Thursday, March 28, 2013

6th Congress, House of Representatives

Post Summary: 6th Congress, House of Representatives

There may be little solidity in an ancient idea that congregations of men into cities and nations are the most pleasing objects in the sight of superior intelligences, but this is very certain, that to a benevolent human mind there can be no spectacle presented by any nation more pleasing, more noble, majestic, or august, than an assembly like that which has so often been seen in this and the other Chamber of Congress, of a Government in which the Executive authority, as well as that of all the branches of the Legislature, are exercised by citizens selected at regular periods by their neighbors to make and execute laws for the general good.
-President John Adams

Primary Mode Bin: 40-50
Secondary Mode Bin: (-20)-(-10)
Majority Line Leader: Bartlett (MA) - 62.5
Opposition Leader: Jackson (VA) - (-36.46)
Best Network: Bartlett (MA) - 53.77%
Worst Network: Spaight (NC) - 38.68%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Foster (NH)/Glen (NY) - 96%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Lyon (VT)/Platt (NY) - 3%

Sewall (MA)[54, 66.67, 50%], Brace (CT)[54, 66.67, 50%], Bartlett (MA)[96, 62.5, 53.77%], Reed (MA)[96, 61.46, 52.83%], Baer (MD)[96, 60.42, 50%], Thomas (MD)[96, 59.38, 50.94%], Powell (VA)[96, 58.33, 50.94%], Evans (VA)[96, 57.29, 50.94%], Goodrich (CT)[96, 56.25, 50.94%], Foster (MA)[54, 55.56, 43.4%], Brown (RI)[96, 54.17, 50.94%], Dickson (NC)[96, 54.17, 50.94%], Lyman (MA)[54, 53.7, 47.17%], Lee (MA)[96, 53.12, 48.11%], Griswold (CT)[96, 52.08, 51.89%], Wadsworth (MA)[96, 52.08, 50%], Davenport (CT)[96, 51.04, 49.06%], Foster (NH)[96, 51.04, 52.83%], Read (MA)[42, 50, 42.45%], Gordon (NH)[54, 50, 45.28%], Marshall (VA)[54, 50, 47.17%], Freeman (NH)[96, 48.96, 49.06%], Goodrich (CT)[96, 48.96, 47.17%], Dennis (MD)[96, 48.96, 51.89%], Williams (MA)[96, 47.92, 45.28%], Edmond (CT)[96, 47.92, 50.94%], Hill (NC)[96, 47.92, 50.94%], Harper (SC)[96, 47.92, 50%], Craik (MD)[96, 47.92, 48.11%], Page (VA)[96, 47.92, 43.4%], Kittera (PA)[96, 47.92, 47.17%], Glen (NY)[96, 47.92, 49.06%], Waln (PA)[96, 47.92, 50.94%], Shepard (MA)[96, 46.88, 45.28%], Huger (SC)[96, 46.88, 44.34%], Nott (SC)[96, 46.88, 50.94%], Woods (PA)[96, 45.83, 47.17%], Thomas (PA)[96, 45.83, 50%], Tenney (NH)[42, 45.24, 47.17%], Morris (VT)[96, 44.79, 45.28%], Grove (NC)[96, 44.79, 46.23%], Champlin (RI)[96, 43.75, 49.06%], Thatcher (MA)[96, 41.67, 48.11%], Dana (CT)[96, 41.67, 44.34%], Imlay (NJ)[96, 41.67, 49.06%], Davenport (NJ)[96, 41.67, 47.17%], Cooper (NY)[96, 41.67, 49.06%], Rutledge (SC)[96, 40.62, 42.45%], Parker (VA)[96, 40.62, 45.28%], Lee (VA)[96, 39.58, 45.28%], Sheafe (NH)[96, 38.54, 46.23%], Bayard (DE)[96, 38.54, 46.23%], Otis (MA)[96, 35.42, 44.34%], Platt (NY)[96, 35.42, 45.28%], Pinckney (SC)[96, 33.33, 44.34%], Bird (NY)[96, 31.25, 44.34%], Smith (CT)[42, 30.95, 44.34%], Dent (MD)[96, 29.17, 49.06%], Lincoln (MA)[42, 28.57, 36.79%], Henderson (NC)[96, 23.96, 45.28%], Hartley (PA)[57, 17.54, 37.74%], Goode (VA)[96, 10.42, 41.51%], Smith (MD)[96, 10.42, 47.17%], Linn (NJ)[96, 10.42, 44.34%], Mattoon (MA)[42, 9.52, 33.02%], Sedgwick (MA)[96, 5.21, 18.87%], Spaight (NC)[96, 5.21, 38.68%], Stewart (PA)[39, 2.56, 33.96%]

