Wednesday, November 19, 2014

89th Congress, House of Representatives

Post Summary: 89th Congress, House of Representatives

They came here--the exile and the stranger, brave but frightened--to find a place where a man could be his own man. They made a covenant with this land. Conceived in justice, written in liberty, bound in union, it was meant one day to inspire the hopes of all mankind. And it binds us still. If we keep its terms we shall flourish.
-President Lyndon Johnson

Primary Mode Bin: 60-70
Secondary Mode Bin: 0-10
Tertiary Mode Bin: 20-30

Majority Line Leader: Perkins (KY) - 90.33
Opposition Leader: Gross (IA) - (-17.3)
Best Network: Perkins (KY) - 64.37%
Worst Network: Williams (MS) - 40.69%
Locked Step Leader Pair: Karsten (MO)/Price (IL) - 96%
Out Of Step Leader Pair: Conyers (MI)/Gross (IA) - 16%

Perkins (KY)[393, 90.33, 64.37%], Fascell (FL)[393, 86.26, 63.91%], Rhodes (PA)[392, 85.2, 63.22%], Karsten (MO)[391, 84.4, 63.45%], Green (PA)[393, 84.22, 63.91%], Hathaway (ME)[393, 84.22, 63.22%], Burke (MA)[392, 82.91, 63.68%], Morgan (PA)[391, 82.1, 62.3%], Hanley (NY)[389, 81.49, 62.53%], Price (IL)[391, 81.07, 62.99%], Callan (NE)[393, 80.92, 62.76%], Byrne (PA)[390, 80.77, 63.22%], Staggers (WV)[379, 80.74, 61.15%], Rogers (CO)[391, 80.56, 62.3%], Clark (PA)[385, 80.26, 61.38%], Brooks (TX)[392, 80.1, 62.07%], Friedel (MD)[383, 79.9, 61.15%], McFall (CA)[388, 79.9, 63.22%], Anderson (TN)[387, 79.84, 61.84%], Tenzer (NY)[382, 79.84, 61.84%], Delaney (NY)[385, 79.74, 62.07%], Hechler (WV)[393, 79.64, 62.76%], McGrath (NJ)[393, 79.64, 63.45%], Edmondson (OK)[383, 79.63, 61.15%], Boggs (LA)[387, 79.59, 60.46%], Murphy (IL)[389, 79.43, 62.53%], Machen (MD)[388, 79.38, 62.76%], Flood (PA)[390, 78.72, 60.23%], Patten (NJ)[393, 78.63, 63.22%], Hamilton (IN)[387, 78.29, 62.07%], Johnson (CA)[388, 78.09, 62.99%], Minish (NJ)[388, 77.84, 62.76%], Slack (WV)[389, 77.63, 60.46%], Hagen (CA)[389, 77.63, 60.69%], Meeds (WA)[391, 77.49, 63.68%], Daniels (NJ)[387, 77.26, 61.84%], Pepper (FL)[389, 77.12, 60%], González (TX)[393, 76.84, 61.15%], Murphy (NY)[378, 76.72, 59.77%], Philbin (MA)[390, 76.15, 61.15%], Vanik (OH)[390, 76.15, 61.38%], Young (TX)[392, 76.02, 59.77%], King (CA)[375, 76, 61.15%], Smith (IA)[390, 75.9, 58.39%], Donohue (MA)[387, 75.71, 61.15%], Gibbons (FL)[388, 75.52, 60.92%], Kee (WV)[379, 75.46, 58.16%], Denton (IN)[378, 75.4, 61.15%], Love (OH)[389, 75.32, 60.92%], Feighan (OH)[384, 75.26, 60.46%], Madden (IN)[389, 75.06, 60.23%], Rooney (PA)[387, 74.94, 60.92%], Gray (IL)[383, 74.67, 57.47%], Joelson (NJ)[392, 