The Panama Canal will have a most important bearing upon the trade between the eastern and far western sections of our country, and will greatly increase the facilities for transportation between the eastern and the western seaboard, and may possibly revolutionize the transcontinental rates with respect to bulky merchandise.
-President William Howard Taft
Secondary Mode Bin: (-10)-0
Majority Line Leader: Maguire (NE) - 77.43
Opposition Leader: Mann (IL) - (-24)
Best Network: Linthicum (MD) - 45.94%
Worst Network: Knowland (CA) - 30.46%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Maguire (NE)/Russell (MO) - 86%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Candler (MS)/Young (MI) - 12%
Maguire (NE)[257, 77.43, 44.67%], Russell (MO)[256, 77.34, 44.16%], Alexander (MO)[256, 73.44, 44.42%], Raker (CA)[257, 70.43, 44.16%], Hayden (AZ)[176, 69.89, 42.39%], Rauch (IN)[257, 68.09, 44.42%], Lloyd (MO)[255, 67.45, 45.43%], Wilson (PA)[255, 67.45, 44.16%], Rubey (MO)[257, 67.32, 45.43%], Underhill (NY)[255, 66.67, 44.92%], Hamlin (MO)[255, 65.88, 43.15%], Pepper (IA)[257, 65.76, 45.18%], Dixon (IN)[256, 65.62, 44.16%], Holland (VA)[257, 65.37, 44.67%], Underwood (AL)[252, 65.08, 43.4%], Watkins (LA)[257, 64.98, 43.4%], Foster (IL)[254, 64.57, 44.42%], Adair (IN)[256, 64.45, 45.69%], Stone (IL)[257, 64.2, 42.64%], Stedman (NC)[257, 63.04, 43.65%], Dickinson (MO)[257, 62.65, 44.92%], Gregg (PA)[253, 62.45, 44.42%], Allen (OH)[257, 61.87, 43.91%], Littlepage (WV)[254, 61.81, 44.16%], Post (OH)[256, 61.72, 44.42%], Henry (TX)[255, 61.57, 43.4%], Cullop (IN)[256, 61.33, 43.91%], Byrns (TN)[254, 61.02, 42.89%], Moss (IN)[255, 60, 43.65%], Connell (NY)[190, 60, 43.91%], Flood (VA)[255, 59.61, 42.89%], Ferris (OK)[252, 59.52, 43.4%], Lee (PA)[256, 59.38, 42.64%], Stephens (NE)[209, 59.33, 44.16%], Hay (VA)[255, 59.22, 43.15%], Floyd (AR)[257, 59.14, 42.64%], Wickliffe (LA)[149, 59.06, 43.91%], Hensley (MO)[256, 58.98, 41.62%], Hull (TN)[257, 58.75, 43.65%], Fowler (IL)[256, 58.59, 43.4%], Godwin (NC)[256, 58.59, 42.64%], Burnett (AL)[256, 58.59, 42.89%], Morrison (IN)[255, 58.04, 41.37%], Blackmon (AL)[255, 58.04, 43.91%], Padgett (TN)[255, 57.65, 44.67%], Denver (OH)[257, 57.59, 44.16%], Buchanan (IL)[254, 57.48, 42.89%], Sweet (MI)[254, 57.48, 43.15%], Clayton (AL)[256, 57.42, 44.16%], Kipp (PA)[21, 57.14, 41.37%], Bathrick (OH)[255, 56.86, 43.91%], Linthicum (MD)[257, 56.81, 45.94%], Dent (AL)[252, 56.75, 40.61%], Pou (NC)[256, 56.64, 44.16%], Neeley (KS)[209, 56.46, 42.39%], Cline (IN)[257, 56.42, 44.67%], Ashbrook (OH)[257, 56.42, 43.4%], Lever (SC)[256, 56.25, 42.13%], Harrison (MS)[257, 56.03, 41.88%], Lobeck (NE)[254, 55.91, 42.39%], Shackleford (MO)[257, 55.25, 43.15%], Johnson (KY)[257, 55.25, 44.67%], Heflin (AL)[256, 55.08, 42.13%], Faison (NC)[256, 54.69, 42.13%], Jacoway (AR)[256, 54.3, 