Livingston (NY)[96, -1.04, 33.96%], Alston (NC)[96, -3.12, 49.06%], Taliaferro (GA)[96, -3.12, 45.28%], Gray (VA)[96, -3.12, 45.28%], Varnum (MA)[96, -4.17, 45.28%], Tazewell (VA)[42, -7.14, 36.79%], Davis (KY)[96, -9.38, 45.28%], Gallatin (PA)[96, -10.42, 46.23%], Nicholson (MD)[96, -11.46, 43.4%], Kitchell (NJ)[96, -11.46, 41.51%], Claiborne (TN)[96, -11.46, 45.28%], Fowler (KY)[96, -11.46, 39.62%], Stone (NC)[96, -12.5, 43.4%], Jones (GA)[96, -12.5, 35.85%], Williams (NC)[96, -13.54, 47.17%], Van Cortlandt (NY)[96, -13.54, 39.62%], Hanna (PA)[96, -13.54, 41.51%], Smith (NY)[96, -13.54, 45.28%], Bishop (MA)[96, -14.58, 45.28%], Muhlenberg (PA)[96, -15.62, 48.11%], Gregg (PA)[96, -15.62, 48.11%], Thompson (NY)[96, -17.71, 45.28%], Holmes (VA)[96, -18.75, 46.23%], Nicholas (VA)[96, -18.75, 44.34%], Hiester (PA)[96, -18.75, 47.17%], Condit (NJ)[96, -18.75, 47.17%], Leib (PA)[96, -20.83, 46.23%], Cabell (VA)[96, -21.88, 43.4%], Bailey (NY)[96, -21.88, 40.57%], Christie (MD)[96, -22.92, 46.23%], Brown (PA)[96, -22.92, 44.34%] , Lyon (VT)[96, -23.96, 41.51%], Smilie (PA)[96, -25, 47.17%], Eggleston (VA)[96, -26.04, 47.17%], New (VA)[96, -26.04, 45.28%], Trigg (VA)[96, -27.08, 45.28%], Dawson (VA)[96, -27.08, 47.17%], Elmendorf (NY)[96, -30.21, 41.51%], Stanford (NC)[96, -31.25, 46.23%], Clay (VA)[96, -32.29, 42.45%], Randolph (VA)[96, -32.29, 43.4%], Macon (NC)[96, -32.29, 42.45%], Trigg (VA)[96, -33.33, 45.28%], Sumter (SC)[96, -35.42, 39.62%], Jackson (VA)[96, -36.46, 41.51%]

Raw data source:

Monday, March 25, 2013

105th Congress, Senate

Post Summary: 105th Congress, Senate

We—the American people—we are the solution. Our Founders understood that well and gave us a democracy strong enough to endure for centuries, flexible enough to face our common challenges and advance our common dreams in each new day.
-President Bill Clinton

Primary Mode Bin: 60-70
Secondary Mode Bin: 20-30

Majority Line Leader: Domenici (NM) - 79.25
Opposition Leader: Wellstone (MN) - (-3.27)
Best Network: Collins (ME) - 70%
Worst Network: Glenn (OH), Wellstone (MN) (tie) - 55%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Craig (ID)/Kempthorne (ID) - 95%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Helms (NC)/Wellstone (MN) - 27%

Profile of Historically Significant Member

Name: Glenn (OH) - First citizen of the United States to orbit the Earth.
Majority Index: 14.38
VIA Index: 55%
Locked Step Colleagues
Akaka (HI) - 79%
Levin (MI) - 79%
Reed (RI) - 78%
Kerry (MA) - 78%
Sarbanes (MD) - 78%

Out Of Step Colleagues
Inhofe (OK) - 31%
Helms (NC) - 31%
Faircloth (NC) - 31%
Ashcroft (MO) - 32%
Smith (NH) - 32%

Domenici (NM)[612, 79.25, 69%], Stevens (AK)[612, 77.61, 69%], Smith (OR)[612, 77.45, 69%], Hatch (UT)[612, 76.47, 69%], Collins (ME)[612, 76.14, 70%], Cochran (MS)[612, 75.49, 69%], Roth (DE)[612, 74.84, 68%], Bennett (UT)[612, 74.67, 67%], DeWine (OH)[612, 71.57, 69%], Lugar (IN)[612, 70.92, 69%], Murkowski (AK)[612, 70.75, 70%], Frist (TN)[612, 70.75, 67%], Gorton (WA)[612, 70.59, 67%], Snowe (ME)[612, 70.42, 69%], Hagel (NE)[612, 69.44, 67%], Mack (FL)[612, 69.28, 68%], Bond (MO)[612, 69.12, 68%], Campbell (CO)[612, 68.79, 68%], Warner (VA)[612, 68.46, 68%], Lott (MS)[612, 68.14, 68%], Grassley (IA)[612, 67.65, 68%], Chafee (RI)[612, 67.16, 69%], Abraham (MI)[612, 66.67, 68%], Roberts (KS)[612, 66.01, 67%], D'Amato (NY)[612, 66.01, 69%], Thurmond (SC)[612, 65.03, 67%], Burns (MT)[612, 64.71, 66%], McConnell (KY)[612, 64.71, 67%], Coverdell (GA)[612, 64.71, 67%], Kempthorne (ID)[612, 64.05, 67%], Santorum (PA)[612, 63.73, 67%], Thompson (TN)[612, 63.4, 66%], Craig (ID)[612, 63.07, 67%], Hutchison (TX)[612, 62.42, 65%], McCain (AZ)[612, 61.27, 63%], Thomas (WY)[612, 60.78, 67%], Gregg (NH)[612, 60.13, 67%], Jeffords (VT)[612, 59.8, 66%], Enzi (WY)[612, 59.64, 66%], Shelby (AL)[612, 59.64, 67%], Brownback (KS)[612, 58.82, 66%], Allard (CO)[612, 56.7, 65%], Grams (MN)[612, 56.37, 65%], Nickles (OK)[612, 55.56, 65%], Coats (IN)[612, 55.23, 64%], Specter (PA)[612, 53.76, 64%], Hutchinson (AR)[612, 53.27, 64%], Sessions (AL)[612, 52.94, 65%], Gramm (TX)[612, 52.29, 64%], Inhofe (OK)[612, 49.67, 63%], Kyl (AZ)[612, 47.88, 61%]

