But when he comes to study the secret propensities which govern the factions of America, he easily perceives that the greater part of them are more or less connected with one or the other of those two divisions which have always existed in free communities....but I affirm that aristocratic or democratic passions may easily be detected at the bottom of all parties, and that, although they escape a superficial observation, they are the main point and the very soul of every faction in the United States.
-Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
80th Congress, House
In the range of 75% to less or equal to 100% affinity
Michener (MI)-Marcantonio (NY) Faction
mean Majority Index - 46, max Majority Index - 92.02, min Majority Index - -41.03, number - 340
Michener (MI)[163, 92.02, 65.75%], Allen (CA)[163, 88.96, 63.91%], Auchincloss (NJ)[155, 87.74, 64.14%], Hall (NY)[158, 87.34, 63.22%], Blackney (MI)[163, 87.12, 64.14%], Rohrbough (WV)[163, 87.12, 65.06%], Fletcher (CA)[160, 86.88, 62.99%], Muhlenberg (PA)[163, 86.5, 64.37%], Arends (IL)[157, 85.99, 64.14%], Vorys (OH)[162, 85.19, 62.99%], Latham (NY)[161, 85.09, 62.99%], McConnell (PA)[161, 85.09, 64.6%], Le Fevre (NY)[159, 84.91, 62.76%], Beall (MD)[163, 84.66, 65.06%], Bradley (CA)[163, 84.66, 61.84%], Ross (NY)[162, 83.95, 63.45%], Seely-Brown (CT)[160, 83.75, 63.68%], McDonough (CA)[163, 83.44, 63.22%], Sadlak (CT)[163, 83.44, 64.14%], Foote (CT)[161, 83.23, 63.45%], Wigglesworth (MA)[161, 83.23, 64.14%], Clason (MA)[160, 83.12, 62.76%], Riehlman (NY)[160, 83.12, 63.68%], Engel (MI)[163, 82.82, 63.68%], Rogers (MA)[163, 82.82, 65.06%], Bramblett (CA)[162, 82.72, 62.76%], Cole (KS)[163, 82.21, 60.92%], Case (NJ)[157, 82.17, 62.99%], Halleck (IN)[156, 82.05, 63.22%], Holmes (WA)[161, 81.99, 64.14%], Jonkman (MI)[161, 81.99, 64.37%], Patterson (CT)[159, 81.76, 63.68%], Gearhart (CA)[163, 81.6, 62.3%], Gamble (NY)[160, 81.25, 62.3%], Hale (ME)[161, 80.75, 63.22%], Kunkel (PA)[160, 80.62, 62.07%], Tibbott (PA)[160, 80.62, 62.99%], Boggs (DE)[163, 80.37, 62.3%], Bates (MA)[162, 80.25, 64.14%], Wolverton (NJ)[162, 80.25, 62.07%], Herter (MA)[155, 80, 62.07%], Burke (OH)[163, 79.75, 63.22%], Coffin (MI)[158, 79.75, 60.46%], Ramey (OH)[163, 79.75, 62.76%], Love (WV)[162, 79.63, 61.84%], Meyer (KS)[161, 79.5, 63.45%], Crow (PA)[159, 79.25, 62.3%], Sundstrom (NJ)[149, 79.19, 61.84%], Fenton (PA)[162, 79.01, 62.3%], Wolcott (MI)[162, 79.01, 62.53%], Anderson (CA)[157, 78.98, 62.3%], Graham (PA)[161, 78.88, 62.99%], Fellows (ME)[159, 78.62, 60.92%], Hinshaw (CA)[163, 78.53, 58.85%], Hope (KS)[163, 78.53, 59.08%], Wadsworth (NY)[161, 78.26, 58.39%], Russell (NV)[160, 78.12, 63.22%], Goodwin (MA)[163, 77.91, 62.53%], Nixon (CA)[161, 77.64, 64.14%], Devitt (MN)[161, 77.64, 59.77%], Gavin (PA)[155, 77.42, 62.3%], Reeves (MO)[163, 77.3, 62.07%], Dague (PA)[158, 77.22, 61.84%], Canfield (NJ)[157, 77.07, 62.3%], Johnson (CA)[163, 76.69, 62.3%], Le Compte (IA)[163, 76.69, 64.14%], Keefe (WI)[162, 76.54, 60%], Van Zandt (PA)[160, 