Monday, May 13, 2013

9th Congress, Senate

Post Summary: 9th Congress, Senate

It is due to the sound discretion with which they select from among themselves those to whom they confide the legislative duties. It is due to the zeal and wisdom of the characters thus selected, who lay the foundations of public happiness in wholesome laws, the execution of which alone remains for others, and it is due to the able and faithful auxiliaries, whose patriotism has associated them with me in the executive functions.
-President Thomas Jefferson

Primary Mode Bin: 40-50
Secondary Mode Bin: (-10)-0

Majority Line Leader: Smith (TN) - 68.18
Opposition Leader: Tracy (CT) - (-9.09)
Best Network: Maclay (PA) - 61.76
Worst Network: Plumer (NH) - 44.12
Locked Step Leader Pair: Condit (NJ)/Kitchell (NJ) - 83%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Pickering (MA)/Turner (NC) - 20%

Smith (TN)[88, 68.18, 58.82%], Howland (RI)[88, 65.91, 58.82%], Kitchell (NJ)[88, 59.09, 58.82%], Smith (NY)[88, 59.09, 52.94%], Condit (NJ)[88, 57.95, 55.88%], Maclay (PA)[88, 56.82, 61.76%], Smith (MD)[88, 52.27, 58.82%], Baldwin (GA)[88, 51.14, 52.94%], Thruston (KY)[88, 48.86, 50%], Gilman (NH)[88, 47.73, 55.88%], Smith (VT)[88, 47.73, 55.88%], Reed (MD)[19, 47.37, 50%], Anderson (TN)[88, 46.59, 47.06%], Logan (PA)[88, 43.18, 55.88%], Mitchill (NY)[88, 43.18, 52.94%], Moore (VA)[88, 42.05, 58.82%], Gaillard (SC)[88, 40.91, 55.88%], Fenner (RI)[88, 37.5, 41.18%], Worthington (OH)[88, 37.5, 52.94%], Clay (KY)[19, 36.84, 41.18%], Wright (MD)[68, 36.76, 47.06%]

Sumter (SC)[88, 35.23, 55.88%], Bradley (VT)[88, 34.09, 52.94%], Milledge (GA)[19, 31.58, 47.06%], Smith (OH)[88, 29.55, 50%], Stone (NC)[72, 29.17, 47.06%], Turner (NC)[88, 23.86, 50%], Adair (KY)[68, 17.65, 50%], Giles (VA)[88, 15.91, 29.41%], Adams (MA)[88, 6.82, 47.06%], Jackson (GA)[47, 6.38, 26.47%], Bayard (DE)[88, 2.27, 38.24%], White (DE)[88, 2.27, 50%]

Pickering (MA)[88, -1.14, 50%], Hillhouse (CT)[88, -2.27, 47.06%], Plumer (NH)[88, -6.82, 44.12%], Tracy (CT)[88, -9.09, 47.06%]

Raw data source:

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