Because we are free, we can never be indifferent to the fate of freedom elsewhere. Our moral sense dictates a clear-cut preference for those societies which share with us an abiding respect for individual human rights. We do not seek to intimidate, but it is clear that a world which others can dominate with impunity would be inhospitable to decency and a threat to the well-being of all people.
-President Jimmy Carter
Secondary Mode Bin: 10-20
Majority Line Leader: Jackson (WA) - 63.97
Opposition Leader: Helms (NC) - (-5.52)
Best Network: Byrd (WV) - 61%
Worst Network: Goldwater (AZ) - 42%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Levin (MI)/Sarbanes (MD) - 85%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Helms (NC)/McGovern (SD) - 22%
Jackson (WA)[1052, 63.97, 60%], Byrd (WV)[1047, 62.66, 61%], Pryor (AR)[1052, 62.55, 60%], Bentsen (TX)[1052, 61.6, 59%], Chiles (FL)[1051, 60.13, 59%], Huddleston (KY)[1051, 59.85, 57%], Bumpers (AR)[1051, 59.56, 58%], Ford (KY)[1052, 59.13, 60%], Sasser (TN)[1052, 59.03, 58%], Baucus (MT)[1051, 58.8, 58%], Glenn (OH)[1052, 58.56, 59%], Cannon (NV)[1048, 57.73, 56%], Matsunaga (HI)[1051, 56.9, 56%], Randolph (WV)[1050, 56.29, 59%], Nunn (GA)[1051, 55.66, 59%], Magnuson (WA)[1051, 55.19, 58%], Burdick (ND)[1048, 54.77, 59%], Mitchell (ME)[397, 54.16, 58%], Inouye (HI)[1049, 54.15, 50%], Stewart (AL)[1051, 53.38, 56%], Cranston (CA)[1052, 53.23, 57%], Levin (MI)[1051, 53.19, 59%], Leahy (VT)[1052, 52.95, 58%], Johnston (LA)[1051, 52.9, 58%], Muskie (ME)[613, 52.85, 55%], Pell (RI)[1051, 52.81, 56%], Hart (CO)[1052, 52.76, 58%], Moynihan (NY)[1052, 51.81, 56%], Williams (NJ)[1051, 51.76, 57%], Sarbanes (MD)[1052, 51.62, 59%], Exon (NE)[1052, 51.43, 59%], Metzenbaum (OH)[1052, 50.38, 58%], DeConcini (AZ)[1048, 50.19, 58%], Riegle (MI)[1051, 50.14, 58%], Eagleton (MO)[1052, 50, 56%], Bradley (NJ)[1051, 48.72, 57%], Hollings (SC)[1052, 48, 57%], Chafee (RI)[1051, 47.19, 57%], Stafford (VT)[1051, 46.91, 55%], Tsongas (MA)[1052, 46.58, 55%], Biden (DE)[1048, 45.71, 53%], Bayh (IN)[1052, 45.15, 50%], Durkin (NH)[1049, 44.9, 54%], Stevenson (IL)[1049, 44.61, 53%], Nelson (WI)[1051, 44.53, 55%], Melcher (MT)[1049, 44.52, 54%], Percy (IL)[1050, 44.38, 57%], Heinz (PA)[1052, 44.3, 59%], Church (ID)[1051, 44.05, 49%], Heflin (AL)[1052, 43.92, 58%], Stennis (MS)[1051, 43.86, 52%], Culver (IA)[1052, 43.73, 52%], Stone (FL)[1050, 42.57, 55%]
Javits (NY)[1050, 42.29, 54%], Packwood (OR)[1052, 41.54, 54%], Ribicoff (CT)[1049, 40.71, 50%], Mathias (MD)[1052, 40.4, 51%], Boren (OK)[1051, 40.06, 58%], Danforth (MO)[1052, 39.16, 58%], Long (LA)[1049, 38.89, 49%], McGovern (SD)[1051, 38.82, 47%], Morgan (NC)[1047, 37.63, 53%], Durenberger (MN)[1051, 37.58, 58%], Dole (KS)[1052, 35.65, 56%], Talmadge (GA)[1050, 35.43, 46%], Schweiker (PA)[1051, 34.35, 56%], Kassebaum (KS)[1052, 34.22, 56%], Domenici (NM)[1050, 34.19, 58%], Gravel (AK)[1051, 33.59, 43%], Zorinsky (NE)[1051, 33.3, 57%], Bellmon (OK)[1051, 33.02, 52%], Young (ND)[1050, 32.38, 54%], Stevens (AK)[1049, 31.65, 53%], Boschwitz (MN)[1052, 31.18, 57%], Hatfield (OR)[1040, 31.06, 51%], Cohen (ME)[1051, 31.02, 56%], Cochran (MS)[1051, 30.73, 56%], Weicker (CT)[1052, 29.28, 51%], Warner (VA)[1052, 27, 58%], Baker (TN)[1051, 25.98, 47%], Pressler (SD)[1052, 24.81, 50%], Schmitt (NM)[1051, 24.07, 54%], Hayakawa (CA)[1052, 22.91, 54%], Kennedy (MA)[1050, 22.1, 34%], Lugar (IN)[1052, 20.44, 55%], Thurmond (SC)[1042, 19.39, 55%], Tower (TX)[1048, 18.32, 49%], Simpson (WY)[1051, 18.27, 53%], Byrd (VA)[1051, 17.32, 52%], Roth (DE)[1052, 17.3, 54%], Wallop (WY)[1052, 16.16, 52%], Jepsen (IA)[1052, 13.31, 51%], Proxmire (WI)[1052, 10.84, 51%], Hatch (UT)[1050, 8.29, 51%], Laxalt (NV)[1052, 8.08, 51%], Garn (UT)[1052, 8.08, 49%], Goldwater (AZ)[1048, 7.25, 42%], Armstrong (CO)[1052, 2.28, 49%], McClure (ID)[1050, 1.43, 49%], Humphrey (NH)[1051, 1.33, 50%]
Helms (NC)[1051, -5.52, 49%]
Raw data source:
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