Thursday, August 29, 2013

24th Congress, House of Representatives

Post Summary: 24th Congress, House of Representatives

The loss of liberty, of all good government, of peace, plenty, and happiness, must inevitably follow a dissolution of the Union. In supporting it, therefore, we support all that is dear to the freeman and the philanthropist.
-President Andrew Jackson

Primary Mode Bin: 40-50
Secondary Mode Bin: (-10)-0

Majority Line Leader: Lane (IN) - 53.81
Opposition Leader: Williams (NC) - (-17.21)
Best Network: Patterson (OH) - 48.76%
Worst Network: Allan (KY) - 35.12%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Casey (IL)/Reynolds (IL) - 80%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Pierce (NH)/Russell (NY) - 15%

Profile of Historically Significant Member

Name: Pierce (NH)
Majority Index: 27.45
VIA Index: 36.78%
Locked Step Colleagues
Fairfield (ME) - 63%
Gillet (NY) - 63%
Hamer (OH) - 61%
Martin (AL) - 61%
Johnson (TN) - 58%

Out Of Step Colleagues
Russell (NY) - 15%
Milligan (DE) - 17%
Phillips (MA) - 17%
Hazeltine (NY) - 17%
Allen (VT), Grennell (MA), Reed (MA) - 18%

Wildman (CT)[1, 100, 63.22%], Lane (IN)[459, 53.81, 48.35%], Vanderpoel (NY)[459, 53.59, 47.11%], Leonard (NY)[459, 53.38, 46.69%], Patterson (OH)[459, 52.29, 48.76%], Thomson (OH)[459, 51.63, 47.52%], Chapin (NY)[459, 51.2, 46.28%], Doubleday (NY)[459, 50.54, 47.11%], McKim (MD)[459, 50.54, 47.11%], Mann (PA)[459, 50.33, 46.28%], Ingham (CT)[459, 49.89, 45.87%], Mason (ME)[459, 49.89, 47.52%], Casey (IL)[459, 49.46, 46.69%], Huntington (NY)[459, 49.02, 45.87%], Farlin (NY)[459, 49.02, 46.28%], Haley (CT)[459, 48.8, 47.11%], Cushman (NH)[459, 48.58, 46.69%], Phelps (CT)[459, 48.58, 46.69%], Shinn (NJ)[459, 48.15, 45.04%], Cramer (NY)[459, 48.15, 45.87%], Kilgore (OH)[459, 47.93, 45.87%], Bockee (NY)[459, 47.93, 45.45%], Cambreleng (NY)[459, 46.84, 46.69%], Reynolds (IL)[459, 46.62, 46.69%], Logan (PA)[459, 46.41, 45.04%], Sickles (NY)[459, 46.41, 43.8%], Mason (NY)[459, 46.19, 44.21%], Johnson (KY)[459, 46.19, 45.45%], Bean (NH)[459, 45.97, 45.87%], Dickerson (NJ)[323, 45.82, 42.98%], Chaney (OH)[459, 45.53, 44.63%], Howard (MD)[459, 45.32, 45.45%], Jones (OH)[459, 45.1, 44.21%], Huntsman (TN)[459, 44.44, 47.11%], Fairfield (ME)[459, 44.23, 45.04%], Toucey (CT)[459, 44.23, 44.63%], Johnson (VA)[459, 