We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans--born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
-President John F. Kennedy
Secondary Mode Bin: 0-10
Tertiery Mode Bin: 20-30
Majority Line Leader: Albert (OK) - 80.18
Opposition Leader: Alger (TX) - (-28.71)
Best Network: Albert (OK) - 62.99%
Worst Network: Cleveland (NH) - 32.41%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Karsten (MO)/O'Hara (IL) - 95%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Bolling (MO)/Johansen (MI) - 13%
Doyle (CA)[9, 100, 70.57%], Albert (OK)[227, 80.18, 62.99%], Perkins (KY)[231, 78.79, 61.84%], Patman (TX)[229, 77.29, 61.38%], Young (TX)[231, 75.76, 62.3%], Delaney (NY)[225, 75.11, 61.38%], Morgan (PA)[228, 75, 62.99%], Johnson (WI)[227, 74.45, 60.69%], Flood (PA)[229, 74.24, 62.07%], Minish (NJ)[228, 73.25, 62.3%], Hagen (CA)[230, 73.04, 60.23%], Morris (NM)[228, 72.81, 58.62%], Pickle (TX)[113, 72.57, 59.31%], Patten (NJ)[229, 72.49, 59.08%], Boland (MA)[225, 72.44, 59.08%], Natcher (KY)[231, 72.29, 62.76%], Aspinall (CO)[219, 72.15, 60.23%], Daniels (NJ)[226, 72.12, 62.07%], Edmondson (OK)[228, 71.93, 57.24%], Sickles (MD)[228, 71.93, 60.23%], Murphy (IL)[230, 71.74, 61.15%], Brooks (TX)[226, 71.68, 59.31%], Burke (MA)[226, 71.68, 61.38%], Slack (WV)[225, 71.56, 60.23%], Byrne (PA)[230, 71.3, 62.3%], Addabbo (NY)[225, 71.11, 61.84%], Roush (IN)[225, 71.11, 61.38%], McFall (CA)[228, 71.05, 60.92%], Zablocki (WI)[230, 70.87, 60.69%], Boggs (LA)[228, 70.61, 58.39%], González (TX)[231, 70.56, 59.08%], Price (IL)[231, 70.56, 60.92%], Hechler (WV)[231, 70.56, 61.84%], Garmatz (MD)[213, 70.42, 59.08%], Rogers (CO)[223, 70.4, 60.69%], O'Neill (MA)[223, 70.4, 61.61%], Fallon (MD)[219, 70.32, 58.62%], Karsten (MO)[229, 70.31, 61.84%], Fascell (FL)[225, 70.22, 60%], Johnson (CA)[224, 70.09, 59.77%], Thompson (TX)[230, 70, 57.24%], Pucinski (IL)[228, 69.74, 59.54%], Watts (KY)[227, 69.6, 60.23%], Stratton (NY)[227, 69.6, 58.16%], Kirwan (OH)[219, 69.41, 59.08%], Murphy (NY)[222, 69.37, 58.62%], Rhodes (PA)[231, 69.26, 61.15%], Beckworth (TX)[225, 68.89, 61.61%], Van Deerlin (CA)[231, 68.83, 60.46%], Stubblefield (KY)[227, 68.72, 58.16%], White (ID)[219, 68.49, 57.7%], Giaimo (CT)[225, 68.44, 60%], Randall (MO)[225, 68.44, 57.7%], Friedel (MD)[228, 68.42, 60.46%], Olsen (MT)[230, 68.26, 60%], O'Brien (NY)[223, 68.16, 58.39%], Madden (IN)[218, 67.89, 59.08%], Green (PA)[74, 67.57, 58.85%], O'Hara (IL)[231, 67.53, 61.15%], Fulton (TN)[224, 67.41, 56.55%], Davis (GA)[227, 67.4, 57.7%], Carey (NY)[223, 