Thursday, October 31, 2013

33rd Congress, House of Representatives

Post Summary: 33rd Congress, House of Representatives

The oppressed throughout the world from that day to the present have turned their eyes hitherward, not to find those lights extinguished or to fear lest they should wane, but to be constantly cheered by their steady and increasing radiance.
-President Franklin Pierce

Primary Mode Bin: 20-30
Secondary Mode Bin: (-10)-0

Majority Line Leader: Florence (PA) - 54.38
Opposition Leader: Tracy (VT) - (-18.17)
Best Network: Robbins (PA) - 41.88%
Worst Network: Grow (PA) - 35.04%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Ruffin (NC)/Shaw (NC) - 76%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Norton (IL)/Hibbard (NH) - 12%

Florence (PA)[605, 54.38, 40.6%], Clark (NY)[606, 48.18, 40.6%], Oliver (MO)[602, 45.51, 41.45%], Robbins (PA)[605, 44.3, 41.88%], Greenwood (AR)[604, 44.04, 40.6%], Shower (MD)[606, 42.74, 41.88%], Allen (IL)[605, 42.48, 41.03%], Kerr (NC)[603, 41.13, 40.6%], Dawson (PA)[605, 40.99, 40.6%], Van Sant (MD)[605, 40.99, 41.88%], Stanton (KY)[605, 40.99, 40.17%], Dunbar (LA)[605, 39.83, 41.03%], Wright (PA)[606, 39.44, 40.17%], Richardson (IL)[605, 38.84, 39.74%], Phillips (AL)[605, 38.84, 40.6%], Riddle (DE)[605, 38.35, 40.17%], McDougall (CA)[605, 38.35, 38.89%], Maxwell (FL)[605, 38.18, 41.45%], Breckinridge (KY)[605, 38.18, 38.89%], Olds (OH)[605, 36.69, 39.74%], Straub (PA)[606, 36.63, 41.03%], Allen (IL)[604, 36.42, 41.88%], Henn (IA)[606, 35.97, 39.74%], Walker (NY)[605, 35.87, 40.17%], Smith (TN)[605, 35.87, 40.17%], Churchwell (TN)[605, 35.7, 38.89%], Taylor (NY)[606, 35.64, 40.6%], Bridges (PA)[606, 35.31, 39.32%], Miller (IN)[605, 35.04, 41.03%], Macdonald (ME)[605, 35.04, 39.74%], Latham (CA)[605, 34.88, 41.88%], Westbrook (NY)[606, 34.82, 42.31%], Clingman (NC)[605, 34.05, 39.74%], Seward (GA)[606, 33.83, 39.32%], Eddy (IN)[606, 32.84, 39.32%], Smyth (TX)[606, 32.51, 38.89%], Kurtz (PA)[606, 32.34, 41.03%], Preston (KY)[604, 32.28, 41.03%], Green (OH)[604, 32.12, 41.88%], Orr (SC)[605, 32.07, 40.17%], Stanton (TN)[605, 31.57, 41.88%], Cox (KY)[603, 31.34, 40.6%], Bell (TX)[606, 31.19, 39.74%], Phelps (MO)[605, 30.91, 39.32%], Miller (MO)[601, 30.78, 39.32%], Tweed (NY)[604, 30.63, 40.17%], Dowdell (AL)[605, 30.58, 38.89%], Wright (MS)[605, 30.08, 39.32%], Ritchey (OH)[604, 29.97, 39.32%], Stuart (MI)[606, 29.87, 39.74%], English (IN)[606, 29.54, 39.74%], Teller (NY)[156, 29.49, 40.17%], Edmundson (VA)[604, 29.47, 38.03%], McNair (PA)[605, 29.26, 39.74%], Bailey (GA)[605, 29.09, 38.46%], Ingersoll (CT)[605, 28.93, 40.17%], May (MD)[606, 28.88, 39.32%], Kidwell (VA)[605, 28.6, 39.32%], Brooks (SC)[605, 28.43, 39.32%], Zollicoffer (TN)[602, 28.24, 41.03%], Witte (PA)[605, 28.1, 40.17%], Smith (AL)[605, 28.1, 39.32%], Barksdale (MS)[604, 27.98, 40.17%], Davis (IN)[604, 27.81, 38.03%], Stevens (MI)[605, 27.6, 40.17%], Lindley (MO)[603, 27.03, 39.74%], Reese (GA)[603, 27.03, 40.6%], Boyce (SC)[604, 26.99, 39.32%], Hendricks (IN)[605, 26.94, 38.89%], Abercrombie (AL)[603, 26.2, 39.32%], Keitt (SC)[605, 26.12, 39.32%], Jones (LA)[606, 26.07, 39.74%], Packer (PA)[606, 25.74, 38.46%], Chrisman (KY)[605, 25.62, 40.17%], Vail (NJ)[604, 25.5, 37.61%], Rogers (NC)[604, 25.33, 38.46%], Aiken (SC)[605, 25.29, 38.46%], Hillyer (GA)[605, 25.12, 39.74%], Harris (MS)[605, 25.12, 37.61%], Smith (VA)[606, 24.92, 39.32%], Bocock (VA)[605, 24.79, 39.74%], Pratt (CT)[606, 24.75, 40.6%], Lamb (MO)[605, 24.63, 37.18%], Faulkner (VA)[605, 24.63, 40.17%], Cobb (AL)[605, 24.63, 38.89%], Hibbard (NH)[605, 24.63, 