Thursday, May 2, 2013

102nd Congress, House of Representatives

Post Summary: 102nd Congress, House of Representatives

And then we will do the wisest thing of all. We will turn to the only resource we have that in times of need always grows: the goodness and the courage of the American people.
-President George H. W. Bush

Primary Mode Bin: 60-70
Secondary Mode Bin: 0-10
Majority Line Leader: Gordon (TN) - 82.3
Opposition Leader: Stump (AZ) - (-34.76)
Best Network: McMillen (MD) - 68.51
Worst Network: Hopkins (KY) - 40.69
Locked Step Leader Pair: Reed (RI)/DeLauro (CT) - 94%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Stump (AZ)/Mrazek (NY) - 18%

Gordon (TN)[932, 82.3, 67.82%], Spratt (SC)[932, 80.69, 68.05%], Darden (GA)[932, 78.33, 67.82%], McMillen (MD)[932, 77.68, 68.51%], Price (NC)[930, 77.53, 68.05%], Horn (MO)[932, 77.25, 68.28%], Derrick (SC)[932, 77.15, 67.36%], Levin (MI)[932, 76.93, 68.05%], Frost (TX)[932, 76.39, 68.05%], DeLauro (CT)[932, 76.39, 65.06%], Natcher (KY)[932, 75.54, 67.59%], LaRocco (ID)[932, 75, 65.75%], Lantos (CA)[932, 75, 67.13%], Sawyer (OH)[932, 74.89, 67.59%], Thornton (AR)[932, 74.89, 66.44%], Hoagland (NE)[932, 74.36, 66.44%], Dicks (WA)[932, 74.36, 66.44%], McNulty (NY)[932, 74.36, 67.13%], Slaughter (NY)[932, 74.36, 67.13%], Richardson (NM)[932, 74.25, 65.75%], Peterson (FL)[931, 74.11, 65.98%], Cramer (AL)[932, 73.93, 67.59%], Browder (AL)[932, 73.93, 66.67%], Borski (PA)[932, 73.93, 67.82%], Andrews (TX)[932, 73.82, 66.9%], Hoyer (MD)[932, 73.71, 67.13%], Hochbrueckner (NY)[932, 73.71, 66.21%], Downey (NY)[932, 73.71, 67.13%], Edwards (TX)[932, 73.61, 67.13%], Bilbray (NV)[932, 73.5, 66.9%], Kennelly (CT)[932, 73.18, 67.13%], Rose (NC)[932, 72.96, 65.52%], Bevill (AL)[932, 72.64, 65.29%], Cardin (MD)[932, 72.53, 66.44%], Wise (WV)[932, 72.42, 65.75%], Boucher (VA)[932, 72.42, 64.6%], Brooks (TX)[932, 72.21, 66.9%], Reed (RI)[932, 72.21, 66.44%], Lowey (NY)[932, 72.21, 64.37%], Aspin (WI)[932, 72.1, 66.21%], Dooley (CA)[932, 72.1, 64.6%], Gejdenson (CT)[932, 71.78, 67.13%], McCloskey (IN)[932, 71.67, 65.29%], Cox (IL)[932, 71.67, 66.44%], Brewster (OK)[932, 71.67, 66.9%], Murtha (PA)[932, 71.67, 65.52%], Long Thompson (IN)[932, 71.57, 65.52%], Fazio (CA)[932, 71.57, 67.59%], Durbin (IL)[932, 71.14, 66.44%], Anderson (CA)[932, 71.14, 65.52%], Jones (NC)[834, 71.1, 64.14%], Jenkins (GA)[932, 70.92, 66.44%], Coyne (PA)[932, 70.92, 65.06%], Bryant (TX)[932, 70.82, 64.37%], Rostenkowski (IL)[932, 70.71, 64.14%], Gephardt (MO)[932, 70.6, 64.14%], Annunzio (IL)[932, 70.6, 65.06%], Coleman (TX)[932, 70.6, 64.83%], Bruce (IL)[932, 70.49, 66.21%], Ortiz (TX)[932, 70.39, 65.29%], Sisisky (VA)[932, 70.28, 66.21%], Swift (WA)[932, 70.17, 66.21%], Mazzoli (KY)[932, 70.06, 65.29%], Mollohan (WV)[932, 70.06, 65.98%], Kleczka (WI)[932, 70.06, 64.37%], Manton (NY)[932, 70.06, 67.13%], Bacchus (FL)[932, 69.96, 65.75%], McCurdy (OK)[932, 69.74, 65.75%], Wyden (OR)[932, 69.74, 64.37%], Hamilton (IN)[932, 69.53, 67.13%], Lehman (CA)[932, 69.53, 64.37%], Clement (TN)[932, 69.31, 63.68%], Harris (AL)[932, 69.31, 65.75%], Hall (OH)[932, 69.31, 64.83%], Engel (NY)[932, 69.31, 67.82%], Gibbons (FL)[932, 69.21, 63.91%], Moakley (MA)[932, 69.21, 64.37%], Brown (CA)[932, 69.21, 65.75%], Guarini (NJ)[927, 69.15, 64.37%], Espy (MS)[932, 69.1, 65.29%], Cooper (TN)[932, 69.1, 66.67%], Pickle (TX)[932, 69.1, 65.98%], Kanjorski (PA)[932, 69.1, 64.83%], Fascell (FL)[932, 68.99, 66.44%], Visclosky (IN)[932, 68.99, 64.37%], Kildee (MI)[932, 68.88, 64.37%], Kaptur (OH)[932, 68.88, 66.67%], McHugh (NY)[932, 68.78, 65.75%], Olver (MA)[776, 68.69, 65.29%], Rowland (GA)[932, 68.56, 62.99%], de la Garza (TX)[932, 68.56, 66.21%], Bustamante (TX)[932, 68.45, 63.45%], Unsoeld (WA)[932, 68.45, 60.69%], Mineta (CA)[932, 68.45, 65.75%], Torricelli (NJ)[932, 68.45, 65.29%], Nowak (NY)[932, 68.35, 65.29%], Dingell (MI)[932, 68.24, 63.45%], Chapman (TX)[927, 68.07, 63.45%], Skaggs (CO)[932, 68.03, 61.61%] , Martínez (CA)[932, 68.03, 66.44%], Panetta (CA)[932, 68.03, 66.21%], Thomas (GA)[932, 67.92, 65.06%], Eckart (OH)[932, 67.92, 62.76%], Lancaster (NC)[932, 67.81, 66.67%], Payne (VA)[932, 67.7, 66.9%], Sharp (IN)[932, 67.49, 65.52%], Mink (HI)[932, 67.49, 64.6%], Markey (MA)[932, 67.38, 64.37%], Pastor (AZ)[643, 67.34, 62.99%], Moran (VA)[932, 67.27, 64.37%], Sabo (MN)[932, 67.27, 65.29%], Johnson (SD)[932, 67.06, 66.67%], Glickman (KS)[932, 66.95, 65.06%], LaFalce (NY)[932, 66.95, 65.75%], Owens (UT)[932, 66.85, 63.45%], Wheat (MO)[932, 66.74, 65.52%], Sangmeister (IL)[932, 66.63, 64.14%], Studds (MA)[932, 66.63, 65.52%], Kostmayer (PA)[932, 66.63, 64.83%], Schumer (NY)[932, 66.63, 65.52%], Smith (FL)[932, 66.52, 64.14%], Volkmer (MO)[932, 66.52, 62.3%], Mavroules (MA)[932, 66.52, 65.52%], Carper (DE)[932, 66.42, 65.75%], McDermott (WA)[932, 66.31, 65.29%], Erdreich (AL)[932, 66.2, 64.6%], Neal (MA)[932, 66.2, 67.36%], Peterson (MN)[932, 66.09, 65.75%], Synar (OK)[932, 66.09, 65.29%], Kopetski (OR)[932, 66.09, 65.98%], Evans (IL)[932, 65.77, 66.21%], Tanner (TN)[932, 65.67, 64.6%], Oakar (OH)[932, 65.67, 62.07%], Obey (WI)[932, 65.56, 65.29%], Wolpe (MI)[932, 65.56, 63.22%], Roe (NJ)[932, 65.56, 64.37%], Smith (IA)[932, 65.45, 60.69%], Dwyer (NJ)[932, 65.45, 63.68%], Lewis (GA)[932, 65.34, 64.83%], Swett (NH)[932, 65.34, 66.21%], Feighan (OH)[932, 65.24, 61.38%], González (TX)[932, 65.13, 63.91%], Vento (MN)[932, 64.91, 65.75%], Frank (MA)[932, 64.81, 64.37%], Costello (IL)[932, 64.7, 65.52%], Edwards (CA)[932, 64.59, 64.14%], Traficant (OH)[932, 64.48, 65.29%], Roybal (CA)[932, 64.48, 62.99%], Carr (MI)[927, 64.4, 64.37%], Johnston (FL)[932, 64.38, 63.91%], Andrews (ME)[932, 64.27, 65.52%], Hertel (MI)[932, 64.06, 60.46%], Ford (MI)[932, 64.06, 61.61%], Jefferson (LA)[932, 64.06, 62.53%], Kennedy (MA)[932, 64.06, 63.22%], Matsui (CA)[932, 64.06, 63.45%], Nagle (IA)[932, 63.95, 64.14%], Pelosi (CA)[932, 63.84, 63.22%], Poshard (IL)[932, 63.73, 66.44%], Dixon (CA)[932, 63.63, 62.53%], Solarz (NY)[932, 63.52, 60.92%], Roemer (IN)[932, 63.41, 65.98%], Yatron (PA)[932, 63.41, 59.77%], Pickett (VA)[932, 63.3, 65.06%], Neal (NC)[932, 63.3, 63.68%], Stallings (ID)[932, 63.3, 63.22%], Skelton (MO)[932, 63.2, 65.29%], Slattery (KS)[932, 63.09, 62.76%], Miller (CA)[932, 63.09, 65.06%], Abercrombie (HI)[932, 62.98, 64.14%], Torres (CA)[932, 62.98, 61.61%], Andrews (NJ)[932, 62.77, 65.06%], Wilson (TX)[932, 62.66, 61.84%], Berman (CA)[932, 62.66, 59.77%], Hefner (NC)[932, 62.12, 57.47%], Anthony (AR)[932, 62.02, 61.61%], Waxman (CA)[932, 62.02, 57.93%], Bonior (MI)[932, 61.8, 59.77%], Hayes (IL)[932, 61.59, 63.91%], Jontz (IN)[932, 61.48, 62.99%], Payne (NJ)[932, 61.48, 65.29%], Blackwell (PA)[544, 61.4, 60.23%], Oberstar (MN)[932, 61.27, 62.53%], Flake (NY)[932, 61.27, 61.15%], Mfume (MD)[932, 61.16, 63.45%], Rahall (WV)[932, 61.16, 62.53%], Atkins (MA)[932, 61.16, 63.22%], Rangel (NY)[932, 61.16, 63.22%], Laughlin (TX)[932, 61.05, 61.15%], Foglietta (PA)[932, 61.05, 63.45%], Tallon (SC)[932, 60.94, 62.07%], Donnelly (MA)[932, 60.84, 61.38%], Byron (MD)[932, 60.73, 64.37%], Collins (MI)[932, 60.73, 61.61%], Pallone (NJ)[932, 60.52, 65.29%], Pease (OH)[932, 60.41, 63.45%], DeFazio (OR)[932, 60.41, 64.14%], Stokes (OH)[932, 60.3, 62.99%], Moody (WI)[932, 60.19, 57.7%] , Ackerman (NY)[932, 60.19, 62.99%], Scheuer (NY)[932, 60.19, 61.84%], Whitten (MS)[932, 60.09, 57.24%], Olin (VA)[932, 59.98, 62.07%], Russo (IL)[932, 59.98, 60.92%], Staggers (WV)[932, 59.66, 61.61%], Luken (OH)[932, 59.55, 63.45%], Serrano (NY)[932, 59.23, 60.46%], Jones (GA)[932, 59.12, 58.16%], Williams (MT)[932, 59.01, 61.84%], Stark (CA)[932, 58.8, 61.38%], Patterson (SC)[932, 58.69, 57.47%], Alexander (AR)[932, 58.69, 64.6%], Hughes (NJ)[932, 58.69, 65.75%], Lipinski (IL)[932, 58.37, 61.84%], Lloyd (TN)[932, 58.26, 60.92%], Collins (IL)[932, 58.15, 59.54%], English (OK)[932, 57.94, 65.29%], Gaydos (PA)[932, 57.83, 59.31%], Sikorski (MN)[932, 57.62, 63.22%]

