Post Summary: The Factions of Rep.
James Garfield, Including Opposition Groups
But when he comes to study the secret propensities which govern the factions of America, he easily perceives that the greater part of them are more or less connected with one or the other of those two divisions which have always existed in free communities....but I affirm that aristocratic or democratic passions may easily be detected at the bottom of all parties, and that, although they escape a superficial observation, they are the main point and the very soul of every faction in the United States.
-Alexis de Tocqueville,
Democracy in America
Note: Garfield (OH) was not a significant participant of the 46th Congress.
38th Congress, House
Garfield's faction and its opposition
In the range of 63% to less or equal to 100% affinity
Windom (MN)-Spalding (OH) Faction
mean Majority Index - 39, max Majority Index - 48.5, min Majority Index - 27.88, number - 65
Windom (MN)[600, 48.5, 41.85%],
Perham (ME)[600, 46.5, 41.85%],
Rice (MA)[600, 46.33, 41.3%],
Driggs (MI)[600, 45.5, 41.3%],
Beaman (MI)[600, 45, 41.3%],
Boyd (MO)[600, 45, 41.85%],
Marvin (NY)[600, 44.83, 41.85%],
McClurg (MO)[600, 44.17, 41.3%],
Allison (IA)[599, 43.91, 41.85%],
Baxter (VT)[599, 43.91, 41.3%],
Rice (ME)[599, 43.74, 42.39%],
Eliot (MA)[599, 43.57, 41.85%],
Hubbard (IA)[599, 43.24, 41.85%],
Longyear (MI)[600, 43.17, 41.3%],
Ames (MA)[599, 42.9, 40.76%],
Moorhead (PA)[600, 42.67, 40.22%],
Thayer (PA)[598, 42.47, 42.39%],
Baldwin (MA)[600, 42.33, 41.85%],
Wilson (IA)[598, 42.31, 41.85%],
Myers (PA)[599, 41.9, 41.85%],
Washburn (MA)[600, 41.67, 42.39%],
Broomall (PA)[600, 41.5, 40.76%],
Dawes (MA)[600, 41.33, 40.76%],
O'Neill (PA)[600, 41.17, 41.85%],
Kellogg (MI)[600, 40.5, 40.76%],
Miller (NY)[600, 40.5, 41.3%],
Price (IA)[600, 40, 42.39%],
Myers (PA)[600, 40, 40.22%],
Shannon (CA)[600, 39.83, 41.3%],
Morris (NY)[600, 39.67, 41.85%],
Wilder (KS)[599, 39.57, 40.76%],
Cobb (WI)[600, 38.83, 39.67%],
Upson (MI)[600, 38.83, 40.22%],
Higby (CA)[600, 38.67, 41.3%],
Boutwell (MA)[600, 38.33, 41.85%],
Ashley (OH)[598, 38.13, 40.22%],
Cole (CA)[600, 37.83, 40.76%],
Kelley (PA)[600, 37.67, 40.76%],
Alley (MA)[598, 37.12, 40.22%],
Kellogg (NY)[598, 36.96, 41.85%],
Norton (IL)[599, 36.73, 41.3%],
Hotchkiss (NY)[600, 36.67, 40.22%],
Morrill (VT)[600, 36.5, 40.76%],
Rollins (NH)[600, 36.17, 40.76%],
Hooper (MA)[600, 36.17, 40.22%],
Julian (IN)[599, 35.89, 39.67%],
Williams (PA)[600, 35.83, 40.76%],
Hubbard (CT)[600, 35.67, 40.22%],
Scofield (PA)[599, 35.56, 40.76%],
Grinnell (IA)[599, 35.39, 39.67%],
Pike (ME)[600, 35.33, 41.3%],
Frank (NY)[600, 34.83, 40.22%],
McBride (OR)[599, 34.56, 40.22%],
Garfield (OH)[600, 34.5, 39.67%],
Clark (NY)[599, 34.22, 39.67%],
Smithers (DE)[599, 34.22, 41.3%],
Eckley (OH)[600, 32.67, 39.67%],
Loan (MO)[600, 32.5, 40.22%],
Washburne (IL)[599, 32.05, 40.22%],
Orth (IN)[600, 31.83, 41.3%],
Stevens (PA)[600, 31.83, 39.67%],
Dixon (RI)[600, 31.33, 40.22%],
Pomeroy (NY)[600, 31, 41.3%],
Schenck (OH)[599, 29.55, 41.3%],
Spalding (OH)[599, 27.88, 39.13%]
Opposition in the range of <= 25% of agreement - Long (OH)-Eldredge (WI)
mean Majority Index - (-15), max Majority Index - (-13.97), min Majority Index - (-15.35), number - 2
Long (OH)[594, -13.97, 35.33%], Eldredge (WI)[593, -15.35, 35.87%]
Faction that Garfield opposed
In the range of 63% to less than or equal to 100% affinity
Ganson (NY)-Pendleton (OH)
mean Majority Index - -10, max Majority Index - 4.69, min Majority Index - -19.7, number - 30
Ganson (NY)[597, 4.69, 38.04%],
Kernan (NY)[594, -0.84, 39.13%],
Steele (NY)[596, -1.17, 37.5%],
Baldwin (MI)[595, -3.87, 37.5%],
Herrick (NY)[594, -4.88, 37.5%],
White (OH)[593, -5.06, 37.5%],
Grider (KY)[598, -6.19, 37.5%],
Law (IN)[596, -7.38, 36.41%],
Edgerton (IN)[594, -7.58, 36.96%],
Strouse (PA)[594, -8.25, 36.96%],
Dawson (PA)[595, -8.91, 36.96%],
Cox (OH)[594, -9.09, 36.41%],
O'Neill (OH)[594, -9.26, 35.87%],
Chanler (NY)[596, -9.56, 35.87%],
Harding (KY)[596, -10.74, 36.96%],
Knapp (IL)[594, -10.94, 34.78%],
Ross (IL)[595, -11.09, 36.41%],
Morrison (IL)[596, -12.42, 35.87%],
Noble (OH)[594, -12.46, 36.41%],
Holman (IN)[595, -12.94, 36.96%],
Morris (OH)[594, -12.96, 35.87%],
Marcy (NH)[594, -13.8, 35.33%],
Long (OH)[594, -13.97, 35.33%],
Stiles (PA)[593, -14, 35.33%],
Finck (OH)[594, -15.15, 37.5%],
Eldredge (WI)[593, -15.35, 35.87%],
Eden (IL)[595, -15.8, 36.41%],
Ancona (PA)[594, -16.16, 35.87%],
Denison (PA)[595, -18.99, 35.87%],
Pendleton (OH)[594, -19.7, 35.33%]
Opposition in the range of <= 28% of agreement - Windom (MN)-Spalding (OH)
mean Majority Index - 39, max Majority Index - 48.5, min Majority Index - 27.88, number - 26
Windom (MN)[600, 48.5, 41.85%], Perham (ME)[600, 46.5, 41.85%], Driggs (MI)[600, 45.5, 41.3%], Beaman (MI)[600, 45, 41.3%], McClurg (MO)[600, 44.17, 41.3%], Baxter (VT)[599, 43.91, 41.3%], Myers (PA)[599, 41.9, 41.85%], O'Neill (PA)[600, 41.17, 41.85%], Kellogg (MI)[600, 40.5, 40.76%], Myers (PA)[600, 40, 40.22%], Shannon (CA)[600, 39.83, 41.3%], Jenckes (RI)[600, 39.67, 40.22%], Wilder (KS)[599, 39.57, 40.76%], Van Valkenburgh (NY)[599, 39.07, 40.76%], Upson (MI)[600, 38.83, 40.22%], Higby (CA)[600, 38.67, 41.3%], Ashley (OH)[598, 38.13, 40.22%], Cole (CA)[600, 37.83, 40.76%], Kelley (PA)[600, 37.67, 40.76%], Morrill (VT)[600, 36.5, 40.76%], Julian (IN)[599, 35.89, 39.67%], Patterson (NH)[600, 34.67, 40.22%], Garfield (OH)[600, 34.5, 39.67%], Clark (NY)[599, 34.22, 39.67%], Loan (MO)[600, 32.5, 40.22%], Spalding (OH)[599, 27.88, 39.13%]
39th Congress, House
Garfield's faction and its opposition
In the range of 65% to less or equal to 100% affinity
Garfield (OH)-Morrill (VT) Faction
mean Majority Index - 40, max Majority Index - 41.8, min Majority Index - 39.12, number - 2
Garfield (OH)[610, 41.8, 44.56%],
Morrill (VT)[611, 39.12, 44.04%]
Opposition in the range of <= 22% of agreement - Eldredge (WI)-Finck (OH)
mean Majority Index - (-30), max Majority Index - (-28.41), min Majority Index - (-33.94), number - 3
Eldredge (WI)[609, -28.41, 33.68%], Niblack (IN)[606, -28.71, 33.16%], Finck (OH)[607, -33.94, 33.16%]
Faction that Garfield opposed
In the range of 65% to less than or equal to 100% affinity
Thornton (IL)-Harding (KY)
mean Majority Index - (-26), max Majority Index - (-15.57), min Majority Index - (-39.12), number - 15
Thornton (IL)[610, -15.57, 36.27%],
Boyer (PA)[609, -18.06, 35.23%],
Taber (NY)[610, -19.02, 34.72%],
Ancona (PA)[609, -19.05, 34.2%],
Ross (IL)[609, -19.87, 36.27%],
Le Blond (OH)[608, -22.86, 33.68%],
Nicholson (DE)[610, -23.11, 33.16%],
Glossbrenner (PA)[610, -27.21, 33.68%],
Eldredge (WI)[609, -28.41, 33.68%],
Niblack (IN)[606, -28.71, 33.16%],
Trimble (KY)[610, -30.66, 32.64%],
Shanklin (KY)[610, -31.48, 33.16%],
Finck (OH)[607, -33.94, 33.16%],
Ritter (KY)[609, -36.12, 32.64%],
Harding (KY)[611, -39.12, 32.64%]
Opposition in the range of <= 28% of agreement - Welker (OH)-Baldwin (MA)
mean Majority Index - 47, max Majority Index - 60.16, min Majority Index - 30.05, number - 42