Ashcroft (MO)[612, 47.55, 63%], Smith (NH)[612, 47.22, 62%], Breaux (LA)[612, 45.92, 66%], Faircloth (NC)[612, 44.44, 61%], Helms (NC)[612, 43.3, 56%], Lieberman (CT)[612, 38.56, 67%], Graham (FL)[612, 36.76, 66%], Baucus (MT)[612, 36.44, 65%], Landrieu (LA)[612, 34.97, 65%], Robb (VA)[612, 33.01, 65%], Bryan (NV)[612, 31.54, 66%], Kerrey (NE)[612, 31.05, 64%], Reid (NV)[612, 30.72, 65%], Biden (DE)[612, 30.56, 63%], Feinstein (CA)[612, 29.41, 66%], Cleland (GA)[612, 28.92, 65%], Moynihan (NY)[612, 28.27, 62%], Ford (KY)[612, 27.94, 65%], Dodd (CT)[612, 26.63, 65%], Daschle (SD)[612, 25.49, 65%], Conrad (ND)[612, 25, 65%], Inouye (HI)[612, 24.84, 59%], Torricelli (NJ)[612, 24.18, 64%], Bingaman (NM)[612, 23.69, 62%], Byrd (WV)[612, 23.69, 63%], Kohl (WI)[612, 23.69, 64%], Rockefeller (WV)[612, 23.04, 63%], Dorgan (ND)[612, 23.04, 62%], Leahy (VT)[612, 22.55, 64%], Moseley Braun (IL)[612, 22.55, 62%], Murray (WA)[612, 21.57, 64%], Johnson (SD)[612, 21.57, 64%], Wyden (OR)[612, 21.08, 62%], Hollings (SC)[612, 20.1, 59%], Mikulski (MD)[612, 19.93, 62%], Kerry (MA)[612, 18.63, 64%], Akaka (HI)[612, 18.46, 62%], Boxer (CA)[612, 17.32, 63%], Lautenberg (NJ)[612, 16.99, 63%], Reed (RI)[612, 15.69, 63%], Levin (MI)[612, 15.69, 63%], Sarbanes (MD)[612, 15.2, 63%], Durbin (IL)[612, 14.54, 61%], Glenn (OH)[612, 14.38, 55%], Kennedy (MA)[612, 9.48, 60%], Bumpers (AR)[612, 9.15, 61%], Harkin (IA)[612, 8.33, 59%], Feingold (WI)[612, 5.56, 59%]

Wellstone (MN)[612, -3.27, 55%]

Raw data source:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

105th Congress, House of Representatives

Post Summary: 105th Congress, House of Representatives

The promise of America was born in the 18th century out of the bold conviction that we are all created equal. It was extended and preserved in the 19th century, when our Nation spread across the continent, saved the Union, and abolished the awful scourge of slavery.
-President Bill Clinton

Primary Mode Bin: 70-80
Secondary Mode Bin: 0-10

Majority Line Leader: Walsh (NY) - 83.57
Opposition Leader: McDermott (WA) - 12.64
Best Network: Regula (OH) - 70.11%
Worst Network: DeLauro (CT) - 26.67%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Knollenberg (MI)/Packard (CA) - 94%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Yates (IL)/Crane (IL) - 26%