42.13%], Rothermel (PA)[257, 54.09, 44.67%], Sims (TN)[257, 54.09, 42.89%], Davis (WV)[256, 53.91, 44.67%], Tribble (GA)[256, 53.91, 40.36%], Rainey (IL)[255, 53.73, 42.89%], Doremus (MI)[254, 53.54, 44.16%], Turnbull (VA)[256, 53.52, 44.16%], Barnhart (IN)[256, 52.73, 45.69%], Stephens (TX)[255, 52.55, 41.37%], Fergusson (NM)[202, 52.48, 42.39%], Hughes (NJ)[184, 52.17, 43.4%], Driscoll (NY)[253, 52.17, 42.89%], Doughton (NC)[253, 51.78, 42.39%], Difenderfer (PA)[250, 51.6, 43.91%], Murray (MA)[253, 51.38, 43.15%], Hamilton (WV)[257, 51.36, 42.39%], Smith (TX)[257, 50.97, 41.88%], Goeke (OH)[256, 50.78, 43.4%], Finley (SC)[257, 50.58, 43.65%], Page (NC)[256, 50.39, 42.13%], Moon (TN)[256, 50.39, 43.91%], Davenport (OK)[254, 50.39, 42.64%], Lamb (VA)[257, 50.19, 44.16%], Graham (IL)[256, 50, 41.88%], Jones (VA)[255, 49.8, 44.16%], Martin (CO)[256, 49.61, 40.61%], Korbly (IN)[256, 49.61, 44.16%], Francis (OH)[255, 49.41, 43.4%], Borland (MO)[256, 49.22, 42.89%], Goodwin (AR)[255, 49.02, 40.86%], Bulkley (OH)[256, 48.83, 41.88%], Houston (TN)[256, 48.83, 43.15%], White (OH)[257, 48.64, 43.4%], Taggart (KS)[233, 48.5, 41.37%] , Booher (MO)[256, 48.44, 42.64%], Hammond (MN)[256, 48.44, 42.89%], Witherspoon (MS)[256, 48.44, 40.1%], Gray (IN)[257, 48.25, 41.62%], Beall (TX)[257, 48.25, 43.4%], Reilly (CT)[256, 48.05, 42.64%], McGillicuddy (ME)[253, 47.83, 44.16%], Gregg (TX)[251, 47.81, 43.15%], Lee (GA)[254, 47.64, 42.64%], Carlin (VA)[255, 47.45, 43.65%], Helm (KY)[256, 47.27, 43.4%], McCoy (NJ)[254, 47.24, 42.64%], Daugherty (MO)[257, 47.08, 42.39%], Taylor (CO)[257, 47.08, 44.67%], Burke (WI)[257, 47.08, 42.13%], Humphreys (MS)[257, 47.08, 43.4%], Bell (GA)[256, 46.88, 42.64%], Hardy (TX)[256, 46.48, 41.37%], Brown (WV)[252, 46.43, 43.15%], Conry (NY)[250, 46.4, 43.4%], Ansberry (OH)[257, 46.3, 42.39%], Lewis (MD)[254, 46.06, 42.13%], Garner (TX)[257, 45.91, 43.15%], Curley (MA)[255, 45.88, 41.88%], Carter (OK)[252, 45.63, 42.89%], Byrnes (SC)[257, 45.53, 42.64%], Aiken (SC)[257, 45.53, 43.65%], Kitchin (NC)[253, 45.45, 42.13%], Collier (MS)[255, 45.1, 43.65%], Thomas (KY)[255, 45.1, 43.4%], Claypool (OH)[257, 44.75, 41.62%], Gallagher (IL)[257, 44.75, 40.86%], Rucker (CO)[255, 44.71, 43.4%], Talcott (NY)[256, 44.53, 41.12%], McDermott (IL)[252, 44.44, 41.88%], Candler (MS)[255, 44.31, 39.59%], Sherwood (OH)[256, 44.14, 43.65%], Sharp (OH)[257, 43.97, 44.42%], Anderson (OH)[192, 43.75, 43.4%], Rucker (MO)[257, 43.58, 44.92%], Edwards (GA)[253, 43.08, 42.64%], Donohoe (PA)[254, 42.91, 41.88%], Boehne (IN)[250, 42.8, 43.65%], Gudger (NC)[253, 42.69, 43.4%], Oldfield (AR)[257, 42.41, 41.12%], Roddenbery (GA)[256, 41.8, 39.59%], Townsend (NJ)[254, 41.73, 42.13%], Konop (WI)[257, 41.63, 43.65%], Garrett (TN)[257, 41.25, 43.65%], Burleson (TX)[256, 41.02, 41.12%], Scully (NJ)[250, 40.8, 45.43%], Sulzer (NY)[199, 