67.26, 58.85%], O'Hara (MI)[226, 67.26, 60%], Rooney (PA)[174, 67.24, 56.55%], Purcell (TX)[228, 67.11, 56.78%], Ullman (OR)[227, 66.96, 58.39%], Wright (TX)[227, 66.96, 59.08%], Donohue (MA)[224, 66.96, 58.39%], Karth (MN)[224, 66.96, 54.94%], Philbin (MA)[220, 66.82, 58.39%], Staggers (WV)[223, 66.82, 58.39%], Matthews (FL)[228, 66.67, 58.62%], Gray (IL)[226, 66.37, 55.63%], Sullivan (MO)[222, 66.22, 58.85%], Libonati (IL)[230, 66.09, 59.77%], Udall (AZ)[230, 66.09, 58.39%], Mills (AR)[226, 65.93, 59.31%], Daddario (CT)[211, 65.88, 56.78%], Clark (PA)[225, 65.78, 58.39%], Long (MD)[230, 65.65, 57.7%], Thomas (TX)[227, 65.64, 57.01%], Nix (PA)[221, 65.61, 57.47%], Rodino (NJ)[212, 65.57, 59.54%], Rosenthal (NY)[229, 65.5, 58.39%], Wickersham (OK)[226, 65.49, 60.46%], Gilbert (NY)[226, 65.49, 55.4%], Brademas (IN)[225, 65.33, 58.39%], Burkhalter (CA)[224, 65.18, 55.4%], Moorhead (PA)[229, 65.07, 58.62%], McDowell (DE)[222, 64.86, 57.93%], Sisk (CA)[221, 64.71, 57.01%], Joelson (NJ)[229, 64.63, 58.62%], Mahon (TX)[231, 64.5, 60.23%], Everett (TN)[228, 64.47, 57.7%], Rivers (AK)[219, 64.38, 58.62%], Kastenmeier (WI)[230, 64.35, 59.54%], Rostenkowski (IL)[224, 64.29, 57.01%], Keogh (NY)[193, 64.25, 54.94%], Cooley (NC)[221, 64.25, 57.01%] , Holifield (CA)[215, 64.19, 57.7%], Dent (PA)[220, 64.09, 57.93%], Griffiths (MI)[220, 64.09, 54.25%], Multer (NY)[214, 64.02, 56.32%], Rooney (NY)[227, 63.88, 60.69%], Montoya (NM)[224, 63.84, 54.94%], St. Germain (RI)[220, 63.64, 57.47%], Downing (VA)[228, 63.6, 59.77%], Gibbons (FL)[227, 63.44, 58.62%], Toll (PA)[199, 63.32, 54.71%], Dulski (NY)[226, 63.27, 56.32%], Farbstein (NY)[217, 63.13, 57.7%], Kluczynski (IL)[217, 63.13, 56.32%], Steed (OK)[230, 63.04, 54.71%], Roosevelt (CA)[211, 63.03, 53.79%], Holland (PA)[227, 63, 57.93%], Weltner (GA)[229, 62.88, 60.23%], Reuss (WI)[226, 62.83, 57.24%], Fogarty (RI)[215, 62.79, 56.09%], Vanik (OH)[231, 62.77, 59.08%], Hemphill (SC)[153, 62.75, 56.32%], King (CA)[222, 62.61, 58.62%], Harding (ID)[230, 62.61, 57.01%], Olson (MN)[227, 62.56, 57.93%], Denton (IN)[224, 62.5, 55.17%], Grabowski (CT)[221, 62.44, 55.63%], Ryan (MI)[220, 62.27, 55.4%], Shipley (IL)[201, 62.19, 54.71%], Monagan (CT)[221, 61.99, 57.93%], St. Onge (CT)[210, 61.9, 56.32%], Fraser (MN)[228, 61.84, 55.86%], Jennings (VA)[227, 61.67, 58.16%], Dawson (IL)[226, 61.5, 52.64%], Hansen (WA)[227, 61.23, 55.17%], Elliott (AL)[226, 61.06, 52.64%], Stephens (GA)[223, 60.99, 56.09%], Feighan (OH)[228, 60.96, 58.39%], Pepper (FL)[229, 60.7, 54.48%], Senner (AZ)[226, 60.62, 55.63%], Green (PA)[104, 60.58, 53.33%], Nedzi (MI)[218, 60.55, 54.02%], Moss (CA)[221, 60.18, 56.32%], Bonner (NC)[222, 59.91, 57.93%], Ichord (MO)[231, 59.74, 57.24%], Barrett (PA)[221, 59.73, 54.02%], Green (OR)[228, 59.65, 55.4%], Gary (VA)[225, 59.56, 58.39%], Poage (TX)[231, 59.31, 56.78%], Edwards (CA)[228, 59.21, 55.86%], Miller (CA)[220, 59.09, 54.25%], Hardy (VA)[227, 59.03, 57.24%], Finnegan (IL)[222, 59.01, 53.1%], Kornegay (NC)[224, 58.93, 58.85%], Hanna (CA)[215, 58.6, 52.87%], Kilgore (TX)[227, 58.59, 58.16%], Roberts (TX)[218, 58.26, 57.93%], Gallagher (NJ)[227, 58.15, 56.55%], Corman (CA)[226, 57.96, 56.09%], Ashley (OH)[221, 57.92, 54.25%], Secrest (OH)[228, 57.89, 58.39%], Chelf (KY)[229, 57.64, 56.09%], Tuten (GA)[231, 57.58, 56.55%], Burton (CA)[101, 57.43, 54.71%], Trimble (AR)[218, 57.34, 51.95%], Hays (OH)[218, 56.88, 54.71%], Matsunaga (HI)[219, 56.62, 54.25%], Willis (LA)[219, 56.62, 53.56%], Wilson (CA)[221, 56.56, 50.57%], Healey (NY)[221, 56.56, 53.79%], Thompson (NJ)[221, 56.56, 51.03%], Evins (TN)[218, 56.42, 49.89%], Morrison (LA)[222, 56.31, 49.89%], Fountain (NC)[228, 56.14, 59.77%], Macdonald (MA)[222, 55.86, 52.41%], Pike (NY)[231, 55.84, 60.46%], Smith (IA)[231, 55.41, 54.02%], Ryan (NY)[228, 55.26, 55.86%], Landrum (GA)[228, 54.82, 50.11%], Cohelan (CA)[223, 54.71, 55.86%], Thornberry (TX)[110, 54.55, 51.26%], Dwyer (NJ)[224, 54.46, 60.23%], Roybal (CA)[224, 54.02, 55.17%], Cannon (MO)[157, 53.5, 59.54%], Long (LA)[221, 53.39, 52.18%], Duncan (OR)[225, 53.33, 53.56%], Leggett (CA)[224, 53.12, 52.87%], Staebler (MI)[226, 53.1, 51.72%], Harris (AR)[227, 52.86, 54.02%], Hawkins (CA)[229, 52.84, 51.95%], Lesinski (MI)[222, 52.7, 47.13%], Murray (TN)[228, 52.63, 56.78%], Celler (NY)[200, 52.5, 50.57%], Cameron (CA)[223, 52.47, 53.1%], Blatnik (MN)[224, 52.23, 51.26%], Vinson (GA)[228, 51.75, 49.2%], Kelly (NY)[217, 51.61, 50.8%], Lankford (MD)[214, 50.93, 45.98%], Jarman (OK)[230, 50.87, 58.16%], Brown (CA)[222, 50.45, 50.11%], Taylor (NC)[221, 49.77, 57.93%] , Hagan (GA)[226, 49.56, 54.02%], Henderson (NC)[222, 49.55, 55.63%], Gill (HI)[223, 49.33, 49.89%], Sikes (FL)[220, 49.09, 56.09%], Hull (MO)[230, 48.7, 55.63%], Dingell (MI)[220, 48.18, 48.05%], Jones (AL)[216, 48.15, 46.21%], Halpern (NY)[230, 47.83, 58.85%], Rogers (TX)[221, 47.51, 44.37%], Bass (TN)[221, 47.51, 51.49%], Whitener (NC)[229, 47.16, 57.01%], Hébert (LA)[174, 47.13, 46.21%], Fuqua (FL)[223, 47.09, 55.4%], Bolling (MO)[230, 46.96, 45.29%], Bennett (FL)[231, 46.32, 58.16%], Roberts (AL)[225, 45.78, 50.11%], Widnall (NJ)[219, 45.21, 58.85%], Wallhauser (NJ)[217, 44.7, 55.17%], Horton (NY)[224, 44.2, 59.31%], Flynt (GA)[227, 43.61, 47.13%], Davis (TN)[212, 43.4, 41.84%], Rogers (FL)[229, 43.23, 59.31%], Cahill (NJ)[220, 42.27, 57.7%], Selden (AL)[228, 42.11, 53.79%], Morse (MA)[214, 42.06, 57.24%], Baldwin (CA)[231, 41.99, 59.31%], Bates (MA)[224, 41.96, 59.08%], Tupper (ME)[219, 41.55, 55.63%], Sheppard (CA)[195, 41.54, 40.46%], Thompson (LA)[210, 41.43, 44.14%], Reid (NY)[226, 41.15, 58.62%], Corbett (PA)[224, 41.07, 57.7%], Powell (NY)[207, 40.58, 45.06%], Rivers (SC)[222, 40.54, 51.26%], McDade (PA)[230, 40.43, 58.62%], Sibal (CT)[220, 40, 56.32%], Schweiker (PA)[231, 39.83, 59.31%]
Rains (AL)[216, 39.35, 38.85%], Fulton (PA)[226, 38.94, 56.55%], Stafford (VT)[224, 38.84, 58.85%], Keith (MA)[227, 38.33, 58.62%], Glenn (NJ)[223, 38.12, 57.01%], Kunkel (PA)[230, 37.83, 59.31%], Diggs (MI)[220, 37.27, 42.76%], Fino (NY)[212, 37.26, 55.17%], Baker (TN)[116, 37.07, 57.47%], Mathias (MD)[222, 36.94, 54.71%], Osmers (NJ)[212, 36.79, 54.48%], McMillan (SC)[228, 36.4, 51.72%], Lindsay (NY)[221, 36.2, 56.55%], Pirnie (NY)[217, 35.94, 56.78%], Teague (TX)[223, 35.43, 47.59%], Huddleston (AL)[231, 34.63, 54.48%], Riehlman (NY)[215, 34.42, 56.78%], Pilcher (GA)[213, 34.27, 37.01%], Jones (MO)[231, 34.2, 45.52%], Scott (NC)[206, 33.98, 44.83%], Broomfield (MI)[222, 33.78, 57.01%], Springer (IL)[230, 33.48, 56.32%], Ostertag (NY)[226, 33.19, 59.31%], Conte (MA)[226, 32.74, 56.32%], Barry (NY)[221, 32.58, 55.86%], Herlong (FL)[222, 32.43, 52.41%], McIntire (ME)[223, 31.84, 55.63%], Gavin (PA)[63, 31.75, 56.32%], Milliken (PA)[227, 31.28, 51.72%], Kee (WV)[219, 31.05, 33.33%], Auchincloss (NJ)[203, 31.03, 54.94%], Andrews (AL)[227, 30.84, 52.64%], Burleson (TX)[230, 30.43, 51.49%], Forrester (GA)[219, 30.14, 38.16%], Marsh (VA)[231, 29.87, 56.78%], Fisher (TX)[222, 29.73, 53.79%], Casey (TX)[222, 29.73, 54.25%], Passman (LA)[213, 29.11, 50.11%], Buckley (NY)[188, 28.72, 31.72%], Brotzman (CO)[231, 28.14, 57.47%], Moore (WV)[225, 28, 56.09%], Frelinghuysen (NJ)[218, 27.98, 54.02%], Nygaard (ND)[43, 27.91, 57.24%], Ashmore (SC)[227, 27.31, 51.49%], Grover (NY)[231, 27.27, 56.78%], Pelly (WA)[224, 27.23, 53.33%], Waggonner (LA)[224, 27.23, 58.39%], Lennon (NC)[224, 27.23, 53.79%], Ayres (OH)[226, 26.99, 52.87%], May (WA)[215, 26.98, 55.17%], Wydler (NY)[227, 26.87, 54.94%], Chenoweth (CO)[229, 26.64, 57.24%], Curtin (PA)[230, 26.52, 57.47%], Martin (MA)[209, 26.32, 39.54%], Whalley (PA)[226, 