44.23, 44.63%], Page (NY)[459, 44.01, 46.28%], Holt (CT)[142, 43.66, 45.04%], Turrill (NY)[459, 43.14, 46.69%], Craig (VA)[459, 43.14, 45.04%], Kinnard (IN)[325, 43.08, 43.39%], Whittlesey (CT)[300, 43, 42.15%], Hubley (PA)[459, 42.92, 45.45%], Judson (CT)[319, 42.63, 44.21%], Lee (NY)[459, 42.27, 45.04%], Montgomery (NC)[459, 42.05, 45.45%], Barton (NY)[459, 41.83, 45.04%], Reynolds (NY)[459, 41.61, 44.63%], Taylor (NY)[459, 41.61, 44.21%], Smith (ME)[459, 41.39, 43.39%], Lansing (NY)[459, 40.96, 45.04%], Haynes (GA)[459, 40.74, 45.87%], Morgan (VA)[459, 40.52, 45.04%], Beardsley (NY)[99, 40.4, 39.26%], Lee (NY)[459, 40.31, 44.21%], Gillet (NY)[459, 40.09, 43.8%], Owens (GA)[459, 40.09, 45.87%], Bovee (NY)[459, 39.43, 44.63%], Grantland (GA)[459, 39.43, 44.63%], Manning (SC)[158, 39.24, 38.84%], Cleveland (GA)[459, 39.22, 44.63%], Galbraith (PA)[459, 38.56, 44.63%], Fuller (NY)[459, 38.56, 44.63%], Fry (PA)[459, 38.34, 44.21%], Hamer (OH)[459, 37.91, 45.87%], Seymour (NY)[459, 37.91, 44.21%], French (KY)[459, 37.91, 44.21%], Hall (ME)[459, 37.69, 44.21%], Kennon (OH)[459, 37.47, 40.5%], Schenck (NJ)[459, 37.25, 42.15%], McKeon (NY)[459, 37.04, 42.56%], Ward (NY)[459, 36.82, 44.21%], Boon (IN)[459, 36.6, 42.98%], Crary (MI)[91, 36.26, 39.67%], Jackson (GA)[459, 35.95, 45.45%], Johnson (TN)[459, 35.95, 42.56%], Boyd (KY)[459, 35.95, 45.87%], Weeks (NH)[459, 35.51, 42.56%], Thomas (MD)[459, 35.51, 43.39%], Wagener (PA)[459, 35.29, 41.74%], Miller (PA)[323, 35.29, 43.39%], Muhlenberg (PA)[459, 35.08, 43.39%], Anthony (PA)[459, 34.86, 45.04%], Sutherland (PA)[459, 34.86, 41.32%], Harrison (MO)[459, 34.64, 43.39%], Webster (OH)[459, 34.2, 44.63%], Lee (NJ)[459, 33.99, 43.39%], Harrison (PA)[459, 33.99, 38.84%], Klingensmith (PA)[459, 33.77, 40.91%], Burns (NH)[459, 33.55, 41.74%], Carr (IN)[459, 33.55, 43.39%], Henderson (PA)[459, 33.55, 42.98%], May (IL)[459, 33.33, 41.74%], Efner (NY)[459, 33.33, 40.5%], Coffee (GA)[324, 33.33, 42.56%], Hopkins (VA)[459, 33.12, 43.39%], Wardwell (NY)[459, 32.46, 42.56%], Yell (AR)[136, 32.35, 43.8%] , Connor (NC)[459, 31.81, 46.28%], Richardson (SC)[136, 31.62, 42.98%], Brown (NY)[459, 31.37, 44.21%], Mann (NY)[459, 30.28, 42.56%], Pearce (RI)[459, 29.85, 42.98%], Ash (PA)[459, 29.63, 42.56%], Miller (NY)[135, 28.89, 38.84%], Black (PA)[136, 28.68, 42.56%], Hawkins (NC)[459, 28.54, 42.56%], Pierce (NH)[459, 27.45, 36.78%], Moore (NY)[459, 27.45, 41.74%], Jarvis (ME)[459, 26.36, 42.98%], Parks (ME)[459, 26.14, 37.6%], Fowler (NJ)[459, 26.14, 41.74%], McLene (OH)[459, 25.49, 42.98%], Loyall (VA)[459, 25.27, 43.8%], Buchanan (PA)[459, 25.05, 41.32%], Coles (VA)[459, 25.05, 42.15%], Martin (AL)[459, 24.4, 42.98%], Ripley (LA)[459, 23.53, 35.95%], Jones (VA)[459, 23.09, 42.98%], Lucas (VA)[459, 22.66, 40.5%], Hannegan (IN)[459, 21.79, 40.08%], Bouldin (VA)[459, 21.35, 41.74%], Holsey (GA)[459, 21.13, 38.84%], Turner (MD)[459, 20.92, 42.56%], Pinckney (SC)[459, 20.92, 36.78%], Bynum (NC)[459, 20.48, 38.43%], Hawes (KY)[459, 20.48, 38.84%], Towns (GA)[323, 20.43, 38.02%], Speight (NC)[459, 20.26, 34.71%], Davis (IN)[459, 18.74, 37.6%], Parker (NJ)[459, 18.74, 42.56%], Roane (VA)[459, 18.52, 39.26%], Borden (MA)[459, 18.3, 40.08%], Dromgoole (VA)[459, 17.86, 41.74%], Spangler (OH)[459, 17.65, 38.43%], Glascock (GA)[459, 17.65, 42.98%], Herod (IN)[93, 17.2, 37.19%], Claiborne (MS)[459, 16.99, 40.5%], Pearson (PA)[138, 16.67, 40.08%], McKay (NC)[459, 16.56, 43.8%], Chapman (AL)[459, 16.12, 43.39%], Garland (VA)[459, 15.9, 40.08%], Washington (MD)[459, 15.9, 42.56%], Beale (VA)[459, 15.9, 42.56%], Lyon (AL)[459, 15.9, 39.67%], Shepperd (NC)[459, 15.25, 44.21%], Pettigrew (NC)[459, 14.6, 38.84%], Dunlap (TN)[459, 14.6, 41.32%], Laporte (PA)[459, 14.16, 37.19%], Mason (VA)[343, 13.99, 37.6%], Cushing (MA)[459, 13.94, 39.26%], Rogers (SC)[459, 13.94, 42.15%], McComas (VA)[459, 13.94, 40.5%], Johnson (LA)[459, 13.94, 42.56%], Ashley (MO)[459, 13.51, 38.84%], Sprague (RI)[459, 12.85, 36.36%], Storer (OH)[459, 12.85, 42.98%], Shields (TN)[459, 12.2, 41.32%], Gholson (MS)[122, 11.48, 41.74%], Lawrence (MA)[459, 10.89, 40.91%], Hunt (NY)[459, 10.46, 38.02%], Jackson (MA)[459, 10.24, 38.02%], Deberry (NC)[459, 9.8, 43.39%], Elmore (SC)[135, 9.63, 38.84%], Janes (VT)[459, 9.59, 40.08%], Beaumont (PA)[459, 9.15, 40.08%], Garland (LA)[459, 8.71, 38.84%], Graham (NC)[236, 8.47, 40.91%], Fuller (NY)[323, 8.36, 40.5%], Adams (MA)[459, 7.63, 40.08%], Granger (NY)[459, 6.97, 40.91%], Dickson (MS)[323, 6.81, 33.06%], Lawler (AL)[459, 6.54, 43.39%], Hiester (PA)[459, 6.32, 40.5%], Lincoln (MA)[459, 5.88, 41.74%], Young (NY)[136, 5.88, 40.08%], Bunch (TN)[459, 5.88, 37.19%]

