I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.
-President Abraham Lincoln
Secondary Mode Bin: (-20)-(-10)
Majority Line Leader: Buffinton (MA) - 59.24
Opposition Leader: Wickliffe (KY) - (-24.17)
Best Network: Chamberlain (NY) - 45.9%
Worst Network: Smith (NY) - 30.6%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Buffinton (MA)/Eliot (MA) - 81%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Bingham (OH)/Wickliffe (KY) - 15%
Buffinton (MA)[628, 59.24, 44.26%], Loomis (CT)[628, 56.53, 44.81%], Colfax (IN)[627, 56.14, 45.36%], Eliot (MA)[628, 55.73, 44.26%], Shellabarger (OH)[627, 55.5, 43.72%], Blake (OH)[628, 55.41, 44.26%], Rollins (NH)[629, 53.9, 44.81%], Sargent (CA)[579, 53.89, 45.36%], Kelley (PA)[628, 53.5, 44.81%], Low (CA)[389, 53.21, 41.53%], Aldrich (MN)[629, 53.1, 43.72%], Chamberlain (NY)[628, 52.87, 45.9%], Hahn (LA)[99, 52.53, 44.81%], Rice (ME)[627, 52.47, 45.9%], Fessenden (ME)[270, 51.48, 42.08%], Walker (MA)[269, 51.3, 43.17%], Bingham (OH)[628, 50.8, 43.72%], Windom (MN)[629, 50.4, 44.26%], White (IN)[628, 50.32, 44.81%], Julian (IN)[628, 49.68, 44.81%], Moorhead (PA)[626, 49.68, 45.36%], Hutchins (OH)[626, 49.36, 44.26%], Fessenden (ME)[628, 49.2, 43.72%], Verree (PA)[623, 48.64, 43.72%], Beaman (MI)[628, 48.25, 43.17%], Ashley (OH)[628, 47.93, 44.26%], Riddle (OH)[628, 47.77, 44.81%], Hooper (MA)[577, 47.31, 43.17%], Trowbridge (MI)[628, 47.29, 44.26%], Baxter (VT)[627, 47.21, 43.17%], Babbitt (PA)[628, 47.13, 44.26%], Worcester (OH)[626, 46.81, 44.81%], Shanks (IN)[628, 46.66, 44.81%], Wilson (IA)[578, 46.54, 42.08%], Wallace (PA)[627, 46.09, 44.81%], Pike (ME)[628, 45.86, 45.36%], Van Horn (NY)[628, 45.54, 44.81%], Baker (NY)[628, 45.54, 43.72%], Rice (MA)[626, 45.21, 45.9%], Alley (MA)[627, 44.98, 45.9%], Sedgwick (NY)[628, 44.27, 43.72%], Phelps (CA)[576, 44.1, 42.08%], Gurley (OH)[626, 43.93, 44.81%], Lovejoy (IL)[626, 43.61, 43.17%], Cutler (OH)[629, 43.56, 43.72%], McPherson (PA)[628, 43.31, 43.17%], McKnight (PA)[625, 43.2, 44.81%], Mitchell (IN)[629, 43.08, 43.17%], Frank (NY)[628, 42.99, 44.26%], Morrill (VT)[629, 42.93, 43.72%], Washburne (IL)[629, 42.93, 43.72%], Porter (IN)[626, 42.81, 44.26%], Ely (NY)[629, 42.77, 44.26%], Stevens (PA)[629, 42.77, 44.26%], Arnold (IL)[625, 42.24, 43.72%], Pomeroy (NY)[625, 42.08, 45.36%], Gooch (MA)[627, 41.95, 44.26%], Kellogg (MI)[628, 41.56, 43.72%], Franchot (NY)[626, 40.89, 42.08%], Lansing (NY)[629, 40.86, 44.26%], Walton (ME)[218, 40.83, 41.53%], Wheeler (NY)[628, 40.61, 45.36%], Fenton (NY)[627, 40.51, 43.72%], Clark (NY)[629, 40.06, 45.36%], Edwards (NH)[628, 39.81, 44.81%], Campbell (PA)[625, 39.68, 44.81%], Davis (PA)[627, 39.55, 44.81%], Dunn (IN)[630, 39.52, 43.72%], Goodwin (ME)[628, 39.33, 43.17%], Blair (MO)[309, 39.16, 42.62%], Olin (NY)[627, 38.76, 43.17%], Flanders (LA)[80, 38.75, 43.17%], Patton (PA)[628, 38.69, 43.72%], Edgerton (OH)[629, 38.47, 44.81%], Stratton (NJ)[626, 38.18, 44.26%], Morrill (ME)[626, 37.86, 43.72%], Sherman (NY)[628, 37.58, 42.08%], Trimble (OH)[627, 37.32, 43.17%], Dawes (MA)[627, 36.68, 44.26%], Nixon (NJ)[627, 36.68, 44.81%], Blair (PA)[625, 36, 42.62%], Spaulding (NY)[629, 35.61, 44.81%], Upton (VA)[121, 35.54, 43.17%], Sloan (WI)[627, 34.77, 44.26%], Potter (WI)[626, 34.19, 42.08%], Curtis (IA)[44, 34.09, 36.61%], Duell (NY)[629, 33.07, 42.08%], Conkling (NY)[628, 32.96, 41.53%], Hale (PA)[626, 32.27, 42.62%], Wall (NY)[628, 32.17, 42.62%], Van Valkenburgh (NY)[628, 32.01, 43.17%], Sheffield (RI)[625, 31.84, 42.08%], Harrison (OH)[626, 