26.11, 53.56%], Shelley (CA)[92, 26.09, 58.39%], Cleveland (NH)[230, 26.09, 32.41%], Gubser (CA)[225, 25.78, 54.48%], Ellsworth (KS)[204, 25.49, 55.17%], Hosmer (CA)[220, 25.45, 53.1%], Schwengel (IA)[225, 25.33, 54.02%], Weaver (PA)[223, 24.66, 56.78%], Gathings (AR)[231, 24.24, 53.1%] , Bell (CA)[227, 23.79, 56.09%], Watson (SC)[225, 23.56, 56.09%], Shriver (KS)[225, 23.56, 51.26%], Tollefson (WA)[223, 23.32, 52.87%], Grant (AL)[222, 22.97, 45.75%], Horan (WA)[221, 22.62, 56.09%], Quie (MN)[226, 22.57, 55.86%], Mailliard (CA)[222, 22.52, 46.9%], Robison (NY)[227, 22.47, 53.79%], Arends (IL)[225, 22.22, 53.56%], Teague (CA)[228, 21.93, 56.55%], Schneebeli (PA)[231, 21.65, 57.01%], Bolton (OH)[218, 21.56, 54.48%], Talcott (CA)[219, 21.46, 54.94%], Reifel (SD)[223, 21.08, 55.63%], Saylor (PA)[229, 20.96, 53.79%], Halleck (IN)[229, 20.96, 53.1%], Dowdy (TX)[219, 20.55, 48.74%], Smith (VA)[230, 20.43, 50.8%], Morton (MD)[226, 20.35, 52.41%], Cederberg (MI)[223, 20.18, 52.41%], Battin (MT)[218, 20.18, 53.79%], Griffin (MI)[226, 19.91, 51.49%], O'Konski (WI)[222, 19.82, 49.43%], Meader (MI)[227, 18.94, 46.9%], Roudebush (IN)[228, 18.86, 56.78%], Baring (NV)[216, 18.06, 41.84%], Knox (MI)[223, 17.94, 51.95%], Byrnes (WI)[229, 17.9, 54.25%], Andrews (ND)[146, 17.81, 53.79%], Bolton (OH)[220, 17.73, 51.49%], Anderson (IL)[227, 17.62, 53.33%], Dorn (SC)[218, 17.43, 48.74%], Wilson (CA)[207, 17.39, 48.97%], Rhodes (AZ)[217, 17.05, 53.1%], Harrison (WY)[226, 16.37, 55.17%], Jonas (NC)[230, 16.09, 55.86%], Nelsen (MN)[220, 15.91, 54.25%], Bromwell (IA)[227, 15.86, 52.87%], Thomson (WI)[228, 15.79, 54.94%], Broyhill (VA)[230, 15.65, 52.87%], Adair (IN)[212, 15.57, 53.1%], Bray (IN)[222, 15.32, 53.79%], Ford (MI)[229, 15.28, 51.72%], MacGregor (MN)[219, 14.61, 52.18%], Walter (PA)[14, 14.29, 18.62%], Tuck (VA)[228, 14.04, 52.41%], McCulloch (OH)[221, 14.03, 53.79%], Taft (OH)[221, 13.57, 52.64%], Lloyd (UT)[228, 13.16, 45.06%], Whitten (MS)[221, 13.12, 46.9%], Chamberlain (MI)[229, 13.1, 53.79%], Mosher (OH)[226, 12.83, 53.1%], Burton (UT)[219, 12.79, 48.28%], Bennett (MI)[198, 12.12, 44.83%], Harvey (IN)[223, 12.11, 52.64%], Westland (WA)[224, 12.05, 52.41%], Broyhill (NC)[226, 11.95, 40.23%], Haley (FL)[226, 11.95, 55.17%], Avery (KS)[226, 11.95, 53.33%], Colmer (MS)[212, 11.79, 45.98%], Cunningham (NE)[229, 11.35, 54.71%], Wyman (NH)[214, 11.21, 53.79%], Langen (MN)[228, 10.96, 54.71%], Clausen (CA)[221, 10.86, 51.49%], Bow (OH)[226, 10.62, 53.56%], Wharton (NY)[228, 10.53, 51.49%], O'Brien (IL)[134, 10.45, 