76.25, 62.76%], Gillette (PA)[162, 75.93, 61.61%], Mathews (NJ)[162, 75.93, 61.15%], Merrow (NH)[161, 75.78, 61.84%], Hess (OH)[156, 75.64, 60%], Snyder (WV)[160, 75.62, 61.61%], Chadwick (PA)[160, 75.62, 60.23%], Goff (ID)[163, 75.46, 62.76%], Miller (MD)[163, 75.46, 62.3%], Judd (MN)[154, 75.32, 61.84%], Horan (WA)[162, 75.31, 60.69%], Carson (OH)[159, 74.84, 59.77%], Heselton (MA)[162, 74.69, 62.3%], McMahon (NY)[161, 74.53, 59.31%], St. George (NY)[152, 74.34, 60.69%], Davis (WI)[127, 74.02, 60.92%], Dondero (MI)[160, 73.75, 61.61%], Byrnes (WI)[163, 73.62, 61.38%], Keating (NY)[163, 73.62, 61.84%], Corbett (PA)[159, 73.58, 62.99%], Nodar (NY)[155, 73.55, 60.92%], Talle (IA)[162, 73.46, 62.53%], McDowell (PA)[157, 73.25, 59.31%], Elston (OH)[160, 73.12, 60%], Lodge (CT)[163, 73.01, 62.76%], McMillen (IL)[161, 72.67, 59.31%], Phillips (CA)[163, 72.39, 60%], Potts (NY)[161, 72.05, 60.23%], Grant (IN)[157, 71.97, 60.69%], Simpson (PA)[146, 71.92, 55.86%], Bolton (OH)[160, 71.88, 57.24%], Stevenson (WI)[163, 71.78, 61.61%] , Bakewell (MO)[159, 71.7, 61.15%], Norblad (OR)[163, 71.17, 62.99%], Bennett (MI)[158, 70.89, 57.24%], Hoeven (IA)[161, 70.81, 62.53%], Kearns (PA)[153, 70.59, 57.7%], Scott (PA)[153, 70.59, 57.47%], Rees (KS)[163, 70.55, 61.38%], Tollefson (WA)[163, 70.55, 59.31%], Hall (NY)[159, 70.44, 54.25%], Taber (NY)[162, 70.37, 59.54%], Kilburn (NY)[158, 70.25, 56.09%], Kearney (NY)[157, 70.06, 58.85%], Andrews (NY)[156, 69.87, 54.94%], Eaton (NJ)[152, 69.74, 55.17%], MacKinnon (MN)[160, 69.38, 61.38%], Cotton (NH)[158, 68.99, 60.46%], Barrett (WY)[161, 68.94, 60.69%], Plumley (VT)[154, 68.83, 55.17%], Dawson (UT)[159, 68.55, 58.62%], Reed (IL)[159, 68.55, 58.39%], Rockwell (CO)[162, 68.52, 61.84%], Case (SD)[162, 68.52, 60.23%], Ellsworth (OR)[161, 68.32, 58.62%], Elsaesser (NY)[161, 68.32, 58.39%], Scott (PA)[150, 68, 55.4%], D'Ewart (MT)[156, 67.95, 56.55%], Jackson (CA)[156, 67.95, 59.77%], Maloney (PA)[159, 67.92, 58.62%], Kersten (WI)[161, 67.7, 57.01%], McGregor (OH)[162, 67.28, 60.23%], Chenoweth (CO)[161, 67.08, 60.92%], Sarbacher (PA)[157, 66.88, 58.39%], Buck (NY)[160, 66.25, 56.55%], Poulson (CA)[160, 66.25, 58.85%], Hill (CO)[162, 66.05, 60%], Ploeser (MO)[144, 65.97, 56.78%], Angell (OR)[162, 65.43, 61.38%], Jenkins (OH)[156, 65.38, 57.7%], Lewis (OH)[163, 65.03, 60.46%], Weichel (OH)[160, 65, 52.64%], Andresen (MN)[161, 64.6, 57.47%], McGarvey (PA)[152, 64.47, 55.17%], Stratton (IL)[157, 64.33, 53.33%], Busbey (IL)[156, 64.1, 58.39%], Dolliver (IA)[155, 63.87, 60.23%], Bender (OH)[155, 63.87, 55.63%], Brophy (WI)[160, 63.75, 60%], Hand (NJ)[156, 63.46, 59.08%], Kean (NJ)[156, 63.46, 57.01%], Towe (NJ)[150, 63.33, 55.17%], Landis (IN)[160, 63.12, 58.39%], Johnson (IN)[156, 62.82, 57.01%], Mundt (SD)[161, 62.73, 58.16%], Scrivner (KS)[163, 62.58, 58.16%], Sanborn (ID)[160, 62.5, 58.85%], Jones (WA)[161, 62.11, 55.4%], Jenison (IL)[150, 62, 57.7%], Woodruff (MI)[156, 61.54, 56.09%], Cunningham (IA)[161, 60.87, 58.85%], Youngblood (MI)[160, 60.62, 