Welker (OH)[610, 60.16, 47.15%], O'Neill (PA)[610, 58.52, 46.11%], Bidwell (CA)[611, 55.81, 45.6%], Perham (ME)[610, 55.25, 47.67%], Longyear (MI)[610, 54.75, 46.63%], Allison (IA)[610, 54.75, 45.6%], Holmes (NY)[611, 53.52, 46.63%], Kelley (PA)[610, 53.44, 47.15%], Myers (PA)[607, 53.05, 45.08%], Upson (MI)[610, 52.13, 46.11%], Baxter (VT)[610, 52.13, 46.11%], Higby (CA)[611, 51.39, 45.08%], Donnelly (MN)[611, 51.39, 45.08%], Van Horn (NY)[611, 51.06, 46.11%], Price (IA)[610, 50.66, 45.08%], Van Aernam (NY)[611, 49.92, 46.11%], Eliot (MA)[610, 48.69, 44.56%], Wilson (PA)[610, 48.2, 46.63%], Lynch (ME)[611, 47.95, 46.11%], McClurg (MO)[610, 47.7, 45.08%], Morris (NY)[610, 47.05, 44.56%], Trowbridge (MI)[611, 46.97, 45.6%], Beaman (MI)[610, 46.23, 45.6%], Schenck (OH)[610, 46.07, 44.04%], Hooper (MA)[611, 44.68, 45.6%], Rollins (NH)[611, 43.86, 45.6%], Grinnell (IA)[609, 43.84, 44.56%], Plants (OH)[611, 43.21, 45.08%], Ashley (OH)[610, 42.62, 45.6%], Driggs (MI)[607, 42.5, 41.97%], Miller (PA)[608, 42.27, 43.01%], Eckley (OH)[610, 41.97, 43.01%], Williams (PA)[608, 41.94, 44.56%], Garfield (OH)[610, 41.8, 44.56%], Kelso (MO)[611, 39.93, 43.52%], Hulburd (NY)[610, 39.51, 43.52%], Morrill (VT)[611, 39.12, 44.04%], Broomall (PA)[609, 38.92, 44.04%], Hart (NY)[610, 38.36, 44.04%], Conkling (NY)[611, 37.64, 41.97%], Ames (MA)[609, 34.32, 42.49%], Baldwin (MA)[609, 30.05, 44.56%]
40th Congress, House
Garfield's faction and its opposition
In the range of 57% to less or equal to 100% affinity
O'Neill (PA)-Baker (IL) Faction
mean Majority Index - 42, max Majority Index - 56.26, min Majority Index - 20.45, number - 89
O'Neill (PA)[711, 56.26, 46.02%],
Ferry (MI)[714, 56.16, 46.02%],
Ferriss (NY)[714, 55.32, 46.02%],
Hopkins (WI)[713, 53.02, 46.02%],
Welker (OH)[714, 51.54, 47.35%],
Koontz (PA)[710, 51.13, 45.13%],
Judd (IL)[714, 50.84, 46.02%],
Julian (IN)[713, 50.49, 45.13%],
Paine (WI)[714, 50, 45.13%],
Sawyer (WI)[714, 50, 45.58%],
Buckland (OH)[714, 49.3, 45.13%],
Allison (IA)[711, 49.09, 44.69%],
Trowbridge (MI)[714, 49.02, 45.13%],
Beaman (MI)[714, 49.02, 45.13%],
Miller (PA)[714, 48.88, 45.58%],
Myers (PA)[712, 48.17, 45.13%],
Driggs (MI)[714, 47.76, 44.69%],
Upson (MI)[714, 47.62, 44.69%],
Moore (NJ)[713, 47.55, 44.69%],
Price (IA)[709, 47.39, 44.69%],
Fields (NY)[714, 47.34, 45.13%],
Perham (ME)[714, 47.34, 45.13%],
Churchill (NY)[714, 47.2, 44.69%],
Hubbard (WV)[713, 47.12, 44.69%],
Stokes (TN)[613, 46.49, 44.69%],
Higby (CA)[618, 45.95, 43.81%],
Donnelly (MN)[712, 45.93, 42.92%],
Polsley (WV)[713, 45.72, 43.81%],
Morrell (PA)[711, 45.43, 43.36%],
Twichell (MA)[713, 45.02, 44.69%],
Starkweather (CT)[653, 44.87, 43.81%],
Mercur (PA)[714, 44.68, 42.04%],
Robertson (NY)[714, 44.54, 45.13%],
Clarke (OH)[712, 44.24, 44.25%],
Peters (ME)[712, 44.24, 44.25%],
Scofield (PA)[712, 43.96, 42.48%],
Van Horn (NY)[710, 43.94, 42.92%],
Wilson (OH)[714, 43.84, 44.69%],
Eliot (MA)[712, 43.82, 44.25%],
Plants (OH)[713, 43.76, 44.69%],
Coburn (IN)[713, 43.48, 45.13%],
Cullom (IL)[713, 43.34, 44.69%],
Mallory (OR)[697, 43.33, 43.36%],
Hooper (MA)[714, 43.14, 44.25%],
Loughridge (IA)[714, 43.14, 44.25%],
Ames (MA)[712, 42.7, 43.36%],
Banks (MA)[713, 42.5, 43.36%],
Hunter (IN)[712, 42.42, 44.69%],
Moorhead (PA)[711, 42.19, 44.25%],
Ingersoll (IL)[714, 42.16, 42.92%],
Clarke (KS)[714, 41.74, 44.25%],
Blair (MI)[714, 41.74, 43.36%],
Beatty (OH)[514, 41.63, 42.48%],
Cobb (WI)[714, 40.48, 44.25%],
Garfield (OH)[712, 40.45, 43.81%],
Williams (IN)[711, 40.37, 43.81%],
Washburn (MA)[714, 39.78, 43.81%],
Laflin (NY)[712, 39.61, 42.92%],
Dawes (MA)[714, 39.5, 43.36%],
Taylor (PA)[714, 39.22, 43.36%],
Maynard (TN)[615, 39.02, 42.48%],
Broomall (PA)[714, 38.94, 43.81%],
Newcomb (MO)[714, 38.94, 43.36%],
Jenckes (RI)[653, 38.9, 44.25%],
Smith (VT)[713, 38.85, 43.36%],
Washburn (WI)[712, 38.2, 42.92%],
Boutwell (MA)[714, 38.1, 44.25%],
Ketcham (NY)[714, 37.68, 43.81%],
Kelley (PA)[711, 37.27, 43.36%],
Schenck (OH)[714, 37.25, 42.92%],
Covode (PA)[714, 37.25, 44.25%],
Hulburd (NY)[712, 36.8, 43.36%],
Wilson (IA)[713, 36.47, 44.69%],
Gravely (MO)[713, 36.47, 44.25%],
Mullins (TN)[617, 36.3, 42.04%],
Kelsey (NY)[714, 36.13, 42.04%],
Orth (IN)[714, 35.99, 43.81%],
Van Horn (MO)[710, 34.79, 42.48%],
Shanks (IN)[711, 34.6, 44.25%],
Lawrence (OH)[714, 34.45, 42.92%],
Marvin (NY)[713, 33.52, 43.81%],
Logan (IL)[714, 33.19, 42.04%],
Stevens (NH)[693, 33.19, 41.59%],
Poland (VT)[713, 32.82, 42.48%],
Benton (NH)[686, 32.36, 42.48%],
Ward (NY)[714, 31.51, 42.48%],
Cook (IL)[711, 30.1, 41.15%],
Farnsworth (IL)[713, 30.01, 42.48%],
Baker (IL)[714, 20.45, 40.71%]
Opposition in the range of <= 35% of agreement - Nicholson (DE)-Haight (NJ)
mean Majority Index - (-20), max Majority Index - (-14.59), min Majority Index - (-25.95), number - 10
Nicholson (DE)[713, -14.59, 34.07%], Archer (MD)[711, -14.91, 32.74%], Johnson (CA)[615, -17.72, 32.3%], Boyer (PA)[709, -18.9, 33.19%], Van Auken (PA)[712, -19.8, 32.3%], Burr (IL)[711, -20.39, 33.63%], Glossbrenner (PA)[705, -21.99, 32.74%], Marshall (IL)[711, -22.36, 33.63%], Eldredge (WI)[713, -23.42, 32.74%], Haight (NJ)[709, -25.95, 32.3%]
Faction that Garfield opposed
In the range of 70% to less than or equal to 100% affinity
Cary (OH)-Golladay (KY)
mean Majority Index - (-20), max Majority Index - (-0.16), min Majority Index - (-26.97), number - 25
Cary (OH)[618, -0.16, 34.96%],
Mungen (OH)[713, -13.18, 34.07%],
Beck (KY)[611, -14.57, 33.63%],
Nicholson (DE)[713, -14.59, 34.07%],
Archer (MD)[711, -14.91, 32.74%],
Hotchkiss (CT)[653, -15.77, 34.07%],
Kerr (IN)[708, -16.1, 33.63%],
Johnson (CA)[615, -17.72, 32.3%],
Randall (PA)[708, -18.22, 33.63%],
Boyer (PA)[709, -18.9, 33.19%],
Holman (IN)[710, -19.15, 32.74%],
Van Auken (PA)[712, -19.8, 32.3%],
Grover (KY)[612, -19.93, 32.74%],
Burr (IL)[711, -20.39, 33.63%],
Glossbrenner (PA)[705, -21.99, 32.74%],
Taber (NY)[712, -22.33, 32.74%],
Marshall (IL)[711, -22.36, 33.63%],
Knott (KY)[611, -22.75, 31.86%],
Eldredge (WI)[713, -23.42, 32.74%],
Ross (IL)[712, -24.3, 32.3%],
Van Trump (OH)[712, -24.58, 32.74%],
Getz (PA)[712, -25.14, 31.86%],
Haight (NJ)[709, -25.95, 32.3%],
Niblack (IN)[710, -26.9, 31.86%],
Golladay (KY)[608, -26.97, 31.86%]
Opposition in the range of <= 30% of agreement - Driggs (MI)-Williams (PA)
mean Majority Index - 39, max Majority Index - 47.76, min Majority Index - 23.31, number - 32
Driggs (MI)[714, 47.76, 44.69%], Upson (MI)[714, 47.62, 44.69%], Fields (NY)[714, 47.34, 45.13%], Churchill (NY)[714, 47.2, 44.69%], Raum (IL)[711, 45.57, 43.81%], Morrell (PA)[711, 45.43, 43.36%], Clarke (OH)[712, 44.24, 44.25%], Scofield (PA)[712, 43.96, 42.48%], Eliot (MA)[712, 43.82, 44.25%], Plants (OH)[713, 43.76, 44.69%], Hooper (MA)[714, 43.14, 44.25%], Ames (MA)[712, 42.7, 43.36%], Garfield (OH)[712, 40.45, 43.81%], Windom (MN)[714, 40.34, 43.36%], Washburn (MA)[714, 39.78, 43.81%], Maynard (TN)[615, 39.02, 42.48%], Broomall (PA)[714, 38.94, 43.81%], Boutwell (MA)[714, 38.1, 44.25%], Kelley (PA)[711, 37.27, 43.36%], Covode (PA)[714, 37.25, 44.25%], Schenck (OH)[714, 37.25, 42.92%], Kelsey (NY)[714, 36.13, 42.04%], Ashley (OH)[713, 35.48, 43.36%], Pile (MO)[713, 34.08, 42.04%], Stevens (NH)[693, 33.19, 41.59%], Logan (IL)[714, 33.19, 42.04%], Eckley (OH)[711, 33.05, 43.81%], Benton (NH)[686, 32.36, 42.48%], Ward (NY)[714, 31.51, 42.48%], Cook (IL)[711, 30.1, 41.15%], Butler (MA)[703, 29.73, 40.71%], Williams (PA)[712, 23.31, 41.15%]