Mason (OH)[459, 5.66, 40.08%], Sloane (OH)[459, 5.45, 35.54%], Whittlesey (OH)[459, 5.23, 41.32%], Chetwood (NJ)[136, 5.15, 38.43%], Lay (NY)[459, 5.01, 39.26%], Williams (KY)[459, 3.92, 41.74%], Maury (TN)[459, 3.49, 42.15%], Patton (VA)[459, 3.05, 39.67%], Jenifer (MD)[459, 2.83, 36.36%], Shepard (NC)[459, 2.83, 37.19%], Pearce (MD)[459, 2.83, 37.19%], White (KY)[459, 2.18, 42.15%], Bailey (ME)[459, 1.96, 39.26%], McCarty (IN)[459, 1.53, 39.26%], Darlington (PA)[459, 1.09, 38.02%], Polk (TN)[459, 1.09, 27.27%], Phillips (MA)[459, 0.87, 38.02%], Ingersoll (PA)[459, 0.22, 38.84%], Forester (TN)[459, 0.22, 36.36%], McKennan (PA)[459, 0, 40.5%]

Denny (PA)[459, -0.22, 39.67%] , Potts (PA)[459, -0.22, 38.02%], Harlan (KY)[459, -0.44, 39.26%], Chambers (PA)[459, -0.65, 38.43%], Harper (PA)[459, -0.65, 38.43%], Taliaferro (VA)[459, -0.87, 40.5%], Briggs (MA)[459, -1.09, 38.84%], Grennell (MA)[459, -1.74, 37.6%], Slade (VT)[459, -1.74, 37.19%], Banks (PA)[326, -2.15, 30.99%], Claiborne (VA)[459, -2.18, 41.74%], Lea (TN)[459, -2.4, 41.32%], Alford (GA)[82, -2.44, 36.78%], Corwin (OH)[459, -2.61, 40.08%], Lewis (AL)[459, -2.83, 36.78%], Childs (NY)[459, -3.05, 38.84%], Bell (TN)[459, -3.05, 37.19%], Mercer (VA)[459, -3.49, 39.26%], Milligan (DE)[459, -3.49, 38.43%], Peyton (TN)[459, -3.7, 34.3%], Hard (NY)[459, -3.92, 39.26%], Carter (TN)[459, -3.92, 37.6%], Hoar (MA)[459, -4.58, 39.26%], Pickens (SC)[459, -4.58, 35.54%], Campbell (SC)[459, -4.58, 37.6%], Steele (MD)[459, -5.23, 39.26%], Grayson (SC)[459, -5.23, 36.36%], Dawson (GA)[131, -5.34, 35.95%], Allen (VT)[459, -5.45, 39.26%], Hall (VT)[459, -5.45, 35.54%], Crane (OH)[459, -5.66, 38.84%], Rencher (NC)[459, -5.66, 39.67%], Morris (PA)[459, -5.88, 38.02%], Standifer (TN)[459, -5.88, 41.74%], Reed (MA)[459, -6.1, 38.84%], Howell (OH)[459, -6.32, 38.02%], Clark (PA)[459, -6.32, 40.5%], Robertson (VA)[459, -6.54, 38.84%], Underwood (KY)[459, -7.19, 40.08%], Thompson (SC)[459, -7.41, 40.08%], Allan (KY)[459, -7.41, 35.12%], Calhoun (MA)[459, -7.84, 40.5%], Love (NY)[459, -8.06, 36.36%], Everett (VT)[459, -8.28, 38.84%], Calhoon (KY)[459, -8.71, 39.26%], Hazeltine (NY)[459, -9.59, 38.84%], Chambers (KY)[459, -9.59, 38.43%], Vinton (OH)[459, -10.24, 38.84%], Graves (KY)[459, -11.11, 38.02%], Hardin (KY)[459, -11.33, 38.84%], Evans (ME)[459, -11.98, 37.19%], Russell (NY)[459, -11.98, 37.19%], Bond (OH)[459, -12.64, 39.26%], Griffin (SC)[459, -16.56, 39.26%], Williams (NC)[459, -17.21, 39.26%], Wise (VA)[459, -21.57, 33.88%], Hammond (SC)[55, -27.27, 34.71%]

Raw data source:

Monday, August 26, 2013

23rd Congress, Senate

Post Summary: 23rd Congress, Senate

Without union our independence and liberty would never have been achieved; without union they never can be maintained.
-President Andrew Jackson

Primary Mode Bin: 50-60
Secondary Mode Bin: (-10)-0

Majority Line Leader: Frelinghuysen (NJ) - 64.04
Opposition Leader: Hill (NH) - (-29.39)
Best Network: Tomlinson (CT) - 58.33%
Worst Network: McKean (PA) - 43.75
Locked Step Leader Pair: Hill (NH)/Shepley (ME) - 87%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Hill (NH)/Southard (NJ) - 14%

Frelinghuysen (NJ)[228, 64.04, 56.25%], Tomlinson (CT)[228, 64.04, 58.33%], Silsbee (MA)[228, 59.21, 54.17%], Swift (VT)[228, 59.21, 56.25%], Smith (CT)[228, 57.46, 58.33%], Kent (MD)[228, 57.02, 54.17%], Robbins (RI)[228, 56.58, 54.17%], Poindexter (MS)[228, 56.58, 54.17%], Knight (RI)[228, 55.26, 52.08%], Porter (LA)[223, 54.71, 52.08%], Webster (MA)[228, 53.95, 52.08%], Ewing (OH)[228, 53.51, 56.25%], Prentiss (VT)[228, 53.07, 54.17%], Naudain (DE)[228, 52.63, 54.17%], Goldsborough (MD)[69, 52.17, 56.25%], Bibb (KY)[228, 50.44, 52.08%], Preston (SC)[227, 49.34, 52.08%], Clay (KY)[228, 48.25, 54.17%], Sprague (ME)[150, 47.33, 50%], Southard (NJ)[228, 44.3, 47.92%], Leigh (VA)[216, 43.52, 52.08%], Calhoun (SC)[228, 42.54, 50%], Mangum (NC)[228, 41.67, 52.08%], Waggaman (LA)[228, 41.23, 43.75%], Clayton (DE)[228, 37.72, 47.92%], Bell (NH)[228, 37.28, 47.92%], Tyler (VA)[228, 33.33, 45.83%], Chambers (MD)[150, 30, 39.58%], Moore (AL)[228, 27.63, 47.92%], Hendricks (IN)[228, 27.19, 52.08%]