39.74%], Caruthers (MO)[602, 24.58, 42.31%], Shaw (NC)[604, 24.5, 39.32%], Ashe (NC)[604, 24.34, 38.46%], Johnson (OH)[606, 24.09, 40.6%], Rowe (NY)[606, 23.93, 40.6%], Puryear (NC)[602, 23.75, 39.74%], Warren (AR)[604, 23.68, 39.74%], Bayly (VA)[604, 23.68, 40.17%], Houston (AL)[605, 23.64, 38.03%], Disney (OH)[605, 23.31, 39.74%], Perkins (LA)[606, 23.27, 41.03%], Ready (TN)[602, 23.26, 40.17%], Cutting (NY)[604, 23.18, 37.18%] , Caskie (VA)[604, 23.18, 38.03%], Singleton (MS)[606, 23.1, 39.74%], Walbridge (NY)[605, 22.98, 40.17%], Colquitt (GA)[605, 22.48, 38.46%], Stephens (GA)[603, 22.39, 37.61%], Noble (MI)[606, 22.11, 40.6%], Appleton (MA)[603, 22.06, 39.32%], Bristow (KY)[158, 21.52, 41.03%], Shannon (OH)[605, 21.32, 41.03%], Lane (KS)[606, 20.3, 39.32%], Harris (AL)[605, 20.17, 39.32%], Macy (WI)[605, 19.83, 38.46%], Elliott (KY)[606, 19.47, 40.17%], Craige (NC)[605, 19.17, 39.74%], Ruffin (NC)[605, 19.01, 37.18%], Ellison (OH)[605, 18.51, 39.74%], Cumming (NY)[606, 18.48, 39.32%], Jones (PA)[547, 18.46, 41.03%], Corwin (OH)[602, 18.27, 38.89%], Walsh (NY)[604, 18.21, 38.03%], Barry (MS)[605, 17.85, 39.32%], Grey (KY)[604, 17.72, 40.17%], Lilly (NJ)[605, 17.69, 37.61%], Lindsley (OH)[606, 17.49, 38.03%], Seymour (CT)[606, 16.83, 38.89%], Hill (KY)[602, 16.78, 39.74%], Hughes (NY)[605, 16.69, 39.74%], Trout (PA)[605, 16.2, 38.46%], Bliss (OH)[605, 16.2, 39.32%], Powell (VA)[603, 16.09, 38.03%], Goodwin (NY)[156, 16.03, 40.17%], Snodgrass (VA)[321, 15.89, 40.17%], Chamberlain (IN)[606, 15.84, 38.46%], Fuller (ME)[606, 14.85, 40.17%], Thurston (RI)[604, 14.74, 38.46%], Jones (TN)[606, 14.69, 37.61%], Dunham (IN)[606, 13.86, 38.46%], Wells (WI)[603, 12.77, 39.32%], Goode (VA)[604, 12.25, 38.46%], Smith (NY)[451, 12.2, 38.89%], Curtis (PA)[605, 11.57, 38.03%], Nichols (OH)[605, 11.24, 39.32%], Banks (MA)[606, 10.89, 37.61%], Gamble (PA)[605, 10.74, 40.17%], Hiester (PA)[602, 9.63, 38.03%], Etheridge (TN)[603, 9.62, 39.74%], Harlan (IN)[606, 9.24, 39.32%], Taylor (OH)[604, 9.11, 38.89%], Bugg (TN)[603, 8.96, 37.18%], Lewis (VA)[157, 8.92, 39.74%], Chastain (GA)[605, 8.76, 40.6%], Cook (IA)[602, 8.47, 38.03%], Franklin (MD)[603, 8.46, 38.03%], Peckham (NY)[604, 8.28, 38.46%], Chandler (PA)[603, 8.13, 38.03%], Letcher (VA)[604, 7.62, 39.32%], Belcher (CT)[604, 7.62, 36.75%], Ritchie (PA)[602, 7.48, 38.89%], Muhlenberg (PA)[27, 7.41, 30.77%], Hamilton (MD)[605, 7.27, 37.61%], Hastings (NY)[606, 7.1, 40.17%], Chase (NY)[602, 6.81, 38.46%], Ewing (KY)[449, 6.68, 39.32%], Bissell (IL)[604, 6.62, 35.04%], Davis (RI)[606, 6.44, 39.32%], Morrison (NH)[604, 6.29, 38.03%], Russell (PA)[602, 5.32, 38.46%], Wentworth (IL)[605, 5.29, 38.03%], Howe (PA)[604, 4.97, 37.18%], Mace (IN)[606, 4.95, 38.03%], Yates (IL)[602, 4.82, 38.46%], Fenton (NY)[606, 4.79, 37.61%], Sollers (MD)[605, 4.63, 37.18%], Campbell (TN)[23, 4.35, 30.77%], Harrison (OH)[605, 4.3, 38.03%], Millson (VA)[603, 4.15, 38.03%], Eastman (WI)[604, 3.31, 38.89%], Middleswarth (PA)[602, 3.16, 38.03%], McMullen (VA)[604, 2.81, 36.75%], Wentworth (MA)[602, 2.66, 37.18%], Stratton (NJ)[604, 2.65, 37.18%], Farley (ME)[601, 2.5, 37.61%], Hunt (LA)[602, 1.99, 37.18%], Simmons (NY)[603, 1.66, 38.46%], Upham (MA)[601, 1.66, 36.75%], Dean (NY)[372, 1.61, 38.46%], Goodrich (MA)[603, 1.33, 37.18%], De Witt (MA)[603, 1, 38.89%], Dent (GA)[605, 0.83, 34.62%], Washburne (IL)[602, 0.83, 36.75%], Edgerton (OH)[605, 0.66, 38.03%], Boyd (KY)[605, 0.5, 35.04%], Walley (MA)[606, 0.5, 38.46%], Lyon (NY)[603, 0.17, 37.18%], Stuart (OH)[604, 0.17, 37.61%], Boody (NY)[1, 0, 44.87%], Scudder (MA)[73, 0, 29.91%]