41st Congress, House
Garfield's faction and its opposition
In the range of 54% to less or equal to 100% affinity
Conger (MI)-Hay (IL) Faction
mean Majority Index - 39, max Majority Index - 58.57, min Majority Index - 11.43, number - 112
Conger (MI)[630, 58.57, 47.74%],
Brooks (MA)[548, 56.02, 46.09%],
Allison (IA)[630, 55.71, 46.5%],
O'Neill (PA)[628, 55.41, 46.5%],
Twichell (MA)[630, 54.76, 46.91%],
Prosser (TN)[627, 52.95, 45.27%],
Churchill (NY)[628, 52.87, 45.68%],
Stoughton (MI)[629, 52.31, 46.5%],
Harris (MS)[481, 51.77, 43.62%],
Atwood (WI)[482, 51.04, 44.86%],
Tillman (TN)[630, 50, 44.44%],
Starkweather (CT)[568, 50, 46.09%],
Myers (PA)[564, 49.65, 45.68%],
Buckley (AL)[546, 49.63, 44.03%],
Hooper (MA)[630, 49.21, 44.86%],
Morrell (PA)[626, 49.04, 46.09%],
Stokes (TN)[627, 48.96, 45.68%],
Sheldon (LA)[569, 48.86, 45.27%],
Ketcham (NY)[629, 48.81, 44.44%],
Kellogg (CT)[568, 48.77, 44.44%],
Wheeler (NY)[626, 48.72, 43.62%],
Smyth (IA)[472, 48.52, 44.44%],
Pomeroy (IA)[629, 48.49, 45.68%],
Sawyer (WI)[628, 48.25, 46.09%],
Ferriss (NY)[629, 48.17, 46.5%],
Tanner (NY)[629, 47.38, 44.86%],
Hoar (MA)[629, 47.06, 45.27%],
Kelley (PA)[627, 46.73, 46.09%],
Upson (OH)[628, 46.66, 44.86%],
Townsend (PA)[625, 46.08, 44.86%],
Packard (IN)[630, 46.03, 46.5%],
McCarthy (NY)[629, 45.79, 43.21%],
Fisher (NY)[629, 45.47, 44.44%],
Palmer (IA)[629, 45.31, 43.21%],
Banks (MA)[628, 45.06, 43.21%],
Strickland (MI)[629, 44.99, 45.27%],
McCrary (IA)[630, 44.92, 44.44%],
Phelps (PA)[630, 44.92, 44.86%],
Armstrong (PA)[630, 44.44, 44.03%],
Burdett (MO)[630, 44.29, 44.03%],
Bingham (OH)[629, 43.88, 44.44%],
Negley (PA)[629, 42.29, 43.62%],
Cowles (NY)[629, 41.65, 44.03%],
Laflin (NY)[628, 41.56, 42.39%],
Dawes (MA)[630, 41.27, 42.8%],
Jenckes (RI)[630, 41.27, 43.21%],
Blair (MI)[630, 41.11, 44.86%],
Paine (WI)[630, 41.11, 45.68%],
Butler (TN)[627, 40.83, 43.21%],
Tyner (IN)[629, 40.7, 46.09%],
Buffinton (MA)[630, 40.16, 46.5%],
Garfield (OH)[630, 40, 43.21%],
Washburn (WI)[628, 39.97, 42.8%],
Judd (IL)[629, 39.9, 44.03%],
Kelsey (NY)[629, 39.75, 44.03%],
Ames (MA)[628, 39.65, 42.39%],
Donley (PA)[630, 39.52, 44.03%],
Ferry (MI)[628, 39.49, 43.62%],
Peters (ME)[627, 38.92, 42.39%],
Strong (CT)[568, 38.73, 43.62%],
Smith (OH)[631, 38.51, 45.27%],
Bennett (NY)[630, 38.25, 44.03%],
Washburn (MA)[630, 38.25, 41.98%],
Cessna (PA)[625, 38.08, 43.62%],
Sargent (CA)[629, 37.84, 44.03%],
Taffe (NE)[630, 37.78, 41.98%],
Fitch (NV)[622, 37.78, 43.62%],
Hawley (IL)[629, 37.68, 44.86%],
Coburn (IN)[628, 37.42, 44.86%],
Cullom (IL)[626, 37.38, 44.86%],
Lash (NC)[630, 37.3, 43.62%],
Welker (OH)[629, 37.2, 43.21%],
Moore (IL)[628, 36.46, 42.8%],
Gilfillan (PA)[630, 36.35, 42.39%],
Roots (AR)[628, 36.31, 42.39%],
Asper (MO)[626, 35.94, 44.44%],
Knapp (NY)[631, 35.82, 44.03%],
Beaman (MI)[628, 35.67, 43.62%],
Maynard (TN)[627, 35.57, 41.98%],
Van Horn (MO)[627, 35.57, 43.21%],
Stevenson (OH)[630, 35.56, 43.62%],
Williams (IN)[630, 35.4, 45.27%],
Cook (IL)[630, 34.6, 43.62%],
McKenzie (VA)[506, 34.58, 42.8%],
Poland (VT)[628, 34.55, 41.98%],
Clarke (KS)[630, 33.97, 42.8%],
Moore (NJ)[630, 33.65, 44.86%],
Wilkinson (MN)[626, 33.55, 42.39%],
Smith (TN)[630, 33.17, 41.98%],
Packer (PA)[627, 32.54, 42.8%],
Duval (WV)[627, 31.58, 42.8%],
Mercur (PA)[628, 31.05, 43.62%],
Benton (NH)[612, 29.74, 41.15%],
Scofield (PA)[629, 29.57, 43.21%],
Orth (IN)[630, 29.52, 44.03%],
McGrew (WV)[627, 29.51, 44.44%],
Loughridge (IA)[625, 28, 41.56%],
Burchard (IL)[547, 27.97, 43.21%],
Arnell (TN)[627, 27.59, 40.74%] ,
Finkelnburg (MO)[624, 27.56, 44.44%],
Moore (OH)[629, 27.34, 42.8%],
Wilson (OH)[629, 27.03, 42.39%],
Shanks (IN)[629, 26.87, 42.39%],
Cobb (WI)[627, 26.79, 43.21%],
Stevens (NH)[613, 25.29, 40.74%],
Willard (VT)[626, 25.24, 41.98%],
Beatty (OH)[630, 24.13, 42.8%],
Ambler (OH)[627, 21.21, 42.39%],
Ela (NH)[615, 21.14, 39.09%],
Lawrence (OH)[625, 19.52, 42.8%],
Farnsworth (IL)[628, 19.11, 41.98%],
Hay (IL)[630, 11.43, 41.98%]
Opposition in the range of <= 35% of agreement - Brooks (NY)-Winchester (KY)
mean Majority Index - (-21), max Majority Index - (-19.78), min Majority Index - (-21.59), number - 2
Brooks (NY)[632, -19.78, 33.74%], Winchester (KY)[616, -21.59, 34.16%]
Faction that Garfield opposed
In the range of 54% to less than or equal to 100% affinity
Axtell (CA)-Van Trump (OH)
mean Majority Index - (-14), max Majority Index - 7.63, min Majority Index - (-27.23), number - 42
Axtell (CA)[629, 7.63, 39.51%],
Calkin (NY)[629, 7, 37.04%],
Wilson (MN)[630, 6.19, 38.27%],
Smith (OR)[630, 3.49, 38.68%],
Johnson (CA)[630, 0.16, 38.68%],
Dox (AL)[543, -2.21, 37.86%],
McCormick (MO)[628, -4.46, 38.27%],
Wells (MO)[631, -5.07, 37.86%],
Swann (MD)[632, -5.7, 38.27%],
Beck (KY)[631, -9.51, 37.45%],
Trimble (KY)[630, -9.68, 37.86%],
Mayham (NY)[628, -9.71, 37.45%],
Potter (NY)[625, -11.68, 37.45%],
Cox (OH)[546, -12.82, 36.21%],
Hamill (MD)[623, -12.84, 37.04%],
Kerr (IN)[626, -13.42, 35.8%],
Wood (NY)[626, -13.42, 36.63%],
Marshall (IL)[625, -13.76, 36.63%],
Archer (MD)[629, -14.15, 36.21%],
Griswold (NY)[631, -14.42, 35.8%],
Getz (PA)[630, -15.08, 37.45%],
Crebs (IL)[624, -15.54, 36.63%],
Jones (KY)[630, -16.35, 33.74%],
Niblack (IN)[627, -16.43, 36.21%],
Morgan (OH)[614, -17.1, 35.8%],
Biggs (DE)[629, -17.33, 34.98%],
Knott (KY)[628, -19.59, 33.74%],
Brooks (NY)[632, -19.78, 33.74%],
Randall (PA)[623, -19.9, 35.39%],
Bird (NJ)[627, -19.94, 35.8%],
Woodward (PA)[626, -20.13, 35.39%],
Winchester (KY)[616, -21.59, 34.16%],
Burr (IL)[625, -21.76, 34.98%],
Holman (IN)[629, -21.78, 35.8%],
Rice (KY)[622, -21.86, 36.21%],
Haldeman (PA)[628, -21.97, 35.39%],
McNeely (IL)[628, -21.97, 34.98%],
Dickinson (OH)[632, -23.73, 34.98%],
Reeves (NY)[630, -24.29, 35.39%],
Eldredge (WI)[629, -24.8, 33.74%],
Stiles (PA)[626, -25.24, 34.16%],
Van Trump (OH)[628, -27.23, 32.51%]
Opposition in the range of <= 37% of agreement - O'Neill (PA)-Lawrence (OH)
mean Majority Index - 39, max Majority Index - 55.41, min Majority Index - 19.52, number - 77