74.49, 61.84%], Annunzio (IL)[385, 74.29, 61.15%], Beckworth (TX)[393, 74.05, 61.38%], Patman (TX)[386, 73.83, 58.62%], Garmatz (MD)[366, 73.77, 58.85%], Addabbo (NY)[380, 73.68, 61.15%], Rodino (NJ)[387, 73.64, 60.46%], Zablocki (WI)[377, 73.47, 59.31%], Ullman (OR)[385, 73.25, 60%], Karth (MN)[392, 73.21, 60.46%], Howard (NJ)[384, 72.92, 60.92%], Redlin (ND)[389, 72.75, 60.23%], Ford (MI)[389, 72.75, 60.23%], Hansen (IA)[379, 72.56, 62.07%], Greigg (IA)[390, 72.56, 59.31%], Ronan (IL)[392, 72.45, 60.46%], Dent (PA)[375, 72.27, 59.08%], Trimble (AR)[383, 72.06, 60.23%], Albert (OK)[374, 71.93, 60.23%], Rooney (NY)[373, 71.85, 56.78%], St. Onge (CT)[386, 71.76, 59.77%], Monagan (CT)[382, 71.73, 59.54%], Kirwan (OH)[371, 71.7, 59.31%], Udall (AZ)[388, 71.65, 60.23%], Fallon (MD)[377, 71.62, 58.16%], Long (MD)[391, 71.61, 59.08%], Fulton (TN)[373, 71.58, 57.01%], O'Hara (MI)[393, 71.5, 59.54%], Boland (MA)[390, 71.28, 57.93%], Pike (NY)[385, 71.17, 59.31%], Dulski (NY)[385, 71.17, 60%], Sullivan (MO)[385, 71.17, 62.53%], Dingell (MI)[385, 71.17, 59.77%], O'Hara (IL)[385, 70.91, 58.85%], Stubblefield (KY)[393, 70.74, 62.99%], Brademas (IN)[391, 70.59, 59.77%], Grider (TN)[387, 70.28, 59.77%], Bingham (NY)[388, 70.1, 59.31%], Adams (WA)[389, 69.92, 60.46%], Hansen (WA)[385, 69.87, 58.39%], Rostenkowski (IL)[383, 69.71, 57.01%], Daddario (CT)[368, 69.57, 58.62%], Bandstra (IA)[389, 69.41, 58.39%], King (UT)[389, 69.15, 61.38%], Roush (IN)[385, 69.09, 61.84%], Vigorito (PA)[393, 68.96, 59.54%] , Gilbert (NY)[384, 68.75, 60%], Rosenthal (NY)[391, 68.54, 58.85%], Olson (MN)[391, 68.54, 58.85%], Huot (NH)[391, 68.29, 60.46%], Moss (CA)[369, 68.02, 58.16%], Barrett (PA)[386, 67.88, 57.47%], Sickles (MD)[392, 67.86, 58.62%], Gilligan (OH)[372, 67.74, 58.62%], Matsunaga (HI)[372, 67.74, 58.62%], Multer (NY)[375, 67.73, 57.24%], Johnson (OK)[381, 67.72, 56.32%], O'Brien (NY)[377, 67.37, 54.71%], Pickle (TX)[388, 67.27, 60.46%], Rivers (AK)[372, 66.94, 56.78%], MacKay (GA)[375, 66.93, 58.39%], Pucinski (IL)[387, 66.93, 60.23%], Wright (TX)[387, 66.93, 55.86%], McDowell (DE)[385, 66.75, 58.85%], Reuss (WI)[387, 66.67, 59.77%], Thompson (LA)[81, 66.67, 61.38%], Giaimo (CT)[389, 66.58, 57.01%], Clevenger (MI)[388, 66.49, 59.08%], Natcher (KY)[393, 66.41, 62.3%], Griffiths (MI)[383, 66.32, 57.01%], Schisler (IL)[379, 66.23, 59.77%], Grabowski (CT)[389, 66.07, 58.39%], Olsen (MT)[377, 66.05, 59.31%], de la Garza (TX)[392, 65.82, 58.85%], Van Deerlin (CA)[380, 65.79, 57.01%], Moorhead (PA)[385, 65.71, 60%], Hungate (MO)[382, 65.71, 57.7%], Dawson (IL)[387, 