Walsh (NY)[1187, 83.57, 69.2%], Skeen (NM)[1187, 81.97, 69.43%], Regula (OH)[1187, 81.72, 70.11%], Kim (CA)[1187, 80.54, 69.43%], Quinn (NY)[1187, 79.61, 67.59%], Northup (KY)[1187, 79.28, 69.43%], Saxton (NJ)[1187, 79.19, 69.66%], Knollenberg (MI)[1187, 79.19, 68.74%], LaTourette (OH)[1187, 79.11, 68.97%], Gallegly (CA)[1187, 78.94, 68.28%], Latham (IA)[1187, 78.85, 69.89%], Calvert (CA)[1187, 78.6, 68.74%], Barrett (NE)[1187, 78.6, 69.2%], Shaw (FL)[1187, 78.6, 68.74%], Gilchrest (MD)[1187, 78.43, 68.28%], Shimkus (IL)[1187, 77.93, 68.74%], Rogers (KY)[1187, 77.93, 68.74%], Oxley (OH)[1187, 77.67, 66.67%], Smith (TX)[1187, 77.67, 68.05%], Diaz-Balart (FL)[1187, 77.59, 67.13%], Packard (CA)[1187, 77.42, 68.28%], Redmond (NM)[1048, 77.19, 68.51%], Wolf (VA)[1187, 77.09, 68.97%], Bliley (VA)[1187, 77, 68.51%], Frelinghuysen (NJ)[1187, 76.92, 69.89%], Ewing (IL)[1187, 76.92, 68.51%], Jenkins (TN)[1187, 76.92, 68.05%], Peterson (PA)[1187, 76.75, 68.28%], Cook (UT)[1187, 76.58, 68.74%], McHugh (NY)[1187, 76.5, 68.74%], LaHood (IL)[1187, 76.5, 68.51%], Lazio (NY)[1187, 76.33, 68.74%], Bunning (KY)[1187, 76.33, 68.74%], Tauzin (LA)[1187, 76.07, 66.44%], Gingrich (GA)[137, 75.91, 59.77%], Bereuter (NE)[1187, 75.74, 68.51%], Spence (SC)[1187, 75.48, 68.28%], Davis (VA)[1187, 75.48, 67.59%], Granger (TX)[1187, 75.48, 68.51%], Hobson (OH)[1187, 75.4, 68.97%], Weldon (PA)[1187, 75.15, 69.43%], Kelly (NY)[1187, 75.15, 68.97%], Boehlert (NY)[1187, 75.15, 66.67%], Lewis (CA)[1187, 75.15, 66.44%], Pappas (NJ)[1187, 74.98, 68.74%], Thomas (CA)[1187, 74.98, 68.74%], Canady (FL)[1187, 74.98, 68.97%], Camp (MI)[1187, 74.89, 68.51%], Livingston (LA)[1187, 74.89, 67.36%], Pease (IN)[1187, 74.73, 68.97%], Boehner (OH)[1187, 74.64, 68.05%], Bilirakis (FL)[1187, 74.64, 67.82%], Gekas (PA)[1187, 74.56, 68.28%], King (NY)[1187, 74.56, 66.9%], Smith (NJ)[1187, 74.39, 68.05%], Gilman (NY)[1187, 74.22, 66.67%], Hyde (IL)[1187, 74.22, 67.82%], Portman (OH)[1187, 74.22, 69.2%], Chambliss (GA)[1187, 74.14, 68.05%], McCrery (LA)[1187, 74.14, 65.75%], Dunn (WA)[1187, 74.05, 67.82%], Ney (OH)[1187, 73.97, 67.82%], Gillmor (OH)[1187, 73.8, 66.67%], Dreier (CA)[1187, 73.72, 67.82%], Hastert (IL)[1187, 73.63, 67.59%], Metcalf (WA)[1187, 73.55, 65.52%], Ros-Lehtinen (FL)[1187, 73.55, 67.59%], McKeon (CA)[1187, 73.21, 67.36%], Pitts (PA)[1187, 73.13, 67.82%], Hastings (WA)[1187, 73.13, 68.28%], Ganske (IA)[1187, 73.04, 67.36%], Foley (FL)[1187, 73.04, 68.51%], Goodlatte (VA)[1187, 73.04, 67.59%], Upton (MI)[1187, 72.79, 68.74%], Wicker (MS)[1187, 72.7, 66.67%], Ehlers (MI)[1187, 72.62, 68.51%], Bass (NH)[1187, 72.62, 67.59%], Buyer (IN)[1187, 72.54, 64.83%], Nethercutt (WA)[1187, 72.54, 67.13%], Callahan (AL)[1187, 72.54, 66.21%], White (WA)[1187, 72.45, 63.22%], Bateman (VA)[1187, 72.45, 66.67%], Young (FL)[1187, 72.37, 68.97%], Castle (DE)[1187, 72.37, 62.76%], Wilson (NM)[275, 72.36, 64.83%], Fox (PA)[1187, 72.28, 66.9%], Mica (FL)[1187, 72.28, 67.59%], Bono (CA)[640, 72.19, 64.37%], Fowler (FL)[1187, 72.11, 66.67%], Hansen (UT)[1187, 71.95, 68.05%], Thune (SD)[1187, 71.95, 66.44%], Linder (GA)[1187, 71.86, 66.44%], Nussle (IA)[1187, 71.78, 65.98%], Lucas (OK)[1187, 71.78, 68.51%], Baker (LA)[1187, 71.78, 67.59%], Franks (NJ)[1187, 71.69, 67.13%], Horn (CA)[1187, 71.69, 68.51%], Lewis (KY)[1187, 71.69, 68.28%], Aderholt (AL)[1187, 71.61, 68.05%] , McCollum (FL)[1187, 71.52, 66.44%], Emerson (MO)[1187, 71.44, 67.82%], Bachus (AL)[1187, 71.36, 68.28%], Whitfield (KY)[1187, 71.36, 66.9%], Shuster (PA)[1187, 71.27, 65.98%], Smith (OR)[1187, 71.27, 66.44%], Watkins (OK)[1187, 71.27, 64.14%], McInnis (CO)[1187, 70.85, 65.75%], Kasich (OH)[1187, 70.85, 67.36%], Pickering (MS)[1187, 70.77, 66.21%], Bryant (TN)[1187, 70.77, 66.9%], Parker (MS)[1187, 70.68, 68.28%], Leach (IA)[1187, 70.68, 66.67%], Dickey (AR)[1187, 70.68, 63.22%], Houghton (NY)[1187, 70.6, 66.44%], Cunningham (CA)[1187, 70.6, 64.6%], Kolbe (AZ)[1187, 70.51, 67.36%], Smith (WA)[1187, 70.51, 65.98%], Bilbray (CA)[1187, 70.43, 66.44%], Fossella (NY)[612, 70.42, 66.21%], Weller (IL)[1187, 70.35, 65.52%], Blunt (MO)[1187, 70.35, 65.75%], Ballenger (NC)[1187, 70.35, 66.44%], Greenwood (PA)[1187, 70.26, 67.82%], Everett (AL)[1187, 70.26, 66.21%], Hutchinson (AR)[1187, 70.18, 66.21%], Porter (IL)[1187, 70.01, 67.13%], Bono Mack (CA)[448, 69.42, 65.52%], Archer (TX)[1187, 69.33, 66.21%], Goodling (PA)[1187, 69.25, 67.36%], Combest (TX)[1187, 69.25, 67.36%], Sununu (NH)[1187, 69.25, 66.44%], Ehrlich (MD)[1187, 69.17, 66.9%], Burr (NC)[1187, 68.91, 65.98%], Brady (TX)[1187, 68.83, 66.44%], Solomon (NY)[1187, 68.74, 66.67%], Talent (MO)[1187, 68.74, 65.52%], DeLay (TX)[1187, 68.74, 65.29%], Graham (SC)[1187, 68.58, 66.21%], Crapo (ID)[1187, 68.49, 66.21%], Hayworth (AZ)[1187, 68.49, 67.59%], Hulshof (MO)[1187, 68.49, 66.9%], Thornberry (TX)[1187, 68.41, 66.9%], Armey (TX)[1187, 68.32, 65.98%], Schaefer (CO)[1187, 68.16, 63.91%], Cooksey (LA)[1187, 68.16, 65.29%], Snowbarger (KS)[1187, 68.07, 66.44%], Ryun (KS)[1187, 67.9, 67.13%], Rogan (CA)[1187, 67.73, 65.06%], English (PA)[1187, 67.48, 65.98%], Gutknecht (MN)[1187, 67.48, 66.44%], Paxon (NY)[1187, 67.4, 64.6%], Burton (IN)[1187, 67.4, 64.37%], Fawell (IL)[1187, 67.4, 64.83%], Goss (FL)[1187, 67.4, 65.52%], Watts (OK)[1187, 67.23, 66.67%], Moran (KS)[1187, 67.14, 66.9%], Radanovich (CA)[1187, 67.06, 68.28%], Johnson (CT)[1187, 67.06, 64.6%], Hill (MT)[1187, 66.72, 63.91%], Miller (FL)[1187, 66.72, 67.13%], Istook (OK)[1187, 66.72, 65.98%], Smith (MI)[1187, 66.55, 66.21%], Bartlett (MD)[1187, 66.55, 63.91%], Bonilla (TX)[1187, 66.55, 65.98%], LoBiondo (NJ)[1187, 66.39, 66.67%], Weldon (FL)[1187, 66.39, 64.14%], Christensen (NE)[1187, 66.3, 64.6%], Taylor (NC)[1187, 66.05, 62.76%], Deal (GA)[1187, 65.96, 66.21%], McDade (PA)[1187, 65.88, 65.52%], Myrick (NC)[1187, 65.88, 58.16%], Roukema (NJ)[1187, 65.8, 65.29%], Collins (GA)[1187, 65.8, 66.21%], Manzullo (IL)[1187, 65.71, 65.75%], Souder (IN)[1187, 65.63, 64.37%], Sessions (TX)[1187, 65.37, 65.29%], Pryce (OH)[1187, 65.21, 64.83%], Norwood (GA)[1187, 65.21, 60.46%], Riley (AL)[1187, 65.04, 63.45%], Riggs (CA)[1187, 64.95, 65.98%], Kingston (GA)[1187, 64.95, 60%], Hunter (CA)[1187, 64.7, 63.68%], Hoekstra (MI)[1187, 64.36, 64.37%], Herger (CA)[1187, 64.36, 65.52%], Jones (NC)[1187, 64.2, 65.52%], Tiahrt (KS)[1187, 64.11, 65.52%], Petri (WI)[1187, 63.94, 66.44%], Klug (WI)[1187, 63.94, 65.29%], Wamp (TN)[1187, 63.69, 65.75%], Cox (CA)[1187, 63.61, 62.99%], Inglis (SC)[1187, 63.61, 63.45%], Molinari (NY)[351, 63.53, 56.55%], Doolittle (CA)[1187, 63.52, 63.68%], Cannon (UT)[1187, 63.1, 62.76%], Chabot (OH)[1187, 63.1, 65.98%], Barton (TX)[1187, 63.02, 63.68%], Johnson (TX)[1184, 63.01, 62.07%], Hostettler (IN)[1187, 62.93, 64.83%], Stump (AZ)[1187, 62.17, 66.67%] , Gibbons (NV)[1187, 62.17, 64.6%], Duncan (TN)[1187, 62.17, 65.52%], Coble (NC)[1187, 62.09, 64.6%], Traficant (OH)[1187, 61.92, 67.82%], Ramstad (MN)[1187, 61.84, 66.67%], Stearns (FL)[1187, 61.84, 65.29%], Pombo (CA)[1187, 61.5, 63.45%], Young (AK)[1187, 60.66, 57.93%], Forbes (NY)[1187, 60.32, 63.45%], Barr (GA)[1187, 59.48, 62.99%], Cubin (WY)[1187, 59.31, 60%], Hilleary (TN)[1187, 58.97, 64.6%], Shadegg (AZ)[1187, 58.89, 64.14%], Hefley (CO)[1187, 57.71, 63.91%], Largent (OK)[1187, 57.71, 62.3%], Crane (IL)[1187, 57.62, 62.07%], Chenoweth-Hage (ID)[1187, 57.46, 62.76%], Neumann (WI)[1187, 57.46, 63.45%], Rohrabacher (CA)[1187, 57.37, 64.14%], McIntosh (IN)[1187, 57.2, 61.84%], Salmon (AZ)[1187, 56.87, 63.45%], Schaffer (CO)[1187, 56.78, 63.68%], Shays (CT)[1187, 56.7, 66.21%], Coburn (OK)[1187, 54.51, 61.38%], Sensenbrenner (WI)[1187, 54.17, 62.99%]

