We have the chance today to do more than ever before in our history to make life better in America--to ensure better education, better health, better housing, better transportation, a cleaner environment-to restore respect for law, to make our communities more livable--and to ensure the God-given right of every American to full and equal opportunity.
-Richard Nixon
Secondary Mode Bin: (-10)-0
Majority Line Leader: Natcher (KY) - 74.21
Opposition Leader: Landgrebe (IN) - (-23.86)
Best Network: Natcher (KY) - 65.52%
Worst Network: Landgrebe (IN) - 34.71%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Sarbanes (MD)/Mezvinsky (IA) - 90%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Landgrebe (IN)/Burke (CA) - 16%
Natcher (KY)[1070, 74.21, 65.52%], Hanley (NY)[1068, 72.38, 64.14%], Perkins (KY)[1070, 71.87, 65.29%], Preyer (NC)[1067, 70.67, 63.22%], Hamilton (IN)[1070, 69.44, 64.83%], Zablocki (WI)[1069, 69.32, 64.6%], Price (IL)[1070, 68.13, 64.83%], Annunzio (IL)[1067, 66.73, 63.45%], Rooney (PA)[1064, 66.45, 61.15%], Flood (PA)[1069, 66.23, 63.45%], Slack (WV)[1069, 65.86, 63.22%], Vigorito (PA)[1066, 65.48, 60.92%], Ullman (OR)[1063, 65.48, 62.53%], Widnall (NJ)[1061, 65.32, 60.46%], Sarasin (CT)[1068, 65.17, 64.14%], Patten (NJ)[1070, 64.67, 62.53%], Roush (IN)[1069, 64.55, 63.68%], Matsunaga (HI)[1067, 64.48, 62.53%], McDade (PA)[1069, 64.36, 62.99%], Fuqua (FL)[1055, 64.27, 61.38%], Boland (MA)[1061, 63.9, 61.15%], Morgan (PA)[1058, 63.71, 59.77%], McFall (CA)[1065, 63.66, 62.53%], Horton (NY)[1055, 63.32, 62.99%], Johnson (CA)[1067, 63.17, 61.15%], Yatron (PA)[1066, 63.04, 61.84%], Minish (NJ)[1069, 62.86, 62.53%], Madden (IN)[1063, 62.46, 61.38%], Brotzman (CO)[1067, 62.23, 62.3%], Boggs (LA)[1026, 62.18, 60.92%], Burke (MA)[1069, 62.11, 63.45%], Daniels (NJ)[1050, 62, 60.23%], Clark (PA)[1057, 61.97, 55.63%], Peyser (NY)[1066, 61.82, 60.69%], O'Neill (MA)[1052, 61.5, 59.77%], Symington (MO)[1065, 61.5, 58.62%], Roe (NJ)[1063, 61.24, 60.92%], McCormack (WA)[1063, 61.05, 62.3%], Long (LA)[1068, 61.05, 60.92%], Brooks (TX)[1065, 61.03, 60.69%], Murphy (IL)[1062, 61.02, 60%], Delaney (NY)[1064, 60.9, 60.46%], Thornton (AR)[1066, 60.88, 62.07%], Pepper (FL)[1063, 60.87, 57.7%], Rogers (FL)[1063, 60.3, 62.76%], Shipley (IL)[1056, 60.13, 58.16%], Taylor (NC)[1070, 60.09, 62.99%], Fascell (FL)[1070, 60, 62.3%], Andrews (ND)[1061, 59.94, 62.07%], Mollohan (WV)[1058, 59.92, 59.77%], du Pont (DE)[1069, 59.78, 62.07%], White (TX)[1068, 59.74, 60.92%], Young (TX)[1069, 59.59, 61.61%], Eilberg (PA)[1066, 59.47, 60.69%], Guyer (OH)[1062, 59.42, 60.92%], Rinaldo (NJ)[1069, 59.4, 62.76%], Mitchell (NY)[1065, 