O'Neill (PA)[628, 55.41, 46.5%], Churchill (NY)[628, 52.87, 45.68%], Stoughton (MI)[629, 52.31, 46.5%], Tillman (TN)[630, 50, 44.44%], Starkweather (CT)[568, 50, 46.09%], Stokes (TN)[627, 48.96, 45.68%], Ketcham (NY)[629, 48.81, 44.44%], Wheeler (NY)[626, 48.72, 43.62%], Smyth (IA)[472, 48.52, 44.44%], Sawyer (WI)[628, 48.25, 46.09%], Ferriss (NY)[629, 48.17, 46.5%], Tanner (NY)[629, 47.38, 44.86%], Hoar (MA)[629, 47.06, 45.27%], Kelley (PA)[627, 46.73, 46.09%], Upson (OH)[628, 46.66, 44.86%], Townsend (PA)[625, 46.08, 44.86%], Packard (IN)[630, 46.03, 46.5%], McCarthy (NY)[629, 45.79, 43.21%], Fisher (NY)[629, 45.47, 44.44%], Palmer (IA)[629, 45.31, 43.21%], Strickland (MI)[629, 44.99, 45.27%], Phelps (PA)[630, 44.92, 44.86%], McCrary (IA)[630, 44.92, 44.44%], Armstrong (PA)[630, 44.44, 44.03%], Burdett (MO)[630, 44.29, 44.03%], Negley (PA)[629, 42.29, 43.62%], Cowles (NY)[629, 41.65, 44.03%], Dawes (MA)[630, 41.27, 42.8%], Blair (MI)[630, 41.11, 44.86%], Paine (WI)[630, 41.11, 45.68%], Butler (TN)[627, 40.83, 43.21%], Tyner (IN)[629, 40.7, 46.09%], Buffinton (MA)[630, 40.16, 46.5%], Garfield (OH)[630, 40, 43.21%], Washburn (WI)[628, 39.97, 42.8%], Judd (IL)[629, 39.9, 44.03%], Kelsey (NY)[629, 39.75, 44.03%], Ames (MA)[628, 39.65, 42.39%], Donley (PA)[630, 39.52, 44.03%], Strong (CT)[568, 38.73, 43.62%], Smith (OH)[631, 38.51, 45.27%], Washburn (MA)[630, 38.25, 41.98%], Cessna (PA)[625, 38.08, 43.62%], Taffe (NE)[630, 37.78, 41.98%], Hawley (IL)[629, 37.68, 44.86%], Coburn (IN)[628, 37.42, 44.86%], Lash (NC)[630, 37.3, 43.62%], Welker (OH)[629, 37.2, 43.21%], Moore (IL)[628, 36.46, 42.8%], Gilfillan (PA)[630, 36.35, 42.39%], Asper (MO)[626, 35.94, 44.44%], Knapp (NY)[631, 35.82, 44.03%], Maynard (TN)[627, 35.57, 41.98%], Stevenson (OH)[630, 35.56, 43.62%], Williams (IN)[630, 35.4, 45.27%], Clarke (KS)[630, 33.97, 42.8%], Moore (NJ)[630, 33.65, 44.86%], Wilkinson (MN)[626, 33.55, 42.39%], Smith (TN)[630, 33.17, 41.98%], Packer (PA)[627, 32.54, 42.8%], Duval (WV)[627, 31.58, 42.8%], Mercur (PA)[628, 31.05, 43.62%], Benton (NH)[612, 29.74, 41.15%], Scofield (PA)[629, 29.57, 43.21%], McGrew (WV)[627, 29.51, 44.44%], Loughridge (IA)[625, 28, 41.56%], Arnell (TN)[627, 27.59, 40.74%], Moore (OH)[629, 27.34, 42.8%], Wilson (OH)[629, 27.03, 42.39%], Shanks (IN)[629, 26.87, 42.39%], Cobb (WI)[627, 26.79, 43.21%], Witcher (WV)[629, 26.55, 40.74%], Stevens (NH)[613, 25.29, 40.74%], Willard (VT)[626, 25.24, 41.98%], Ambler (OH)[627, 21.21, 42.39%], Ela (NH)[615, 21.14, 39.09%], Lawrence (OH)[625, 19.52, 42.8%]
42nd Congress, House
Garfield's faction and its opposition
In the range of 59% to less or equal to 100% affinity
Harris (MS)-Beatty (OH) Faction
mean Majority Index - 28, max Majority Index - 43.97, min Majority Index - (-2.14), number - 70
Harris (MS)[514, 43.97, 41.56%],
Dunnell (MN)[512, 40.62, 41.98%],
Buckley (AL)[514, 39.69, 42.8%],
Wakeman (NY)[514, 38.52, 44.03%],
Frye (ME)[515, 38.06, 42.8%],
Conger (MI)[515, 37.67, 43.62%],
Hawley (IL)[514, 37.16, 42.8%],
Parker (MO)[505, 36.83, 42.8%],
Twichell (MA)[514, 36.38, 42.39%],
Averill (MN)[515, 36.12, 42.39%],
Eames (RI)[515, 36.12, 44.44%],
Starkweather (CT)[449, 35.19, 42.39%],
Donnan (IA)[507, 34.91, 41.98%],
McJunkin (PA)[514, 34.82, 43.21%],
Buffinton (MA)[514, 34.63, 42.39%],
Myers (PA)[514, 34.63, 43.62%],
Williams (IN)[510, 34.51, 42.8%],
Lamport (NY)[511, 34.44, 42.39%],
Hazelton (NJ)[512, 33.98, 43.62%],
Hazelton (WI)[513, 33.72, 42.39%],
Foster (OH)[509, 33.6, 42.39%],
Burdett (MO)[514, 32.49, 41.98%],
Harmer (PA)[511, 32.29, 42.39%],
Duell (NY)[515, 31.65, 41.98%],
Packard (IN)[515, 31.26, 43.21%],
Cotton (IA)[515, 30.87, 42.8%],
Townsend (PA)[508, 30.71, 42.8%],
Rusk (WI)[515, 30.1, 40.74%],
Palmer (IA)[515, 29.51, 40.74%],
Dawes (MA)[515, 29.51, 41.98%],
Wallace (SC)[515, 29.32, 41.15%],
Cobb (NC)[506, 29.05, 40.74%],
Pendleton (RI)[513, 28.85, 43.62%],
Wheeler (NY)[509, 28.49, 42.8%],
Finkelnburg (MO)[514, 28.21, 42.39%],
Smith (OH)[515, 27.57, 41.98%],
Stoughton (MI)[509, 27.5, 43.62%],
Peck (OH)[510, 27.25, 42.39%],
Kelley (PA)[515, 27.18, 42.8%],
Lowe (KS)[513, 27.1, 39.92%],
Smith (NY)[514, 26.65, 39.92%],
McGrew (WV)[512, 25.98, 42.39%],
Shanks (IN)[514, 25.88, 41.56%],
Blair (MI)[515, 25.83, 41.15%],
Foster (MI)[428, 25.47, 41.56%],
Havens (MO)[515, 24.66, 40.74%],
Packer (PA)[513, 24.56, 41.15%],
Walden (IA)[514, 24.12, 42.39%],
Wilson (IN)[510, 23.73, 41.15%],
Rainey (SC)[515, 23.69, 40.74%],
Maynard (TN)[514, 23.54, 40.74%],
Perce (MS)[513, 23.39, 38.68%],
Waldron (MI)[511, 22.11, 41.98%],
Orr (IA)[514, 21.4, 41.15%],
Roberts (NY)[514, 20.43, 41.98%],
Merriam (NY)[515, 20.39, 41.98%],
Tyner (IN)[512, 20.12, 42.39%],
Coburn (IN)[514, 20.04, 41.15%],
Sawyer (WI)[514, 19.84, 40.74%],
Sprague (OH)[513, 19.69, 41.15%],
Hay (IL)[514, 19.46, 41.15%],
Burchard (IL)[513, 18.32, 41.15%],
Hoar (MA)[514, 18.29, 40.33%],
Monroe (OH)[512, 18.16, 41.56%],
Barber (WI)[514, 16.73, 40.33%],
Garfield (OH)[512, 15.82, 38.27%],
Wilson (OH)[515, 15.34, 41.98%],
Upson (OH)[511, 12.92, 41.15%],
Willard (VT)[512, 12.3, 39.92%],
Beatty (OH)[515, -2.14, 39.09%]
Opposition in the range of <= 40% of agreement - Garrett (TN)-Davis (WV)
mean Majority Index - 9, max Majority Index - 20.74, min Majority Index - (-2.34), number - 20
Garrett (TN)[511, 20.74, 41.98%], Vaughan (TN)[507, 18.54, 41.56%], Leach (NC)[512, 18.36, 41.56%], Price (GA)[509, 17.49, 39.92%], Lamison (OH)[515, 16.5, 42.8%], Warren (NY)[514, 16.15, 39.92%], Caldwell (TN)[516, 14.92, 41.98%], Comingo (MO)[516, 12.6, 39.51%], Eldredge (WI)[516, 11.82, 41.56%], Biggs (DE)[514, 9.53, 40.33%], Du Bose (GA)[513, 6.24, 37.04%], Young (GA)[515, 5.63, 38.68%], Hereford (WV)[515, 5.24, 39.92%], Hancock (TX)[429, 5.13, 39.51%], Swann (MD)[514, 4.09, 39.09%], Hanks (AR)[515, 2.33, 38.68%], Archer (MD)[514, 1.56, 38.27%], Rice (KY)[512, 1.37, 39.92%], Merrick (MD)[515, -1.36, 38.27%], Davis (WV)[512, -2.34, 39.09%]
Faction that Garfield opposed
In the range of 59% to less than or equal to 100% affinity
Harper (NC)-Van Trump (OH)
mean Majority Index - 9, max Majority Index - 34.31, min Majority Index - (-10.22), number - 63
Harper (NC)[513, 34.31, 44.44%],
Perry (NY)[516, 28.29, 42.8%],
Griffith (PA)[511, 22.9, 43.62%],
Golladay (TN)[516, 22.67, 41.15%],
Meyers (PA)[502, 22.51, 40.74%],
Critcher (VA)[511, 21.92, 42.39%],
Garrett (TN)[511, 20.74, 41.98%],
Sloss (AL)[513, 19.69, 41.56%],
Wells (MO)[510, 18.82, 41.98%],
Vaughan (TN)[507, 18.54, 41.56%],
Getz (PA)[512, 18.36, 40.33%],
Sherwood (PA)[510, 18.24, 43.21%],
Waddell (NC)[511, 17.61, 44.03%],
Price (GA)[509, 17.49, 39.92%],
Lamison (OH)[515, 16.5, 42.8%],
Duke (VA)[515, 15.92, 39.92%],
Harris (VA)[513, 15.79, 41.15%],
Braxton (VA)[514, 15.56, 41.56%],
Bright (TN)[514, 14.98, 40.33%],
Caldwell (TN)[516, 14.92, 41.98%],
McHenry (KY)[516, 14.53, 41.56%],
Dox (AL)[515, 12.82, 41.15%],
Comingo (MO)[516, 12.6, 39.51%],
Marshall (IL)[513, 12.09, 41.56%],
Eldredge (WI)[516, 11.82, 41.56%],
Slater (OR)[514, 11.48, 40.74%],
Stevens (IL)[514, 11.48, 40.74%],
McCormick (MO)[513, 9.75, 40.74%],
Speer (PA)[510, 9.61, 39.51%],
King (MO)[516, 9.5, 40.74%],
Acker (PA)[513, 9.36, 41.15%],
McClelland (PA)[513, 8.38, 41.98%],
Bell (NH)[470, 7.87, 39.51%],
Whitthorne (TN)[509, 7.66, 40.74%],
Randall (PA)[516, 7.17, 40.33%],
Niblack (IN)[512, 6.84, 39.92%],
Handley (AL)[515, 6.8, 41.56%],
Du Bose (GA)[513, 6.24, 37.04%],
Manson (IN)[512, 5.86, 40.33%],
Young (GA)[515, 5.63, 38.68%],
Hereford (WV)[515, 5.24, 39.92%],
Hancock (TX)[429, 5.13, 39.51%],
Bird (NJ)[513, 4.87, 40.74%],
MacIntyre (GA)[514, 4.47, 40.74%],
Rice (IL)[514, 2.53, 41.56%],
Hanks (AR)[515, 2.33, 38.68%],
Roberts (NY)[509, 1.96, 40.33%],
Beck (KY)[516, 1.74, 37.86%],
Rice (KY)[512, 1.37, 39.92%],
Morgan (OH)[510, 0.59, 39.09%],
Holman (IN)[514, 0.19, 40.33%],
Lewis (KY)[515, -0.39, 40.33%],
Merrick (MD)[515, -1.36, 38.27%],
Storm (PA)[514, -1.75, 39.51%],
Davis (WV)[512, -2.34, 39.09%],
Crossland (KY)[514, -2.72, 39.09%],
Arthur (KY)[516, -3.1, 41.15%],