Scarborough (FL)[1187, 53.75, 60.46%], Royce (CA)[1187, 53.24, 61.15%], Morella (MD)[1187, 53.24, 65.98%], Campbell (CA)[1187, 52.23, 63.22%], Ensign (NV)[1187, 51.56, 62.3%], Sanford (SC)[1187, 50.8, 62.07%], Hall (TX)[1187, 46.93, 66.44%], Goode (VA)[1187, 45.75, 65.06%], Cramer (AL)[1187, 45.49, 68.05%], McIntyre (NC)[1187, 44.4, 67.13%], Sisisky (VA)[1187, 42.97, 68.28%], John (LA)[1187, 42.8, 63.22%], Skelton (MO)[1187, 42.21, 66.9%], Turner (TX)[1187, 42.04, 66.67%], Baesler (KY)[1187, 40.52, 66.67%], Stenholm (TX)[1187, 40.27, 66.44%], Holden (PA)[1187, 39.76, 67.59%], Boyd (FL)[1187, 39.76, 67.59%], Tanner (TN)[1187, 39.09, 67.13%], Danner (MO)[1187, 38.84, 65.98%], Boswell (IA)[1187, 37.99, 67.82%], Ortiz (TX)[1187, 37.49, 65.06%], Roemer (IN)[1187, 36.98, 66.67%], Gordon (TN)[1187, 36.9, 67.13%], Barcia (MI)[1187, 36.06, 66.67%], Murtha (PA)[1187, 35.97, 64.6%], Taylor (MS)[1187, 35.64, 62.53%], Hamilton (IN)[1187, 35.3, 65.98%], Sandlin (TX)[1187, 35.05, 66.67%], Peterson (MN)[1187, 34.79, 65.52%], Lipinski (IL)[1187, 34.2, 62.76%], Mascara (PA)[1187, 33.95, 68.28%], Hall (OH)[1187, 33.87, 65.29%], Pickett (VA)[1187, 33.87, 63.68%], Condit (CA)[1187, 33.78, 65.52%], Clement (TN)[1187, 33.36, 66.44%], Bishop (GA)[1187, 33.19, 65.98%], Doyle (PA)[1187, 32.27, 66.9%], Etheridge (NC)[1187, 29.57, 66.67%], Klink (PA)[1187, 28.56, 65.06%], Kildee (MI)[1187, 28.39, 67.13%], Dooley (CA)[1187, 27.55, 65.06%], Pomeroy (ND)[1187, 27.46, 64.6%], McHale (PA)[1187, 27.3, 66.67%], Manton (NY)[1187, 27.04, 63.45%], Edwards (TX)[1187, 26.87, 65.06%], Berry (AR)[1187, 26.71, 64.83%], Mollohan (WV)[1187, 26.37, 61.38%], Boucher (VA)[1187, 26.12, 62.76%], Dicks (WA)[1187, 25.78, 64.83%], Rahall (WV)[1187, 25.78, 64.14%], Snyder (AR)[1187, 25.53, 66.44%], Spratt (SC)[1187, 25.44, 64.37%], Price (NC)[1187, 24.85, 66.44%], Bentsen (TX)[1187, 24.77, 66.21%], McCarthy (NY)[1187, 24.52, 65.52%], Sherman (CA)[1187, 24.43, 65.29%], Costello (IL)[1187, 24.35, 64.37%], Frost (TX)[1187, 24.01, 63.91%], Wise (WV)[1187, 23.93, 64.14%], Kleczka (WI)[1187, 23.84, 65.29%], Paul (TX)[1187, 23.5, 53.1%], Hinojosa (TX)[1187, 23.34, 64.14%], Reyes (TX)[1187, 23.25, 62.53%], Lampson (TX)[1187, 22.75, 65.06%], Smith (WA)[1187, 22.24, 65.06%], Kanjorski (PA)[1187, 21.82, 62.53%], Green (TX)[1187, 21.82, 64.14%], Tauscher (CA)[1187, 21.57, 65.29%], Davis (FL)[1187, 21.48, 64.37%], Capps (CA)[494, 21.26, 63.68%], Minge (MN)[1187, 20.64, 64.14%], Pascrell (NJ)[1187, 20.47, 64.83%], Johnson (WI)[1187, 20.47, 64.83%], Maloney (CT)[1187, 20.13, 65.06%] , Moran (VA)[1187, 20.05, 62.53%], Rodriguez (TX)[1103, 19.95, 64.37%], Weygand (RI)[1187, 19.71, 65.06%], Thurman (FL)[1187, 19.46, 65.29%], Rothman (NJ)[1187, 19.38, 65.06%], Stabenow (MI)[1187, 19.38, 64.14%], Kaptur (OH)[1187, 19.29, 60.92%], Strickland (OH)[1187, 19.04, 64.37%], Cardin (MD)[1187, 19.04, 64.37%], Sanchez (CA)[1187, 18.7, 62.76%], Hoyer (MD)[1187, 18.11, 64.14%], Matsui (CA)[1187, 17.78, 64.37%], Baldacci (ME)[1187, 17.27, 65.06%], Blagojevich (IL)[1187, 17.19, 64.14%], Hooley (OR)[1187, 17.1, 64.37%], Wynn (MD)[1187, 16.93, 63.68%], Capps (CA)[534, 16.67, 63.68%], Pastor (AZ)[1187, 16.18, 63.91%], Visclosky (IN)[1187, 16.18, 62.53%], Kind (WI)[1187, 15.67, 64.6%], Levin (MI)[1187, 15.5, 64.83%], Flake (NY)[640, 15.31, 51.26%], Poshard (IL)[1187, 15.25, 55.4%], Luther (MN)[1187, 15.16, 63.45%], Harman (CA)[1187, 15.08, 54.71%], Dixon (CA)[1187, 14.41, 60.69%], Sawyer (OH)[1187, 14.32, 63.68%], Borski (PA)[1187, 14.15, 62.07%], Dingell (MI)[1187, 13.98, 60%], McCarthy (MO)[1187, 13.82, 63.45%], Hefner (NC)[1187, 13.31, 55.86%], Kennelly (CT)[1187, 13.14, 58.62%], Moakley (MA)[1187, 12.97, 57.93%], Berman (CA)[1187, 12.89, 58.16%], Allen (ME)[1187, 12.81, 63.22%], Rivers (MI)[1187, 12.55, 64.14%], Neal (MA)[1187, 12.3, 61.84%], Wexler (FL)[1187, 11.96, 60.46%], Brown (FL)[1187, 11.96, 60.69%], Stupak (MI)[1187, 11.71, 61.61%], Abercrombie (HI)[1187, 11.29, 62.3%], Ford (TN)[1187, 11.29, 59.31%], Cummings (MD)[1187, 11.2, 62.99%], Martínez (CA)[1187, 11.04, 60.69%], Lantos (CA)[1187, 11.04, 57.93%], Menéndez (NJ)[1187, 10.87, 56.09%], Schumer (NY)[1187, 10.87, 62.76%], LaFalce (NY)[1187, 10.7, 58.85%], Andrews (NJ)[1187, 10.7, 61.38%], Jackson-Lee (TX)[1187, 10.53, 61.84%], Deutsch (FL)[1187, 10.36, 59.77%], Meek (FL)[1187, 10.36, 58.85%], Evans (IL)[1187, 9.86, 63.45%], Clayton (NC)[1187, 9.6, 60.92%], Jefferson (LA)[1187, 9.52, 57.47%], Ackerman (NY)[1187, 9.44, 59.08%], Lofgren (CA)[1187, 9.18, 61.61%], Scott (VA)[1187, 9.18, 61.61%], Blumenauer (OR)[1187, 8.85, 61.38%], Johnson (TX)[1187, 8.51, 60.23%], Fazio (CA)[1187, 8.34, 60%], Skaggs (CO)[1187, 8.26, 59.31%], Maloney (NY)[1187, 8.17, 60.92%], Millender-McDonald (CA)[1187, 8, 60.46%], Stokes (OH)[1187, 7.75, 59.08%], Farr (CA)[1187, 7.58, 58.62%], Kucinich (OH)[1187, 7.25, 61.38%], Kennedy (RI)[1187, 7.25, 60.46%], Eshoo (CA)[1187, 7.08, 60.69%], Clyburn (SC)[1187, 7.08, 60.92%], Lowey (NY)[1187, 6.99, 60.92%], Thompson (MS)[1187, 6.82, 59.31%], Engel (NY)[1187, 6.49, 60.46%], Kennedy (MA)[1187, 6.49, 60.46%], Gejdenson (CT)[1187, 5.9, 61.38%], Pallone (NJ)[1187, 5.64, 58.16%], Oberstar (MN)[1187, 5.64, 61.38%], Schiff (NM)[710, 5.63, 10.57%], DeGette (CO)[1187, 5.31, 61.61%], Fattah (PA)[1187, 4.97, 62.3%], Roybal-Allard (CA)[1187, 4.97, 58.62%], González (TX)[1187, 4.97, 61.15%], DeLauro (CT)[1187, 4.97, 26.67%], McNulty (NY)[1187, 4.8, 56.09%], Serrano (NY)[1187, 4.72, 60.23%], McKinney (GA)[1187, 4.55, 59.08%], McGovern (MA)[1187, 4.3, 61.84%], Coyne (PA)[1187, 3.71, 62.07%], Doggett (TX)[1187, 3.2, 60.46%], Slaughter (NY)[1187, 3.12, 59.54%], Meehan (MA)[1187, 3.12, 59.77%], Markey (MA)[1187, 2.95, 58.62%], Barrett (WI)[1187, 2.86, 60.69%], Sanders (VT)[1187, 2.86, 61.61%], Obey (WI)[1187, 2.36, 60%], Woolsey (CA)[1187, 2.36, 59.31%], Sabo (MN)[1187, 2.36, 60%], Tierney (MA)[1187, 2.02, 61.38%], Meeks (NY)[536, 1.87, 52.87%], Torres (CA)[1187, 1.6, 54.02%], Rush (IL)[1187, 1.52, 60%], Delahunt (MA)[1187, 1.52, 58.16%], Foglietta (PA)[628, 1.43, 46.21%], Brady (PA)[372, 1.34, 57.47%], Gutiérrez (IL)[1187, 1.26, 54.71%], Brown (CA)[1187, 1.26, 58.85%], Gephardt (MO)[1187, 1.26, 57.47%], Vento (MN)[1187, 1.18, 61.15%], Davis (IL)[1187, 0.93, 59.54%], Carson (IN)[1180, 0.85, 56.55%], Kilpatrick (MI)[1187, 0.84, 57.7%], Pelosi (CA)[1187, 0.84, 58.16%], Hilliard (AL)[1187, 0.84, 57.24%], Rangel (NY)[1187, 0.51, 60.92%], Jackson (IL)[1187, 0.51, 56.09%], Waxman (CA)[1187, 0.17, 58.39%], Richardson (NM)[21, 0, 30.57%], Tejeda (TX)[1, 0, 2.53%], Watt (NC)[1187, -0.08, 60%]