40.7, 41.88%], Howard (GA)[252, 40.48, 40.86%], James (KY)[245, 40.41, 41.62%], Hughes (GA)[256, 40.23, 42.89%], Johnson (SC)[254, 40.16, 42.89%], Stephens (MS)[255, 40, 39.59%], Small (NC)[251, 39.84, 44.16%], Stanley (KY)[251, 39.84, 42.39%], Evans (IL)[257, 39.69, 41.88%], Rouse (KY)[252, 38.89, 41.88%], Thayer (MA)[253, 38.74, 42.39%], Hamill (NJ)[257, 38.52, 42.89%], Adamson (GA)[248, 38.31, 42.89%], Fitzgerald (NY)[256, 38.28, 41.12%], Hardwick (GA)[246, 38.21, 42.89%], Ransdell (LA)[254, 38.19, 41.88%], Kinkead (NJ)[256, 37.89, 41.12%], Webb (NC)[254, 37.8, 41.62%], Tuttle (NJ)[257, 37.74, 42.64%], Covington (MD)[250, 37.6, 43.91%], Cantrill (KY)[255, 37.25, 43.15%], Gordon (TN)[35, 37.14, 42.89%], Glass (VA)[251, 36.65, 42.89%], McKellar (TN)[221, 35.75, 40.61%], Smith (NY)[253, 35.57, 42.89%], Peters (MA)[256, 35.55, 43.4%], Brantley (GA)[252, 35.32, 41.88%], Sisson (MS)[250, 35.2, 39.09%], Ellerbe (SC)[254, 35.04, 43.15%], O'Shaunessy (RI)[254, 35.04, 41.88%], Gould (ME)[257, 35.02, 43.15%], George (NY)[256, 33.98, 39.85%], Cox (IN)[255, 33.73, 41.37%], Richardson (AL)[254, 33.46, 41.88%], Dies (TX)[256, 33.2, 42.89%], Ayres (NY)[257, 33.07, 42.39%], Young (TX)[257, 33.07, 42.39%], Estopinal (LA)[251, 33.07, 41.88%], Palmer (PA)[240, 32.92, 42.64%], Harrison (NY)[256, 32.81, 41.37%], Mays (FL)[255, 32.55, 42.13%], Taylor (AL)[255, 32.55, 43.65%], Robinson (AR)[206, 32.52, 40.86%], Macon (AR)[256, 32.42, 42.64%], Randell (TX)[256, 32.03, 43.4%], Akin (NY)[256, 31.25, 43.4%], Saunders (VA)[255, 30.98, 41.88%], Sabath (IL)[255, 30.59, 40.86%], Callaway (TX)[255, 30.59, 40.1%] , Dupré (LA)[254, 30.31, 43.15%], Gill (MO)[80, 30, 43.15%], Clark (FL)[250, 30, 37.31%], Moore (TX)[253, 29.25, 43.15%], Levy (NY)[251, 29.08, 41.88%], Redfield (NY)[255, 28.24, 40.86%], Slayden (TX)[251, 26.69, 40.86%], Sparkman (FL)[254, 26.38, 43.4%], Cox (OH)[209, 25.36, 42.89%], Dickson (MS)[255, 25.1, 39.59%], Konig (MD)[255, 24.31, 41.88%], Whitacre (OH)[256, 24.22, 41.12%], Cravens (AR)[254, 23.62, 42.13%], Sherley (KY)[257, 23.35, 40.1%], Bartlett (GA)[253, 23.32, 41.37%], Talbott (MD)[252, 22.22, 42.13%], Fields (KY)[251, 21.91, 40.36%], Sheppard (TX)[236, 21.19, 40.86%], Wilson (NY)[252, 20.63, 41.62%], Legaré (SC)[223, 20.18, 42.39%], Fornes (NY)[255, 20, 41.37%], Maher (NY)[252, 19.84, 42.39%], Hobson (AL)[252, 19.84, 42.13%], Patten (NY)[249, 19.28, 41.12%], Kindred (NY)[254, 18.9, 42.64%], Clark (MO)[257, 18.68, 39.09%], Lindbergh (MN)[256, 17.97, 40.86%], Burgess (TX)[256, 16.02, 38.58%], Latta (NE)[44, 15.91, 32.99%], Davis (MN)[254, 15.35, 40.86%], Kent (CA)[254, 14.96, 41.37%], Goldfogle (NY)[252, 14.29, 41.62%], Hart (NJ)[65, 13.85, 39.34%], Helgesen (ND)[254, 13.78, 41.62%], McHenry (PA)[201, 13.43, 40.36%], Taylor (AR)[47, 12.77, 37.31%], Broussard (LA)[255, 12.16, 39.59%], Stack (IL)[256, 11.72, 