Adams (KY)[511, -3.52, 37.86%],
Hibbard (NH)[470, -3.83, 39.51%],
Terry (VA)[514, -4.47, 39.09%],
Read (KY)[513, -4.87, 38.27%],
Kerr (IN)[511, -5.28, 39.92%],
Van Trump (OH)[509, -10.22, 38.68%]
Opposition in the range of <= 35% of agreement - Sessions (NY)-Garfield (OH)
mean Majority Index - 22, max Majority Index - 28.35, min Majority Index - 15.82, number - 8
Sessions (NY)[515, 28.35, 40.74%], Lowe (KS)[513, 27.1, 39.92%], Packer (PA)[513, 24.56, 41.15%], Wilson (IN)[510, 23.73, 41.15%], Prindle (NY)[514, 22.57, 39.09%], Hoar (MA)[514, 18.29, 40.33%], Barber (WI)[514, 16.73, 40.33%], Garfield (OH)[512, 15.82, 38.27%]
43rd Congress, House
Garfield's faction and its opposition
In the range of 60% to less or equal to 100% affinity
Conger (MI)-Willard (VT) Faction
mean Majority Index - 43, max Majority Index - 58.51, min Majority Index - 13.22, number - 140
Conger (MI)[470, 58.51, 46.58%],
Cobb (KS)[470, 55.96, 46.23%],
Rapier (AL)[471, 55.63, 43.84%],
Field (MI)[469, 54.58, 44.52%],
Williams (MA)[470, 54.26, 44.86%],
Lynch (MS)[461, 54.23, 45.55%],
Hodges (AR)[423, 53.66, 45.21%],
Williams (WI)[468, 52.78, 46.58%],
Hazelton (NJ)[470, 52.34, 44.86%],
Cain (SC)[471, 52.23, 43.15%],
Harrison (TN)[471, 52.02, 46.23%],
Bradley (MI)[468, 51.92, 44.86%],
Parker (MO)[471, 51.8, 45.55%],
Whiteley (GA)[447, 51.68, 45.21%],
Wallace (SC)[471, 51.59, 45.21%],
Lowe (KS)[471, 51.38, 45.55%],
Donnan (IA)[469, 51.17, 45.89%],
Williams (MI)[467, 50.75, 44.52%],
Wilson (IA)[471, 50.74, 46.58%],
Ross (PA)[466, 50.64, 43.84%],
Cason (IN)[471, 50.53, 44.18%],
Bundy (OH)[469, 50.53, 44.86%],
Hazelton (WI)[468, 50, 46.23%],
Hagans (WV)[426, 49.77, 43.84%],
Orr (IA)[467, 49.46, 46.92%],
Crounse (NE)[471, 49.04, 44.18%],
Townsend (PA)[461, 48.81, 44.18%],
Howe (MS)[471, 48.62, 42.47%],
Sawyer (WI)[469, 48.61, 45.21%],
Thornburgh (TN)[466, 48.5, 44.52%],
Smith (PA)[470, 48.3, 46.23%],
Biery (PA)[466, 48.28, 43.49%],
McDill (IA)[471, 48.2, 46.58%],
Coburn (IN)[469, 48.19, 45.21%],
Smith (NY)[471, 47.98, 46.23%],
Ward (IL)[469, 47.97, 43.84%],
Hubbell (MI)[465, 47.96, 44.52%],
Dunnell (MN)[468, 47.86, 47.26%],
Averill (MN)[471, 47.77, 45.21%],
Albright (PA)[470, 47.45, 44.86%],
Martin (IL)[470, 47.45, 45.21%],
Burrows (MI)[468, 47.44, 45.89%],
Corwin (IL)[471, 47.35, 44.86%],
Robinson (OH)[469, 47.33, 45.89%],
Barrere (IL)[461, 47.29, 44.18%],
Lawrence (OH)[468, 47.22, 43.84%],
Cannon (IL)[471, 47.13, 45.21%],
Begole (MI)[467, 46.68, 43.84%],
Shoemaker (PA)[467, 46.68, 45.55%],
Dobbins (NJ)[470, 46.6, 43.84%],
Shanks (IN)[465, 46.45, 45.21%],
Packard (IN)[463, 46.44, 46.58%],
Ray (IL)[470, 46.38, 45.89%],
Cessna (PA)[470, 46.17, 45.55%],
Williams (IN)[470, 46.17, 44.86%],
Rusk (WI)[468, 46.15, 46.23%],
Rainey (SC)[468, 45.94, 44.18%],
Monroe (OH)[471, 45.86, 46.58%],
Hynes (AR)[470, 45.74, 43.84%],
O'Neill (PA)[468, 45.73, 44.52%],
Hunter (IN)[469, 45.63, 44.18%],
Hawley (CT)[469, 45.42, 46.58%],
Platt (NY)[469, 45.42, 44.86%],
Clark (NJ)[467, 45.4, 43.49%],
Sheats (AL)[471, 45.22, 43.49%],
Moore (PA)[465, 44.95, 43.84%],
McNulta (IL)[471, 44.8, 44.86%],
White (AL)[470, 44.68, 44.52%],
Page (CA)[471, 44.59, 44.18%],
Harris (MA)[470, 44.47, 43.49%],
Gooch (MA)[471, 44.37, 42.47%],
Maynard (TN)[467, 44.33, 42.81%],
Ransier (SC)[467, 44.33, 42.47%],
Havens (MO)[469, 43.92, 44.86%],
Gunckel (OH)[470, 43.83, 44.86%],
Tyner (IN)[470, 43.83, 45.89%],
Burleigh (ME)[471, 43.74, 44.52%],
Hawley (IL)[470, 43.62, 46.58%],
Eames (RI)[467, 43.25, 46.92%],
Crutchfield (TN)[468, 43.16, 45.21%],
Hays (AL)[468, 43.16, 43.49%],
Sprague (OH)[470, 42.77, 45.21%],
Clements (IL)[459, 42.7, 45.21%],
Willard (MI)[469, 42.64, 45.21%],
Richmond (PA)[470, 42.55, 45.55%],
Negley (PA)[468, 42.52, 43.84%],
Myers (PA)[469, 42.22, 44.52%],
Pratt (IA)[471, 42.04, 43.84%],
McCrary (IA)[469, 42, 45.55%],
Snyder (AR)[468, 41.88, 43.49%],
Platt (VA)[466, 41.63, 42.47%],
Butler (MA)[467, 41.54, 41.78%],
Sessions (NY)[471, 41.4, 45.21%],
Pelham (AL)[469, 41.36, 42.12%],
Wilber (NY)[470, 41.06, 41.44%],
Fort (IL)[471, 40.76, 44.52%],
Stowell (VA)[469, 40.51, 41.78%],
Hyde (MO)[470, 40.43, 44.86%],
Orth (IN)[470, 39.79, 45.21%] ,
Cotton (IA)[470, 39.79, 45.89%],
Hurlbut (IL)[471, 39.49, 43.15%],
Sayler (IN)[460, 39.35, 45.55%],
Darrall (LA)[470, 38.94, 43.15%],
Foster (OH)[467, 38.76, 44.86%],
Poland (VT)[468, 38.46, 42.81%],
Hathorn (NY)[471, 38.43, 43.49%],
Todd (PA)[471, 38.43, 44.52%],
Clayton (CA)[470, 37.45, 42.81%],
Lowndes (MD)[468, 37.39, 43.15%],
Woodworth (OH)[471, 37.15, 43.49%],
Strait (MN)[459, 37.04, 44.86%],
Ward (NJ)[470, 37.02, 43.49%],
Barber (WI)[471, 36.73, 43.84%],
Pendleton (RI)[466, 36.7, 45.21%],
Houghton (CA)[471, 36.31, 45.21%],
MacDougall (NY)[467, 35.76, 44.52%],
Butler (TN)[469, 35.61, 43.49%],
Smart (NY)[467, 35.55, 42.47%],
Hoskins (NY)[471, 33.97, 44.86%],
Loughridge (IA)[467, 33.83, 43.84%],
Kelley (PA)[469, 33.69, 45.55%],
Albert (MD)[470, 33.4, 43.49%],
Packer (PA)[470, 33.19, 43.15%],
Sherwood (OH)[460, 33.04, 44.52%],
Danford (OH)[470, 31.7, 43.49%],
Kellogg (CT)[464, 31.47, 44.52%],
Burchard (IL)[468, 30.98, 45.55%],
Starkweather (CT)[469, 30.92, 43.49%],
Lawson (NY)[470, 30.85, 42.12%],
Hoar (MA)[468, 30.56, 42.81%],
Merriam (NY)[467, 30.41, 44.86%],
Buffinton (MA)[470, 29.57, 42.47%],
Roberts (NY)[468, 29.27, 43.49%],
Waldron (MI)[470, 28.94, 43.15%],
Garfield (OH)[468, 27.99, 43.15%],
Smith (OH)[469, 27.93, 43.49%],
Kasson (IA)[466, 26.61, 44.86%],
Pierce (MA)[470, 26.17, 42.81%],
Hale (ME)[470, 22.77, 42.12%],
Willard (VT)[469, 13.22, 41.78%]
Opposition in the range of <= 35% of agreement - Adams (KY)-McLean (TX)
mean Majority Index - (-24), max Majority Index - (-18.84), min Majority Index - (-31.49), number - 5
Adams (KY)[467, -18.84, 38.01%], Berry (OH)[470, -21.49, 37.33%], Hunton (VA)[470, -21.7, 36.64%], Lamar (MS)[470, -24.04, 36.64%], McLean (TX)[470, -31.49, 35.27%]
Faction that Garfield opposed
In the range of 60% to less than or equal to 100% affinity
Comingo (MO)-Bromberg (AL)
mean Majority Index - (-21), max Majority Index - (-7.89), min Majority Index - (-36.03), number - 67
Comingo (MO)[469, -7.89, 39.04%],
Knapp (IL)[464, -9.05, 39.73%],
Niblack (IN)[459, -10.24, 40.07%],
Standiford (KY)[471, -11.46, 39.04%],
Perry (NY)[469, -11.94, 35.27%],
Wells (MO)[463, -12.96, 39.38%],
Banning (OH)[470, -13.19, 37.33%],
Wolfe (IN)[459, -13.29, 37.67%],
Whitehead (VA)[469, -14.29, 35.96%],
Robbins (NC)[466, -14.38, 38.01%],
Buckner (MO)[468, -14.74, 38.7%],
Atkins (TN)[470, -15.11, 39.04%],
Vance (NC)[471, -15.92, 39.38%],
Holman (IN)[466, -16.09, 39.04%],
Sayler (OH)[471, -16.14, 39.38%],
Glover (MO)[469, -16.2, 38.01%],
Stone (MO)[465, -16.56, 38.36%],
Parker (NH)[457, -16.63, 36.64%],
Luttrell (CA)[465, -16.99, 36.99%],
Eldredge (WI)[468, -17.52, 36.64%],
Southard (OH)[462, -17.75, 40.07%],
Hatcher (MO)[471, -18.26, 38.7%],
Morrison (IL)[469, -18.55, 36.3%],
Crittenden (MO)[468, -18.8, 39.04%],
Adams (KY)[467, -18.84, 38.01%],
O'Brien (MD)[468, -19.44, 36.99%],
Randall (PA)[466, -19.53, 36.64%],
Hancock (TX)[469, -19.83, 35.62%],
Hamilton (NJ)[469, -20.04, 35.96%],
Young (KY)[467, -20.34, 39.04%],