Perkins (KY)[932, 57.3, 58.16%], Hatcher (GA)[932, 57.3, 63.91%], Dorgan (ND)[932, 57.3, 53.1%], Campbell (CO)[932, 57.3, 60.46%], Dellums (CA)[932, 56.97, 60.92%], Yates (IL)[932, 56.76, 60%], Owens (NY)[932, 56.65, 61.61%], Kolter (PA)[932, 56.55, 55.86%], Bennett (FL)[932, 56.44, 64.83%], Applegate (OH)[932, 56.44, 64.83%], Geren (TX)[932, 56.22, 64.6%], Sarpalius (TX)[932, 56.22, 64.14%], Early (MA)[932, 56.12, 62.99%], Montgomery (MS)[932, 55.69, 65.52%], Gray (PA)[252, 54.76, 54.48%], Beilenson (CA)[932, 54.72, 61.84%], AuCoin (OR)[932, 54.51, 58.39%], Weiss (NY)[834, 53.84, 58.39%], Valentine (NC)[932, 53.54, 57.93%], Waters (CA)[932, 53.54, 62.53%], Parker (MS)[932, 53.11, 64.37%], Towns (NY)[932, 53, 56.32%], Sanders (VT)[932, 52.68, 60.69%], Huckaby (LA)[932, 52.36, 59.77%], Hubbard (KY)[932, 52.25, 61.84%], Lehman (FL)[932, 51.93, 53.33%], Tauzin (LA)[932, 51.61, 62.76%], Foley (WA)[31, 51.61, 62.07%], Traxler (MI)[932, 51.39, 51.26%], Ford (TN)[932, 51.18, 53.1%], Condit (CA)[932, 50.86, 62.76%], Conyers (MI)[932, 50.54, 56.55%], Clay (MO)[932, 50.43, 59.77%], Mrazek (NY)[932, 49.57, 50.34%], Hayes (LA)[932, 49.14, 57.7%], Horton (NY)[932, 48.61, 62.76%], Schroeder (CO)[932, 47.96, 64.6%], Gilman (NY)[932, 47.96, 61.84%], Madigan (IL)[36, 47.22, 69.2%], Orton (UT)[932, 46.57, 49.89%], Boxer (CA)[932, 46.57, 62.07%], Ray (GA)[932, 45.39, 58.85%], Stenholm (TX)[932, 44.42, 62.53%], Hutto (FL)[932, 43.78, 63.22%], Barnard (GA)[932, 43.45, 64.14%], Boehlert (NY)[932, 43.45, 52.87%], Murphy (PA)[932, 43.13, 59.54%], Washington (TX)[932, 42.81, 53.33%], Bartlett (TX)[36, 41.67, 67.36%], Savage (IL)[932, 41.42, 50.57%], Taylor (MS)[932, 41.2, 63.45%], Green (NY)[932, 40.34, 62.07%], Dymally (CA)[932, 39.91, 45.29%], Hall (TX)[932, 39.59, 62.99%], Penny (MN)[932, 38.52, 59.31%], Morrison (WA)[932, 38.3, 60%], Levine (CA)[932, 37.98, 42.3%], Morella (MD)[932, 37.88, 61.84%], Fish (NY)[932, 36.16, 62.07%], Rinaldo (NJ)[932, 35.09, 63.68%], Ravenel (SC)[932, 34.01, 61.38%], McGrath (NY)[932, 34.01, 63.68%], Snowe (ME)[932, 33.69, 61.61%], Smith (NJ)[932, 33.05, 62.76%], Machtley (RI)[932, 30.58, 62.07%], Davis (MI)[932, 30.47, 57.47%], Conte (MA)[21, 28.57, 66.9%], Jacobs (IN)[932, 27.79, 57.93%], Johnson (CT)[932, 26.61, 60.69%], Skeen (NM)[932, 25.75, 62.53%], Houghton (NY)[932, 25.21, 59.54%], McDade (PA)[932, 25.11, 55.17%], Walsh (NY)[932, 24.57, 60.92%], Schiff (NM)[932, 24.46, 60.46%], Gunderson (WI)[932, 24.14, 61.15%], Regula (OH)[932, 22.85, 61.61%], Gallo (NJ)[932, 22, 60.69%], Roukema (NJ)[932, 21.67, 58.62%], Gillmor (OH)[927, 21.04, 60.23%], Clinger (PA)[932, 20.49, 60.46%] , Bateman (VA)[932, 18.99, 60.23%], Coughlin (PA)[932, 18.56, 55.4%], Leach (IA)[932, 17.7, 58.85%], Myers (IN)[932, 17.49, 59.08%], Ritter (PA)[932, 16.74, 59.54%], Gilchrest (MD)[932, 16.63, 58.85%], Lent (NY)[932, 16.63, 57.24%], Ridge (PA)[932, 15.77, 56.32%], Shaw (FL)[932, 14.91, 59.31%], Molinari (NY)[932, 14.81, 59.54%], Martin (NY)[932, 14.06, 59.08%], Saxton (NJ)[932, 14.06, 56.09%], Coleman (MO)[932, 13.84, 59.08%], Klug (WI)[932, 13.73, 58.85%], Emerson (MO)[932, 13.3, 56.32%], Young (AK)[932, 13.3, 60.23%], Pursell (MI)[932, 12.88, 56.32%], Slaughter (VA)[375, 12.27, 48.74%], Quillen (TN)[932, 12.23, 59.08%], Kasich (OH)[932, 12.23, 55.17%], Ros-Lehtinen (FL)[932, 11.91, 57.93%], Broomfield (MI)[932, 11.8, 55.63%], Bentley (MD)[932, 11.7, 57.7%], Shays (CT)[932, 11.16, 57.93%], Schulze (PA)[932, 10.84, 55.17%], Miller (WA)[932, 10.62, 55.63%], Vander Jagt (MI)[932, 10.52, 56.32%], Wylie (OH)[932, 10.3, 57.93%], Hammerschmidt (AR)[932, 9.98, 57.24%], Hobson (OH)[932, 9.87, 59.77%], Meyers (KS)[932, 9.66, 58.39%], Rogers (KY)[932, 9.33, 59.31%], Bereuter (NE)[932, 9.33, 59.31%], Spence (SC)[932, 9.23, 57.01%], Porter (IL)[932, 9.23, 57.93%], Wolf (VA)[932, 8.69, 59.31%], Young (FL)[932, 8.15, 58.16%], Weldon (PA)[932, 7.83, 57.47%], Upton (MI)[932, 7.73, 58.62%], Lowery (CA)[932, 7.62, 53.1%], Lewis (CA)[932, 7.51, 56.09%], Livingston (LA)[932, 7.08, 54.48%], Riggs (CA)[932, 7.08, 55.86%], Chandler (WA)[932, 6.97, 52.64%], McMillan (NC)[932, 6.87, 58.39%], Hyde (IL)[932, 6.55, 51.26%], Gradison (OH)[932, 5.58, 56.32%], McCrery (LA)[932, 5.04, 53.56%], Goodling (PA)[932, 4.94, 56.09%], Udall (AZ)[76, 3.95, 11.03%], Lightfoot (IA)[932, 3.33, 57.01%], Grandy (IA)[932, 3, 56.32%], Henry (MI)[932, 2.79, 56.55%], Ramstad (MN)[932, 2.68, 57.7%], Michel (IL)[932, 2.47, 54.94%], Camp (MI)[932, 2.15, 58.16%], Edwards (OK)[932, 2.04, 50.34%], Callahan (AL)[932, 1.93, 54.25%], Nichols (KS)[932, 1.93, 56.09%], Thomas (CA)[932, 1.61, 53.56%], Sundquist (TN)[932, 1.07, 56.55%], Combest (TX)[932, 1.07, 54.94%], Smith (TX)[931, 0.97, 55.17%], Franks (CT)[932, 0.86, 55.86%], Santorum (PA)[932, 0.86, 56.78%], Weber (MN)[932, 0.75, 52.18%], Dickinson (AL)[932, 0.64, 51.72%], Petri (WI)[932, 0.54, 55.17%], Oxley (OH)[932, 0.43, 56.55%], McCollum (FL)[932, 0.32, 56.09%], Shuster (PA)[932, 0.21, 55.86%]