31.63, 42.08%], Conkling (NY)[628, 31.21, 42.08%], Granger (MI)[628, 30.89, 43.17%], Walton (VT)[628, 30.57, 43.17%], Kellogg (IL)[627, 29.19, 42.62%], Train (MA)[625, 28.8, 41.53%], Covode (PA)[628, 28.66, 40.98%] , Thayer (OR)[35, 28.57, 34.43%], Thomas (MA)[627, 27.75, 42.62%], McKean (NY)[629, 27.66, 41.53%], Hanchett (WI)[360, 26.94, 42.62%], McIndoe (WI)[189, 25.4, 42.62%], Grow (PA)[8, 25, 33.88%], Casey (KY)[495, 24.65, 39.34%], Hickman (PA)[623, 24.08, 43.72%], Horton (OH)[627, 23.44, 43.72%], Fisher (DE)[625, 23.2, 42.62%], Delano (MA)[628, 22.61, 43.72%], Lehman (PA)[625, 20.64, 42.62%], Van Wyck (NY)[627, 20.57, 40.44%], Diven (NY)[626, 19.65, 41.53%], Bailey (MA)[200, 18.5, 39.34%], Carlile (VA)[11, 18.18, 46.45%], Noell (MO)[626, 16.61, 42.62%], Blair (WV)[579, 16.58, 42.62%], Haight (NY)[626, 16.45, 41.53%], Appleton (MA)[49, 16.33, 32.79%], Bridges (TN)[63, 15.87, 39.89%], Killinger (PA)[627, 15.63, 41.53%], Burnham (CT)[629, 13.99, 39.89%], Brown (VA)[629, 13.2, 39.89%], Marston (NH)[629, 11.61, 40.98%], Whaley (WV)[627, 11, 41.53%], Segar (VA)[438, 10.73, 41.53%], Conway (KS)[629, 10.49, 39.89%], Thomas (MD)[628, 8.6, 40.44%], Maynard (TN)[578, 7.96, 37.7%], Leary (MD)[627, 7.81, 40.44%], Clements (TN)[552, 5.98, 39.89%], Wright (PA)[628, 5.41, 40.44%], Odell (NY)[628, 5.25, 40.44%], English (CT)[627, 4.47, 39.89%], Steele (NY)[628, 4.3, 40.98%], Browne (RI)[629, 3.82, 38.8%], Vandever (IA)[627, 3.67, 38.8%], Cobb (NJ)[624, 2.72, 41.53%], Vibbard (NY)[625, 1.76, 39.89%], Cooper (PA)[142, 0.7, 34.97%], Bailey (PA)[627, 0.64, 40.44%], Phelps (MO)[630, 0.32, 37.7%], Corwin (OH)[1, 0, 21.31%], Smith (NY)[626, 0, 30.6%], Clark (MO)[15, 0, 39.89%]
McKenzie (VA)[99, -1.01, 35.52%], Delaplaine (NY)[629, -1.11, 38.25%], Woodruff (CT)[627, -1.91, 39.89%], McClernand (IL)[49, -2.04, 36.61%], Webster (MD)[626, -2.56, 39.34%], Jackson (KY)[337, -2.97, 36.07%], Ward (NY)[630, -3.17, 39.34%], Corning (NY)[626, -3.19, 39.89%], Rollins (MO)[629, -3.34, 39.34%], Perry (NJ)[628, -5.1, 39.34%], Price (MO)[537, -5.59, 37.7%], Fouke (IL)[627, -5.9, 38.25%], Nugen (OH)[630, -6.19, 37.7%], Crisfield (MD)[627, -7.34, 38.25%], Wood (NY)[628, -7.64, 38.25%], Logan (IL)[142, -8.45, 33.88%], Richardson (IL)[485, -8.66, 39.34%], Lazear (PA)[626, -8.95, 38.8%], Crittenden (KY)[627, -9.57, 38.8%], Steele (NJ)[626, -10.54, 39.89%], Cravens (IN)[623, -10.75, 38.8%], Noble (OH)[624, -11.54, 38.25%], Biddle (PA)[578, -11.59, 36.07%], Kerrigan (NY)[630, -11.59, 37.16%], Dunlap (KY)[628, -11.78, 37.7%], Menzies (KY)[627, -11.8, 38.25%], Calvert (MD)[628, -11.94, 38.25%], Hall (MO)[538, -12.08, 37.7%], Mallory (KY)[627, -12.44, 38.25%], Allen (OH)[623, -13.64, 36.61%], Cox (OH)[624, -14.42, 38.25%], May (MD)[629, -14.63, 36.61%], Grider (KY)[629, -14.79, 38.25%], Wadsworth (KY)[629, -15.1, 38.25%], Allen (IL)[390, -15.13, 37.7%], Voorhees (IN)[626, -15.18, 38.25%], Holman (IN)[624, -15.22, 38.25%], Law (IN)[627, -15.63, 37.16%], Johnson (PA)[623, -17.17, 37.7%], Norton (MO)[627, -17.22, 37.16%], Morris (OH)[619, -17.45, 36.07%], Vallandigham (OH)[621, -17.87, 37.16%], Ancona (PA)[624, -17.95, 36.61%], Robinson (IL)[624, -18.59, 37.7%], White (OH)[624, -19.55, 37.16%], Shiel (OR)[593, -20.57, 36.07%], Pendleton (OH)[623, -21.03, 36.07%], Knapp (IL)[570, -21.05, 36.07%], Reid (MO)[47, -23.4, 30.6%], Harding (KY)[628, -24.04, 37.16%], Wickliffe (KY)[629, -24.17, 36.07%], Stiles (PA)[389, -34.7, 31.69%], Yeaman (KY)[269, -36.06, 33.33%], Burnett (KY)[52, -46.15, 32.79%]
Raw data source: Govtrack.us