Black (MS)[224, 24.11, 52.08%], Linn (MO)[224, 8.93, 50%], McKean (PA)[228, 8.77, 43.75%], Robinson (IL)[228, 3.51, 47.92%], Wilkins (PA)[142, 2.11, 41.67%], King (GA)[224, 1.79, 50%], Ruggles (ME)[60, 1.67, 43.75%]

Kane (IL)[228, -0.44, 47.92%], Cuthbert (GA)[76, -1.32, 47.92%], White (TN)[228, -1.75, 52.08%], Buchanan (PA)[80, -3.75, 47.92%], Tallmadge (NY)[228, -3.95, 45.83%], Benton (MO)[228, -7.02, 47.92%], Tipton (IN)[228, -7.89, 50%], Grundy (TN)[228, -8.77, 47.92%], King (NC)[228, -11.4, 50%], Shepley (ME)[228, -13.6, 50%], Morris (OH)[228, -15.35, 43.75%], Wright (NY)[228, -16.67, 45.83%], Brown (NC)[228, -17.54, 45.83%], Rives (VA)[9, -22.22, 35.42%], Forsyth (GA)[127, -24.41, 41.67%], Hill (NH)[228, -29.39, 47.92%], Johnston (LA)[1, -100, 45.83%]

Raw data source:

Thursday, August 22, 2013

23rd Congress, House of Representatives

Post Summary: 23rd Congress, House of Representatives

To do justice to all and to submit to wrong from none has been during my Administration its governing maxim, and so happy have been its results that we are not only at peace with all the world, but have few causes of controversy, and those of minor importance, remaining unadjusted.
-President Andrew Jackson

Primary Mode Bin: 20-30
Secondary Mode Bin: 0-10

Majority Line Leader: Harrison (PA) - 45.85
Opposition Leader: Hardin (KY) - (-8)
Best Network: Wagener (PA) - 48.75%
Worst Network: Sloane (OH) - 37.5%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Day (NY)/Hathaway (NY) - 82%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Hathaway (NY)/Vance (OH) - 12%

Profile of Historically Significant Member

Name: Fillmore (NY)
Majority Index: 16.36
VIA Index: 44.58%
Locked Step Colleagues
Reed (MA) - 70%
Grennell (MA) - 69%
Martindale (NY) - 65%
Young (CT) - 65%
Adams (MA), Allen (VT), Hazeltine (NY), McKennan (PA), Tweedy (CT) - 65%

Out Of Step Colleagues
Coffee (GA) - 21%
Schley (GA) - 21%
Connor (NC) - 22%
Speight (NC) - 22%
Mardis (AL) - 23%