59.25, 61.84%], Sisk (CA)[1060, 59.25, 58.39%], Smith (IA)[1070, 59.25, 59.77%], Staggers (WV)[1063, 59.17, 60.23%], Cronin (MA)[1061, 58.91, 61.38%], Jones (AL)[1065, 58.87, 55.63%], Albert (OK)[17, 58.82, 47.13%], Bergland (MN)[1063, 58.7, 62.76%], Rose (NC)[1061, 58.62, 59.08%], Litton (MO)[1066, 58.35, 57.7%], Donohue (MA)[1067, 58.29, 60.92%], Roy (KS)[1069, 58.28, 59.08%], Mezvinsky (IA)[1070, 58.13, 62.53%], Gaydos (PA)[1066, 58.07, 62.3%], Udall (AZ)[1070, 57.85, 59.54%], Kyros (ME)[1067, 57.73, 61.38%], Rostenkowski (IL)[1041, 57.64, 58.16%], Karth (MN)[1065, 57.56, 59.77%], McKay (UT)[1066, 57.22, 58.85%], Sarbanes (MD)[1070, 57.2, 62.53%], Rodino (NJ)[1065, 57.18, 61.84%], Moorhead (PA)[1055, 57.16, 60%], Fulton (TN)[1061, 57.12, 58.16%], Breckinridge (KY)[1065, 57.09, 60.92%], Ginn (GA)[1067, 57.08, 61.84%], Stanton (OH)[1067, 56.79, 60%], Wright (TX)[1064, 56.67, 58.39%], Gilman (NY)[1068, 56.65, 61.84%], Regula (OH)[1067, 56.61, 62.3%], Coughlin (PA)[1068, 56.55, 61.15%], Foley (WA)[1065, 56.53, 60%], Pike (NY)[1070, 56.45, 61.84%], Hungate (MO)[1069, 56.41, 61.61%], Jordan (TX)[1066, 56.38, 61.38%], Walsh (NY)[1063, 56.35, 59.31%], St. Germain (RI)[1064, 56.3, 59.54%], Clausen (CA)[1068, 55.99, 60.23%], Flowers (AL)[1061, 55.98, 59.08%], Brademas (IN)[1069, 55.94, 60.92%], Stratton (NY)[1064, 55.92, 59.31%], Cohen (ME)[1068, 55.81, 62.07%], Pickle (TX)[1064, 55.73, 58.85%], Conte (MA)[1068, 55.71, 60.92%] , Meeds (WA)[1064, 55.64, 59.77%], Forsythe (NJ)[1069, 55.57, 61.61%], Kluczynski (IL)[1049, 55.48, 56.32%], Sullivan (MO)[1058, 55.48, 57.93%], Bowen (MS)[1068, 55.43, 60.46%], Mathias (CA)[1065, 55.4, 57.01%], Kazen (TX)[1068, 55.34, 58.85%], Melcher (MT)[1061, 55.33, 58.85%], Cotter (CT)[1061, 55.23, 59.31%], Giaimo (CT)[1062, 55.18, 57.93%], Gibbons (FL)[1068, 55.15, 58.85%], Thone (NE)[1070, 55.05, 62.76%], Railsback (IL)[1068, 54.96, 59.54%], González (TX)[1070, 54.95, 60.23%], Young (IL)[1066, 54.88, 61.38%], Henderson (NC)[1065, 54.84, 60.46%], Biester (PA)[1068, 54.78, 61.15%], Heinz (PA)[1064, 54.7, 60.69%], Corman (CA)[1063, 54.66, 59.77%], Moakley (MA)[1068, 54.49, 60%], Mahon (TX)[1069, 54.35, 61.38%], Esch (MI)[1064, 54.04, 58.62%], Dulski (NY)[1059, 54.01, 57.01%], Green (PA)[1067, 53.98, 59.77%], Addabbo (NY)[1060, 53.96, 59.54%], Collins (IL)[935, 53.8, 58.85%], Andrews (NC)[1060, 53.77, 58.62%], Barrett (PA)[1066, 53.66, 58.16%], Thomson (WI)[1067, 53.61, 56.09%], Breaux (LA)[1054, 53.61, 61.84%], Wilson (TX)[1064, 53.57, 57.47%], Carney (OH)[1054, 53.51, 58.62%], Hillis (IN)[1069, 53.41, 58.85%], Evans (CO)[1069, 53.41, 59.54%], Stanton (OH)[1067, 53.33, 61.38%], Randall (MO)[1070, 53.18, 60.23%], Nedzi (MI)[1067, 53.14, 58.85%], Shriver (KS)[1067, 52.95, 60.92%], Davis (SC)[1062, 52.82, 58.39%], Tiernan (RI)[1063, 52.68, 58.16%], Downing (VA)[1069, 52.67, 58.16%], Mazzoli (KY)[1070, 52.62, 61.61%], Vanik (OH)[1070, 52.52, 60.92%], Stuckey (GA)[1063, 52.4, 53.1%], Alexander (AR)[1064, 52.26, 54.71%], Danielson (CA)[1066, 52.25, 54.25%], Fish (NY)[1065, 52.21, 59.77%], Stephens (GA)[1060, 52.17, 54.94%], McKinney (CT)[1064, 51.88, 58.16%], Gettys (SC)[1061, 51.84, 57.47%], Broomfield (MI)[1065, 51.83, 59.31%], Steele (CT)[1063, 51.65, 56.09%], Lent (NY)[1062, 51.6, 59.77%], Obey (WI)[1068, 51.59, 60%], Fountain (NC)[1069, 51.45, 60.46%], Bolling (MO)[1070, 51.4, 54.94%], Long (MD)[1068, 51.31, 58.62%], Dent (PA)[1053, 51.19, 57.93%], Jones (NC)[1062, 51.13, 57.01%], O'Hara (MI)[1064, 51.13, 57.47%], Ashley (OH)[1064, 51.03, 57.01%], Wilson (CA)[1063, 50.99, 56.78%], Madigan (IL)[1068, 50.94, 59.54%], Whalen (OH)[1068, 50.94, 59.31%], Holifield (CA)[1059, 50.9, 53.33%], Bevill (AL)[1064, 50.85, 58.62%], Hicks (WA)[1065, 50.7, 61.15%], Lehman (FL)[1066, 50.66, 58.39%], Chappell (FL)[1065, 50.61, 59.54%], de la Garza (TX)[1059, 50.61, 56.09%], Wolff (NY)[1064, 50.56, 60.69%], Quie (MN)[1068, 50.56, 59.54%], Stubblefield (KY)[1060, 50.38, 54.94%], Mann (SC)[1068, 50.28, 55.86%], Mosher (OH)[1068, 50.28, 56.32%], Hays (OH)[1054, 50.28, 59.31%], Pettis (CA)[1064, 50.28, 59.08%], Leggett (CA)[1066, 50.28, 59.54%], Roncalio (WY)[1063, 50.24, 58.39%], McCloskey (CA)[1062, 50.19, 60.46%], Casey (TX)[1070, 50.19, 58.39%], Winn (KS)[1067, 50.05, 60%], Van Deerlin (CA)[1065, 49.95, 58.62%], Steed (OK)[1067, 49.95, 57.47%], Seiberling (OH)[1070, 49.72, 59.77%], Studds (MA)[1070, 49.63, 61.15%], Cleveland (NH)[1070, 49.63, 60.69%], Helstoski (NJ)[1065, 49.58, 57.7%], Murphy (NY)[1045, 49.57, 53.56%], Reuss (WI)[1070, 49.53, 58.62%], Jones (OK)[1066, 49.53, 58.85%], Sikes (FL)[1061, 49.39, 57.7%], Gude (MD)[1067, 49.3, 60.69%], Brinkley (GA)[1069, 49.3, 59.31%], Mink (HI)[1070, 49.25, 60%], Burlison (MO)[1066, 49.25, 59.31%], Hastings (NY)[1064, 49.15, 58.39%], Green (OR)[1062, 49.06, 52.64%], Cederberg (MI)[1068, 48.97, 59.08%], Adams (WA)[1064, 48.78, 58.16%] , Johnson (PA)[1063, 48.64, 57.7%], Owens (UT)[1064, 48.4, 56.55%], Hogan (MD)[1068, 48.22, 58.39%], Metcalfe (IL)[1054, 47.91, 54.94%], Culver (IA)[1067, 47.89, 54.25%], Broyhill (NC)[1070, 47.85, 60.23%], Frey (FL)[1067, 47.8, 60%], Carter (KY)[1062, 47.65, 57.01%], Rees (CA)[1060, 47.64, 57.7%], Byron (MD)[1064, 47.56, 60%], Nix (PA)[1053, 47.1, 55.17%], Heckler (MA)[1061, 46.94, 57.7%], Biaggi (NY)[1055, 46.92, 53.1%], Vander Jagt (MI)[1066, 46.9, 56.09%], Buchanan (AL)[1065, 46.85, 56.09%], Bingham (NY)[1063, 46.75, 58.62%], Eshleman (PA)[1063, 46.75, 57.24%], Bennett (FL)[1070, 46.73, 60.23%], Koch (NY)[1066, 46.72, 58.39%], Grover (NY)[1065, 46.67, 57.93%], Yates (IL)[1067, 46.67, 59.31%]
