There may be little solidity in an ancient idea that congregations of men into cities and nations are the most pleasing objects in the sight of superior intelligences, but this is very certain, that to a benevolent human mind there can be no spectacle presented by any nation more pleasing, more noble, majestic, or august, than an assembly like that which has so often been seen in this and the other Chamber of Congress, of a Government in which the Executive authority, as well as that of all the branches of the Legislature, are exercised by citizens selected at regular periods by their neighbors to make and execute laws for the general good.
-President John Adams
Secondary Mode Bin: (-20)-(-10)
Majority Line Leader: Bartlett (MA) - 62.5
Opposition Leader: Jackson (VA) - (-36.46)
Best Network: Bartlett (MA) - 53.77%
Worst Network: Spaight (NC) - 38.68%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Foster (NH)/Glen (NY) - 96%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Lyon (VT)/Platt (NY) - 3%
Sewall (MA)[54, 66.67, 50%], Brace (CT)[54, 66.67, 50%], Bartlett (MA)[96, 62.5, 53.77%], Reed (MA)[96, 61.46, 52.83%], Baer (MD)[96, 60.42, 50%], Thomas (MD)[96, 59.38, 50.94%], Powell (VA)[96, 58.33, 50.94%], Evans (VA)[96, 57.29, 50.94%], Goodrich (CT)[96, 56.25, 50.94%], Foster (MA)[54, 55.56, 43.4%], Brown (RI)[96, 54.17, 50.94%], Dickson (NC)[96, 54.17, 50.94%], Lyman (MA)[54, 53.7, 47.17%], Lee (MA)[96, 53.12, 48.11%], Griswold (CT)[96, 52.08, 51.89%], Wadsworth (MA)[96, 52.08, 50%], Davenport (CT)[96, 51.04, 49.06%], Foster (NH)[96, 51.04, 52.83%], Read (MA)[42, 50, 42.45%], Gordon (NH)[54, 50, 45.28%], Marshall (VA)[54, 50, 47.17%], Freeman (NH)[96, 48.96, 49.06%], Goodrich (CT)[96, 48.96, 47.17%], Dennis (MD)[96, 48.96, 51.89%], Williams (MA)[96, 47.92, 45.28%], Edmond (CT)[96, 47.92, 50.94%], Hill (NC)[96, 47.92, 50.94%], Harper (SC)[96, 47.92, 50%], Craik (MD)[96, 47.92, 48.11%], Page (VA)[96, 47.92, 43.4%], Kittera (PA)[96, 47.92, 47.17%], Glen (NY)[96, 47.92, 49.06%], Waln (PA)[96, 47.92, 50.94%], Shepard (MA)[96, 46.88, 45.28%], Huger (SC)[96, 46.88, 44.34%], Nott (SC)[96, 46.88, 50.94%], Woods (PA)[96, 45.83, 47.17%], Thomas (PA)[96, 45.83, 50%], Tenney (NH)[42, 45.24, 47.17%], Morris (VT)[96, 44.79, 45.28%], Grove (NC)[96, 44.79, 46.23%], Champlin (RI)[96, 43.75, 49.06%], Thatcher (MA)[96, 41.67, 48.11%], Dana (CT)[96, 41.67, 44.34%], Imlay (NJ)[96, 41.67, 49.06%], Davenport (NJ)[96, 41.67, 47.17%], Cooper (NY)[96, 41.67, 49.06%], Rutledge (SC)[96, 40.62, 42.45%], Parker (VA)[96, 40.62, 45.28%], Lee (VA)[96, 39.58, 45.28%], Sheafe (NH)[96, 38.54, 46.23%], Bayard (DE)[96, 38.54, 46.23%], Otis (MA)[96, 35.42, 44.34%], Platt (NY)[96, 35.42, 45.28%], Pinckney (SC)[96, 33.33, 44.34%], Bird (NY)[96, 31.25, 44.34%], Smith (CT)[42, 30.95, 44.34%], Dent (MD)[96, 29.17, 49.06%], Lincoln (MA)[42, 28.57, 36.79%], Henderson (NC)[96, 23.96, 45.28%], Hartley (PA)[57, 17.54, 37.74%], Goode (VA)[96, 10.42, 41.51%], Smith (MD)[96, 10.42, 47.17%], Linn (NJ)[96, 10.42, 44.34%], Mattoon (MA)[42, 9.52, 33.02%], Sedgwick (MA)[96, 5.21, 18.87%], Spaight (NC)[96, 5.21, 38.68%], Stewart (PA)[39, 2.56, 33.96%]
Livingston (NY)[96, -1.04, 33.96%], Alston (NC)[96, -3.12, 49.06%], Taliaferro (GA)[96, -3.12, 45.28%], Gray (VA)[96, -3.12, 45.28%], Varnum (MA)[96, -4.17, 45.28%], Tazewell (VA)[42, -7.14, 36.79%], Davis (KY)[96, -9.38, 45.28%], Gallatin (PA)[96, -10.42, 46.23%], Nicholson (MD)[96, -11.46, 43.4%], Kitchell (NJ)[96, -11.46, 41.51%], Claiborne (TN)[96, -11.46, 45.28%], Fowler (KY)[96, -11.46, 39.62%], Stone (NC)[96, -12.5, 43.4%], Jones (GA)[96, -12.5, 35.85%], Williams (NC)[96, -13.54, 47.17%], Van Cortlandt (NY)[96, -13.54, 39.62%], Hanna (PA)[96, -13.54, 41.51%], Smith (NY)[96, -13.54, 45.28%], Bishop (MA)[96, -14.58, 45.28%], Muhlenberg (PA)[96, -15.62, 48.11%], Gregg (PA)[96, -15.62, 48.11%], Thompson (NY)[96, -17.71, 45.28%], Holmes (VA)[96, -18.75, 46.23%], Nicholas (VA)[96, -18.75, 44.34%], Hiester (PA)[96, -18.75, 47.17%], Condit (NJ)[96, -18.75, 47.17%], Leib (PA)[96, -20.83, 46.23%], Cabell (VA)[96, -21.88, 43.4%], Bailey (NY)[96, -21.88, 40.57%], Christie (MD)[96, -22.92, 46.23%], Brown (PA)[96, -22.92, 44.34%] , Lyon (VT)[96, -23.96, 41.51%], Smilie (PA)[96, -25, 47.17%], Eggleston (VA)[96, -26.04, 47.17%], New (VA)[96, -26.04, 45.28%], Trigg (VA)[96, -27.08, 45.28%], Dawson (VA)[96, -27.08, 47.17%], Elmendorf (NY)[96, -30.21, 41.51%], Stanford (NC)[96, -31.25, 46.23%], Clay (VA)[96, -32.29, 42.45%], Randolph (VA)[96, -32.29, 43.4%], Macon (NC)[96, -32.29, 42.45%], Trigg (VA)[96, -33.33, 45.28%], Sumter (SC)[96, -35.42, 39.62%], Jackson (VA)[96, -36.46, 41.51%]
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