Edmands (MA)[603, -0.17, 36.32%], Oliver (NY)[604, -0.5, 38.46%], Washburn (ME)[603, -0.83, 38.03%] , Mayall (ME)[605, -1.32, 37.18%], Sabin (VT)[600, -1.33, 38.46%], Taylor (TN)[494, -1.42, 38.03%], McQueen (SC)[604, -1.66, 37.61%], Bennett (NY)[604, -2.48, 38.03%], Wade (OH)[606, -2.64, 37.18%], Benson (ME)[603, -2.99, 36.32%], Pennington (NJ)[602, -3.32, 36.75%], Sapp (OH)[602, -3.32, 38.46%], Crocker (MA)[603, -3.32, 36.32%], Norton (IL)[601, -3.33, 36.75%], Benton (MO)[605, -3.64, 38.03%], Eliot (MA)[484, -3.93, 36.32%], Peck (NY)[605, -4.46, 38.89%], Harlan (OH)[601, -4.49, 36.75%], Kittredge (NH)[605, -4.63, 37.61%], Perkins (NY)[605, -4.96, 37.61%], Carpenter (NY)[602, -5.32, 36.32%], Skelton (NJ)[606, -5.45, 36.32%], Dickinson (MA)[603, -5.47, 37.18%], Campbell (OH)[605, -6.12, 36.32%], Maurice (NY)[604, -6.29, 36.75%], Knox (IL)[601, -6.32, 36.75%], Cullom (TN)[602, -6.64, 36.32%], Flagler (NY)[603, -7.13, 38.03%], Dick (PA)[602, -7.48, 37.18%], Drum (PA)[605, -7.77, 35.47%], Ball (OH)[602, -7.81, 35.9%], Everhart (PA)[603, -8.62, 36.75%], Matteson (NY)[602, -8.64, 38.03%], Wheeler (NY)[603, -8.79, 36.75%], Sage (NY)[602, -9.63, 36.75%], Meacham (VT)[604, -10.1, 35.9%], McCulloch (PA)[602, -10.3, 36.75%], Pringle (NY)[603, -10.45, 36.32%], Murray (NY)[606, -11.06, 36.32%], Giddings (OH)[605, -12.56, 35.9%], Parker (IN)[603, -12.6, 35.47%], Haven (NY)[603, -12.94, 36.32%], Morgan (NY)[602, -13.95, 36.75%], Grow (PA)[606, -15.51, 35.04%], Jones (NY)[606, -17, 35.9%], Tracy (VT)[600, -18.17, 35.47%]

Raw data source:

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Factions of Rep. John Tyler (VA)

Post Summary: The Factions of Rep. John Tyler, Including Opposition Groups

But when he comes to study the secret propensities which govern the factions of America, he easily perceives that the greater part of them are more or less connected with one or the other of those two divisions which have always existed in free communities....but I affirm that aristocratic or democratic passions may easily be detected at the bottom of all parties, and that, although they escape a superficial observation, they are the main point and the very soul of every faction in the United States.
-Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

