, 58.22, 43.42%], Mondell (WY)[146, 58.22, 42.58%], Clarke (NH)[104, 57.69, 42.86%], Lacey (IA)[146, 57.53, 43.98%], Corliss (MI)[146, 57.53, 39.5%], Hill (CT)[146, 57.53, 39.5%], Cousins (IA)[146, 56.85, 43.14%], Moody (MA)[146, 56.85, 40.06%], Thomas (IA)[146, 56.16, 42.02%], Gardner (NJ)[146, 56.16, 41.46%], Grosvenor (OH)[145, 55.86, 43.14%], Sperry (CT)[145, 55.86, 42.86%], Morris (MN)[144, 55.56, 42.58%], Spalding (ND)[146, 55.48, 42.58%], Mudd (MD)[146, 55.48, 43.7%], Weaver (OH)[146, 55.48, 40.9%], Davidson (WI)[146, 55.48, 40.06%], Marsh (IL)[146, 55.48, 42.3%], Vreeland (NY)[146, 55.48, 40.9%], Baker (MD)[146, 54.79, 41.46%], Hopkins (IL)[146, 54.79, 42.02%], Russell (CT)[146, 54.79, 44.26%], Dahle (WI)[145, 54.48, 41.18%], Olmsted (PA)[145, 53.79, 43.14%], Shelden (MI)[146, 53.42, 41.74%], Waters (CA)[146, 53.42, 41.74%], Conner (IA)[62, 53.23, 40.62%], Van Voorhis (OH)[144, 52.78, 43.14%], Haugen (IA)[146, 52.74, 43.98%], Showalter (PA)[146, 52.74, 45.1%], Lawrence (MA)[146, 52.74, 42.02%], Burleigh (ME)[146, 52.74, 43.98%], O'Grady (NY)[145, 52.41, 43.7%], Howell (NJ)[146, 52.05, 43.98%], Barney (WI)[145, 51.72, 42.58%], Smith (IA)[62, 51.61, 41.46%], Pearre (MD)[144, 51.39, 42.02%], Grout (VT)[146, 51.37, 40.34%], Capron (RI)[146, 51.37, 42.02%], Stewart (WI)[145, 51.03, 43.7%], Stevens (MN)[146, 50.68, 44.26%], Hull (IA)[146, 50.68, 43.42%], Fordney (MI)[146, 50.68, 42.3%], Babcock (WI)[146, 50.68, 43.42%], Thropp (PA)[146, 50.68, 43.14%], McCleary (MN)[146, 50, 43.14%] , Landis (IN)[146, 50, 43.14%], Roberts (MA)[146, 50, 44.54%], Pugh (KY)[146, 50, 43.98%], Mercer (NE)[146, 49.32, 41.46%], Tayler (OH)[146, 49.32, 43.42%], Crumpacker (IN)[146, 49.32, 42.58%], Henry (CT)[146, 49.32, 41.18%], Joy (MO)[144, 49.31, 42.3%], Heatwole (MN)[145, 48.97, 42.58%], Tawney (MN)[146, 48.63, 41.46%], Smith (MI)[146, 48.63, 41.74%], Smith (MI)[146, 48.63, 44.26%], Kahn (CA)[146, 48.63, 44.54%], Young (PA)[146, 48.63, 44.26%], Aldrich (AL)[114, 48.25, 40.34%], Gill (OH)[146, 47.95, 42.3%], Cannon (IL)[146, 47.95, 45.1%], Hitt (IL)[146, 47.95, 41.18%], Loudenslager (NJ)[146, 47.95, 43.98%], Gibson (TN)[145, 47.59, 37.54%], Gardner (MI)[146, 47.26, 41.74%], Prince (IL)[146, 47.26, 42.86%], Hemenway (IN)[145, 46.9, 42.3%], Cooper (WI)[146, 46.58, 42.02%], Littlefield (ME)[146, 46.58, 39.5%], Bartholdt (MO)[145, 46.21, 43.42%], Southard (OH)[145, 46.21, 39.78%], Weeks (MI)[146, 45.89, 44.54%], Lovering (MA)[146, 45.89, 42.02%], Pearce (MO)[146, 45.21, 44.54%], Bromwell (OH)[142, 45.07, 40.9%], Stewart (NY)[145, 44.83, 44.54%], Parker (NJ)[146, 44.52, 43.7%], Emerson (NY)[146, 44.52, 44.26%], Knox (MA)[146, 44.52, 42.3%], Gillet (NY)[147, 44.22, 43.7%], Packer (PA)[146, 43.84, 42.58%], Adams (PA)[146, 43.84, 40.62%], Bishop (MI)[145, 42.76, 40.06%], Warner (IL)[145, 42.76, 38.1%], Burton (OH)[146, 42.47, 39.5%], Barham (CA)[146, 42.47, 40.34%], Graham (PA)[145, 42.07, 42.02%], Morrell (PA)[62, 41.94, 41.46%], Connell (PA)[146, 41.78, 42.3%], Ketcham (NY)[146, 41.78, 45.66%], Dovener (WV)[146, 41.1, 42.02%], Mann (IL)[146, 41.1, 42.3%], Crump (MI)[146, 40.41, 40.06%], Cushman (WA)[146, 40.41, 40.62%], Sherman (NY)[146, 40.41, 44.82%], Sibley (PA)[147, 40.14, 44.82%], Bull (RI)[145, 40, 40.06%], White (NC)[146, 39.73, 41.46%], Driscoll (NY)[146, 39.73, 43.98%], Bingham (PA)[146, 39.73, 41.18%], Powers (VT)[144, 39.58, 44.26%], Gamble (SD)[146, 39.04, 45.38%], Sprague (MA)[146, 39.04, 40.34%], Dayton (WV)[144, 38.89, 42.3%], Hawley (TX)[144, 38.89, 41.74%], Tongue (OR)[145, 38.62, 43.7%], Fowler (NJ)[145, 38.62, 43.7%], Wanger (PA)[145, 37.93, 41.74%], Watson (IN)[146, 37.67, 41.18%], Mahon (PA)[146, 37.67, 40.34%], Brownlow (TN)[146, 37.67, 43.98%], Jenkins (WI)[145, 36.55, 41.74%], Gillett (MA)[145, 36.55, 39.78%], Lane (IA)[146, 36.3, 42.86%], Wright (PA)[146, 36.3, 42.58%], Pearson (NC)[86, 36.05, 37.82%], Smith (IL)[146, 35.62, 42.86%], Tompkins (NY)[146, 35.62, 43.7%], Smith (MI)[145, 34.48, 42.02%], Reeves (IL)[146, 34.25, 39.78%], Kerr (MD)[62, 33.87, 38.94%], Stewart (NJ)[146, 33.56, 40.06%], Littauer (NY)[146, 32.88, 43.14%], Boreing (KY)[145, 32.41, 42.02%], Woods (CA)[62, 32.26, 38.66%], Faris (IN)[146, 32.19, 43.98%], Freer (WV)[146, 30.82, 42.58%], Kerr (OH)[146, 30.82, 43.42%], Acheson (PA)[146, 30.82, 39.22%], Linney (NC)[144, 29.86, 39.22%], Wadsworth (NY)[145, 29.66, 41.46%], Weymouth (MA)[144, 29.17, 39.5%], Mesick (MI)[146, 28.77, 43.14%], Chickering (NY)[14, 28.57, 52.1%], Wachter (MD)[144, 27.08, 38.94%], Lorimer (IL)[146, 26.03, 43.42%], Metcalf (CA)[144, 22.92, 42.58%], Loud (CA)[146, 16.44, 38.1%], McCall (MA)[143, 11.89, 39.5%], Harmer (PA)[28, 7.14, 37.25%], Berry (KY)[146, 4.79, 38.1%], Hall (PA)[147, 4.08, 42.86%], Norton (OH)[146, 2.74, 39.5%], Boutelle (ME)[144, 2.08, 38.1%] , Smith (MD)[6, 0, 34.17%], Wheeler (AL)[15, 0, 32.49%]
Gaston (PA)[147, -1.36, 38.94%], McAleer (PA)[145, -1.38, 39.5%], Davey (LA)[147, -2.04, 39.22%], Robertson (LA)[147, -2.04, 38.66%], Polk (PA)[147, -2.72, 41.46%], Underhill (NY)[147, -2.72, 39.22%], Naphen (MA)[145, -3.45, 42.3%], Meyer (LA)[144, -3.47, 39.78%], Cummings (NY)[147, -4.08, 43.14%], Levy (NY)[147, -4.76, 40.62%], Small (NC)[144, -4.86, 35.29%], Scudder (NY)[147, -6.12, 39.78%], Glynn (NY)[147, -6.12, 43.14%], Stallings (AL)[147, -6.8, 35.85%], Ryan (PA)[147, -7.48, 41.46%], Clayton (NY)[147, -8.16, 39.5%], Davenport (PA)[146, -8.22, 42.3%], Tate (GA)[145, -8.28, 40.9%], Miers (IN)[142, -8.45, 38.38%], Sparkman (FL)[147, -8.84, 38.94%], Wilson (NY)[147, -8.84, 40.9%], Otey (VA)[146, -8.9, 39.22%], Driggs (NY)[147, -9.52, 38.66%], Broussard (LA)[147, -9.52, 42.58%], Thayer (MA)[146, -9.59, 40.62%], Campbell (MT)[146, -10.27, 40.34%], Epes (VA)[28, -10.71, 37.54%], Meekison (OH)[147, -10.88, 41.46%], Crowley (IL)[146, -10.96, 38.38%], Fox (MS)[146, -10.96, 36.41%], Carmack (TN)[144, -11.11, 38.94%], Gordon (OH)[147, -11.56, 36.41%], Fitzpatrick (KY)[146, -11.64, 38.38%], Cusack (IL)[147, -12.24, 42.3%], Bradley (NY)[147, -12.24, 40.06%], Barber (PA)[147, -12.24, 40.62%], Fitzgerald (MA)[146, -13.01, 42.86%], Crawford (NC)[60, -13.33, 40.62%], Catchings (MS)[147, -13.61, 37.82%], Wilson (SC)[146, -13.7, 42.58%], Noonan (IL)[147, -14.29, 40.62%], Wilson (ID)[147, -14.29, 40.9%], Bankhead (AL)[145, -14.48, 41.18%], McDermott (NJ)[62, -14.52, 35.85%], Gayle (KY)[141, -14.89, 39.22%], Ziegler (PA)[147, -14.97, 42.86%], Denny (MD)[146, -15.07, 38.38%], Lamb (VA)[145, -15.17, 40.62%], Brenner (OH)[146, -15.75, 39.22%], Griffith (IN)[146, -15.75, 38.66%], Robinson (IN)[145, -15.86, 36.69%], Chanler (NY)[147, -16.33, 38.66%], Ruppert (NY)[147, -16.33, 40.34%], Burke (TX)[147, -16.33, 41.18%], McDowell (OH)[146, -16.44, 39.5%], Young (VA)[36, -16.67, 41.46%], Spight (MS)[144, -17.36, 39.22%], Sulzer (NY)[147, -17.69, 36.41%], Shafroth (CO)[147, -17.69, 42.3%], Cox (TN)[146, -17.81, 38.66%], Green (PA)[147, -18.37, 41.46%], Muller (NY)[146, -18.49, 43.14%], Riordan (NY)[146, -18.49, 38.94%], De Vries (CA)[85, -18.82, 42.02%], Foster (IL)[147, -19.05, 40.9%], May (NY)[147, -19.05, 40.9%], Newlands (NV)[147, -19.05, 37.25%], Allen (MS)[145, -19.31, 40.34%], Hay (VA)[144, -19.44, 39.22%], Rhea (VA)[147, -19.73, 39.78%], Daly (NJ)[85, -20, 42.3%], Norton (SC)[147, -20.41, 40.34%], Taylor (AL)[147, -20.41, 42.58%], Lentz (OH)[147, -21.09, 39.78%], Bellamy (NC)[142, -21.13, 40.06%], Wheeler (KY)[142, -21.13, 40.9%], Gilbert (KY)[146, -21.92, 40.62%], Jett (IL)[143, -22.38, 39.78%], Cooney (MO)[147, -22.45, 40.9%], Williams (IL)[147, -22.45, 40.34%], Turner (KY)[147, -22.45, 38.38%], McRae (AR)[147, -22.45, 37.54%], Lassiter (VA)[93, -22.58, 35.85%], Cooper (TX)[144, -22.92, 36.97%], Johnston (WV)[147, -23.13, 40.06%], Pierce (TN)[147, -23.13, 41.18%], Salmon (NJ)[144, -23.61, 36.97%], Latimer (SC)[147, -23.81, 41.18%], Richardson (AL)[62, -24.19, 33.05%], Robb (MO)[147, -24.49, 41.46%], Livingston (GA)[147, -24.49, 41.46%], Breazeale (LA)[147, -24.49, 36.41%], Zenor (IN)[145, -24.83, 38.38%], Smith (KY)[145, -24.83, 