39.59%], Lafferty (OR)[254, 11.42, 40.1%], Cary (WI)[255, 11.37, 40.36%], Morgan (LA)[108, 11.11, 41.88%], Langley (KY)[247, 10.93, 41.37%], Pujo (LA)[253, 10.67, 41.37%], Greene (VT)[153, 9.8, 39.85%], La Follette (WA)[256, 9.77, 39.34%], Murdock (KS)[255, 9.41, 40.61%], Norris (NE)[256, 8.2, 41.37%], Stephens (CA)[256, 8.2, 40.86%], Littleton (NY)[246, 8.13, 40.36%], Powers (KY)[254, 7.09, 40.86%], Nelson (WI)[253, 6.72, 42.39%], Riordan (NY)[257, 6.61, 39.34%], Scott (IA)[111, 6.31, 42.39%], McKenzie (IL)[257, 6.23, 41.12%], Ainey (PA)[230, 6.09, 39.34%], Jackson (KS)[250, 5.6, 40.1%], Kinkaid (NE)[253, 5.53, 39.85%], Warburton (WA)[254, 5.12, 40.61%], Pray (MT)[255, 5.1, 39.09%], Berger (WI)[255, 5.1, 39.59%], Austin (TN)[255, 5.1, 40.61%], Haugen (IA)[256, 4.69, 40.1%], Langham (PA)[248, 4.44, 41.12%], Farr (PA)[254, 4.33, 40.1%], Parran (MD)[247, 4.05, 40.86%], Curry (NM)[202, 3.96, 38.58%], Roberts (NV)[253, 3.56, 40.61%], Hamilton (MI)[249, 3.21, 39.34%], Morse (WI)[254, 3.15, 40.86%], Anderson (MN)[255, 3.14, 38.83%], Matthews (PA)[253, 2.37, 40.61%], Porter (PA)[255, 1.96, 41.12%], Lindsay (NY)[251, 1.59, 38.83%], Hughes (WV)[252, 1.59, 38.07%], Steenerson (MN)[254, 1.57, 39.34%], Vare (PA)[152, 1.32, 38.83%], Prince (IL)[253, 1.19, 41.37%], Volstead (MN)[256, 1.17, 40.86%], Merritt (NY)[106, 0.94, 41.62%], McGuire (OK)[247, 0.81, 41.62%], Nye (MN)[251, 0.8, 41.88%], Sterling (IL)[253, 0.79, 40.86%], Slemp (VA)[253, 0.79, 38.07%], Anthony (KS)[253, 0.4, 40.86%], Lenroot (WI)[255, 0.39, 40.86%], Martin (SD)[251, 0, 39.85%], Hayes (CA)[253, 0, 40.61%], Knowland (CA)[256, 0, 30.46%], Smith (CA)[224, 0, 40.36%], Smith (MI)[256, 0, 41.12%], Mott (NY)[253, 0, 38.58%], Loudenslager (NJ)[31, 0, 37.56%]
Kendall (IA)[251, -0.4, 38.58%], Browning (NJ)[204, -0.49, 39.85%], Simmons (NY)[255, -0.78, 40.86%], Wood (NJ)[256, -0.78, 39.59%], Heald (DE)[255, -0.78, 39.85%], Morgan (OK)[253, -0.79, 37.56%], Rees (KS)[256, -1.17, 38.07%], Young (KS)[256, -1.17, 39.09%] , Butler (PA)[250, -1.2, 41.37%], Andrus (NY)[256, -1.56, 38.32%], Plumley (VT)[254, -1.57, 39.85%], Guernsey (ME)[251, -1.59, 40.61%], Dyer (MO)[255, -1.96, 40.86%], Burke (PA)[252, -2.38, 38.83%], Weeks (MA)[250, -2.8, 38.83%], French (ID)[254, -3.54, 39.34%], Esch (WI)[254, -3.54, 37.31%], Kopp (WI)[253, -3.56, 41.62%], Switzer (OH)[251, -3.59, 38.32%], McLaughlin (MI)[255, -3.92, 39.09%], Hawley (OR)[253, -3.95, 38.07%], Kennedy (IA)[255, -4.31, 38.07%], De Forest (NY)[254, -4.33, 39.85%], Mitchell (KS)[23, -4.35, 30.46%], Hanna (ND)[202, -4.46, 40.1%], Fuller (IL)[256, -4.69, 40.1%], Woods (IA)[255, -4.71, 39.09%], Roberts (MA)[253, -4.74, 40.1%], Davidson (WI)[255, -5.1, 40.1%], Foss (IL)[254, -5.12, 38.83%], Higgins (CT)[252, -5.16, 40.86%], Patton (PA)[250, -5.2, 40.61%], Lawrence (MA)[256, -5.47, 40.86%], Focht (PA)[255, -5.49, 39.85%], Gardner (MA)[255, -5.49, 38.83%], Bates (PA)[253, -5.53, 39.85%], McKinley (IL)[250, -5.6, 39.85%], Sells (TN)[249, -5.62, 38.83%], Fordney (MI)[244, -5.74, 39.09%], Rodenberg (IL)[256, -5.86, 37.82%], Smith (MI)[254, -5.91, 39.09%], Hinds (ME)[254, -6.3, 40.61%], Thistlewood (IL)[252, -6.35, 39.09%], Vreeland (NY)[249, -6.83, 38.58%], Willis (OH)[256, -7.03, 37.06%], Greene (MA)[256, -7.03, 37.31%], Ames (MA)[255, -7.06, 38.58%], Campbell (KS)[247, -7.69, 40.36%], Needham (CA)[253, -7.91, 38.07%], Henry (CT)[251, -7.97, 40.1%], Speer (PA)[250, -8, 38.58%], Copley (IL)[248, -8.06, 38.58%], Good (IA)[256, -8.2, 39.09%], Sloan (NE)[256, -8.2, 37.82%], Pickett (IA)[256, -8.2, 38.07%], McKinney (IL)[255, -8.24, 36.04%], Draper (NY)[254, -8.27, 38.58%], Loud (MI)[257, -8.56, 39.59%], Dodds (MI)[256, -8.59, 38.58%], Howell (UT)[255, -8.63, 39.34%], Hartman (PA)[255, -8.63, 37.82%], Dalzell (PA)[252, -8.73, 39.59%], McCall (MA)[246, -8.94, 38.83%], McMorran (MI)[254, -9.06, 38.07%], Crago (PA)[254, -9.06, 40.36%], Fairchild (NY)[253, -9.09, 38.32%], Green (IA)[256, -9.38, 38.58%], Moon (PA)[252, -9.52, 37.56%], Gillett (MA)[256, -9.77, 38.58%], Bradley (NY)[255, -9.8, 38.07%], Currier (NH)[255, -9.8, 39.34%], Tilson (CT)[253, -9.88, 37.82%], Reyburn (PA)[257, -10.12, 37.31%], Burke (SD)[254, -10.24, 38.83%], Madden (IL)[253, -10.28, 39.09%], Griest (PA)[251, -10.36, 38.83%], Miller (MN)[255, -10.59, 38.83%], Bowman (PA)[196, -10.71, 37.56%], Calder (NY)[250, -11.2, 39.09%], McCreary (PA)[253, -11.46, 37.82%], Kahn (CA)[252, -11.51, 36.8%], Dwight (NY)[249, -11.65, 37.56%], Humphrey (WA)[254, -11.81, 39.34%], Sulloway (NH)[254, -11.81, 37.06%], Cooper (WI)[256, -12.5, 37.06%], Mondell (WY)[255, -12.55, 37.82%], Lafean (PA)[247, -12.55, 38.83%], Barchfeld (PA)[253, -13.04, 38.83%], Payne (NY)[253, -13.04, 37.56%], Taylor (OH)[256, -13.28, 37.56%], Wilder (MA)[255, -13.33, 39.59%], Crumpacker (IN)[255, -13.73, 38.07%], Hubbard (IA)[145, -13.79, 37.56%], Howland (OH)[253, -13.83, 38.07%], Danforth (NY)[256, -14.06, 35.79%], Longworth (OH)[252, -14.29, 37.31%], Moore (PA)[252, -14.29, 36.55%], Prouty (IA)[251, -14.34, 37.82%], Wedemeyer (MI)[200, -14.5, 36.55%], Towner (IA)[256, -14.84, 37.56%], Olmsted (PA)[250, -16, 37.06%], Hill (CT)[251, -16.33, 37.31%], Gardner (NJ)[256, -16.41, 37.31%], Young (MI)[257, -16.73, 38.83%], Wilson (IL)[255, -16.86, 38.58%], Bartholdt (MO)[253, -17, 38.32%], Stevens (MN)[252, -17.46, 38.07%], Driscoll (NY)[256, -17.97, 36.8%], Harris (MA)[253, -19.37, 36.8%], Catlin (MO)[175, -20, 38.07%], Bingham (PA)[102, -20.59, 33.5%], Malby (NY)[146, -21.23, 36.04%], Cannon (IL)[255, -23.14, 34.77%], Utter (RI)[190, -23.16, 34.77%], Mann (IL)[225, -24, 34.01%], Foster (VT)[101, -27.72, 34.52%], Madison (KS)[47, -29.79, 39.09%]
Raw data source:
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