It is the American sound. It is hopeful, big-hearted, idealistic, daring, decent, and fair. That's our heritage, that's our song. We sing it still. For all our problems, our differences, we are together as of old.
-President Ronald Reagan
Secondary Mode Bin: 30-40
Majority Line Leader: Nunn (GA) - 80.2
Opposition Leader: Symms (ID) - (-1.51)
Best Network: Graham (FL) - 70%
Worst Network: Wallop (WY) - 49%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Mikulski (MD)/Sarbanes (MD), Sarbanes (MD)/Mitchell (ME) - 91%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Pell (RI)/Wallop (WY) - 30%
Zorinsky (NE)[29, 82.76, 74%], Nunn (GA)[798, 80.2, 69%], Breaux (LA)[798, 78.32, 68%], Graham (FL)[798, 77.57, 70%], Johnston (LA)[798, 76.82, 67%], Byrd (WV)[798, 75.44, 69%], Pryor (AR)[797, 75.28, 67%], Fowler (GA)[798, 75.06, 68%], Daschle (SD)[798, 74.81, 69%], Ford (KY)[798, 74.31, 68%], Dixon (IL)[797, 74.28, 66%], Rockefeller (WV)[798, 72.68, 68%], Baucus (MT)[798, 72.56, 68%], Bingaman (NM)[797, 72.52, 67%], Exon (NE)[796, 72.49, 67%], Riegle (MI)[798, 72.43, 69%], Sasser (TN)[798, 72.06, 68%], Mitchell (ME)[798, 71.68, 68%], Burdick (ND)[798, 71.18, 68%], Reid (NV)[798, 70.8, 66%], Moynihan (NY)[798, 70.55, 68%], Melcher (MT)[798, 70.43, 65%], Inouye (HI)[798, 70.43, 68%], Levin (MI)[796, 70.23, 67%], Sarbanes (MD)[798, 70.05, 68%], Bentsen (TX)[798, 69.67, 61%], Glenn (OH)[798, 69.55, 66%], Chiles (FL)[798, 69.17, 63%], Bumpers (AR)[798, 69.05, 66%], Sanford (NC)[796, 68.84, 65%], Mikulski (MD)[798, 68.05, 66%], Wirth (CO)[798, 68.05, 66%], Kerry (MA)[797, 68.01, 66%], Stennis (MS)[798, 67.67, 59%], Matsunaga (HI)[798, 67.29, 63%], Lautenberg (NJ)[797, 67.13, 66%], Boren (OK)[798, 66.29, 63%], Harkin (IA)[798, 65.41, 65%], Hollings (SC)[798, 65.41, 66%], Leahy (VT)[796, 65.33, 66%], Metzenbaum (OH)[798, 64.41, 65%], Pell (RI)[797, 64.24, 62%], Dodd (CT)[797, 64.24, 66%], Adams (WA)[798, 64.04, 64%], DeConcini (AZ)[798, 63.66, 66%], Shelby (AL)[798, 63.53, 66%], Bradley (NJ)[798, 63.41, 63%], Cranston (CA)[798, 63.03, 63%], Kennedy (MA)[797, 60.73, 62%], Conrad (ND)[798, 60.15, 65%], Heflin (AL)[798, 56.64, 66%], Heinz (PA)[794, 55.54, 65%]
Stafford (VT)[796, 52.64, 60%], Cohen (ME)[797, 49.94, 66%], Packwood (OR)[798, 49.25, 66%], Specter (PA)[798, 47.37, 67%], Danforth (MO)[798, 44.49, 65%], Durenberger (MN)[794, 43.2, 63%], Domenici (NM)[798, 42.98, 66%], Simon (IL)[797, 42.79, 43%], D'Amato (NY)[798, 42.36, 64%], Cochran (MS)[797, 41.28, 63%], Weicker (CT)[796, 41.21, 59%], Warner (VA)[797, 41.03, 63%], Chafee (RI)[798, 40.1, 62%], Kassebaum (KS)[797, 39.52, 60%], Stevens (AK)[796, 38.69, 63%], Gore (TN)[797, 38.52, 40%], Hatfield (OR)[795, 36.48, 60%], Dole (KS)[798, 35.59, 61%], Proxmire (WI)[798, 35.59, 60%], Roth (DE)[798, 35.46, 62%], Boschwitz (MN)[796, 35.43, 62%], Lugar (IN)[798, 35.21, 62%], Rudman (NH)[796, 33.29, 61%], McConnell (KY)[798, 33.21, 64%], Grassley (IA)[798, 32.33, 64%], Trible (VA)[798, 32.33, 64%], Simpson (WY)[798, 31.83, 62%], Pressler (SD)[798, 30.45, 62%], Biden (DE)[798, 29.82, 34%], Kasten (WI)[798, 28.2, 62%], Murkowski (AK)[797, 27.6, 59%], Bond (MO)[798, 27.44, 59%], Thurmond (SC)[798, 26.69, 62%], Wilson (CA)[797, 24.09, 58%], Hatch (UT)[798, 23.93, 59%], Evans (WA)[798, 23.93, 56%], Karnes (NE)[768, 21.88, 55%], McCain (AZ)[795, 20.5, 59%], Quayle (IN)[798, 15.04, 55%], Hecht (NV)[798, 13.16, 56%], Nickles (OK)[798, 12.03, 58%], McClure (ID)[798, 10.78, 54%], Garn (UT)[796, 10.3, 55%], Armstrong (CO)[798, 8.27, 56%], Gramm (TX)[798, 4.51, 54%], Humphrey (NH)[798, 1.25, 53%], Wallop (WY)[790, 0.51, 49%] , Helms (NC)[798, 0, 50%]
Symms (ID)[797, -1.51, 51%]
Raw data source:
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