15th Congress, House

Tyler's faction and its opposition
In the range of 66% to less or equal to 100% affinity
Tyler (VA)-Shaw (MA) Faction
mean Majority Index - 17, max Majority Index - 17.92, min Majority Index - 16.98, number - 2
Tyler (VA)[106, 17.92, 45.95%], Shaw (MA)[106, 16.98, 43.78%]

Opposition in the range of <= 25% of agreement - Darlington (PA)-Wilson (MA)
mean Majority Index - 1, max Majority Index - 11.16, min Majority Index - (-9.42), number - 3
Darlington (PA)[106, 21.7, 45.41%], Hopkinson (PA)[106, 16.98, 44.86%], Wilson (MA)[106, -1.89, 36.22%]

Faction that Tyler opposed
In the range of 70% to less than or equal to 100% affinity
Sergeant (PA)-Hopkinson (PA) Faction
mean Majority Index - 22, max Majority Index - 26.42, min Majority Index - 16.98, number - 3
Sergeant (PA)[106, 26.42, 43.78%], Darlington (PA)[106, 21.7, 45.41%], Hopkinson (PA)[106, 16.98, 44.86%]

Opposition in the range of <= 30% of agreement - Walker (NC)-Johnson (VA)
mean Majority Index - 7, max Majority Index - 24.53, min Majority Index - (-10.38), number - 14
Walker (NC)[106, 24.53, 46.49%],
Tyler (VA)[106, 17.92, 45.95%], Shaw (MA)[106, 16.98, 43.78%], Walker (KY)[106, 16.98, 43.78%], Cook (GA)[106, 16.98, 44.86%], Blount (TN)[106, 16.04, 44.86%], Burwell (VA)[106, 9.43, 43.24%], Hall (NC)[106, 3.77, 43.24%], Tucker (SC)[106, 2.83, 46.49%], Austin (VA)[106, 0, 30.27%], Garnett (VA)[106, -1.89, 45.41%], Ball (VA)[106, -5.66, 42.16%], Nelson (VA)[106, -8.49, 38.38%], Johnson (VA)[106, -10.38, 39.46%]

16th Congress, House

Tyler's faction and its opposition
In the range of 66% to less or equal to 100% affinity
Davidson (NC)-Tyler (VA) Faction
mean Majority Index - 7, max Majority Index - 12.93, min Majority Index - 1.36, number - 2
Davidson (NC)[147, 12.93, 45.7%], Tyler (VA)[147, 1.36, 43.01%]

Opposition in the range of <= 25% of agreement - Denison (PA)-Folger (MA)
mean Majority Index - 31, max Majority Index - 41.5, min Majority Index - 25.17, number - 6
Denison (PA)[147, 41.5, 47.31%], Kendall (MA)[147, 33.33, 47.85%], Strong (NY)[147, 29.25, 48.92%], Adams (MA)[147, 27.89, 46.77%], Sergeant (PA)[147, 27.89, 44.09%], Folger (MA)[147, 25.17, 44.09%]

Faction that Tyler opposed
In the range of 75% to less than or equal to 100% affinity
Moore (PA)-Sloane (OH) Faction
mean Majority Index - 41, max Majority Index - 49.66, min Majority Index - 29.25, number - 11
Moore (PA)[147, 49.66, 48.39%], Rogers (PA)[147, 48.98, 49.46%], Beecher (OH)[147, 47.62, 50.54%], Parker (MA)[147, 46.94, 50%], Darlington (PA)[147, 44.9, 50%], Cushman (ME)[147, 44.22, 50.54%], Wood (NY)[147, 39.46, 46.77%], Rich (VT)[147, 38.78, 47.85%], Hall (NY)[147, 32.65, 44.62%], Wendover (NY)[147, 31.29, 48.39%], Sloane (OH)[147, 29.25, 46.77%]

Opposition in the range of <= 35% of agreement - Warfield (MD)-Parker (VA)
mean Majority Index - (-4), max Majority Index - 21.77, min Majority Index - (-18.37), number - 17
Warfield (MD)[147, 21.77, 43.55%], Tucker (VA)[147, 5.44, 43.01%], Settle (NC)[147, 4.08, 45.16%], Tyler (VA)[147, 1.36, 43.01%], Walker (NC)[147, 1.36, 41.94%], Lowndes (SC)[147, -1.36, 40.32%], Reid (GA)[147, -1.36, 43.55%], Terrell (GA)[147, -3.4, 45.16%], Bryan (TN)[147, -4.08, 43.01%], Smith (NC)[147, -4.76, 47.31%], Jones (VA)[147, -6.12, 31.18%], Cobb (GA)[147, -9.52, 41.94%], Earle (SC)[147, -9.52, 45.16%], Garnett (VA)[147, -10.2, 44.09%], Hall (NC)[147, -14.29, 40.32%], Burwell (VA)[122, -14.75, 39.25%], Parker (VA)[147, -18.37, 44.62%]