Brown (OH)[1187, -0.17, 60.23%], Nadler (NY)[1187, -0.51, 58.39%], Mink (HI)[1187, -0.51, 59.31%], Yates (IL)[1187, -1.18, 45.75%], Clay (MO)[1187, -1.26, 54.25%], Bonior (MI)[1187, -1.94, 57.93%], Towns (NY)[1187, -2.11, 53.56%], Frank (MA)[1187, -2.44, 57.24%], Payne (NJ)[1187, -2.53, 55.17%], Hinchey (NY)[1187, -3.45, 57.93%], Becerra (CA)[1187, -4.04, 55.4%], Hastings (FL)[1187, -4.21, 53.79%], Olver (MA)[1187, -4.21, 59.31%], Owens (NY)[1187, -4.8, 55.86%], Stark (CA)[1187, -4.97, 53.56%], Furse (OR)[1187, -5.22, 53.1%], Velázquez (NY)[1187, -6.23, 57.24%], Miller (CA)[1187, -7.25, 53.79%], Waters (CA)[1187, -7.41, 54.25%], Dellums (CA)[651, -7.68, 54.02%], Lee (CA)[448, -9.6, 56.32%], Lewis (GA)[1187, -9.86, 52.41%], Filner (CA)[1187, -10.61, 55.4%], Conyers (MI)[1187, -11.71, 51.95%], DeFazio (OR)[1187, -11.71, 55.17%], McDermott (WA)[1187, -12.64, 53.56%]

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