Harrison (PA)[325, 45.85, 47.5%], Lawrence (NY)[104, 44.23, 45.83%], Reynolds (IL)[105, 43.81, 46.67%], Wagener (PA)[325, 43.08, 48.75%], Cambreleng (NY)[325, 41.54, 47.5%], Miller (PA)[325, 41.23, 46.25%], Pearce (RI)[325, 40.92, 46.67%], Vanderpoel (NY)[325, 40.62, 46.67%], Lane (IN)[325, 40.31, 47.92%], Casey (IL)[325, 40, 48.33%], Blair (SC)[53, 39.62, 44.58%], Allen (OH)[325, 39.38, 47.5%], Thomson (OH)[325, 38.46, 47.92%], Adams (NY)[325, 38.15, 46.25%], May (IL)[105, 38.1, 45%], Slade (IL)[220, 37.73, 45%], Henderson (PA)[325, 37.54, 44.58%], Howell (NY)[325, 37.54, 46.67%], Parker (NJ)[325, 37.23, 48.75%], Taylor (NY)[325, 37.23, 45.83%], Dickerson (NJ)[325, 36.31, 46.25%], Lee (NJ)[325, 36, 45.42%], Halsey (NY)[325, 35.69, 46.25%], Laporte (PA)[325, 35.38, 46.67%], Day (NY)[325, 35.08, 47.08%], Wardwell (NY)[325, 35.08, 46.67%], Chaney (OH)[325, 35.08, 46.25%], Shinn (NJ)[325, 34.77, 47.08%], Osgood (MA)[325, 34.77, 46.67%], Huntington (NY)[325, 34.46, 46.25%], Kinnard (IN)[325, 34.46, 47.08%], Cramer (NY)[325, 33.85, 45.83%], Clark (NY)[325, 33.85, 45.83%], Sutherland (PA)[325, 33.85, 43.75%], Chinn (VA)[325, 33.23, 42.92%], Murphy (AL)[325, 33.23, 45.42%], Gillet (NY)[325, 32.92, 46.25%], Van Houten (NY)[325, 32.62, 45.83%], Webster (OH)[325, 32.62, 42.92%], Beardsley (NY)[325, 32, 42.92%], Lansing (NY)[325, 31.69, 46.25%], Mitchell (OH)[325, 31.69, 46.67%], Ward (NY)[325, 31.38, 44.58%], Patterson (OH)[325, 31.38, 44.58%], McKinley (AL)[325, 31.38, 45.83%], Johnson (KY)[325, 31.38, 43.75%], Leavitt (OH)[220, 31.36, 44.58%], Lytle (OH)[285, 31.23, 43.75%], Muhlenberg (PA)[325, 31.08, 42.92%], Hamer (OH)[325, 31.08, 44.58%], Brown (NY)[325, 30.77, 46.25%], Pierson (NY)[325, 30.46, 46.25%], Thomas (MD)[325, 29.85, 44.17%], Pope (KY)[325, 29.85, 44.58%], Fuller (NY)[325, 29.54, 45.83%], White (NY)[323, 29.41, 43.75%], Bockee (NY)[325, 28.62, 41.25%], Anthony (PA)[325, 28.62, 45%], Schenck (NJ)[325, 28.31, 45.42%], Page (NY)[325, 28, 44.58%], Mann (NY)[325, 28, 45%], McKim (MD)[325, 28, 43.33%], Robertson (VA)[108, 27.78, 45.83%], McKay (NC)[325, 27.69, 47.08%], Boon (IN)[325, 27.38, 46.25%], Allen (VA)[325, 27.38, 44.58%], Lyon (KY)[325, 27.38, 44.58%], Turner (MD)[325, 27.08, 44.58%], Johnson (NY)[325, 26.77, 45.42%], Kavanagh (ME)[325, 26.77, 45.83%], Shepperd (NC)[325, 26.77, 45%], Galbraith (PA)[325, 26.46, 41.67%], Hathaway (NY)[325, 26.46, 45%], Schley (GA)[325, 