65.63, 54.25%], Foley (WA)[383, 65.54, 60%], Krebs (NJ)[388, 65.46, 58.62%], Kelly (NY)[375, 65.33, 57.47%], Dow (NY)[386, 65.28, 56.78%], Dyal (CA)[371, 65.23, 57.24%], Jacobs (IN)[388, 65.21, 57.24%], Culver (IA)[389, 65.04, 57.7%], St. Germain (RI)[386, 65.03, 56.78%], Holifield (CA)[357, 64.99, 56.55%], Miller (CA)[354, 64.97, 54.71%], Irwin (CT)[391, 64.96, 59.08%], Waldie (CA)[117, 64.96, 55.86%], O'Neill (MA)[368, 64.67, 56.55%], Carey (NY)[376, 64.63, 56.09%], Farnum (MI)[387, 64.6, 57.24%], Vivian (MI)[388, 64.43, 57.7%], Scheuer (NY)[393, 64.38, 57.7%], Nedzi (MI)[387, 64.34, 58.85%], Yates (IL)[387, 64.34, 59.77%], Schmidhauser (IA)[384, 64.32, 60.46%], White (TX)[392, 64.29, 62.07%], Mink (HI)[385, 64.16, 57.7%], Farnsley (KY)[387, 64.08, 53.56%], Aspinall (CO)[360, 63.61, 57.01%], Helstoski (NJ)[384, 63.54, 57.24%], Sisk (CA)[378, 63.49, 57.24%], Burton (CA)[386, 63.21, 57.7%], Kluczynski (IL)[379, 63.06, 55.17%], McVicker (CO)[379, 63.06, 56.32%], Race (WI)[388, 62.37, 60.92%], Tunney (CA)[381, 62.2, 55.63%], Ashley (OH)[381, 61.94, 55.4%], Farbstein (NY)[388, 61.86, 57.24%], Mahon (TX)[393, 61.83, 61.61%], Hicks (WA)[385, 61.82, 60%], Stalbaum (WI)[392, 61.22, 59.77%], Hays (OH)[375, 61.07, 54.25%], Gallagher (NJ)[381, 60.89, 55.17%], Evans (CO)[375, 60.8, 54.71%], Morrison (LA)[385, 60.78, 51.03%], Blatnik (MN)[369, 60.7, 53.33%], McCarthy (NY)[384, 60.68, 57.93%], Moeller (OH)[377, 60.48, 58.16%], Cohelan (CA)[376, 60.37, 55.63%], Wolff (NY)[388, 60.31, 58.39%], Morris (NM)[384, 60.16, 57.24%], Jones (AL)[391, 60.1, 54.94%], Stratton (NY)[381, 60.1, 59.08%], Tupper (ME)[380, 60, 53.1%], Weltner (GA)[389, 59.9, 54.48%], Roybal (CA)[383, 59.79, 55.17%], Fraser (MN)[390, 59.74, 55.4%], Fogarty (RI)[365, 59.73, 54.71%], Sweeney (OH)[375, 58.93, 55.63%], Edwards (CA)[384, 58.59, 54.71%], Hanna (CA)[378, 58.47, 52.64%], Leggett (CA)[374, 58.29, 54.25%], Roosevelt (CA)[158, 58.23, 50.11%], Craley (PA)[389, 58.1, 54.02%], Kastenmeier (WI)[391, 57.8, 57.47%], Ottinger (NY)[388, 57.73, 58.85%], Steed (OK)[384, 57.29, 56.78%], White (ID)[361, 57.06, 53.33%], Holland (PA)[377, 57.03, 49.66%], Evins (TN)[359, 56.55, 52.64%], Duncan (OR)[384, 56.51, 54.94%], Keogh (NY)[323, 56.04, 48.51%], Mackie (MI)[381, 55.64, 56.32%] , Mills (AR)[391, 55.5, 56.32%], Watts (KY)[386, 55.44, 57.01%], Thompson (NJ)[352, 55.4, 52.64%], Wilson (CA)[364, 55.22, 50.34%], Shipley (IL)[379, 55.15, 54.71%], Halpern (NY)[385, 55.06, 57.01%], Thomas (TX)[158, 55.06, 49.89%], Schweiker (PA)[391, 54.99, 61.15%], Harris (AR)[204, 54.9, 56.78%], Senner (AZ)[382, 54.71, 50.57%], Thompson (TX)[391, 54.48, 49.43%], Hawkins (CA)[377, 53.85, 52.18%], Randall (MO)[383, 53.79, 59.77%], Chelf (KY)[387, 53.75, 56.09%], Macdonald (MA)[374, 52.67, 53.56%], Reid (NY)[390, 52.31, 57.47%], Horton (NY)[381, 51.18, 59.31%], Celler (NY)[356, 51.12, 48.51%], Everett (TN)[389, 50.9, 57.24%], Jennings (VA)[387, 50.9, 56.78%], Todd (MI)[387, 50.9, 54.02%], Ryan (NY)[388, 50.52, 52.64%], McCormack (MA)[2, 50, 20.46%], Secrest (OH)[393, 49.62, 58.62%], McDade (PA)[385, 49.61, 59.08%], Rogers (FL)[389, 49.36, 60.92%], Nix (PA)[370, 49.19, 55.17%], Cabell (TX)[370, 49.19, 48.74%], Walker (NM)[385, 49.09, 57.7%], Ichord (MO)[391, 48.34, 58.39%], Corman (CA)[369, 48.24, 50.11%], Green (OR)[379, 47.49, 52.64%], Brown (CA)[367, 47.41, 50.34%]

Conte (MA)[380, 47.37, 59.08%], Rees (CA)[188, 47.34, 49.2%], Casey (TX)[389, 47.04, 55.17%], Poage (TX)[392, 46.94, 55.4%], Diggs (MI)[382, 46.6, 48.05%], Resnick (NY)[372, 45.97, 46.21%], Edwards (LA)[185, 45.41, 46.44%], Corbett (PA)[381, 44.88, 57.01%], Tuten (GA)[388, 44.85, 55.63%], Cameron (CA)[377, 43.77, 48.74%], Powell (NY)[368, 43.75, 44.14%], Hull (MO)[391, 43.48, 57.47%], Dwyer (NJ)[381, 43.31, 58.85%], Conyers (MI)[386, 43.26, 46.44%], Bolling (MO)[393, 43, 46.9%], Stafford (VT)[389, 42.93, 59.08%], Hardy (VA)[376, 42.82, 53.33%], Matthews (FL)[380, 42.63, 52.64%], Purcell (TX)[387, 42.12, 48.51%], Landrum (GA)[386, 41.45, 45.29%], Bennett (FL)[393, 40.97, 60%], Sikes (FL)[380, 40, 55.17%], Roberts (TX)[380, 40, 57.47%], Widnall (NJ)[378, 39.95, 58.62%], Bell (CA)[382, 39.79, 55.86%], Cooley (NC)[379, 39.58, 56.09%], Roncalio (WY)[379, 39.31, 44.14%], Fulton (PA)[390, 39.23, 57.93%], Pirnie (NY)[384, 38.54, 55.63%], Downing (VA)[388, 37.63, 57.7%], Jarman (OK)[392, 35.97, 57.47%], Gettys (SC)[379, 35.62, 56.78%], Kupferman (NY)[180, 35.56, 52.64%], Keith (MA)[387, 35.14, 58.16%], Ayres (OH)[381, 34.91, 55.63%], Thomas (TX)[190, 34.74, 34.48%], Bates (MA)[390, 34.62, 58.39%], Morse (MA)[380, 34.47, 52.87%], Pelly (WA)[380, 33.95, 56.32%], Willis (LA)[376, 33.78, 38.16%], Cahill (NJ)[379, 33.77, 51.95%], Stephens (GA)[368, 33.42, 50.57%], Mathias (MD)[379, 32.19, 48.97%], Rivers (SC)[364, 32.14, 50.57%], Davis (GA)[380, 31.84, 53.1%], Mailliard (CA)[383, 31.59, 53.56%], Kunkel (PA)[388, 31.19, 57.7%], Burleson (TX)[393, 30.28, 50.8%], Baldwin (CA)[218, 30.28, 52.87%], Wyatt (OR)[378, 30.16, 56.78%], Taylor (NC)[385, 30.13, 56.55%], Murray (TN)[364, 29.67, 45.75%], Saylor (PA)[378, 29.37, 53.79%], Cleveland (NH)[390, 29.23, 57.7%], Quie (MN)[386, 28.76, 57.01%], Fino (NY)[371, 28.57, 51.26%], Fuqua (FL)[369, 28.46, 51.03%], Herlong (FL)[382, 28.27, 52.18%], Teague (TX)[383, 28.2, 48.97%], Kornegay (NC)[374, 28.07, 55.17%], Robison (NY)[380, 26.84, 55.63%], Broomfield (MI)[380, 26.58, 56.32%], Lindsay (NY)[179, 26.26, 34.25%], Conable (NY)[388, 26.03, 56.55%], Frelinghuysen (NJ)[373, 25.74, 50.8%], O'Konski (WI)[389, 25.71, 51.49%], Selden (AL)[386, 25.65, 55.86%] , Ellsworth (KS)[375, 25.07, 51.26%], Mosher (OH)[386, 24.87, 54.94%], Harvey (MI)[389, 24.68, 54.48%], Carter (KY)[366, 24.59, 53.1%], Smith (NY)[389, 24.16, 52.64%], Andrews (ND)[387, 24.03, 55.17%], Springer (IL)[387, 23.77, 54.71%], Reifel (SD)[388, 23.71, 55.4%], Whitener (NC)[387, 23.51, 56.78%], Henderson (NC)[384, 23.44, 54.25%], Hosmer (CA)[367, 23.43, 51.95%], Teague (CA)[386, 23.32, 56.55%], Moore (WV)[386, 22.54, 56.09%], Wydler (NY)[389, 22.37, 55.63%], Broyhill (VA)[390, 22.05, 56.32%], Cunningham (NE)[385, 21.82, 53.79%], Clausen (CA)[376, 21.81, 53.1%], Hagan (GA)[359, 21.45, 47.82%], Shriver (KS)[386, 21.24, 56.55%], Whalley (PA)[388, 21.13, 55.86%], Fountain (NC)[390, 21.03, 56.55%], Dorn (SC)[372, 20.7, 52.64%], May (WA)[376, 20.48, 52.64%], Schneebeli (PA)[392, 20.41, 57.01%], Fisher (TX)[363, 20.39, 51.72%], Jones (MO)[393, 19.85, 47.13%], Griffin (MI)[249, 19.68, 49.89%], Grover (NY)[392, 19.64, 56.09%], Pool (TX)[375, 19.2, 50.57%], Johnson (PA)[384, 19.01, 55.4%], Mize (KS)[386, 18.91, 54.02%], Burton (UT)[368, 18.75, 51.26%], Hébert (LA)[315, 18.73, 42.3%], Martin (MA)[354, 18.64, 39.77%], Rogers (TX)[371, 18.6, 50.11%], Gathings (AR)[393, 18.07, 55.4%], Jones (NC)[170, 17.65, 50.11%], Gubser (CA)[381, 17.59, 52.87%], Smith (VA)[392, 17.35, 53.33%], Marsh (VA)[393, 17.3, 56.09%], Curtin (PA)[389, 16.2, 54.71%], Battin (MT)[371, 16.17, 53.79%], Flynt (GA)[383, 15.67, 45.98%], Waggonner (LA)[386, 15.03, 52.41%], Morton (MD)[374, 14.71, 50.11%], Scott (NC)[326, 14.42, 40.46%], McClory (IL)[377, 14.32, 51.49%], Stanton (OH)[389, 13.88, 57.47%], Ford (MI)[384, 13.8, 52.87%], Younger (CA)[379, 13.72, 55.17%], Anderson (IL)[384, 13.28, 51.72%], Byrnes (WI)[392, 13.01, 53.33%], Dague (PA)[393, 12.72, 52.41%], Long (LA)[370, 12.7, 48.05%], Rumsfeld (IL)[387, 12.4, 52.87%], Dowdy (TX)[383, 12.27, 49.43%], Ashmore (SC)[383, 12.01, 51.95%], Harsha (OH)[386, 11.66, 52.41%], Baring (NV)[366, 11.48, 42.53%], Bolton (OH)[377, 11.41, 48.28%], Rhodes (AZ)[382, 11.26, 53.79%], Cederberg (MI)[380, 10.79, 54.25%], Arends (IL)[385, 10.65, 54.02%], Lennon (NC)[376, 10.64, 53.33%], MacGregor (MN)[380, 10.53, 48.51%], McCulloch (OH)[392, 10.46, 54.71%], Laird (WI)[370, 10, 52.41%], Reinecke (CA)[360, 10, 49.66%], Skubitz (KS)[386, 9.84, 54.02%], Halleck (IN)[379, 9.76, 48.28%], Andrews (AL)[362, 9.67, 45.29%], Harvey (IN)[356, 9.55, 43.91%], Satterfield (VA)[391, 9.46, 54.02%], Bonner (NC)[172, 9.3, 27.36%], Watkins (PA)[387, 9.04, 54.25%], Talcott (CA)[376, 9.04, 51.49%], Martin (NE)[380, 8.95, 52.18%], Abbitt (VA)[385, 8.83, 51.26%], Passman (LA)[382, 8.64, 49.89%], Dole (KS)[393, 8.4, 54.71%], O'Neal (GA)[373, 8.31, 51.72%], McMillan (SC)[372, 8.06, 44.6%], McEwen (NY)[365, 7.95, 50.34%], Brown (OH)[189, 7.94, 51.49%], Whitten (MS)[382, 7.85, 49.66%], Chamberlain (MI)[386, 7.77, 53.79%], Thomson (WI)[389, 7.71, 53.79%], Erlenborn (IL)[387, 7.49, 53.33%], Poff (VA)[393, 7.38, 54.94%], Berry (SD)[376, 6.65, 51.03%], Nelsen (MN)[386, 6.48, 51.95%], King (NY)[361, 6.37, 48.51%], Cramer (FL)[381, 6.3, 52.64%], Betts (OH)[391, 5.88, 53.33%], Michel (IL)[375, 5.33, 49.89%], Broyhill (NC)[390, 5.13, 53.33%], Langen (MN)[392, 5.1, 53.79%], Adair (IN)[376, 5.05, 50.57%], Latta (OH)[389, 4.88, 53.56%], Wilson (CA)[354, 4.8, 50.34%], Findley (IL)[381, 4.72, 51.95%], Minshall (OH)[387, 4.65, 52.18%], Goodell (NY)[390, 4.62, 50.11%], Bow (OH)[374, 4.28, 47.36%], Tuck (VA)[385, 4.16, 51.26%], Colmer (MS)[359, 3.9, 42.3%], Lipscomb (CA)[387, 3.88, 54.02%], Brock (TN)[379, 3.69, 48.74%], Belcher (OK)[390, 3.59, 52.87%], Clancy (OH)[384, 3.39, 52.87%], Hansen (ID)[382, 2.88, 51.49%], Clawson (CA)[366, 2.46, 47.82%], Jonas (NC)[391, 2.3, 52.41%], Haley (FL)[393, 2.29, 53.1%], Abernethy (MS)[373, 2.14, 49.43%], Smith (CA)[375, 1.87, 51.72%], Roudebush (IN)[361, 1.66, 47.82%], Collier (IL)[383, 1.31, 50.11%], Derwinski (IL)[365, 0.82, 49.66%], Reid (IL)[391, 0.77, 52.87%], Davis (WI)[388, 0.52, 52.41%], Toll (PA)[291, 0.34, 17.93%], Duncan (TN)[393, 0.25, 52.41%], Brown (OH)[107, 0, 47.13%]

Hutchinson (MI)[391, -0.51, 52.18%], Bray (IN)[374, -0.53, 49.89%], Gurney (FL)[383, -0.78, 51.26%], Andrews (AL)[366, -0.82, 47.59%], Watson (SC)[317, -1.26, 48.51%], Quillen (TN)[386, -1.81, 49.66%], Utt (CA)[364, -2.2, 47.82%], Ashbrook (OH)[383, -4.44, 47.13%], Devine (OH)[379, -7.12, 49.89%], Callaway (GA)[374, -7.22, 43.22%], Williams (MS)[382, -7.85, 40.69%], Dickinson (AL)[370, -9.19, 45.98%], Edwards (AL)[379, -10.82, 47.82%], Martin (AL)[360, -11.39, 38.62%], Buchanan (AL)[389, -12.08, 49.66%], Curtis (MO)[379, -13.46, 45.29%], Hall (MO)[380, -14.47, 46.9%], Gross (IA)[393, -17.3, 45.75%], Walker (MS)[357, -17.37, 40.92%]

Raw data source:

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