37.54%], Cochran (MO)[147, -25.17, 38.38%], Neville (NE)[146, -25.34, 40.34%], Benton (MO)[146, -25.34, 41.46%], Vandiver (MO)[146, -25.34, 37.82%] , Griggs (GA)[146, -25.34, 38.1%], Swanson (VA)[145, -25.52, 39.78%], Brewer (AL)[146, -26.03, 40.9%], Davis (FL)[147, -26.53, 36.97%], Stokes (SC)[147, -26.53, 38.1%], Brundidge (AR)[147, -26.53, 40.06%], Rixey (VA)[145, -26.9, 38.94%], Thomas (NC)[145, -26.9, 40.62%], Ridgely (KS)[143, -27.27, 37.54%], Brantley (GA)[146, -27.4, 40.62%], Henry (TX)[146, -27.4, 41.46%], Gaines (TN)[140, -27.86, 36.97%], Fitzgerald (NY)[146, -28.08, 37.25%], Slayden (TX)[146, -28.08, 37.54%], Caldwell (IL)[147, -28.57, 41.18%], Ryan (NY)[147, -28.57, 40.62%], Burnett (AL)[147, -28.57, 38.38%], Bailey (TX)[147, -28.57, 40.62%], Ransdell (LA)[147, -28.57, 39.22%], Robinson (NE)[145, -28.97, 39.22%], Sutherland (NE)[145, -28.97, 37.25%], Cowherd (MO)[144, -29.17, 37.82%], Quarles (VA)[147, -29.25, 35.85%], Williams (IL)[147, -29.25, 36.97%], Bell (CO)[147, -29.25, 37.54%], McCulloch (AR)[147, -29.25, 38.1%], Terry (AR)[146, -29.45, 39.5%], Kluttz (NC)[145, -29.66, 39.22%], Moon (TN)[147, -29.93, 36.69%], Stark (NE)[146, -30.14, 36.69%], Fleming (GA)[146, -30.14, 36.41%], McLain (MS)[145, -30.34, 40.06%], Jones (VA)[146, -30.82, 36.41%], Howard (GA)[147, -31.29, 39.5%], Shackleford (MO)[146, -31.51, 40.06%], McClellan (NY)[146, -31.51, 37.25%], Dinsmore (AR)[146, -32.19, 37.82%], Dougherty (MO)[147, -32.65, 36.69%], Lester (GA)[147, -32.65, 38.66%], Lloyd (MO)[147, -33.33, 36.13%], Williams (MS)[146, -33.56, 37.54%], Bartlett (GA)[139, -33.81, 38.94%], Talbert (SC)[147, -34.01, 37.25%], Rucker (MO)[146, -34.25, 38.1%], Adamson (GA)[142, -34.51, 37.82%], Lanham (TX)[147, -34.69, 38.94%], Elliott (SC)[147, -35.37, 39.78%], Henry (MS)[145, -35.86, 38.1%], De Armond (MO)[147, -36.05, 39.5%], Clayton (AL)[147, -36.05, 39.22%], Allen (KY)[147, -36.05, 35.29%], Stephens (TX)[146, -36.3, 35.01%], Lewis (GA)[147, -36.73, 36.97%], Finley (SC)[147, -36.73, 40.06%], Snodgrass (TN)[147, -36.73, 34.45%], Sheppard (TX)[147, -37.41, 38.38%], Kleberg (TX)[147, -37.41, 34.45%], King (UT)[93, -37.63, 33.89%], Clark (MO)[146, -37.67, 35.01%], Atwater (NC)[145, -37.93, 35.01%], De Graffenreid (TX)[146, -38.36, 36.69%], Burleson (TX)[146, -38.36, 35.01%], Sims (TN)[145, -38.62, 37.82%], Little (AR)[147, -38.78, 36.97%], Robbins (AL)[32, -40.62, 39.5%], Underwood (AL)[147, -41.5, 35.85%], Maddox (GA)[147, -44.22, 39.22%], Ball (TX)[147, -44.22, 35.57%], Richardson (TN)[147, -47.62, 34.73%], Kitchin (NC)[147, -49.66, 35.57%], Rhea (KY)[147, -49.66, 36.69%]
Raw data source:
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