Raw data source:

Monday, October 28, 2013

32nd Congress, Senate

Post Summary: 32nd Congress, Senate

But attachment to the Union of the States should be habitually fostered in every American heart. For more than half a century, during which kingdoms and empires have fallen, this Union has stood unshaken. The patriots who formed it have long since descended to the grave; yet still it remains, the proudest monument to their memory and the object of affection and admiration with everyone worthy to bear the American name. In my judgment its dissolution would be the greatest of calamities, and to avert that should be the study of every American. Upon its preservation must depend our own happiness and that of countless generations to come. Whatever dangers may threaten it, I shall stand by it and maintain it in its integrity to the full extent of the obligations imposed and the powers conferred upon me by the Constitution.
-President Zachary Taylor

Primary Mode Bin: 20-30

Majority Line Leader: Shields (MO) - 40.85
Minority Leader: Chase (OH) - 7.32
Best Network: Smith (CT) - 51.61%
Worst Network: Walker (WI) - 43.55%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Miller (NJ)/Spruance (DE) - 63%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Dodge (WI)/Dawson (GA) - 24%

McRae (MS)[24, 41.67, 38.71%], Shields (MO)[355, 40.85, 48.39%], Berrien (GA)[102, 40.2, 43.55%], Felch (MI)[354, 38.98, 48.39%], Smith (CT)[355, 38.87, 51.61%], Geyer (MO)[355, 34.93, 48.39%], Rusk (TX)[354, 34.18, 50%], Cass (MI)[355, 34.08, 50%], Meriwether (KY)[102, 33.33, 43.55%], Fish (NY)[355, 31.27, 46.77%], Foote (MS)[30, 30, 40.32%], Seward (NY)[355, 29.01, 48.39%], Sumner (MA)[335, 28.96, 48.39%], Toucey (CT)[269, 28.62, 51.61%], Spruance (DE)[355, 28.45, 48.39%], Houston (TX)[355, 28.17, 48.39%], Miller (NJ)[355, 28.17, 46.77%], Downs (LA)[355, 27.61, 50%], Atchison (MO)[355, 27.32, 48.39%], Clarke (RI)[355, 27.32, 46.77%], Bayard (DE)[355, 27.04, 46.77%], Davis (MA)[355, 26.48, 48.39%], Sebastian (AR)[354, 26.27, 46.77%], Borland (AR)[355, 25.92, 48.39%], Bradbury (ME)[355, 25.35, 48.39%], Brooke (MS)[310, 24.84, 48.39%], Bell (TN)[355, 24.79, 50%], Upham (VT)[243, 24.69, 48.39%], Charlton (GA)[242, 24.38, 45.16%], Jones (WI)[354, 24.29, 46.77%], Dodge (WI)[355, 23.94, 46.77%], Gwin (CA)[354, 23.16, 46.77%], Weller (CA)[304, 23.03, 48.39%], Badger (NC)[355, 21.97, 46.77%], Mangum (NC)[355, 21.97, 48.39%], Hamlin (ME)[355, 21.97, 45.16%], De Saussure (SC)[262, 21.76, 45.16%], Dodge (IA)[354, 21.75, 46.77%], Stockton (NJ)[250, 21.2, 43.55%], King (NC)[246, 20.73, 45.16%], Pearce (MD)[355, 20.56, 45.16%], Fitzpatrick (AL)[109, 20.18, 40.32%], Soulé (LA)[354, 20.06, 48.39%], Bright (IN)[355, 20, 48.39%], Underwood (KY)[355, 19.72, 46.77%], James (RI)[355, 19.72, 46.77%], Mallory (FL)[355, 18.31, 45.16%], Cooper (PA)[354, 16.95, 45.16%], Foot (VT)[355, 16.9, 46.77%], Wade (OH)[336, 16.67, 46.77%], Douglas (IL)[355, 15.49, 45.16%], Phelps (VT)[110, 14.55, 38.71%], Norris (NH)[355, 14.37, 45.16%]

Morton (FL)[355, 14.08, 48.39%], Pratt (MD)[354, 13.84, 46.77%], Jones (TN)[354, 13.56, 45.16%], Mason (VA)[355, 13.52, 46.77%], Pettit (IN)[109, 11.93, 38.71%], Butler (SC)[355, 11.27, 45.16%], Brodhead (PA)[354, 11.02, 46.77%], Dawson (GA)[355, 10.7, 46.77%], Adams (MS)[303, 10.23, 45.16%], Hale (NH)[355, 9.01, 43.55%], Walker (WI)[355, 8.73, 43.55%], Hunter (VA)[355, 8.45, 46.77%], Clemens (AL)[355, 7.61, 40.32%], Chase (OH)[355, 7.32, 43.55%], Clay (KY)[126, 6.35, 38.71%], Rhett (SC)[93, 5.38, 37.1%], Davis (MS)[19, 5.26, 37.1%], Dixon (KY)[123, 4.07, 32.26%], Whitcomb (IN)[231, 3.46, 37.1%], Cathcart (IN)[15, 0, 35.48%]

