Such, then, is the happy Government under which we live--a Government adequate to every purpose for which the social compact is formed; a Government elective in all its branches, under which every citizen may by his merit obtain the highest trust recognized by the Constitution; which contains within it no cause of discord, none to put at variance one portion of the community with another; a Government which protects every citizen in the full enjoyment of his rights, and is able to protect the nation against injustice from foreign powers.
-President James Monroe
Majority Line Leader: Wallace (PA) - 48.11
Opposition Leader: Johnson (VA) - (-10.38)
Best Network: Wallace (PA) - 50.27%
Worst Network: Slocumb (NC) - 29.19%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Crafts (VT)/Richards (VT) - 83%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Desha (KY)/Wilson (MA) - 14%
Profile of Historically Significant Members
Name: Harrison (OH)
Majority Index: 11.32
VIA Index: 44.86%
Locked Step Colleagues
Jones (TN) - 71%
Parrott (NH) - 64%
Trimble (KY) - 64%
Holmes (ME) - 63%
Bloomfield (NJ) - 62%
Out Of Step Colleagues
Rice (MA) - 14%
Allen (MA) - 17%
Richards (VT) - 21%
Clagett (NH) - 22%
Hale (NH) - 24%
Name: Tyler (VA)
Majority Index: 17.92
VIA Index: 45.95%
Locked Step Colleagues
Shaw (MA) - 66%
Ball (VA) - 65%
Williams (NC) - 62%
Burwell (VA) - 61%
Edwards (NC) - 58%
Out Of Step Colleagues
Darlington (PA) - 20%
Livermore (NH) - 21%
Kirtland (NY) - 24%
Wilson (MA) - 24%
Hopkinson (PA) - 25%
Wallace (PA)[106, 48.11, 50.27%], Reid (GA)[15, 46.67, 47.03%], Moore (PA)[42, 45.24, 47.57%], Holmes (ME)[106, 41.51, 46.49%], Patterson (PA)[106, 40.57, 50.27%], Hubbard (NY)[106, 40.57, 49.19%], Campbell (OH)[106, 39.62, 49.19%], Davidson (NC)[41, 39.02, 45.95%], Mumford (NC)[77, 36.36, 47.57%], Wendover (NY)[106, 35.85, 49.73%], Wilson (PA)[106, 35.85, 48.65%], Little (MD)[106, 34.91, 48.65%], Mason (MA)[106, 34.91, 49.19%], Rogers (PA)[64, 34.38, 45.41%], Maclay (PA)[106, 33.02, 48.65%], Wilkin (NY)[106, 33.02, 48.11%], Moore (PA)[106, 33.02, 46.49%], Holmes (CT)[64, 32.81, 47.57%], Taylor (NY)[106, 32.08, 44.86%], Seybert (PA)[106, 32.08, 44.86%], Tompkins (NY)[106, 32.08, 49.19%], Comstock (NY)[106, 32.08, 49.19%], Murray (PA)[106, 31.13, 46.49%], Linn (NJ)[106, 31.13, 46.49%], Kinsey (NJ)[106, 31.13, 48.11%], Sampson (MA)[106, 31.13, 48.11%], Anderson (KY)[106, 31.13, 49.19%], Hostetter (PA)[42, 30.95, 45.41%], Anderson (PA)[106, 30.19, 43.24%], Whiteside (PA)[106, 30.19, 47.03%], Irving (NY)[106, 30.19, 47.03%], Rich (VT)[106, 30.19, 47.57%], Beecher (OH)[106, 30.19, 48.65%], Bloomfield (NJ)[106, 29.25, 46.49%], Ringgold (MD)[106, 29.25, 45.41%], Hitchcock (OH)[106, 29.25, 45.41%], Butler (LA)[42, 28.57, 43.78%], Ruggles (MA)[106, 28.3, 49.19%], Ellicott (NY)[106, 27.36, 42.7%], Palmer (NY)[106, 27.36, 42.7%], Earle (SC)[106, 27.36, 47.03%], Barber (OH)[106, 27.36, 46.49%], Jones (TN)[106, 27.36, 45.95%], Parris (ME)[15, 26.67, 53.51%], Pawling (PA)[106, 26.42, 46.49%], Savage (NY)[106, 26.42, 45.95%], Sergeant (PA)[106, 26.42, 43.78%], Cruger (NY)[106, 26.42, 47.57%], McLane (DE)[106, 26.42, 45.95%], Parrott (NH)[106, 26.42, 45.95%], Gage (MA)[106, 26.42, 47.57%], Robertson (KY)[106, 26.42, 44.86%], McLean (IL)[39, 25.64, 43.78%], Bateman (NJ)[106, 25.47, 47.03%], Porter (NY)[106, 25.47, 40.54%], Floyd (VA)[106, 25.47, 38.38%], Newton (VA)[106, 25.47, 44.32%], Nesbitt (SC)[106, 25.47, 38.38%], Forsyth (GA)[64, 25, 45.95%], Marchand (PA)[106, 24.53, 45.41%], Tarr (PA)[106, 24.53, 45.41%], Walker (NC)[106, 24.53, 46.49%], Smyth (VA)[106, 24.53, 45.41%], Hiester (PA)[106, 23.58, 42.7%], Scudder (NY)[106, 22.64, 44.32%], Maclay (PA)[106, 22.64, 45.41%], Settle (NC)[106, 22.64, 47.57%], Pleasants (VA)[106, 22.64, 43.24%], Crawford (GA)[106, 22.64, 45.41%], Lowndes (SC)[106, 22.64, 46.49%], Hall (DE)[106, 22.64, 48.65%], Moseley (CT)[106, 22.64, 49.19%], Rhea (TN)[106, 22.64, 48.11%], Darlington (PA)[106, 21.7, 45.41%], Owen (NC)[106, 21.7, 47.57%], Abbott (GA)[106, 21.7, 45.41%], Bayly (MD)[106, 21.7, 45.95%], Whitman (ME)[106, 21.7, 44.32%], Ogden (NY)[106, 20.75, 37.84%], Drake (NY)[106, 20.75, 43.78%], Mercer (VA)[106, 20.75, 42.7%], Upham (NH)[106, 20.75, 42.7%], Allen (VT)[106, 20.75, 45.95%], Baldwin (PA)[106, 19.81, 44.86%], Smith (VA)[106, 19.81, 37.3%], Hendricks (IN)[106, 19.81, 43.24%], Claiborne (TN)[106, 19.81, 46.49%], Westerlo (NY)[106, 18.87, 41.62%], Storrs (NY)[106, 18.87, 42.7%], Smith (MD)[106, 18.87, 44.86%], Terrell (GA)[106, 18.87, 42.16%], New (VA)[106, 18.87, 42.16%], Bryan (NC)[106, 18.87, 44.32%], Terry (CT)[106, 18.87, 37.84%], Nelson (MA)[106, 18.87, 45.41%], Johnson (KY)[106, 18.87, 44.86%], Poindexter (MS)[106, 18.87, 44.32%], Forney (NC)[64, 18.75, 41.62%], Lawyer (NY)[106, 17.92, 47.57%] , Cushman (NY)[106, 17.92, 38.38%], Tyler (VA)[106, 17.92, 45.95%], Herbert (MD)[106, 17.92, 47.57%], Hunter (VT)[106, 17.92, 40.54%], Pitkin (CT)[106, 17.92, 47.03%], Marr (TN)[106, 17.92, 42.7%], Hopkinson (PA)[106, 16.98, 44.86%], Cook (GA)[106, 16.98, 44.86%], Colston (VA)[106, 16.98, 45.95%], Nelson (VA)[106, 16.98, 46.49%], Shaw (MA)[106, 16.98, 43.78%], Walker (KY)[106, 16.98, 43.78%], Gilbert (CT)[42, 16.67, 43.24%], Tallmadge (NY)[106, 16.04, 43.78%], Stuart (MD)[106, 16.04, 42.7%], Middleton (SC)[106, 16.04, 42.7%], Boss (RI)[106, 16.04, 47.03%], Sherwood (CT)[106, 16.04, 41.62%], Blount (TN)[106, 16.04, 44.86%]