26.46, 47.08%], Carmichael (MD)[325, 26.46, 43.33%], Whallon (NY)[325, 26.15, 44.58%], McVean (NY)[325, 25.85, 45.83%], Stoddert (MD)[325, 25.85, 45%], Clay (AL)[325, 25.85, 40.42%], Jones (OH)[325, 25.54, 43.75%], Smith (ME)[325, 25.23, 45%], Heath (MD)[325, 24.31, 45%], Peyton (TN)[325, 24.31, 42.92%], Bunch (TN)[325, 24.31, 46.25%], Lea (TN)[325, 24.31, 41.25%], Standifer (TN)[325, 24.31, 46.25%], Coffee (GA)[325, 24, 40.83%], Kilgore (OH)[105, 23.81, 44.17%], Mann (PA)[325, 23.69, 45.42%], Stewart (PA)[325, 23.69, 42.08%], Loyall (VA)[325, 23.69, 42.5%], Dickinson (TN)[325, 23.69, 40.83%], Hannegan (IN)[325, 23.38, 42.92%], Mason (ME)[325, 23.38, 44.17%], Dunlap (TN)[325, 23.08, 45%], Carr (IN)[325, 22.77, 45.42%], Parks (ME)[325, 22.46, 45%], Turrill (NY)[325, 22.15, 45.83%], McCarty (IN)[325, 22.15, 45%] , Hall (ME)[325, 22.15, 45.42%], Bean (NH)[325, 22.15, 44.17%], Gholson (VA)[325, 22.15, 43.75%], Speight (NC)[325, 22.15, 42.92%], Graham (NC)[325, 22.15, 44.17%], Forester (TN)[325, 22.15, 43.33%], Patton (VA)[325, 21.85, 42.92%], McIntire (ME)[325, 21.54, 41.67%], Connor (NC)[325, 21.54, 44.17%], Wilson (VA)[325, 21.54, 43.33%], Cage (MS)[325, 21.54, 44.58%], Bouldin (VA)[274, 21.53, 42.08%], Beaumont (PA)[325, 21.23, 43.33%], Hubbard (NH)[325, 21.23, 45%], Fulton (VA)[325, 21.23, 42.5%], Morgan (NY)[105, 20.95, 43.33%], Mitchell (NY)[325, 20.92, 39.58%], Pierce (NH)[325, 20.92, 45%], Burns (NH)[325, 20.62, 42.92%], Blair (TN)[325, 20.62, 43.75%], Duncan (IL)[221, 20.36, 43.75%], Lucas (VA)[325, 20.31, 37.92%], Steele (MD)[197, 20.3, 44.17%], McLene (OH)[325, 20, 45%], Beale (VA)[325, 19.69, 40%], Letcher (KY)[110, 19.09, 40.83%], Bodle (NY)[325, 19.08, 36.25%], Harper (NH)[325, 19.08, 44.17%], Polk (TN)[325, 19.08, 45.83%], Pickens (SC)[105, 19.05, 38.75%], Wayne (GA)[311, 18.97, 37.5%], Jarvis (ME)[325, 18.77, 44.58%], McComas (VA)[325, 18.77, 43.75%], Ramsey (PA)[325, 18.15, 44.17%], Bynum (NC)[325, 18.15, 45.83%], Gamble (GA)[325, 18.15, 46.25%], Manning (SC)[105, 18.1, 36.25%], Mason (VA)[325, 17.54, 39.17%], Hall (NC)[325, 17.54, 40.83%], Plummer (MS)[325, 17.23, 37.5%], Mardis (AL)[325, 16.92, 42.92%], Moore (VA)[325, 16.62, 42.92%], Bull (MO)[325, 16.62, 44.58%], Fillmore (NY)[324, 16.36, 44.58%], Bell (TN)[325, 16.31, 33.33%], Garland (LA)[240, 16.25, 42.5%], Fowler (NJ)[325, 16, 42.08%], King (PA)[325, 15.69, 41.67%], Taylor (VA)[325, 15.69, 43.75%]