Speer (PA)[466, -21.46, 38.36%],
Berry (OH)[470, -21.49, 37.33%],
Harris (VA)[469, -21.54, 37.67%],
Hunton (VA)[470, -21.7, 36.64%],
Archer (MD)[465, -21.72, 35.96%],
Crossland (KY)[471, -21.87, 37.67%],
Hereford (WV)[468, -22.01, 37.33%],
Durham (KY)[469, -22.17, 38.36%],
Herndon (TX)[469, -22.17, 37.33%],
Clark (MO)[471, -23.14, 38.7%],
Bland (MO)[470, -23.19, 35.96%],
Young (GA)[464, -23.28, 37.33%],
Bright (TN)[471, -23.57, 37.33%],
Mills (TX)[469, -23.67, 38.36%],
Bell (GA)[470, -23.83, 37.33%],
Harris (GA)[468, -23.93, 38.7%],
Lamar (MS)[470, -24.04, 36.64%],
Arthur (KY)[471, -24.2, 38.01%],
Bowen (VA)[471, -24.2, 38.36%],
Brown (KY)[466, -24.25, 37.33%],
Ashe (NC)[470, -24.68, 37.33%],
Read (KY)[470, -24.89, 37.67%],
Whitthorne (TN)[471, -25.27, 38.7%],
Beck (KY)[471, -25.48, 37.67%],
Storm (PA)[453, -25.61, 36.3%],
Cook (GA)[471, -25.9, 37.33%],
Clymer (PA)[467, -25.91, 37.33%],
Blount (GA)[471, -26.75, 36.99%],
Neal (OH)[469, -28.14, 38.01%],
Cox (OH)[471, -28.24, 36.3%],
Caldwell (AL)[470, -29.15, 36.64%],
Milliken (KY)[471, -29.51, 36.64%],
Giddings (TX)[468, -30.34, 36.99%],
Magee (PA)[465, -31.18, 35.96%],
Willie (TX)[469, -31.34, 36.99%],
McLean (TX)[470, -31.49, 35.27%],
Bromberg (AL)[469, -36.03, 35.27%]
Opposition in the range of <= 35% of agreement - Conger (MI)-Crooke (NY)
mean Majority Index - 45, max Majority Index - 58.51, min Majority Index - 27.66, number - 94
Conger (MI)[470, 58.51, 46.58%], Cobb (KS)[470, 55.96, 46.23%], Rapier (AL)[471, 55.63, 43.84%], Field (MI)[469, 54.58, 44.52%], Williams (MA)[470, 54.26, 44.86%], Lynch (MS)[461, 54.23, 45.55%], Hodges (AR)[423, 53.66, 45.21%], Williams (WI)[468, 52.78, 46.58%], Hazelton (NJ)[470, 52.34, 44.86%], Cain (SC)[471, 52.23, 43.15%], Bradley (MI)[468, 51.92, 44.86%], Whiteley (GA)[447, 51.68, 45.21%], Wallace (SC)[471, 51.59, 45.21%], Lowe (KS)[471, 51.38, 45.55%], Donnan (IA)[469, 51.17, 45.89%], Ross (PA)[466, 50.64, 43.84%], Bundy (OH)[469, 50.53, 44.86%], Cason (IN)[471, 50.53, 44.18%], Hazelton (WI)[468, 50, 46.23%], Hagans (WV)[426, 49.77, 43.84%], Orr (IA)[467, 49.46, 46.92%], Crounse (NE)[471, 49.04, 44.18%], Townsend (PA)[461, 48.81, 44.18%], Howe (MS)[471, 48.62, 42.47%], Sawyer (WI)[469, 48.61, 45.21%], Smith (PA)[470, 48.3, 46.23%], Biery (PA)[466, 48.28, 43.49%], McDill (IA)[471, 48.2, 46.58%], Smith (NY)[471, 47.98, 46.23%], Ward (IL)[469, 47.97, 43.84%], Hubbell (MI)[465, 47.96, 44.52%], Averill (MN)[471, 47.77, 45.21%], Albright (PA)[470, 47.45, 44.86%], Burrows (MI)[468, 47.44, 45.89%], Barrere (IL)[461, 47.29, 44.18%], Shoemaker (PA)[467, 46.68, 45.55%], Begole (MI)[467, 46.68, 43.84%], Dobbins (NJ)[470, 46.6, 43.84%], Shanks (IN)[465, 46.45, 45.21%], Packard (IN)[463, 46.44, 46.58%], Ray (IL)[470, 46.38, 45.89%], Cessna (PA)[470, 46.17, 45.55%], Williams (IN)[470, 46.17, 44.86%], Rusk (WI)[468, 46.15, 46.23%], Rainey (SC)[468, 45.94, 44.18%], Hynes (AR)[470, 45.74, 43.84%], O'Neill (PA)[468, 45.73, 44.52%], Hunter (IN)[469, 45.63, 44.18%], Platt (NY)[469, 45.42, 44.86%], Clark (NJ)[467, 45.4, 43.49%], Sheats (AL)[471, 45.22, 43.49%], Moore (PA)[465, 44.95, 43.84%], McNulta (IL)[471, 44.8, 44.86%], White (AL)[470, 44.68, 44.52%], Page (CA)[471, 44.59, 44.18%], Harris (MA)[470, 44.47, 43.49%], Gooch (MA)[471, 44.37, 42.47%], Maynard (TN)[467, 44.33, 42.81%], Ransier (SC)[467, 44.33, 42.47%], Tyner (IN)[470, 43.83, 45.89%], Burleigh (ME)[471, 43.74, 44.52%], Hays (AL)[468, 43.16, 43.49%], Clements (IL)[459, 42.7, 45.21%], Negley (PA)[468, 42.52, 43.84%], Myers (PA)[469, 42.22, 44.52%], Pratt (IA)[471, 42.04, 43.84%], Snyder (AR)[468, 41.88, 43.49%], Platt (VA)[466, 41.63, 42.47%], Butler (MA)[467, 41.54, 41.78%], Sessions (NY)[471, 41.4, 45.21%], Pelham (AL)[469, 41.36, 42.12%], Wilber (NY)[470, 41.06, 41.44%], Stowell (VA)[469, 40.51, 41.78%], Hurlbut (IL)[471, 39.49, 43.15%], Darrall (LA)[470, 38.94, 43.15%], Foster (OH)[467, 38.76, 44.86%], Small (NH)[463, 38.66, 41.78%], Poland (VT)[468, 38.46, 42.81%], Todd (PA)[471, 38.43, 44.52%], Scudder (NJ)[468, 38.03, 42.81%], Clayton (CA)[470, 37.45, 42.81%], Ward (NJ)[470, 37.02, 43.49%], Barber (WI)[471, 36.73, 43.84%], Strawbridge (PA)[469, 36.03, 41.44%], MacDougall (NY)[467, 35.76, 44.52%], Butler (TN)[469, 35.61, 43.49%], Smart (NY)[467, 35.55, 42.47%], Parsons (OH)[469, 34.75, 40.75%], Hoskins (NY)[471, 33.97, 44.86%], Starkweather (CT)[469, 30.92, 43.49%], Lawson (NY)[470, 30.85, 42.12%], Hoar (MA)[468, 30.56, 42.81%], Garfield (OH)[468, 27.99, 43.15%], Crooke (NY)[470, 27.66, 40.07%]
44th Congress, House
Garfield's faction and its opposition
In the range of 65% to less or equal to 100% affinity
Fort (IL)-Plaisted (ME) Faction
mean Majority Index - (-5), max Majority Index - 6.48, min Majority Index - (-14.72), number - 72
Fort (IL)[324, 6.48, 43%],
Willard (MI)[324, 5.25, 41.64%],
Chittenden (NY)[325, 5.23, 42.66%],
Seelye (MA)[319, 5.02, 44.03%],
Potter (MI)[327, 4.89, 41.98%],
McDill (IA)[323, 3.1, 40.96%],
Evans (IN)[321, 2.18, 43.69%],
Cason (IN)[319, 0.94, 41.98%],
Wilson (IA)[325, 0.62, 43.34%],
Hunter (IN)[322, 0.62, 42.66%],
Pierce (MA)[325, 0.62, 42.32%],
Foster (OH)[311, 0.32, 41.98%],
Robinson (IN)[321, 0.31, 43.34%],
Garfield (OH)[319, 0, 41.98%],
Strait (MN)[325, 0, 42.32%],
Henderson (IL)[325, -1.54, 34.13%],
Miller (NY)[325, -1.54, 42.32%],
Crounse (NE)[326, -1.84, 41.64%],
Hubbell (MI)[317, -1.89, 41.64%],
Williams (MI)[318, -1.89, 40.27%],
Conger (MI)[323, -2.48, 41.3%],
McCrary (IA)[321, -2.8, 41.98%],
Van Vorhes (OH)[319, -2.82, 42.32%],
Cannon (IL)[322, -3.42, 41.3%],
Tufts (IA)[325, -3.69, 43%],
Harris (MA)[324, -4.32, 43%],
Rusk (WI)[324, -4.32, 41.64%],
Lawrence (OH)[324, -4.94, 40.61%],
Townsend (NY)[319, -5.02, 41.3%],
Baker (NY)[325, -5.23, 41.64%],
Townsend (PA)[325, -5.23, 40.61%],
Sampson (IA)[324, -5.25, 40.96%],
Smith (PA)[321, -5.3, 41.3%],
Phillips (KS)[326, -5.52, 41.98%],
Kasson (IA)[324, -5.56, 40.96%],
Norton (NY)[323, -5.57, 43%],
Kimball (WI)[324, -6.17, 38.91%],
Oliver (IA)[317, -6.31, 41.64%],
Burchard (IL)[314, -6.37, 41.98%],
Monroe (OH)[322, -6.52, 43.34%],
MacDougall (NY)[316, -7.28, 40.27%],
Davy (NY)[322, -7.76, 41.3%],
Brown (KS)[325, -8, 40.96%],
Whiting (IL)[325, -8, 41.64%],
Pratt (IA)[325, -8, 43.69%],
Thornburgh (TN)[325, -8, 40.96%],
Baker (IN)[320, -8.12, 40.96%],
Bradley (MI)[318, -8.18, 39.93%],
Page (CA)[322, -8.7, 40.96%],
Dunnell (MN)[322, -8.7, 41.3%],
Rainey (SC)[321, -8.72, 40.96%],
Frye (ME)[319, -8.78, 42.66%],
Lynch (MS)[326, -8.9, 41.98%],
Denison (VT)[325, -8.92, 43%],
Williams (WI)[324, -8.95, 42.32%],
Joyce (VT)[321, -9.03, 39.59%],
Bagley (NY)[324, -9.26, 43.34%],
Hendee (VT)[326, -9.51, 40.96%],
White (KY)[325, -9.54, 39.25%],
Leavenworth (NY)[321, -9.66, 41.98%],
Eames (RI)[326, -9.82, 40.61%],
Sinnickson (NJ)[324, -10.19, 41.64%],
Packer (PA)[320, -10.31, 39.93%],
Wallace (SC)[319, -10.34, 41.98%],
Wallace (PA)[323, -11.15, 40.27%],
Ballou (RI)[324, -11.73, 41.98%],
O'Neill (PA)[326, -11.96, 39.93%],
Magoon (WI)[325, -12, 38.23%],
Adams (NY)[321, -12.15, 41.3%],
Blair (NH)[324, -12.65, 41.98%],
Smalls (SC)[323, -12.69, 39.93%],
Plaisted (ME)[326, -14.72, 41.98%]