Raw data source:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

32nd Congress, House of Representatives

Post Summary: 32nd Congress, House of Representatives

As indispensable to the preservation of our system of self-government, the independence of the representatives of the States and the people is guaranteed by the Constitution, and they owe no responsibility to any human power but their constituents. By holding the representative responsible only to the people, and exempting him from all other influences, we elevate the character of the constituent and quicken his sense of responsibility to his country.
-President Zachary Taylor

Primary Mode Bin: 20-30

Majority Line Leader: Florence (PA) - 41.39
Opposition Leader: Wallace (SC) - (-14.92)
Best Network: Kurtz (PA) - 40.77%
Worst Network: Floyd (NY) - 34.33%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Davis (IN)/Hendricks (IN) - 70%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Porter (MO)/Wildrick (NJ) - 18%

Florence (PA)[447, 41.39, 40.34%], Watkins (TN)[448, 39.06, 39.48%], Stephens (NY)[452, 38.5, 40.34%], Stanton (TN)[450, 38, 36.91%], Sabine (MA)[100, 38, 39.48%], Briggs (NY)[449, 37.42, 40.34%], Thurston (RI)[449, 37.19, 39.91%], Chandler (PA)[448, 36.38, 39.48%], Ward (KY)[449, 33.41, 39.48%], Little (MA)[97, 32.99, 37.77%], Moore (PA)[449, 32.96, 39.91%], Parker (IN)[449, 32.74, 39.91%], Henn (IA)[452, 32.3, 38.2%], Schermerhorn (NY)[448, 31.92, 38.2%], Appleton (MA)[450, 31.78, 39.06%], Johnson (AR)[447, 31.32, 38.2%], Seymour (CT)[451, 30.82, 39.91%], Seymour (NY)[452, 30.75, 39.48%], Penn (LA)[450, 30.44, 39.48%], Stone (KY)[450, 30.22, 39.06%], Moore (LA)[450, 30.22, 37.77%], Stanton (KY)[450, 30, 38.63%], Miller (MO)[447, 29.53, 39.06%], Porter (MO)[449, 29.18, 39.06%], Fay (MA)[98, 28.57, 38.2%], Riddle (DE)[451, 28.38, 38.63%], Landry (LA)[452, 28.32, 37.34%], Harper (OH)[449, 28.06, 39.48%], Cartter (OH)[452, 27.88, 38.63%], Doty (WI)[448, 27.68, 39.06%], Stuart (MI)[449, 27.62, 38.2%], Davis (MA)[446, 27.58, 39.06%], Clark (IA)[451, 27.27, 39.48%], Walsh (MD)[449, 27.17, 37.77%], Duncan (MA)[449, 26.95, 37.77%], Kurtz (PA)[451, 26.83, 40.77%], Taylor (OH)[448, 26.56, 39.06%], Curtis (PA)[452, 26.55, 39.48%], Howe (PA)[449, 26.5, 38.2%], Fuller (PA)[449, 26.28, 38.2%], Price (NJ)[450, 26.22, 37.77%], Welch (OH)[447, 25.73, 39.06%], Scudder (MA)[445, 25.62, 37.77%], Preston (KY)[114, 25.44, 38.2%], Robbins (PA)[448, 25, 38.63%], White (KY)[448, 25, 37.77%], Busby (OH)[452, 25, 39.06%], Green (OH)[452, 25, 37.34%], Yates (IL)[449, 24.94, 39.06%], Lockhart (IN)[450, 24.89, 37.77%], Cabell (FL)[450, 24.89, 39.06%], Nabers (MS)[451, 24.83, 39.48%], Hart (NY)[452, 24.78, 38.63%], Gentry (TN)[452, 24.78, 39.06%], Ingersoll (CT)[452, 24.78, 37.77%], Gaylord (OH)[448, 24.78, 39.91%], Polk (TN)[450, 24.67, 36.48%], Burrows (NY)[446, 24.66, 39.91%], Chapman (CT)[449, 24.5, 37.77%], Bowie (MD)[449, 24.5, 39.06%], Richardson (IL)[451, 24.39, 38.63%], Grey (KY)[447, 24.38, 39.06%], St. Martin (LA)[452, 24.34, 38.63%], Walbridge (NY)[450, 24.22, 39.48%], Allen (IL)[450, 24.22, 38.2%], Olds (OH)[449, 24.05, 39.48%], Kuhns (PA)[449, 23.83, 39.48%], Fowler (MA)[336, 23.51, 39.06%], Clemens (VA)[115, 23.48, 36.91%], Brenton (IN)[445, 23.37, 39.48%], Thompson (MA)[335, 23.28, 38.63%], Bell (OH)[448, 23.21, 38.63%], Schoolcraft (NY)[449, 23.16, 39.06%], Haws (NY)[447, 23.04, 38.2%], Gamble (PA)[452, 22.79, 39.48%], Bibighaus (PA)[443, 22.57, 37.34%], Stratton (NJ)[448, 22.32, 38.2%], Horsford (NY)[449, 22.27, 38.63%], Robie (NY)[451, 22.17, 38.2%], Williams (TN)[451, 21.95, 38.2%], Haven (NY)[449, 21.83, 38.2%], Stanly (NC)[450, 21.78, 38.63%], Wilcox (MS)[452, 21.68, 39.06%], Townshend (OH)[452, 21.46, 37.77%], Campbell (IL)[450, 21.33, 39.48%], Gorman (IN)[449, 21.16, 38.2%], Marshall (KY)[278, 20.86, 36.91%], Johnson (OH)[451, 20.84, 39.06%], Clingman (NC)[450, 20.67, 39.48%], Snow (NY)[451, 20.62, 38.2%], Fitch (IN)[451, 20.4, 37.77%], Ficklin (IL)[449, 20.27, 38.63%], Conger (MI)[447, 20.13, 37.34%], Molony (IL)[448, 20.09, 38.63%], Jackson (GA)[448, 20.09, 39.91%], Morrison (PA)[451, 19.96, 38.2%], Parker (PA)[451, 19.96, 38.63%], Sackett (NY)[451, 19.96, 38.2%], Gilmore (PA)[452, 19.69, 38.63%] , Murray (NY)[452, 19.69, 39.06%], Davis (IN)[449, 19.6, 38.2%], Brooks (NY)[450, 19.33, 37.77%], Reed (ME)[242, 19.01, 38.2%], Brown (NJ)[448, 18.97, 37.34%], Bowne (NY)[449, 18.93, 36.48%], McNair (PA)[452, 18.81, 38.63%], Robinson (IN)[449, 18.71, 38.2%], Hascall (NY)[451, 18.4, 37.77%], Goodenow (ME)[448, 18.3, 38.63%], Rantoul (MA)[275, 18.18, 36.91%], McCorkle (CA)[451, 17.96, 37.34%], Brown (MS)[452, 17.92, 38.2%], Stanton (OH)[448, 17.86, 38.63%], Hall (MO)[450, 17.78, 36.91%], Peaslee (NH)[452, 17.7, 38.63%], Strother (VA)[450, 17.56, 36.48%], Freeman (MS)[451, 17.52, 37.34%], Ewing (KY)[450, 17.33, 36.05%], Hendricks (IN)[451, 17.29, 38.63%], Edgerton (OH)[447, 17.23, 39.06%], Macdonald (ME)[452, 17.04, 37.77%], Washburn (ME)[446, 16.82, 38.63%], Mace (IN)[448, 16.74, 37.34%], Goodrich (MA)[449, 16.7, 36.91%], Caldwell (NC)[450, 16.67, 36.91%], Durkee (WI)[452, 16.59, 36.05%], Cottman (MD)[452, 16.59, 37.34%], Breckinridge (KY)[449, 16.48, 38.2%], Marshall (CA)[452, 16.37, 36.91%], Bennett (NY)[447, 16.33, 37.34%], Disney (OH)[448, 16.29, 38.2%], Outlaw (NC)[450, 16.22, 38.2%], Smith (AL)[448, 15.85, 38.63%], Eastman (WI)[446, 15.7, 38.2%], Wells (NY)[450, 15.56, 38.63%], King (RI)[448, 15.4, 37.34%], Phelps (MO)[449, 15.37, 38.2%], Hunter (OH)[447, 15.21, 36.91%], Harris (AL)[449, 15.14, 37.34%], Evans (MD)[451, 15.08, 37.34%], Thompson (VA)[262, 14.89, 38.2%], Penniman (MI)[446, 14.8, 36.48%], Howe (PA)[449, 14.7, 37.77%], Babcock (NY)[449, 14.7, 38.63%], Barrere (OH)[445, 14.38, 37.77%], Cobb (AL)[448, 14.29, 38.2%], Andrews (ME)[136, 13.97, 33.91%], Allen (MA)[449, 13.81, 37.34%], Meade (VA)[451, 13.75, 36.91%], Bayly (VA)[452, 13.72, 36.91%], Bissell (IL)[449, 13.59, 35.62%], Mann (MA)[451, 13.53, 37.34%], Dimmick (PA)[449, 13.36, 37.77%], Dockery (NC)[449, 13.36, 38.63%], Smart (ME)[451, 13.3, 37.34%], Newton (OH)[450, 13.11, 37.77%], Campbell (OH)[450, 12.89, 38.2%], Sutherland (NY)[451, 12.86, 37.77%], Houston (AL)[448, 12.72, 38.2%], Allison (PA)[448, 12.5, 38.63%], Miner (VT)[450, 12, 36.48%], Fuller (ME)[452, 11.95, 37.34%], Giddings (OH)[451, 11.75, 37.34%], Martin (NY)[448, 11.38, 36.48%], Appleton (ME)[451, 11.31, 36.91%], Edmundson (VA)[451, 11.31, 38.63%], Darby (MO)[452, 11.06, 34.33%], Cleveland (CT)[451, 10.64, 36.91%], White (AL)[452, 10.62, 36.91%], Dawson (PA)[449, 10.47, 39.06%], Schoonmaker (NY)[450, 10.44, 36.48%], Skelton (NJ)[452, 10.4, 37.77%], McLanahan (PA)[452, 10.18, 39.48%], Sweetser (OH)[449, 10.02, 36.91%], Jones (PA)[451, 9.98, 37.77%], Caskie (VA)[451, 9.98, 38.63%], Howard (TX)[452, 9.96, 37.34%], Johnson (GA)[452, 9.96, 37.34%], Grow (PA)[452, 9.73, 37.34%], Abercrombie (AL)[452, 9.73, 37.77%], Dean (NY)[451, 9.53, 36.91%], Bartlett (VT)[451, 9.31, 37.34%], Scurry (TX)[451, 9.31, 36.48%], Perkins (NH)[446, 9.19, 36.91%], Ives (NY)[447, 8.95, 39.06%], Hebard (VT)[448, 8.93, 36.05%], Faulkner (VA)[451, 8.87, 37.77%], Tuck (NH)[448, 8.48, 36.05%], Mason (KY)[447, 8.28, 36.91%], Churchwell (TN)[449, 8.24, 37.34%], Johnson (TN)[448, 7.59, 37.77%]