Schuyler (NY)[106, 15.09, 42.16%], Ervin (SC)[106, 15.09, 43.78%], Silsbee (MA)[106, 15.09, 41.08%], Herrick (OH)[106, 15.09, 44.86%], Quarles (KY)[106, 15.09, 44.32%], Trimble (KY)[106, 15.09, 42.16%], Lincoln (ME)[91, 14.29, 32.97%], McCoy (VA)[106, 14.15, 48.11%], Simkins (SC)[87, 13.79, 44.32%], Fisher (NC)[22, 13.64, 40.54%], Spencer (NY)[106, 13.21, 46.49%], Crafts (VT)[106, 13.21, 45.41%], Morton (MA)[106, 13.21, 42.7%], Strong (MA)[106, 13.21, 37.3%], Bennet (NJ)[106, 12.26, 48.65%], Peter (MD)[106, 12.26, 38.92%], Lewis (VA)[106, 12.26, 34.05%], Butler (NH)[106, 12.26, 43.78%], Boden (PA)[106, 11.32, 44.32%], Townsend (NY)[106, 11.32, 44.86%], Herkimer (NY)[106, 11.32, 43.24%], Tucker (VA)[106, 11.32, 42.7%], Folger (MA)[106, 11.32, 41.62%], Clagett (NH)[106, 11.32, 42.7%], Harrison (OH)[106, 11.32, 44.86%], Ogle (PA)[106, 10.38, 44.86%], Cobb (GA)[106, 10.38, 43.78%], Strother (VA)[106, 10.38, 43.78%], Hale (NH)[106, 10.38, 41.08%], Livermore (NH)[106, 10.38, 41.08%], Goodwyn (VA)[20, 10, 23.24%], Burwell (VA)[106, 9.43, 43.24%], Bassett (VA)[106, 9.43, 44.32%], Speed (KY)[106, 9.43, 45.95%], Hasbrouck (NY)[106, 8.49, 43.24%], Slocumb (NC)[106, 8.49, 29.19%], Pindall (VA)[106, 8.49, 47.03%], Miller (SC)[106, 8.49, 45.41%], Richards (VT)[106, 8.49, 45.41%], Sawyer (NC)[106, 7.55, 36.22%], Mason (RI)[106, 7.55, 40%], Orr (MA)[106, 7.55, 44.86%], Merrill (VT)[106, 7.55, 42.16%], Fuller (MA)[106, 7.55, 42.7%], Southard (NJ)[106, 6.6, 38.38%], Culbreth (MD)[106, 6.6, 46.49%], Huntington (CT)[106, 6.6, 40.54%], Williams (CT)[106, 6.6, 46.49%], Ingham (PA)[64, 6.25, 29.19%], Bellinger (SC)[106, 5.66, 36.76%], Hogg (TN)[106, 4.72, 46.49%], Desha (KY)[106, 4.72, 44.32%], Spangler (PA)[64, 4.69, 30.27%], Kirtland (NY)[106, 3.77, 46.49%], Hall (NC)[106, 3.77, 43.24%], Smith (NC)[106, 3.77, 41.62%], Adams (MA)[106, 3.77, 44.86%], Robertson (LA)[64, 3.12, 38.92%], Barbour (VA)[106, 2.83, 43.78%], Tucker (SC)[106, 2.83, 46.49%], Rice (MA)[106, 1.89, 35.68%], Mills (MA)[106, 1.89, 39.46%], Stewart (NC)[93, 1.08, 41.62%], Clay (KY)[106, 0.94, 22.16%], Ross (PA)[20, 0, 43.24%], Reed (MD)[106, 0, 42.7%], Austin (VA)[106, 0, 30.27%]
Williams (NC)[106, -0.94, 40%], Edwards (NC)[106, -0.94, 44.32%], Allen (MA)[106, -0.94, 44.86%], Williams (NY)[106, -1.89, 43.78%], Garnett (VA)[106, -1.89, 45.41%], Wilson (MA)[106, -1.89, 36.22%], Pegram (VA)[86, -3.49, 32.43%], Ball (VA)[106, -5.66, 42.16%], Nelson (VA)[106, -8.49, 38.38%], Johnson (VA)[106, -10.38, 39.46%]
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