Opposition in the range of <= 30% of agreement - Terry (VA)-Cowan (OH)
mean Majority Index - 42, max Majority Index - 48.3, min Majority Index - 32.31, number - 8
Terry (VA)[323, 48.3, 43%], Williams (AL)[327, 47.4, 44.71%], Forney (AL)[325, 47.08, 44.03%], Bradford (AL)[322, 46.58, 43.69%], Mills (TX)[325, 39.38, 42.32%], Whitthorne (TN)[326, 38.04, 43.34%], Sheakley (PA)[327, 37.31, 44.71%], Cowan (OH)[325, 32.31, 41.98%]
Faction that Garfield opposed
In the range of 65% to less than or equal to 100% affinity
Rea (MO)-Blackburn (KY)
mean Majority Index - 46, max Majority Index - 62.08, min Majority Index - 27.9, number - 94
Rea (MO)[327, 62.08, 48.46%],
Felton (GA)[326, 60.12, 48.81%],
Reilly (PA)[324, 59.88, 46.42%],
Durham (KY)[324, 58.95, 46.08%],
Yeates (NC)[324, 58.02, 45.73%],
Hartzell (IL)[325, 56.92, 46.08%],
Williams (MI)[319, 56.74, 46.42%],
Wells (MO)[327, 56.27, 47.78%],
Gunter (AR)[326, 55.83, 46.42%],
Bland (MO)[326, 55.52, 46.76%],
Finley (FL)[258, 55.43, 43.34%],
House (TN)[324, 54.94, 44.37%],
Singleton (MS)[327, 54.43, 44.03%],
Harrison (IL)[326, 53.07, 47.44%],
Eden (IL)[327, 52.91, 45.73%],
Scales (NC)[322, 52.8, 45.05%],
Robbins (PA)[325, 52.62, 46.08%],
Hartridge (GA)[320, 51.88, 44.71%],
Banning (OH)[327, 51.68, 44.71%],
Caulfield (IL)[327, 51.07, 46.76%],
Cutler (NJ)[327, 51.07, 44.03%],
Riddle (TN)[320, 50.94, 44.37%],
Hardenbergh (NJ)[326, 50.92, 46.42%],
Davis (NC)[320, 50.62, 46.08%],
Robbins (NC)[325, 50.46, 45.73%],
Clymer (PA)[324, 50, 24.91%],
Throckmorton (TX)[326, 50, 45.05%],
Clark (MO)[326, 49.69, 44.71%],
Morgan (MO)[321, 49.53, 46.76%],
Reagan (TX)[327, 49.24, 43.69%],
Turney (PA)[327, 49.24, 45.39%],
Bright (TN)[327, 48.93, 43.34%],
Brown (KY)[325, 48.92, 48.12%],
Savage (OH)[326, 48.77, 46.76%],
Ainsworth (IA)[326, 48.47, 45.39%],
Terry (VA)[323, 48.3, 43%],
Cook (GA)[322, 48.14, 44.71%],
Dibrell (TN)[327, 47.71, 44.03%],
Rice (OH)[326, 47.55, 44.03%],
Williams (AL)[327, 47.4, 44.71%],
Hunton (VA)[321, 47.35, 42.66%],
Springer (IL)[324, 47.22, 43.69%],
Forney (AL)[325, 47.08, 44.03%],
Franklin (MO)[327, 46.79, 44.03%],
Bradford (AL)[322, 46.58, 43.69%],
Landers (IN)[325, 46.46, 43%],
Hamilton (IN)[326, 46.32, 43.69%],
Atkins (TN)[325, 46.15, 44.37%],
Holman (IN)[325, 46.15, 45.73%],
Caldwell (AL)[318, 45.6, 44.37%],
Candler (GA)[325, 45.54, 46.08%],
Cabell (VA)[323, 45.2, 45.05%],
Mutchler (PA)[326, 45.09, 45.73%],
Maish (PA)[322, 45.03, 43.69%],
Hatcher (MO)[325, 44.92, 46.08%],
Neal (OH)[324, 44.75, 47.44%],
Tucker (VA)[311, 44.69, 46.08%],
Milliken (KY)[325, 44.62, 44.03%],
Poppleton (OH)[325, 44, 44.37%],
Buckner (MO)[324, 43.83, 44.37%],
Ashe (NC)[325, 43.38, 45.05%],
Caldwell (TN)[327, 43.12, 42.66%],
Clarke (KY)[327, 43.12, 45.39%],
Boone (KY)[326, 42.94, 44.03%],
De Bolt (MO)[327, 42.81, 45.39%],
Vance (OH)[313, 42.49, 44.37%],
Vance (NC)[327, 41.59, 45.05%],
Bagley (NY)[325, 41.54, 45.73%],
Thompson (MA)[324, 41.36, 42.66%],
Jones (KY)[327, 40.98, 41.98%],
Stone (MO)[324, 40.74, 44.71%],
Stenger (PA)[324, 40.74, 45.39%],
Mills (TX)[325, 39.38, 42.32%],
Harris (VA)[326, 38.96, 45.39%],
Cochran (PA)[324, 38.89, 43.34%],
Cate (WI)[327, 38.53, 43%],
Blount (GA)[325, 38.46, 45.73%],
Stevenson (IL)[324, 38.27, 45.39%],
Culberson (TX)[322, 38.2, 44.37%],
Whitthorne (TN)[326, 38.04, 43.34%],
Slemons (AR)[327, 37.92, 45.39%],
Sheakley (PA)[327, 37.31, 44.71%],
Southard (OH)[325, 36, 45.05%],
Walsh (MD)[326, 35.89, 43.34%],
Smith (GA)[326, 34.66, 43.69%],
Philips (MO)[324, 34.57, 43.69%],
Morrison (IL)[327, 34.56, 41.98%],
Sparks (IL)[323, 33.13, 44.03%],
Hooker (MS)[327, 32.72, 43.34%],
Cowan (OH)[325, 32.31, 41.98%],
Ross (NJ)[325, 31.69, 41.98%],
Glover (MO)[325, 31.08, 44.71%],
Harris (GA)[326, 27.91, 44.71%],
Blackburn (KY)[319, 27.9, 42.32%]
Opposition in the range of <= 42% of agreement - Banks (MA)-Plaisted (ME)
mean Majority Index - (-8), max Majority Index - 2.14, min Majority Index - (-14.72), number - 38
Banks (MA)[327, 2.14, 40.61%], Garfield (OH)[319, 0, 41.98%], Miller (NY)[325, -1.54, 42.32%], Hubbell (MI)[317, -1.89, 41.64%], McCrary (IA)[321, -2.8, 41.98%], Harris (MA)[324, -4.32, 43%], Lawrence (OH)[324, -4.94, 40.61%], Townsend (NY)[319, -5.02, 41.3%], Townsend (PA)[325, -5.23, 40.61%], Baker (NY)[325, -5.23, 41.64%], Phillips (KS)[326, -5.52, 41.98%], Kasson (IA)[324, -5.56, 40.96%], Oliver (IA)[317, -6.31, 41.64%], MacDougall (NY)[316, -7.28, 40.27%], Pratt (IA)[325, -8, 43.69%], Brown (KS)[325, -8, 40.96%], Bradley (MI)[318, -8.18, 39.93%], Dunnell (MN)[322, -8.7, 41.3%], Page (CA)[322, -8.7, 40.96%], Rainey (SC)[321, -8.72, 40.96%], Frye (ME)[319, -8.78, 42.66%], Lynch (MS)[326, -8.9, 41.98%], Denison (VT)[325, -8.92, 43%], Williams (WI)[324, -8.95, 42.32%], Joyce (VT)[321, -9.03, 39.59%], Bagley (NY)[324, -9.26, 43.34%], Hendee (VT)[326, -9.51, 40.96%], Leavenworth (NY)[321, -9.66, 41.98%], Sinnickson (NJ)[324, -10.19, 41.64%], Packer (PA)[320, -10.31, 39.93%], Wallace (SC)[319, -10.34, 41.98%], Wallace (PA)[323, -11.15, 40.27%], Ballou (RI)[324, -11.73, 41.98%], O'Neill (PA)[326, -11.96, 39.93%], Adams (NY)[321, -12.15, 41.3%], Blair (NH)[324, -12.65, 41.98%], Smalls (SC)[323, -12.69, 39.93%], Plaisted (ME)[326, -14.72, 41.98%]
45th Congress, House
Garfield's faction and its opposition
In the range of 65% to less or equal to 100% affinity
Sapp (IA)-Hungerford (NY) Faction
mean Majority Index - 3, max Majority Index - 16.43, min Majority Index - (-10.84), number - 106
Sapp (IA)[359, 16.43, 44.37%],
Hunter (IN)[367, 16.35, 46.76%],
Ittner (MO)[374, 16.04, 45.39%],
White (IN)[374, 13.9, 45.05%],
Cummings (IA)[371, 13.21, 47.1%],
Page (CA)[365, 13.15, 43.69%],
Hayes (IL)[368, 12.5, 46.42%],
Baker (IN)[358, 12.29, 44.71%],
Willits (MI)[368, 11.96, 44.71%],
Pollard (MO)[368, 11.96, 43.69%],
Ryan (KS)[361, 11.91, 45.05%],
Pound (WI)[360, 11.11, 43.69%],
Hanna (IN)[369, 9.76, 44.37%],
Cole (MO)[370, 9.73, 45.05%],
Hubbell (MI)[370, 9.73, 43.69%],
Phillips (KS)[371, 9.43, 45.05%],
Baker (NY)[359, 9.19, 43.34%],
Haskell (KS)[370, 9.19, 40.96%],
Van Vorhes (OH)[362, 9.12, 41.98%],
Brentano (IL)[364, 8.52, 43.69%],
Browne (IN)[367, 8.45, 43.69%],
Price (IA)[372, 8.33, 45.73%],
Strait (MN)[362, 8.29, 44.03%],
Calkins (IN)[351, 8.26, 45.05%],
Smalls (SC)[374, 8.02, 43.34%],
Boyd (IL)[353, 7.93, 44.03%],
Evans (IN)[366, 7.92, 43%],
Stewart (MN)[354, 7.63, 44.03%],
Cox (OH)[369, 7.59, 42.66%],
Williams (WI)[371, 6.47, 45.39%],
Sampson (IA)[367, 6.27, 45.39%],
Robinson (IN)[362, 6.08, 41.98%],
Townsend (OH)[370, 5.95, 44.37%],
Randolph (TN)[369, 5.69, 43%],
Marsh (IL)[370, 5.68, 44.37%],
Conger (MI)[374, 5.35, 46.08%],
McKinley (OH)[361, 4.99, 44.37%],
Shallenberger (PA)[365, 4.93, 45.39%],
Cannon (IL)[370, 4.86, 45.05%],
Keightley (MI)[370, 4.86, 44.03%],
Deering (IA)[374, 4.81, 45.73%],
Overton (PA)[364, 4.67, 45.05%],
Williams (NY)[364, 4.67, 40.96%],
Hendee (VT)[368, 4.62, 44.37%],
Ketcham (NY)[363, 4.41, 40.27%],
Stone (IA)[364, 4.4, 43%],
Burchard (IL)[369, 4.34, 44.03%],
Humphrey (WI)[369, 4.34, 44.71%],
Davis (CA)[369, 4.07, 45.05%],
Jones (OH)[365, 3.84, 44.03%],
Dunnell (MN)[372, 3.49, 46.42%],