57.24%], Church (IL)[163, 60.12, 58.39%], Stockman (OR)[163, 60.12, 57.24%], Gillie (IN)[161, 59.63, 56.32%], Ellis (WV)[162, 59.26, 56.55%], Miller (CT)[162, 59.26, 59.31%], Fulton (PA)[163, 58.9, 57.01%], Smith (WI)[162, 58.64, 58.39%], Allen (IL)[157, 58.6, 54.25%], Murray (WI)[161, 58.39, 58.85%], Twyman (IL)[161, 58.39, 57.47%], Vail (IL)[153, 58.17, 56.55%], Arnold (MO)[162, 58.02, 58.62%], Vursell (IL)[161, 57.76, 56.78%], Johnson (IL)[163, 57.67, 57.47%], Brehm (OH)[160, 57.5, 58.85%], Curtis (NE)[162, 57.41, 59.54%], Stefan (NE)[163, 57.06, 60.46%], Morton (KY)[158, 56.96, 57.01%], Gross (PA)[162, 56.79, 53.33%], Hagen (MN)[156, 56.41, 58.39%], Simpson (IL)[162, 56.17, 57.93%], Wilson (IN)[162, 56.17, 53.56%], Gwynne (IA)[159, 55.97, 54.48%], Owens (IL)[127, 55.91, 53.56%], Harness (IN)[161, 55.9, 55.4%], Chiperfield (IL)[162, 55.56, 53.33%], Butler (NY)[162, 54.94, 56.32%], Jensen (IA)[162, 54.94, 57.01%], Rizley (OK)[159, 54.72, 56.32%], Martin (IA)[163, 54.6, 56.55%], McCowen (OH)[163, 54.6, 58.85%], Phillips (TN)[162, 54.32, 55.86%], Shafer (MI)[155, 54.19, 54.25%], Bennett (MO)[159, 53.46, 56.78%], Andersen (MN)[162, 53.09, 57.93%], Miller (NE)[157, 52.87, 56.55%], Gathings (AR)[154, 52.6, 59.31%], O'Hara (MN)[159, 51.57, 55.4%], Crawford (MI)[160, 50.62, 54.94%], Smith (KS)[160, 50.62, 56.09%] , Schwabe (OK)[163, 50.31, 53.1%], Clevenger (OH)[163, 49.69, 55.4%], Griffiths (OH)[162, 49.38, 56.09%], Banta (MO)[161, 49.07, 57.24%], Almond (VA)[112, 48.21, 61.38%], Hoffman (MI)[162, 46.91, 53.79%], Reed (NY)[156, 46.79, 53.79%], Bishop (IL)[162, 46.3, 55.17%], Rich (PA)[162, 46.3, 51.26%], Cole (MO)[156, 41.67, 51.72%], Buffett (NE)[160, 39.38, 51.26%], Kilday (TX)[161, 38.51, 58.85%], Kerr (NC)[162, 38.27, 56.55%], Davis (GA)[158, 37.97, 60.46%], Whittington (MS)[163, 36.81, 58.62%], Wilson (TX)[160, 36.25, 59.08%], Riley (SC)[152, 36.18, 56.55%], Fisher (TX)[159, 35.85, 55.63%], Doughton (NC)[162, 35.19, 56.78%], Cox (GA)[145, 35.17, 55.4%], Allen (LA)[163, 34.97, 58.16%], Brooks (LA)[161, 34.16, 58.39%], Brown (GA)[163, 33.74, 60.46%], Jones (NC)[161, 32.92, 53.79%], Preston (GA)[160, 32.5, 59.31%], Mills (AR)[163, 31.29, 60.23%], Stanley (VA)[154, 31.17, 55.17%], Schwabe (MO)[156, 30.77, 53.56%], Harris (AR)[161, 30.43, 57.01%], Murray (TN)[162, 30.25, 53.79%], Gary (VA)[157, 29.94, 58.85%], Rogers (FL)[163, 29.45, 59.31%], Bryson (SC)[163, 28.22, 58.85%], Peterson (FL)[161, 26.71, 55.63%], Gossett (TX)[158, 26.58, 56.78%], Cravens (AR)[162, 26.54, 55.63%], McMillan (SC)[160, 26.25, 57.24%], Pace (GA)[157, 26.11, 57.47%], Chelf (KY)[159, 25.16, 58.39%], Passman (LA)[160, 23.75, 55.4%], Wheeler (GA)[163, 23.31, 58.16%], Lucas (TX)[160, 23.12, 53.56%], Redden (NC)[158, 22.78, 55.4%], Hardy (VA)[163, 22.7, 57.24%], Price (FL)[156, 22.44, 53.79%], Sasscer (MD)[161, 21.12, 57.47%], Lyle (TX)[162, 19.75, 53.56%], Priest (TN)[158, 18.99, 56.09%], Bonner (NC)[155, 18.71, 54.48%], Boggs (LA)[156, 18.59, 50.8%], Thomas (TX)[162, 18.52, 54.94%], Philbin (MA)[157, 18.47, 49.89%], Deane (NC)[155, 17.42, 55.86%], Abernethy (MS)[161, 17.39, 56.09%], Smith (VA)[163, 17.18, 52.41%], Richards (SC)[158, 17.09, 55.17%], Gregory (KY)[160, 16.88, 54.94%], Peden (OK)[154, 16.23, 51.03%], Winstead (MS)[162, 16.05, 54.02%], Walter (PA)[162, 16.05, 53.79%], Camp (GA)[160, 15.62, 52.87%], Burleson (TX)[161, 15.53, 55.86%], Sikes (FL)[155, 15.48, 51.95%], Williams (MS)[155, 14.84, 56.78%], Beckworth (TX)[163, 14.72, 57.01%], Mahon (TX)[163, 14.72, 56.32%], Colmer (MS)[158, 14.56, 52.18%], Harless (AZ)[159, 14.47, 51.49%], Whitten (MS)[161, 13.66, 53.56%], Wood (GA)[155, 13.55, 44.37%], Teague (TX)[161, 13.04, 53.33%], Worley (TX)[161, 13.04, 54.71%], Donohue (MA)[158, 12.66, 54.02%], Harrison (VA)[159, 12.58, 53.1%], Cooper (TN)[161, 12.42, 54.71%], Gore (TN)[159, 11.95, 52.41%], Trimble (AR)[159, 11.32, 52.41%], Jones (AL)[161, 11.18, 56.09%], Andrews (AL)[162, 11.11, 53.79%], Grant (AL)[162, 11.11, 51.95%], Smathers (FL)[163, 11.04, 53.33%], Battle (AL)[160, 10, 52.41%], Murdock (AZ)[162, 9.88, 52.18%], Monroney (OK)[161, 8.7, 52.87%], Hobbs (AL)[161, 8.07, 52.41%], Manasco (AL)[162, 8.02, 49.89%], Combs (TX)[163, 7.98, 49.89%], Flannagan (VA)[156, 7.69, 51.26%], Albert (OK)[161, 6.83, 53.79%], Lanham (GA)[161, 6.83, 54.02%], Cannon (MO)[163, 6.75, 52.64%], Poage (TX)[161, 6.21, 52.64%], Pickett (TX)[163, 6.13, 54.02%], Jarman (AL)[162, 5.56, 48.05%], Evins (TN)[161, 4.97, 51.72%], Rayburn (TX)[157, 4.46, 49.66%], Cooley (NC)[159, 4.4, 50.57%], Rains (AL)[159, 0.63, 49.66%], Spence (KY)[163, 0.61, 52.18%], O'Brien (IL)[159, 0, 1.38%] , Rankin (MS)[163, -1.84, 51.49%], Bates (KY)[161, -2.48, 48.28%], Morris (OK)[163, -4.29, 52.64%], Byrne (NY)[150, -5.33, 44.14%], Jackson (WA)[161, -6.21, 50.8%], Crosser (OH)[161, -6.21, 48.51%], Gorski (IL)[156, -6.41, 48.74%], King (CA)[148, -6.76, 46.21%], McCormack (MA)[155, -7.1, 49.2%], Miller (CA)[148, -8.11, 46.21%], Kennedy (MA)[152, -8.55, 44.37%], Mansfield (MT)[163, -8.59, 48.28%], Gordon (IL)[160, -8.75, 49.2%], Fogarty (RI)[158, -9.49, 47.59%], Lynch (NY)[154, -9.74, 45.29%], Somers (NY)[150, -10, 44.14%], Forand (RI)[159, -10.06, 49.66%], Buchanan (PA)[157, -11.46, 46.21%], Kirwan (OH)[154, -12.99, 44.14%], Lesinski (MI)[157, -13.38, 42.76%], Rooney (NY)[149, -14.09, 42.76%], Dingell (MI)[146, -14.38, 43.91%], Feighan (OH)[157, -15.29, 45.29%], Bloom (NY)[153, -15.69, 40.23%], Karsten (MO)[161, -16.77, 47.36%], Price (IL)[161, -16.77, 47.13%], Carroll (CO)[160, -16.88, 45.29%], Morgan (PA)[155, -17.42, 44.83%], Eberharter (PA)[157, -18.47, 46.44%], Delaney (NY)[152, -19.08, 42.76%], Norton (NJ)[145, -19.31, 40.23%], Douglas (CA)[152, -21.71, 41.61%], Madden (IN)[159, -22.01, 43.68%], Havenner (CA)[163, -22.09, 47.36%], Huber (OH)[162, -22.22, 45.52%], Blatnik (MN)[159, -23.27, 44.14%], Holifield (CA)[154, -24.03, 42.53%], Klein (NY)[146, -25.34, 42.76%], Sadowski (MI)[157, -26.11, 40.46%], Sabath (IL)[158, -28.48, 39.08%], Marcantonio (NY)[156, -41.03, 37.24%]
Opposition in the range of <= 49% of agreement - none
Faction that Kennedy opposed
In the range of 75% to less than or equal to 100% affinity - none
81st Congress, House
In the range of 70% to less or equal to 100% affinity
Lind (PA)-Rich (PA) Faction
mean Majority Index - 39, max Majority Index - 67.65, min Majority Index - -21.43, number - 350
Lind (PA)[272, 67.65, 57.24%], Spence (KY)[273, 65.57, 57.7%], Sullivan (MO)[274, 64.96, 58.39%], Sasscer (MD)[272, 64.34, 55.4%], Marsalis (CO)[274, 64.23, 58.16%], Buchanan (PA)[267, 64.04, 58.16%], McCormack (MA)[258, 63.57, 55.63%], Brown (GA)[263, 63.5, 57.24%], Perkins (KY)[266, 63.16, 56.55%], Forand (RI)[273, 62.64, 58.39%], Rhodes (PA)[272, 62.5, 56.09%], Hedrick (WV)[262, 62.21, 53.1%], Garmatz (MD)[257, 61.87, 56.78%], McGuire (CT)[262, 61.83, 57.7%], Buckley (IL)[272, 61.76, 55.86%], Welch (MO)[256, 61.72, 56.32%], Price (IL)[268, 61.57, 58.16%], Crook (IN)[265, 61.51, 56.55%], Fallon (MD)[265, 61.51, 57.01%], Burnside (WV)[270, 61.11, 55.17%], Chesney (IL)[264, 60.98, 57.24%], Hardy (VA)[270, 60.37, 54.94%], Rodino (NJ)[270, 60.37, 57.7%], Delaney (NY)[269, 60.22, 57.24%], O'Brien (IL)[272, 59.93, 56.78%], Karsten (MO)[274, 59.85, 57.47%], Linehan (IL)[271, 59.78, 56.09%], Priest (TN)[270, 59.63, 57.7%], Bolling (MO)[270, 59.63, 56.32%], Howell (NJ)[273, 59.34, 57.01%], Denton (IN)[265, 59.25, 55.17%], Addonizio (NJ)[272, 59.19, 57.01%], Aspinall (CO)[271, 59.04, 57.24%], Flood (PA)[273, 58.97, 54.48%], Karst (MO)[269, 58.74, 56.55%], Lynch (NY)[261, 58.62, 54.71%], Carnahan (MO)[273, 58.61, 55.17%], Stigler (OK)[268, 58.58, 54.48%], Madden (IN)[271, 58.3, 56.55%], Rabaut (MI)[266, 58.27, 56.78%], Noland (IN)[263, 58.17, 55.63%], Moulder (MO)[269, 57.99, 55.17%], Gorski (NY)[271, 57.56, 56.32%], Lane (MA)[270, 57.41, 56.32%], Jackson (WA)[267, 57.3, 57.24%], Hays (AR)[262, 57.25, 52.64%], Kruse (IN)[264, 57.2, 55.86%], McKinnon (CA)[263, 57.03, 55.4%], Elliott (AL)[274, 56.93, 54.25%], King (CA)[271, 56.83, 55.86%], Steed (OK)[274, 56.57, 54.02%], Evins (TN)[269, 56.51, 54.94%], Monroney (OK)[271, 56.46, 52.18%], Clemente (NY)[252, 56.35, 54.02%], Engle (CA)[267, 56.18, 54.71%], Gordon (IL)[260, 56.15, 54.71%], O'Neill (PA)[264, 56.06, 54.94%], Polk (OH)[274, 55.84, 57.47%], Kee (WV)[274, 55.84, 52.41%], Doyle (CA)[267, 55.81, 54.02%], O'Sullivan (NE)[273, 55.68, 55.86%], Mack (IL)[266, 55.64, 54.71%], Granahan (PA)[266, 55.64, 54.48%], Rooney (NY)[268, 55.6, 55.86%], Albert (OK)[274, 55.47, 56.32%], Wilson (OK)[271, 55.35, 54.94%], Zablocki (WI)[268, 55.22, 55.4%], Wagner (OH)[272, 55.15, 56.55%], Staggers (WV)[258, 55.04, 52.87%], Hart (NJ)[258, 54.26, 55.86%], Walter (PA)[258, 54.26, 55.63%], Harris (AR)[271, 54.24, 54.48%], Mansfield (MT)[266, 54.14, 55.63%], Donohue (MA)[266, 54.14, 54.48%], Kirwan (OH)[255, 54.12, 54.48%], Jones (NC)[272, 54.04, 54.02%], Jacobs (IN)[265, 53.96, 54.94%], Jones (AL)[270, 53.7, 54.94%], Jones (MO)[259, 53.67, 54.25%], Mills (AR)[274, 53.65, 51.95%], Murdock (AZ)[274, 53.65, 55.63%], Havenner (CA)[268, 53.36, 55.63%], Baring (NV)[261, 53.26, 53.33%], McSweeney (OH)[256, 53.12, 52.41%], Battle (AL)[262, 53.05, 54.02%], Cooper (TN)[273, 52.75, 54.71%], Holmes (WA)[273, 52.75, 57.24%], Fernández (NM)[272, 52.57, 52.64%], Patten (AZ)[265, 52.45, 54.48%], Biemiller (WI)[266, 52.26, 54.94%], Fugate (VA)[274, 52.19, 56.55%], Beckworth (TX)[274, 52.19, 51.49%], Furcolo (MA)[269, 52.04, 53.79%], Chelf (KY)[274, 51.82, 55.17%], O'Hara (IL)[274, 51.82, 53.56%], Ribicoff (CT)[259, 51.74, 53.1%], Mitchell (WA)[272, 51.47, 54.48%], Philbin (MA)[263, 51.33, 54.71%], Frazier (TN)[265, 51.32, 53.1%] , McGrath (NY)[252, 50.79, 53.33%], Hays (OH)[258, 50.78, 55.17%], Peterson (FL)[270, 50.74, 53.1%], Combs (TX)[274, 50.73, 53.1%], Kerr (NC)[254, 50.39, 51.72%], deGraffenried (AL)[268, 50.37, 51.72%], Bentsen (TX)[270, 50.37, 54.94%], Feighan (OH)[268, 50.37, 50.57%], Grant (AL)[269, 50.19, 54.94%], Barrett (PA)[260, 50, 54.02%], Tauriello (NY)[270, 50, 51.49%], Morris (OK)[273, 49.82, 53.79%], Wickersham (OK)[271, 49.82, 54.02%], O'Toole (NY)[266, 49.62, 52.18%], Davenport (PA)[266, 49.62, 54.02%], Bosone (UT)[269, 49.44, 51.49%], Burke (OH)[265, 49.43, 53.56%], Carroll (CO)[259, 49.42, 52.18%], Bailey (WV)[259, 49.42, 50.8%], Bolton (MD)[270, 49.26, 53.1%], Fogarty (RI)[256, 49.22, 53.1%], Camp (GA)[274, 48.91, 53.56%], Cavalcante (PA)[268, 48.88, 50.11%], Rogers (FL)[269, 48.7, 52.87%], Miller (CA)[253, 48.62, 52.87%], Eberharter (PA)[270, 48.52, 54.02%], Multer (NY)[262, 48.47, 52.64%], Davis (TN)[273, 48.35, 52.64%], Crosser (OH)[273, 48.35, 48.28%], Yates (IL)[263, 48.29, 53.33%], Bryson (SC)[274, 48.18, 54.25%], Whittington (MS)[272, 48.16, 52.87%], Celler (NY)[242, 47.93, 51.95%], Deane (NC)[260, 47.69, 52.64%], Underwood (KY)[273, 47.62, 53.1%], Trimble (AR)[271, 47.6, 54.71%], Ramsay (WV)[274, 47.45, 50.34%], Thompson (TX)[268, 47.39, 53.1%], Morgan (PA)[260, 47.31, 52.41%], Young (OH)[271, 47.23, 54.02%], Sutton (TN)[269, 47.21, 52.64%], Dollinger (NY)[255, 47.06, 53.33%], Blatnik (MN)[264, 46.97, 51.03%], Breen (OH)[262, 46.95, 51.49%], Thornberry (TX)[269, 46.84, 52.87%], O'Brien (MI)[269, 46.84, 49.89%], Bonner (NC)[265, 46.79, 51.49%], Woodhouse (CT)[257, 46.69, 50.8%], Granger (UT)[270, 46.67, 51.95%], Burton (VA)[273, 46.52, 52.18%], Case (NJ)[269, 46.47, 56.32%], Kelley (PA)[254, 46.06, 52.41%], Irving (MO)[265, 46.04, 49.66%], McCarthy (MN)[274, 45.62, 51.26%], Walsh (IN)[259, 45.56, 48.74%], Byrne (NY)[251, 45.42, 50.34%], Holifield (CA)[260, 45.38, 52.18%], Gore (TN)[269, 45.35, 47.82%], Rains (AL)[267, 45.32, 51.72%], Green (PA)[267, 44.94, 50.57%], Boggs (LA)[259, 44.79, 52.64%], Thomas (TX)[271, 44.65, 54.25%], Kilday (TX)[268, 44.4, 52.18%], Secrest (OH)[268, 44.4, 52.41%], Herlong (FL)[272, 43.75, 54.48%], Lanham (GA)[272, 43.75, 51.95%], Douglas (CA)[250, 43.6, 50.8%], White (CA)[265, 43.4, 52.41%], Patman (TX)[263, 43.35, 50.57%], Doughton (NC)[274, 43.07, 51.95%], Andrews (AL)[270, 42.96, 52.64%], Magee (MO)[266, 42.86, 51.03%], Auchincloss (NJ)[266, 42.11, 55.63%], Tackett (AR)[264, 42.05, 52.64%], Christopher (MO)[270, 41.85, 50.34%], Preston (GA)[273, 41.39, 53.33%], Merrow (NH)[269, 41.26, 52.41%], Mahon (TX)[274, 41.24, 53.33%], Gary (VA)[263, 41.06, 51.95%], Kennedy (MA)[259, 40.93, 49.2%], Wolverton (NJ)[264, 40.91, 54.71%], Durham (NC)[269, 40.89, 47.82%], Tollefson (WA)[272, 40.81, 53.79%], Chudoff (PA)[261, 40.61, 48.97%], Hobbs (AL)[264, 40.53, 50.57%], Lyle (TX)[274, 39.78, 47.13%], Norrell (AR)[273, 39.56, 52.41%], Rogers (MA)[269, 39.41, 54.02%], Cannon (MO)[273, 39.19, 53.33%], Bennett (FL)[260, 38.85, 51.03%], McMillan (SC)[268, 38.81, 48.97%], Wier (MN)[273, 38.46, 49.89%], Horan (WA)[266, 37.97, 53.79%], Heselton (MA)[274, 37.96, 55.63%], Sims (SC)[271, 37.64, 51.72%], Van Zandt (PA)[263, 37.64, 54.02%], Fulton (PA)[272, 37.5, 52.64%], Nixon (CA)[254, 37.4, 50.57%], Sikes (FL)[260, 37.31, 49.2%], Herter (MA)[252, 37.3, 54.25%] , Javits (NY)[271, 37.27, 51.72%], Wigglesworth (MA)[266, 36.84, 55.86%], Bates (KY)[260, 36.15, 49.66%], Burleson (TX)[269, 36.06, 52.64%], Mack (WA)[270, 35.93, 52.87%], McDonough (CA)[271, 35.79, 53.56%], Huber (OH)[266, 35.71, 52.18%], Allen (LA)[259, 35.52, 47.59%], Patterson (CT)[267, 35.21, 51.49%], Teague (TX)[265, 35.09, 50.57%], Allen (CA)[268, 35.07, 54.25%], Abbitt (VA)[266, 34.59, 48.51%], Lodge (CT)[267, 34.46, 51.95%], Canfield (NJ)[265, 34.34, 53.56%], Brooks (LA)[273, 34.07, 49.43%], Wilson (TX)[265, 33.96, 50.8%], Lucas (TX)[267, 33.71, 48.97%], Riehlman (NY)[259, 33.59, 52.87%], Murray (TN)[274, 33.21, 50.34%], Keating (NY)[265, 33.21, 54.25%], Pace (GA)[269, 33.09, 48.97%], Corbett (PA)[263, 33.08, 53.56%], Gathings (AR)[274, 32.85, 51.49%], Judd (MN)[266, 32.71, 50.8%], Cunningham (IA)[270, 32.59, 53.33%], Beall (MD)[264, 32.58, 53.33%], Cox (GA)[268, 32.46, 49.43%], Hope (KS)[272, 31.99, 52.87%], Harrison (VA)[260, 31.54, 49.66%], Scott (PA)[249, 31.33, 48.97%], Gossett (TX)[271, 31, 47.82%], Ford (MI)[271, 31, 53.79%], Hare (SC)[270, 30.74, 47.13%], Cole (KS)[274, 30.66, 53.79%], Colmer (MS)[271, 30.63, 48.74%], Abernethy (MS)[274, 30.29, 51.49%], Michener (MI)[271, 30.26, 54.02%], Willis (LA)[268, 30.22, 48.51%], Martin (MA)[272, 30.15, 51.49%], Kearns (PA)[257, 29.96, 49.89%], Fisher (TX)[270, 29.63, 51.03%], Norblad (OR)[270, 29.63, 49.43%], Angell (OR)[267, 29.59, 49.43%], Hagen (MN)[274, 29.56, 52.41%], McConnell (PA)[271, 29.15, 51.49%], Bennett (MI)[271, 29.15, 52.64%], Harvey (IN)[268, 29.1, 52.87%], Whitten (MS)[273, 28.94, 49.43%], Scudder (CA)[272, 28.68, 52.64%], Talle (IA)[274, 28.47, 51.26%], Golden (KY)[268, 27.99, 52.18%], Poage (TX)[272, 27.94, 49.2%], Lovre (SD)[263, 27.76, 50.57%], Pickett (TX)[271, 27.68, 49.2%], Fenton (PA)[271, 27.68, 53.79%], Passman (LA)[268, 27.61, 49.89%], Le Compte (IA)[272, 27.57, 52.41%], Burdick (ND)[267, 27.34, 49.43%], Sadlak (CT)[258, 26.74, 51.95%], Gamble (NY)[266, 26.69, 44.6%], Nelson (ME)[272, 26.47, 51.49%], Larcade (LA)[269, 26.39, 47.59%], Blackney (MI)[264, 26.14, 47.82%], Dolliver (IA)[261, 26.05, 49.66%], Wheeler (GA)[269, 26.02, 49.43%], Stefan (NE)[270, 25.56, 51.03%], Harden (IN)[272, 25.37, 49.43%], Davis (GA)[273, 25.27, 51.26%], Boggs (DE)[273, 24.54, 49.89%], Gavin (PA)[257, 24.51, 51.26%], Le Fevre (NY)[262, 24.43, 49.43%], Halleck (IN)[262, 24.43, 52.18%], Bramblett (CA)[273, 24.18, 51.95%], Wood (GA)[250, 24, 46.21%], Cotton (NH)[271, 23.99, 51.95%], Gross (IA)[273, 23.81, 51.95%], Lemke (ND)[186, 23.66, 51.03%], Hall (NY)[255, 23.53, 48.28%], Stockman (OR)[268, 23.51, 49.43%], Hull (WI)[269, 23.05, 50.57%], O'Konski (WI)[267, 22.85, 46.9%], Kean (NJ)[252, 22.62, 49.89%], Simpson (IL)[274, 22.26, 51.95%], Graham (PA)[270, 22.22, 53.33%], James (PA)[258, 22.09, 50.8%], Vorys (OH)[270, 21.85, 51.03%], Kunkel (PA)[254, 21.65, 48.05%], Miller (MD)[268, 21.64, 50.57%], Jackson (CA)[250, 21.2, 48.05%], Withrow (WI)[266, 21.05, 47.82%], Dague (PA)[267, 20.97, 51.03%], Smith (VA)[272, 20.96, 46.21%], McCulloch (OH)[268, 20.9, 51.03%], Williams (MS)[264, 20.83, 46.67%], Wolcott (MI)[268, 20.52, 48.28%], Weichel (OH)[269, 20.07, 49.43%], McGregor (OH)[257, 19.84, 48.05%], Wilson (IN)[273, 19.78, 48.28%], Martin (IA)[268, 19.78, 45.98%], Miller (NE)[263, 19.77, 50.11%] , Goodwin (MA)[274, 19.71, 51.03%], St. George (NY)[260, 19.62, 48.05%], Winstead (MS)[272, 19.49, 48.97%], Hill (CO)[272, 19.49, 45.29%], Velde (IL)[268, 18.66, 49.66%], Meyer (KS)[252, 18.65, 48.74%], Jenkins (OH)[265, 18.49, 50.34%], Hale (ME)[272, 18.38, 50.11%], Elston (OH)[255, 18.04, 48.05%], Bishop (IL)[274, 17.88, 51.26%], Chiperfield (IL)[263, 17.87, 47.36%], Rees (KS)[269, 17.84, 51.03%], Hoeven (IA)[265, 17.74, 38.62%], Brehm (OH)[260, 17.69, 47.82%], Anderson (CA)[265, 17.36, 47.13%], Arends (IL)[254, 17.32, 50.8%], Phillips (CA)[266, 17.29, 49.66%], Jenison (IL)[263, 17.11, 49.2%], Dondero (MI)[262, 16.03, 48.97%], Barrett (WY)[266, 15.79, 42.99%], Andersen (MN)[273, 15.75, 50.8%], Reed (IL)[248, 15.73, 47.82%], Murray (WI)[273, 15.38, 45.29%], Davis (WI)[274, 15.33, 51.03%], Brown (OH)[264, 15.15, 49.66%], D'Ewart (MT)[274, 14.23, 49.89%], Werdel (CA)[260, 13.85, 43.45%], Potter (MI)[261, 13.03, 47.59%], Sanborn (ID)[269, 13.01, 47.59%], Scrivner (KS)[273, 12.45, 50.11%], Fellows (ME)[256, 11.33, 45.06%], Andresen (MN)[269, 11.15, 44.83%], Gwinn (NY)[260, 11.15, 48.28%], Allen (IL)[254, 10.24, 45.52%], Jensen (IA)[274, 9.85, 49.2%], O'Hara (MN)[270, 7.41, 47.59%], Rankin (MS)[274, 6.93, 47.59%], Vursell (IL)[269, 5.58, 44.37%], Curtis (NE)[272, 5.51, 45.98%], Short (MO)[255, 5.49, 45.06%], Shafer (MI)[256, 3.52, 44.14%], Simpson (PA)[260, 1.15, 45.29%], Nicholson (MA)[269, 0.74, 47.36%], Smith (WI)[269, 0.74, 46.21%], Byrnes (WI)[273, 0.73, 46.44%], Reed (NY)[255, -1.96, 43.68%], Clevenger (OH)[272, -7.35, 38.62%], Taber (NY)[269, -12.64, 42.76%], Smith (KS)[271, -14.39, 40.23%], Hoffman (MI)[252, -19.44, 39.77%], Rich (PA)[266, -21.43, 39.54%]
Opposition in the range of <= 49% of agreement - none
Faction that Kennedy opposed - none
Raw data source: Govtrack.us
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