Baylies (MA)[325, 15.38, 45%], Whittlesey (OH)[325, 14.77, 42.5%], Fuller (NY)[325, 14.46, 45%], Hawkins (NC)[325, 14.46, 39.58%], Hawes (KY)[325, 14.46, 42.5%], Ferris (NY)[106, 14.15, 43.33%], Janes (VT)[106, 14.15, 40.83%], Gilmer (GA)[325, 13.85, 44.17%], Hiester (PA)[325, 13.54, 45.42%], Trumbull (CT)[105, 13.33, 42.5%], Jones (GA)[325, 13.23, 39.17%], Claiborne (VA)[325, 13.23, 42.5%], Jackson (CT)[106, 13.21, 45.83%], Lay (NY)[325, 12.92, 42.08%], Inge (TN)[325, 12.92, 42.5%], Chambers (PA)[325, 12.62, 45.42%], Phillips (MA)[105, 12.38, 42.08%], Love (KY)[325, 11.69, 43.33%], Johnson (LA)[105, 11.43, 41.25%], McKennan (PA)[325, 11.38, 45%], Wise (VA)[325, 11.38, 43.33%], Lincoln (MA)[291, 11, 44.58%], Selden (NY)[220, 10.91, 39.17%], Miner (CT)[105, 10.48, 41.67%], Coulter (PA)[325, 10.46, 42.08%], Johnson (TN)[325, 10.46, 39.17%], Darlington (PA)[325, 10.15, 43.75%], Jackson (MA)[325, 10.15, 42.92%], Clowney (SC)[325, 10.15, 40%], Davenport (VA)[325, 9.85, 44.58%], Marshall (KY)[325, 9.85, 42.5%], Tompkins (KY)[325, 9.54, 42.5%], Ashley (MO)[325, 9.54, 44.58%], Allen (VT)[325, 9.23, 44.17%], Whittlesey (NY)[325, 8.31, 40.42%], Davis (KY)[325, 8.31, 41.67%], Hall (VT)[325, 8, 42.92%], Ewing (IN)[325, 7.69, 42.92%], Pinckney (SC)[325, 7.69, 42.5%], Grayson (SC)[325, 7.69, 42.5%], Mercer (VA)[325, 7.69, 42.92%], Burd (PA)[325, 7.38, 44.17%], Hazeltine (NY)[325, 7.38, 39.17%], Barber (CT)[325, 7.38, 44.58%], Deberry (NC)[325, 7.38, 43.33%], Denny (PA)[324, 6.79, 45.42%], Clark (PA)[325, 6.77, 44.58%], Adams (MA)[325, 6.77, 44.58%], Shepard (NC)[325, 6.77, 40%], Tweedy (CT)[325, 6.15, 45.83%], Hard (NY)[325, 5.85, 42.08%] , Thomas (LA)[325, 5.85, 41.67%], Gordon (VA)[325, 5.54, 43.33%], Griffin (SC)[325, 5.54, 43.33%], Deming (VT)[220, 5, 39.17%], Ellsworth (CT)[220, 5, 35%], Harper (PA)[325, 4.92, 41.67%], Corwin (OH)[325, 4.92, 44.17%], Rencher (NC)[325, 4.62, 41.67%], Banks (PA)[325, 4.31, 43.75%], Grennell (MA)[325, 4.31, 44.17%], Reed (MA)[325, 4, 42.92%], Clayton (GA)[325, 4, 42.08%], Crane (OH)[325, 3.69, 43.33%], Foster (GA)[325, 3.69, 39.17%], Barringer (NC)[325, 3.69, 42.5%], Felder (SC)[324, 3.4, 41.67%], White (LA)[222, 3.15, 41.67%], Dickson (NY)[325, 3.08, 44.17%], Briggs (MA)[325, 3.08, 39.58%], Burges (RI)[325, 3.08, 42.92%], Lewis (AL)[325, 3.08, 41.25%], Spangler (OH)[325, 2.77, 42.92%], Potts (PA)[325, 2.46, 41.67%], Martindale (NY)[325, 2.46, 41.67%], Everett (MA)[325, 2.46, 43.75%], Allan (KY)[325, 2.46, 44.17%], Slade (VT)[325, 2.15, 42.5%], Bell (OH)[325, 1.85, 40%], Archer (VA)[325, 1.54, 41.25%], Young (CT)[325, 1.23, 40.83%], Foote (CT)[92, 1.09, 45%], Barnitz (PA)[325, 0.92, 41.67%], Everett (VT)[325, 0.62, 40.83%], Campbell (SC)[291, 0.34, 39.17%], Crockett (TN)[325, 0.31, 42.08%], Sloane (OH)[325, 0, 37.5%], Bates (MA)[325, 0, 40.42%], Huntington (CT)[220, 0, 40%], Stevenson (VA)[127, 0, 24.58%]

Binney (PA)[325, -0.31, 41.25%], Williams (NC)[325, -0.31, 39.17%], Wilde (GA)[325, -0.31, 42.5%], Choate (MA)[220, -0.45, 39.58%], Chilton (KY)[325, -0.92, 44.17%], Vance (OH)[325, -1.23, 39.17%], Johnson (MD)[325, -1.23, 41.67%], Watmough (PA)[325, -1.54, 42.08%], Evans (ME)[325, -2.77, 42.5%], Beaty (KY)[325, -3.08, 42.5%], Davis (SC)[324, -3.09, 31.67%], McDuffie (SC)[218, -3.21, 30.42%], Vinton (OH)[325, -3.38, 42.92%], Gorham (MA)[325, -4, 38.33%], Milligan (DE)[325, -4, 40.83%], Bullard (LA)[87, -4.6, 25.42%], Davis (MA)[13, -7.69, 33.75%], Hardin (KY)[325, -8, 42.92%], Dennis (MD)[70, -25.71, 40.83%], Bouldin (VA)[27, -29.63, 40.83%]

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