Lathrop (IL)[372, 3.49, 45.73%],
Clark (IA)[371, 3.23, 44.37%],
Robinson (MA)[357, 3.08, 43.34%],
Bagley (NY)[367, 3, 43.34%],
Wren (NV)[374, 2.94, 41.64%],
Caswell (WI)[358, 2.23, 43%],
Bundy (NY)[361, 1.94, 40.96%],
Monroe (OH)[368, 1.9, 45.39%],
Norcross (MA)[371, 1.89, 44.03%],
Aldrich (IL)[372, 1.88, 45.73%],
Watson (PA)[349, 1.72, 42.32%],
Foster (OH)[365, 1.64, 43%],
Oliver (IA)[366, 1.64, 42.66%],
Bayne (PA)[369, 1.63, 43.34%],
Banks (MA)[359, 0.56, 40.61%],
Claflin (MA)[367, 0.54, 45.05%],
Henderson (IL)[370, 0.54, 42.66%],
Errett (PA)[363, 0.28, 41.98%],
Sinnickson (NJ)[367, 0, 38.23%],
Brewer (MI)[370, -0.27, 44.37%],
Denison (VT)[372, -0.27, 43.69%],
Stone (MI)[367, -0.27, 44.37%],
Williams (OR)[370, -0.54, 43.69%],
Starin (NY)[361, -0.55, 40.96%],
Townsend (NY)[350, -0.57, 41.64%],
Burdick (IA)[363, -0.83, 43.34%],
Lindsey (ME)[370, -1.08, 43.69%],
Harmer (PA)[365, -1.1, 44.03%],
Crapo (MA)[366, -1.64, 42.66%],
Mitchell (PA)[371, -2.43, 43%],
McGowan (MI)[364, -2.47, 40.61%],
Ward (PA)[361, -2.49, 42.32%],
McCook (NY)[361, -2.77, 42.66%],
Bacon (NY)[374, -2.94, 44.37%],
Patterson (NY)[374, -2.94, 43%],
Reed (ME)[370, -2.97, 41.3%],
Frye (ME)[362, -3.04, 41.64%],
Eames (RI)[374, -3.21, 45.73%],
Blair (NH)[364, -3.85, 41.98%],
Campbell (PA)[372, -4.03, 43.69%],
James (NY)[372, -4.03, 42.32%],
Briggs (NH)[369, -4.07, 44.03%],
Hale (ME)[364, -4.12, 39.93%],
Joyce (VT)[368, -4.62, 42.66%],
O'Neill (PA)[362, -4.7, 43.69%],
Lapham (NY)[370, -4.86, 39.93%],
Harris (MA)[365, -5.21, 40.96%],
Smith (PA)[344, -5.23, 40.27%] ,
Dwight (NY)[362, -5.25, 41.3%],
Wait (CT)[359, -5.29, 42.66%],
Danford (OH)[364, -5.77, 43%],
Keifer (OH)[366, -6.28, 40.61%],
Rice (MA)[371, -6.47, 42.66%],
Garfield (OH)[367, -6.54, 39.93%],
Hungerford (NY)[369, -10.84, 42.32%]
Opposition in the range of <= 35% of agreement - Candler (GA)-Pridemore (VA)
mean Majority Index - 32, max Majority Index - 41.19, min Majority Index - 14.99, number - 28
Candler (GA)[369, 41.19, 44.37%], Evins (SC)[361, 40.44, 45.39%], McKenzie (KY)[361, 38.23, 45.05%], Singleton (MS)[373, 37.53, 45.39%], Henry (MD)[374, 37.43, 44.03%], Ross (NJ)[373, 35.92, 43.69%], Maish (PA)[368, 35.87, 42.32%], Aiken (SC)[365, 35.07, 43%], Chalmers (MS)[368, 35.05, 44.71%], Turner (KY)[366, 34.7, 43.69%], Blount (GA)[366, 34.43, 44.03%], Waddell (NC)[371, 33.96, 45.05%], Collins (PA)[374, 33.16, 41.64%], Lynde (WI)[353, 32.58, 39.93%], Hunton (VA)[357, 31.93, 44.03%], Gause (AR)[360, 31.67, 42.32%], Willis (KY)[368, 31.52, 45.39%], Reagan (TX)[372, 31.45, 45.05%], Boone (KY)[375, 31.2, 44.37%], Caldwell (KY)[374, 30.75, 44.71%], Harris (VA)[372, 29.84, 43.69%], Southard (OH)[362, 29.01, 41.64%], Clarke (KY)[354, 28.81, 43%], Riddle (TN)[370, 28.11, 38.91%], Bragg (WI)[357, 28.01, 41.3%], Steele (NC)[369, 26.29, 44.03%], Shelley (AL)[345, 25.8, 42.32%], Pridemore (VA)[367, 14.99, 38.91%]
Faction that Garfield opposed
In the range of 65% to less than or equal to 100% affinity
Rea (MO)-Knott (KY)
mean Majority Index - 35, max Majority Index - 51.08, min Majority Index - 22.16, number - 105
Rea (MO)[370, 51.08, 47.78%],
Hartzell (IL)[366, 45.08, 47.1%],
Hatcher (MO)[372, 44.62, 45.73%],
Kenna (WV)[364, 44.23, 47.1%],
McMahon (OH)[373, 43.97, 45.39%],
Wilson (WV)[367, 43.05, 45.39%],
Banning (OH)[372, 42.47, 45.39%],
Cobb (IN)[371, 42.32, 46.76%],
Cravens (AR)[376, 41.49, 46.42%],
Candler (GA)[369, 41.19, 44.37%],
Glover (MO)[368, 41.03, 41.98%],
Morgan (MO)[371, 40.97, 45.39%],
Jones (AL)[374, 40.64, 46.76%],
Evins (SC)[361, 40.44, 45.39%],
Wright (PA)[372, 40.32, 43%],
Martin (WV)[340, 40, 44.71%],
Kimmel (MD)[374, 39.84, 44.37%],
Franklin (MO)[370, 39.73, 44.03%],
Goode (VA)[373, 39.68, 44.71%],
Buckner (MO)[373, 39.41, 43.34%],
Patterson (CO)[319, 39.18, 45.05%],
Hardenbergh (NJ)[375, 38.93, 45.05%],
Bell (GA)[370, 38.92, 45.39%],
Ligon (AL)[371, 38.81, 46.42%],
Vance (NC)[372, 38.71, 46.08%],
Clark (MO)[372, 38.44, 45.73%],
Turney (PA)[372, 38.44, 45.39%],
Crittenden (MO)[370, 38.38, 45.39%],
Clymer (PA)[365, 38.36, 43.34%],
Robbins (NC)[363, 38.29, 45.05%],
McKenzie (KY)[361, 38.23, 45.05%],
Dickey (OH)[369, 37.94, 44.37%],
Davis (NC)[351, 37.89, 45.05%],
Springer (IL)[367, 37.87, 44.03%],
Townshend (IL)[374, 37.7, 44.71%],
Giddings (TX)[374, 37.7, 43.34%],
Ewing (OH)[372, 37.63, 44.37%],
Singleton (MS)[373, 37.53, 45.39%],
Henry (MD)[374, 37.43, 44.03%],
Yeates (NC)[369, 37.4, 45.05%],
Finley (OH)[370, 37.3, 45.05%],
Tucker (VA)[358, 37.15, 42.32%],
Fuller (IN)[353, 36.83, 44.37%],
Ross (NJ)[373, 35.92, 43.69%],
Blackburn (KY)[364, 35.71, 45.39%],
Reilly (PA)[369, 35.23, 43%],
Aiken (SC)[365, 35.07, 43%],
Sparks (IL)[365, 35.07, 45.39%],
Chalmers (MS)[368, 35.05, 44.71%],
Hamilton (IN)[361, 34.9, 43.34%],
Turner (KY)[366, 34.7, 43.69%],
Herbert (AL)[374, 34.49, 45.05%],
Blount (GA)[366, 34.43, 44.03%],
Forney (AL)[372, 34.41, 44.71%],
Throckmorton (TX)[364, 34.34, 44.71%],
Felton (GA)[374, 33.96, 45.39%],
Waddell (NC)[371, 33.96, 45.05%],
Bouck (WI)[355, 33.8, 45.39%],
Mills (TX)[371, 33.69, 44.71%],
Rice (OH)[368, 33.42, 43.69%],
Mayham (NY)[366, 33.33, 41.98%],
Garth (AL)[373, 33.24, 46.42%],
Collins (PA)[374, 33.16, 41.64%],
Morrison (IL)[376, 32.98, 43.34%],
Hewitt (AL)[371, 32.88, 44.03%],
Muldrow (MS)[373, 32.71, 45.73%],
Money (MS)[364, 32.42, 43%],
Davidson (FL)[356, 32.02, 45.05%],
Cabell (VA)[357, 31.93, 43%],
Hunton (VA)[357, 31.93, 44.03%],
Carlisle (KY)[350, 31.71, 43%],
Gause (AR)[360, 31.67, 42.32%],
Willis (KY)[368, 31.52, 45.39%],
Scales (NC)[362, 31.49, 45.05%],
Reagan (TX)[372, 31.45, 45.05%],
Dibrell (TN)[374, 31.28, 45.73%],
Bicknell (IN)[374, 31.28, 46.42%],
Boone (KY)[375, 31.2, 44.37%],
Caldwell (TN)[360, 31.11, 44.37%],
Culberson (TX)[375, 30.93, 42.66%],
Gunter (AR)[367, 30.79, 42.66%],
Manning (MS)[354, 30.79, 44.03%],
Caldwell (KY)[374, 30.75, 44.71%],
Cook (GA)[368, 30.43, 43%],
Bright (TN)[372, 30.38, 43%],
Eden (IL)[372, 30.38, 41.64%],
Williams (AL)[370, 30, 42.66%],
Whitthorne (TN)[364, 29.95, 44.71%],
Harris (VA)[372, 29.84, 43.69%],
Slemons (AR)[372, 29.84, 41.64%],
Harris (GA)[367, 29.7, 46.08%],
House (TN)[372, 29.57, 44.71%],
Elam (LA)[373, 29.49, 43.34%],
Southard (OH)[362, 29.01, 41.64%],
Clarke (KY)[354, 28.81, 43%],
Durham (KY)[358, 28.77, 43.69%],
Riddle (TN)[370, 28.11, 38.91%],
Bragg (WI)[357, 28.01, 41.3%],
Hooker (MS)[370, 27.57, 43%] ,
Atkins (TN)[363, 27, 41.98%],
Steele (NC)[369, 26.29, 44.03%],
Shelley (AL)[345, 25.8, 42.32%],
Smith (GA)[368, 25.54, 43%],
Ellis (LA)[357, 24.93, 38.23%],
Knott (KY)[370, 22.16, 39.59%]
Opposition in the range of <= 32% of agreement - Williams (NY)-Garfield (OH)
mean Majority Index - (-1), max Majority Index - 4.67, min Majority Index - (-6.54), number - 12
Williams (NY)[364, 4.67, 40.96%], Ketcham (NY)[363, 4.41, 40.27%], Peddie (NJ)[367, 3, 40.61%], Bundy (NY)[361, 1.94, 40.96%], Banks (MA)[359, 0.56, 40.61%], Townsend (NY)[350, -0.57, 41.64%], Mitchell (PA)[371, -2.43, 43%], Hale (ME)[364, -4.12, 39.93%], Harris (MA)[365, -5.21, 40.96%], Wait (CT)[359, -5.29, 42.66%], Keifer (OH)[366, -6.28, 40.61%], Garfield (OH)[367, -6.54, 39.93%]
Raw data source: