Monday, November 17, 2014

88th Congress, Senate

Post Summary: 88th Congress, Senate

To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support--to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective--to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak--and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.
-President John F. Kennedy

Primary Mode Bin: 60-70
Secondary Mode Bin: 20-30

Majority Line Leader: Inouye (HI) - 62
Opposition Leader: Thurmond (SC) - (-21.83)
Best Network: Inouye (HI) - 62%
Worst Network: Byrd (VA) - 41%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Inouye (HI)/Humphrey (MN) - 87%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Thurmond (SC)/Clark (PA) - 21%

Inouye (HI)[516, 76.36, 62%], Mansfield (MT)[406, 74.63, 60%], Humphrey (MN)[503, 72.76, 60%], Muskie (ME)[514, 70.43, 59%], Brewster (MD)[480, 69.38, 58%], McIntyre (NH)[519, 68.4, 61%], McCarthy (MN)[501, 67.27, 57%], McGee (WY)[498, 66.87, 57%], Monroney (OK)[512, 66.8, 59%], Bayh (IN)[498, 66.67, 57%], Pastore (RI)[506, 66.21, 59%], Bartlett (AK)[511, 66.14, 58%], Bible (NV)[512, 65.43, 58%], Burdick (ND)[515, 64.66, 59%], Metcalf (MT)[500, 64.6, 57%], Jackson (WA)[502, 64.54, 58%], Magnuson (WA)[498, 64.46, 54%], Long (MO)[491, 64.36, 55%], Randolph (WV)[492, 62.2, 57%], McGovern (SD)[510, 61.96, 59%], Salinger (CA)[51, 60.78, 55%], McNamara (MI)[507, 60.16, 55%], Symington (MO)[499, 60.12, 57%], Pell (RI)[505, 59.8, 57%], Williams (NJ)[513, 57.89, 56%], Ribicoff (CT)[512, 57.81, 57%], Nelson (WI)[513, 57.7, 58%], Anderson (NM)[506, 57.51, 51%], Hart (MI)[511, 57.34, 55%], Moss (UT)[504, 56.94, 54%], Edmondson (OK)[494, 56.68, 51%], Church (ID)[514, 55.84, 55%], Hartke (IN)[512, 54.69, 51%], Cannon (NV)[501, 52.89, 53%], Kefauver (TN)[87, 52.87, 44%], Dodd (CT)[500, 52, 56%], Kennedy (MA)[460, 51.09, 49%], Kuchel (CA)[511, 50.49, 57%], Case (NJ)[512, 50, 56%], Byrd (WV)[513, 48.93, 54%], Neuberger (OR)[497, 48.89, 51%], Clark (PA)[497, 47.89, 52%], Young (OH)[501, 47.5, 54%], Smith (ME)[523, 46.65, 58%], Hayden (AZ)[514, 44.55, 43%], Douglas (IL)[513, 44.25, 56%], Gruening (AK)[508, 44.09, 51%], Yarborough (TX)[505, 43.76, 48%], Aiken (VT)[516, 42.83, 56%], Keating (NY)[512, 42.58, 58%], Morse (OR)[500, 41.2, 52%], Javits (NY)[510, 39.41, 54%], Proxmire (WI)[523, 39.01, 55%], Fong (HI)[506, 38.34, 56%], Beall (MD)[496, 36.9, 55%]

Prouty (VT)[511, 36.01, 55%], Scott (PA)[481, 34.93, 54%], Saltonstall (MA)[497, 34, 53%], Cooper (KY)[500, 33.6, 53%], Boggs (DE)[519, 31.6, 55%], Allott (CO)[474, 29.96, 53%], Carlson (KS)[503, 29.82, 52%], Young (ND)[513, 29.82, 52%], Sparkman (AL)[510, 26.27, 50%], Smathers (FL)[484, 25.83, 46%], Fulbright (AR)[471, 24.2, 47%], Hill (AL)[522, 23.95, 48%], Dirksen (IL)[438, 23.74, 52%], Engle (CA)[322, 22.36, 28%], Johnston (SC)[514, 21.79, 50%], Gore (TN)[520, 21.15, 46%], Walters (TN)[378, 20.11, 42%], Miller (IA)[497, 19.92, 51%], Pearson (KS)[487, 19.51, 51%], Morton (KY)[491, 19.14, 48%], Jordan (NC)[507, 17.55, 49%], Holland (FL)[501, 15.77, 51%], Long (LA)[486, 12.14, 46%], Ervin (NC)[516, 10.47, 47%], Mundt (SD)[517, 10.25, 52%], Dominick (CO)[490, 10.2, 48%], Jordan (ID)[512, 9.77, 52%], Stennis (MS)[502, 9.56, 47%], Lausche (OH)[504, 9.13, 47%], Talmadge (GA)[520, 9.04, 47%], Hickenlooper (IA)[516, 6.01, 49%], McClellan (AR)[514, 5.84, 47%], Bennett (UT)[501, 2.99, 49%], Ellender (LA)[488, 2.46, 46%]

Robertson (VA)[436, -0.23, 45%], Eastland (MS)[485, -0.62, 42%], Russell (GA)[501, -0.8, 44%], Cotton (NH)[506, -3.75, 47%], Williams (DE)[519, -8.48, 48%], Hruska (NE)[479, -9.81, 46%], Simpson (WY)[493, -10.75, 45%], Curtis (NE)[483, -11.18, 46%], Goldwater (AZ)[490, -13.27, 31%], Byrd (VA)[466, -15.67, 41%], Mechem (NM)[495, -16.57, 43%], Tower (TX)[440, -16.59, 44%], Thurmond (SC)[504, -21.83, 44%]

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