22.3%], Rich (OH)[230, 10.43, 53.79%], Brown (OH)[225, 10.22, 53.56%], Betts (OH)[227, 10.13, 55.17%], Poff (VA)[231, 9.96, 53.79%], Younger (CA)[205, 9.76, 54.48%], Harsha (OH)[227, 9.69, 53.1%], Laird (WI)[215, 9.3, 51.95%], Martin (CA)[214, 8.88, 49.2%], Pool (TX)[228, 8.77, 46.21%], Siler (KY)[219, 8.68, 48.97%], Dague (PA)[229, 8.3, 52.87%], Norblad (OR)[222, 8.11, 48.51%], Abbitt (VA)[226, 7.52, 47.59%], Abernethy (MS)[224, 7.14, 48.28%], Harvey (MI)[225, 7.11, 45.98%], Stinson (WA)[227, 7.05, 51.95%], Schenck (OH)[222, 6.76, 52.18%], Johnson (PA)[135, 6.67, 52.64%], Cramer (FL)[212, 6.6, 50.34%], Williams (MS)[217, 6.45, 47.82%], McLoskey (IL)[219, 6.39, 52.64%], Rumsfeld (IL)[230, 6.09, 53.33%], Belcher (OK)[225, 5.78, 49.89%], Baker (TN)[94, 5.32, 50.11%], Miller (NY)[203, 4.93, 34.48%], Reid (IL)[228, 4.82, 53.56%], Van Pelt (WI)[215, 4.65, 47.13%], Latta (OH)[230, 4.35, 52.64%], Winstead (MS)[217, 4.15, 44.37%], Derounian (NY)[219, 3.65, 50.57%], Berry (SD)[223, 3.59, 51.95%], Goodling (PA)[227, 3.52, 51.26%], Wilson (IN)[225, 3.11, 51.49%], Skubitz (KS)[225, 3.11, 51.03%], Dole (KS)[231, 3.03, 52.87%], Lipscomb (CA)[231, 2.6, 50.57%], Martin (NE)[217, 1.84, 51.03%], Collier (IL)[216, 0.93, 49.89%], Brock (TN)[220, 0.91, 49.66%], McClory (IL)[219, 0.91, 48.74%], Jensen (IA)[230, 0.87, 51.26%], Clawson (CA)[182, 0.55, 48.51%], Michel (IL)[216, 0.46, 46.67%], Minshall (OH)[223, 0.45, 51.03%]
Kyl (IA)[226, -0.44, 48.51%], Goodell (NY)[228, -1.32, 49.43%], Becker (NY)[220, -1.82, 48.28%], Gurney (FL)[221, -2.26, 50.57%], St. George (NY)[215, -2.33, 48.97%], Quillen (TN)[220, -3.18, 50.11%], Derwinski (IL)[219, -3.65, 47.13%], Findley (IL)[227, -3.96, 51.72%], Pillion (NY)[227, -4.41, 47.59%], Clancy (OH)[224, -4.91, 49.2%], Schadeberg (WI)[219, -5.02, 50.11%], Hoeven (IA)[218, -5.5, 50.11%], Short (ND)[224, -5.8, 48.97%], Smith (CA)[211, -6.16, 48.28%], King (NY)[225, -6.67, 49.89%], Hutchinson (MI)[227, -7.49, 48.97%], Kilburn (NY)[187, -10.16, 40.92%], Bruce (IN)[225, -10.67, 44.37%], Abele (OH)[231, -11.26, 46.9%], Snyder (KY)[225, -12.44, 47.59%], Utt (CA)[215, -14.42, 44.83%], Hoffman (IL)[178, -14.61, 35.4%], Foreman (TX)[216, -14.81, 44.6%], Devine (OH)[225, -16, 46.67%], Curtis (MO)[222, -18.47, 43.22%], Johansen (MI)[224, -22.77, 44.37%], Hall (MO)[222, -23.42, 44.83%], Gross (IA)[231, -23.81, 44.6%], Ashbrook (OH)[229, -27.51, 42.07%], Beermann (NE)[229, -27.51, 44.37%], Alger (TX)[202, -28.71, 38.85%]
Raw data source: Govtrack.us
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