Bliley (VA)[932, -0.64, 57.01%], Bilirakis (FL)[932, -1.07, 56.09%], James (FL)[932, -1.07, 56.32%], Paxon (NY)[932, -1.29, 57.7%], Kolbe (AZ)[932, -1.5, 55.86%], Zimmer (NJ)[932, -1.72, 56.09%], Campbell (CA)[932, -2.58, 50.11%], Cunningham (CA)[932, -2.68, 55.63%], Ewing (IL)[730, -3.01, 54.25%], Gingrich (GA)[932, -3.22, 53.1%], Gallegly (CA)[932, -4.29, 55.86%], Ireland (FL)[932, -4.4, 48.05%], Lagomarsino (CA)[932, -4.4, 55.4%], Barrett (NE)[932, -4.51, 56.09%], Hastert (IL)[932, -4.51, 57.01%], McCandless (CA)[932, -5.04, 55.17%], Vucanovich (NV)[932, -5.69, 54.71%], Thomas (WY)[932, -5.9, 54.71%], Packard (CA)[932, -6.01, 54.02%], McEwen (OH)[932, -6.33, 53.33%], Hansen (UT)[932, -6.55, 53.33%], Lewis (FL)[932, -6.65, 54.71%], Roth (WI)[932, -6.76, 54.25%], Rhodes (AZ)[932, -7.08, 54.94%], Smith (OR)[932, -7.19, 56.09%], Zeliff (NH)[932, -7.51, 53.56%], Gekas (PA)[932, -7.94, 54.02%], Fawell (IL)[932, -8.05, 53.1%], Baker (LA)[932, -8.05, 53.33%], Goss (FL)[932, -8.37, 54.94%], Taylor (NC)[932, -8.91, 53.79%], Barton (TX)[932, -9.33, 51.49%], Holloway (LA)[932, -9.55, 48.51%], Hopkins (KY)[932, -9.66, 40.69%], Johnson (TX)[828, -9.78, 51.49%], Inhofe (OK)[932, -10.19, 53.79%], Marlenee (MT)[932, -10.52, 49.43%], Solomon (NY)[932, -10.73, 53.56%], Schaefer (CO)[932, -10.94, 54.94%], Archer (TX)[932, -11.27, 51.95%], Stearns (FL)[932, -11.48, 50.8%], Hunter (CA)[932, -11.48, 53.33%], Roberts (KS)[932, -11.59, 53.56%], Cox (CA)[932, -11.8, 51.49%], Bunning (KY)[932, -11.91, 53.33%], Boehner (OH)[932, -12.45, 53.79%], Kyl (AZ)[932, -12.77, 54.25%], Dreier (CA)[932, -12.77, 52.18%], Nussle (IA)[932, -13.3, 53.79%], Ballenger (NC)[932, -13.41, 52.87%], Miller (OH)[932, -13.84, 51.95%], Dornan (CA)[932, -13.95, 50.57%], Fields (TX)[932, -14.38, 52.18%], Moorhead (CA)[932, -14.48, 53.33%], Coble (NC)[932, -14.81, 53.33%], Herger (CA)[932, -15.02, 51.95%], Hefley (CO)[932, -16.63, 52.18%], Doolittle (CA)[932, -16.74, 51.72%], Duncan (TN)[932, -17.38, 51.72%], Allard (CO)[932, -18.56, 52.18%], Rohrabacher (CA)[932, -19.1, 51.72%], DeLay (TX)[932, -20.17, 49.66%], Allen (VA)[545, -20.37, 50.57%], Walker (PA)[932, -20.71, 50.57%], Dannemeyer (CA)[932, -23.39, 42.3%], Burton (IN)[932, -23.61, 50.11%], Sensenbrenner (WI)[932, -25.11, 49.89%], Armey (TX)[932, -29.61, 48.05%], Hancock (MO)[932, -30.36, 48.28%], Crane (IL)[932, -34.44, 44.14%], Stump (AZ)[932, -34.76, 47.59%]

Raw data source:

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