Brown (CA)[1064, 46.62, 56.32%], Sandman (NJ)[1063, 46.57, 50.8%], Williams (PA)[1063, 46.38, 54.94%], McClory (IL)[1066, 46.25, 59.08%], Wyatt (OR)[1067, 46.2, 54.94%], Rosenthal (NY)[1063, 46.19, 57.47%], McCollister (NE)[1068, 46.16, 60.69%], Grasso (CT)[1066, 46.15, 55.17%], Thompson (NJ)[1043, 46.12, 53.33%], Rangel (NY)[1059, 46.08, 57.01%], Mallary (VT)[1070, 46.07, 60.46%], Ford (MI)[1067, 46.02, 55.86%], Howard (NJ)[1057, 45.98, 54.94%], Dingell (MI)[1062, 45.95, 54.71%], Edwards (AL)[1069, 45.93, 59.77%], Wilson (CA)[1064, 45.86, 58.16%], Macdonald (MA)[1054, 45.64, 52.41%], Chamberlain (MI)[1065, 45.63, 58.62%], Talcott (CA)[1054, 45.54, 57.7%], Jones (TN)[1058, 45.46, 52.64%], Anderson (CA)[1064, 45.39, 57.24%], Haley (FL)[1068, 45.32, 58.39%], Pritchard (WA)[1067, 45.27, 58.62%], O'Brien (IL)[1068, 45.22, 58.39%], Anderson (IL)[1063, 45.16, 54.02%], Patman (TX)[1063, 45.06, 47.82%], Drinan (MA)[1070, 44.95, 59.31%], Frenzel (MN)[1067, 44.89, 57.7%], Gunter (FL)[1059, 44.85, 52.41%], Denholm (SD)[1066, 44.84, 58.62%], Smith (NY)[1064, 44.83, 57.7%], Hansen (WA)[1061, 44.77, 46.44%], Findley (IL)[1068, 44.76, 57.93%], Fraser (MN)[1064, 44.74, 55.86%], Eckhardt (TX)[1064, 44.64, 56.32%], Wampler (VA)[1069, 44.53, 60.69%], Roncallo (NY)[1056, 44.51, 53.79%], Harsha (OH)[1070, 44.39, 58.39%], Dellenback (OR)[1070, 44.39, 57.93%], Nichols (AL)[1057, 44.37, 57.01%], Edwards (CA)[1064, 44.36, 57.01%], Burton (CA)[1060, 44.34, 56.32%], Passman (LA)[1046, 44.17, 53.79%], Brown (OH)[1067, 44.14, 58.62%], Kastenmeier (WI)[1070, 44.11, 58.39%], Stokes (OH)[1053, 43.97, 51.49%], Aspin (WI)[1067, 43.67, 55.17%], Evins (TN)[1063, 43.56, 52.41%], Maraziti (NJ)[1057, 43.24, 56.32%], Abzug (NY)[1066, 43.06, 57.47%], Abdnor (SD)[1065, 43, 58.85%], Milford (TX)[1070, 42.99, 54.71%], Whitehurst (VA)[1065, 42.72, 59.08%], Holtzman (NY)[1069, 42.66, 57.47%], Gray (IL)[1049, 42.61, 45.06%], Robison (NY)[1066, 42.5, 56.78%], Shoup (MT)[1067, 42.46, 55.86%], Mitchell (MD)[1058, 42.44, 55.63%], Mailliard (CA)[571, 42.38, 52.87%], Roybal (CA)[1066, 42.31, 56.55%], Broyhill (VA)[1067, 42.27, 57.47%], Wydler (NY)[1068, 42.23, 57.24%], Roberts (TX)[1062, 42.18, 56.32%], Riegle (MI)[1056, 41.86, 54.02%], Latta (OH)[1067, 41.8, 59.31%], Nelsen (MN)[1068, 41.67, 56.78%], Stark (CA)[1061, 41.66, 55.63%], Wyman (NH)[1061, 41.66, 56.78%], Teague (CA)[536, 41.6, 58.85%], Whitten (MS)[1069, 41.53, 57.24%], Steiger (WI)[1067, 41.52, 56.78%], Young (GA)[1062, 41.34, 54.25%], Schroeder (CO)[1067, 41.24, 56.78%], Brown (MI)[1065, 41.22, 56.55%], Erlenborn (IL)[1060, 41.04, 56.55%], Ruppe (MI)[1062, 40.96, 54.71%], Steelman (TX)[1061, 40.72, 58.39%], Ichord (MO)[1064, 40.51, 53.79%], Parris (VA)[1067, 40.39, 57.93%] , Ryan (CA)[1064, 40.32, 52.64%], Kemp (NY)[1065, 40.09, 58.39%], Hansen (ID)[1069, 40.04, 51.72%], Burke (FL)[1066, 39.96, 55.86%], Bauman (MD)[756, 39.95, 56.32%], Zwach (MN)[1061, 39.87, 54.71%], Clay (MO)[1044, 39.85, 51.03%], Ware (PA)[1063, 39.79, 57.47%], Burke (CA)[1045, 39.62, 49.66%], Dellums (CA)[1058, 39.51, 54.94%], Griffiths (MI)[1056, 39.39, 48.74%], Hawkins (CA)[1052, 39.35, 50.57%], Towell (NV)[1066, 39.12, 56.32%], Bray (IN)[1065, 38.97, 59.08%], Podell (NY)[1050, 38.95, 48.05%], Mayne (IA)[1067, 38.89, 56.78%], Hammerschmidt (AR)[1067, 38.71, 57.01%], Veysey (CA)[1068, 38.67, 54.94%], Hinshaw (CA)[1063, 38.66, 58.16%], Frelinghuysen (NJ)[1057, 38.51, 52.87%], Hechler (WV)[1070, 38.41, 58.16%], Hunt (NJ)[1059, 38.24, 57.01%], Skubitz (KS)[1067, 38.24, 57.24%], Rhodes (AZ)[1055, 37.91, 53.79%], Blatnik (MN)[1051, 37.77, 43.91%], Young (AK)[1035, 37.68, 54.71%], Martin (NC)[1069, 37.61, 58.39%], Butler (VA)[1067, 37.58, 59.31%], Moss (CA)[1060, 37.55, 54.02%], Landrum (GA)[1048, 37.5, 48.28%], Waldie (CA)[1052, 37.45, 50.8%], Davis (GA)[1063, 37.25, 45.52%], Hanrahan (IL)[1066, 37.05, 56.55%], McSpadden (OK)[1062, 37.01, 46.44%], Derwinski (IL)[1058, 36.86, 54.71%], Burgener (CA)[1067, 36.83, 57.93%], Arends (IL)[1062, 36.82, 55.63%], Zion (IN)[1068, 36.61, 59.08%], Chisholm (NY)[1036, 36.58, 49.89%], Ford (MI)[462, 36.58, 55.63%], Myers (IN)[1068, 36.42, 56.32%], Keating (OH)[536, 36.38, 53.1%], Conable (NY)[1067, 36.27, 55.17%], Gubser (CA)[1063, 36.03, 51.95%], Harvey (MI)[536, 36.01, 48.74%], Duncan (TN)[1066, 35.93, 58.62%], Waggonner (LA)[1059, 35.79, 57.7%], Mizell (NC)[1065, 35.77, 56.78%], Hudnut (IN)[1067, 35.43, 55.86%], Kuykendall (TN)[1059, 35.22, 52.87%], Harrington (MA)[1053, 35.14, 54.02%], Johnson (CO)[1069, 34.8, 52.41%], Diggs (MI)[1032, 34.69, 43.68%], Froehlich (WI)[1067, 34.4, 57.01%], Holt (MD)[1068, 34.27, 58.39%], Wylie (OH)[1069, 33.77, 56.78%], McEwen (NY)[1062, 33.52, 53.1%], Jarman (OK)[1063, 33.49, 55.63%], Hanna (CA)[1043, 33.46, 43.45%], Badillo (NY)[1041, 32.85, 47.82%], Luján (NM)[1061, 32.8, 54.02%], Poage (TX)[1070, 32.8, 54.94%], Brasco (NY)[1048, 32.63, 41.84%], Schneebeli (PA)[1067, 32.52, 56.09%], Sebelius (KS)[1070, 32.52, 56.78%], Cochran (MS)[1066, 32.36, 56.78%], Daniel (VA)[1070, 32.15, 58.16%], Dorn (SC)[1053, 31.81, 44.83%], Montgomery (MS)[1064, 31.77, 55.63%], Murtha (PA)[1046, 31.74, 37.01%], Runnels (NM)[1061, 31.67, 51.72%], Collier (IL)[1055, 31.56, 51.49%], Mills (MD)[105, 31.43, 57.01%], Quillen (TN)[1059, 31.07, 53.79%], Hosmer (CA)[1063, 31.04, 53.79%], Daniel (VA)[1068, 30.99, 57.47%], Mathis (GA)[1060, 30.94, 52.87%], Moorhead (CA)[1069, 30.87, 57.01%], Minshall (OH)[1068, 30.43, 45.98%], Bafalis (FL)[1065, 30.14, 56.32%], Bell (CA)[1052, 30.13, 50.11%], Armstrong (CO)[1070, 29.81, 54.25%], Mills (AR)[1059, 29.27, 35.63%], King (NY)[1039, 28.87, 47.36%], Miller (OH)[1070, 28.69, 57.01%], Hébert (LA)[1010, 28.51, 40.46%], Lott (MS)[1068, 28.37, 55.17%], Teague (TX)[1040, 28.37, 42.99%], Wiggins (CA)[1062, 27.87, 51.49%], Baker (TN)[1060, 27.83, 54.02%], Saylor (PA)[400, 27.75, 54.02%], Michel (IL)[1060, 27.55, 52.87%], Young (FL)[1062, 27.5, 55.17%], Fisher (TX)[1040, 27.4, 45.98%], Davis (WI)[1067, 26.99, 52.64%], Reid (NY)[1042, 26.78, 36.78%], Martin (NE)[1053, 26.59, 52.64%], Carey (NY)[1022, 26.42, 35.86%], Spence (SC)[1068, 26.4, 56.09%], Vander Veen (MI)[1044, 26.25, 35.17%], Robinson (VA)[1070, 25.89, 56.55%], Ruth (NC)[1069, 25.82, 56.09%], Goldwater (CA)[1066, 25.7, 51.26%], Hutchinson (MI)[1065, 25.45, 55.17%], Snyder (KY)[1066, 24.86, 53.33%], Traxler (MI)[961, 24.77, 33.56%], Conyers (MI)[1042, 24.57, 45.75%], Scherle (IA)[1059, 24.36, 53.56%], Dickinson (AL)[1060, 23.77, 53.79%], Burleson (TX)[1070, 23.64, 53.79%], Luken (OH)[1027, 23.17, 33.1%], Flynt (GA)[1062, 23.16, 50.34%], Clancy (OH)[1061, 22.34, 53.56%], Ketchum (CA)[1069, 21.7, 53.56%], Young (SC)[1060, 21.04, 52.18%], Price (TX)[1049, 20.4, 51.26%], Beard (TN)[1069, 20.39, 54.25%], Shuster (PA)[1070, 20.19, 53.33%], Lagomarsino (CA)[1024, 19.73, 33.79%], Dennis (IN)[1070, 19.25, 53.33%], Treen (LA)[1065, 19.06, 52.64%], Taylor (MO)[1053, 18.71, 50.11%], Huber (MI)[1060, 18.4, 51.49%], Satterfield (VA)[1067, 17.71, 52.87%], Powell (OH)[1054, 16.98, 49.89%], Camp (OK)[1047, 16.81, 47.36%], Archer (TX)[1069, 16.56, 53.1%], Burton (CA)[897, 16.5, 27.82%], Blackburn (GA)[1055, 15.92, 45.29%], Steiger (AZ)[1055, 14.12, 49.89%], Devine (OH)[1063, 13.92, 51.72%], Clawson (CA)[1056, 13.83, 47.59%], Conlan (AZ)[1062, 12.71, 49.66%], Goodling (PA)[1066, 12.48, 51.72%], Rooney (NY)[977, 7.27, 18.62%], Rousselot (CA)[1059, 4.25, 47.82%], Ashbrook (OH)[1059, 2.17, 43.22%], Rarick (LA)[1038, 0, 40.23%]
Collins (TX)[1067, -2.62, 46.44%], Crane (IL)[1057, -8.42, 40.23%], Symms (ID)[1060, -9.53, 42.53%], Gross (IA)[1070, -20.84, 39.77%], Landgrebe (IN)[1056, -23.86, 34.71%]
Raw data source: Govtrack.us
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