Venable (NC)[449, 7.57, 37.34%], Cullom (TN)[452, 7.52, 36.91%], Jones (NY)[448, 7.37, 39.06%], Howe (NY)[449, 7.13, 36.91%], Bailey (GA)[450, 6.89, 36.91%], Ashe (NC)[452, 6.64, 36.91%], Boyd (NY)[450, 6.44, 35.19%], Meacham (VT)[449, 6.24, 36.48%] , Chastain (GA)[452, 5.53, 36.91%], Stephens (GA)[452, 5.31, 36.48%], Powell (VA)[452, 4.65, 36.48%], Toombs (GA)[451, 4.43, 35.62%], Savage (TN)[448, 4.24, 36.48%], Stevens (PA)[450, 3.56, 35.19%], McMullen (VA)[448, 3.35, 36.91%], Beale (VA)[449, 3.34, 37.34%], Hibbard (NH)[451, 3.33, 37.77%], Burt (SC)[452, 3.32, 34.33%], Buell (NY)[381, 3.15, 36.91%], Dunham (IN)[449, 2.67, 36.48%], Aiken (SC)[449, 2.45, 36.48%], Hillyer (GA)[452, 2.21, 36.05%], Bocock (VA)[448, 2.01, 37.34%], Holladay (VA)[449, 1.34, 36.91%], Cable (OH)[447, 1.12, 36.05%], Bragg (AL)[452, 0.88, 38.2%], Hamilton (MD)[451, 0.67, 36.91%], Hammond (MD)[452, 0.44, 35.19%], Boyd (KY)[451, 0, 32.62%]

Daniel (NC)[452, -0.22, 36.48%], Murphey (GA)[451, -0.22, 36.48%], Russell (NY)[452, -0.44, 35.19%], Morehead (NC)[449, -0.45, 36.05%], King (NY)[449, -1.11, 37.34%], Jenkins (NY)[448, -2.9, 36.48%], Colcock (SC)[452, -3.32, 35.19%], Letcher (VA)[452, -3.32, 37.34%], Jones (TN)[448, -3.57, 36.05%], Harris (TN)[448, -3.79, 36.05%], Orr (SC)[448, -3.79, 35.62%], Woodward (SC)[450, -5.78, 36.48%], Wildrick (NJ)[452, -6.19, 35.19%], Millson (VA)[447, -7.16, 35.62%], Ross (PA)[452, -8.41, 36.05%], Averett (VA)[448, -8.71, 35.19%], McQueen (SC)[448, -8.71, 34.76%], Floyd (NY)[447, -13.2, 34.33%], Wallace (SC)[449, -14.92, 35.19%]

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